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Show MAGNA TIMES. MAGNA, UTAI1 10, 1931 2Y OF THE FORCE ZJ: , Easily OF JUWK . Inde- , pendence la changed only turperll-dallywrite Alexander J. Reynold In Current Hlatory. The o'd Bobs- mlan lit and aodal splendor of Dob-ji- n baa (on with the royal troop and the governing circle. la the countryside, however, the peasant atni blame the government for hi misfortune, and tt aaakea Etc tie difference that this government la Irish. Ca still haa the same cheerful indifference to the penalties at everhreedlng and the aame eld love for tondlordshlp. Frontier disappear, old erdere change, ruler die, political creed vary, feud wax and wane, bnt ear- tain thing abide the aonl of a peo-- I 11 deep In the napie whose root tive soil and form their real anchor. T'-- T. k Little Alteration la Ireland, Saya Writer Ireland alter eight years of T'HT - COtT a RiTl-- w UKS A COUPtS A "C-- 0O J&$ They Dont Lift O. AfatawW kj,4 inge ttle his hat lit- - for ro an da an he w. rr. Alee CsOW Ceidp" After traveling extensively In the British Isle, where ha observed the conversations of men and women. Justice Alfred H. Coulter returned to Belfast, Ireland, recently, and da-- I etared that he had learned that mot are aa great gossip as women, la lecture ha said that tt was a ml-- I taka to think that only women for ha had found men who could talk the head off women. Me I ecanse ti hard u. liances i Preserr keep i FEATHERHEADS llvt HA.S A CSAtI-UVC3 FlCWN50SSR.,S WTO cutms-i- H U- T1 A UTTLf Y.PlWS- k S- In the Same Boat By OAavao Vi ... , ACCOUNT-U8P- and BALAJ4CS, A cosiDMsni- - in wmting ran tue e&N TUtUvl WHO OCCUPIES Vas re$& to cons woe A .hat ns is vratf tvRs&l & Br e qotjWnon at f xVugsrN ou-u- u- 6CKTUWd3 TO WXa OPENING I eSAK op cm 115 U tFS-O- P OH m EtNUPOCteULSTtaS t lal uso trav, was were . ym-jos- ta CXCOND t watMowl-i- , FGCM LUNO-- i - us r. dried. T, broug i lack c med tl illorg an ' Scurr ed toed 4 I ei bled mai sstnesse tided thr lumber-in- The Home Censor oAlong the Concrete orlglna. ind mile in nnm a t Books, Books, Books President Augell of Tala said at New Haven luncheon; "The hooka In the Tala library double In number every SO years. Every year 60,000 new hooka are added, and that many old hooka aw stored away to make room for than. Books, hooka, hooka I "Of course," b ended, "all to not Veac! thr sned the 9 Aatsmetie Use Pwmp A tire, pump built Into blcydt ' wheels, that works automatically when the pressure fall below th full Inflation point, to a recent Ger- man Invention, A cam mounted on the hub operates th plunger ef th pump, which to held down by a latch when th pressure to high enough, but released when the tire begin to go soft. r food k literature that litter." i Usew if J. andpa toerj iji u th most unscrupulous man I ever knew. Derklns Say, after pulling off the stuff ba doe during th day k must hav to chloroform his conscience to bo able to get to sleep. Cincinnati . Enquirer. Ferklne-- U . .. wln . Hard Belled 0 a caa - By hav. tnort . ri,VAj i), V 4 Witliaf to Compromise illles. Mr. Deddbeet And ' will k or please. . BUI Collector -- Call tomorrow, - That ,wbat you said yesterday. Mrs. Deddbeat Well, make It after tomorrow, then. toy 1 IWMTBHItVE, The Wreag Cae Hubby Ton didnt hav a rag to your back when I married yon. Wlfey Yes; but I've got plenty now. The Pathfinder. WWw, NARROW ESCAPE. siU atVIOOLV THAT VMZl0 EVERVnME I WENT OUT C"EH msfe tcj i III tdrav CARO? 1 1 n uieuss i2;j cciccnj 'ip' , furzi. 2711 tZVZSj : Ml CKJE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL By QwU Km m Sucfeee ,11 um you like my room, as a wholet Second Ditto Aa a hole, If a aa a room not so good. lln( HU Grade your husband a bookworm 1 Lon-"No Just an ordlrary one, I 5 hK., Whole and Hole Pint Actor (on tour) How do - don Tlt-BIt- s. Never In this world will a big fair be the exciting pi see It was when you were fourteen years old. . i 1 That Should Be in the First Lesson (f 'jh, vcw'K nx vAhiaua rtwtuNUwc OC AC 04 W0109NJ Act Your Ago! fou'vx seen young men with ojj faces, and old men with young lacea. The men In the latter class hav learned the secret o( youth. Interest and that know pep They life come from perfect health. Many old men with young faces ha va told us that Fellows' Syrup i their b standby. They take it regularly. They wouldnt be without it. Go to your druggists today. Get a . lottle of this valuable took. Take it three times daily, and watch your pep return. FELLOWS SYRUP" no B" tMmmmrnrn. i mm, b th tanins a Tbta Inlormxioa Iff. Sum! stamp In CSLUT. BOXTAS W. Ba LOS AKQi n,r T V PARfcJLXiMl IIAUt BALSAM t nnll, ri!T.U 6rt rUxolO.V i il bv wui mm U, fait Lake City, No. tS-1S- 31, huraoft anS W. N. -J-- Soffr. W - t |