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Show r, Jxlj ia, V July 10, 1S31 CHIFFONS DAINTY AICD GAY r' A- - A Fable lor Bear Story the Children By HART GRAHAM BONNER suta who. takes his bears nice things to eat But the other brr did act like around a performing bear only Us was tired of perhaa one bear with him, but this man doing trick had two, and this happened quits a forming. Os was becoming old and be felt long while ag lie would sing songs ta a queer It wss a great strain for blow amt of voles and In queer tort of Be particularly disliked having tht end be would to c1nh a pole, and that waa the language, but-a- t always say: Tleeae, ladles and gentlemqn, hoys and girts, give pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters for the I J SUALLI - ' r I t IIAGNA, UTAH MAGNA w i A i work of my fins bears. Fifty cents are nice, too. The bears bad always performed many' tricks when the man laid thla One day a little girt said: . How about ten cents? But the man didnt know what ten cents meant, ha had only heard them called dimes, and tn the country from which he came they had quite n different name for money. At any rate he stayed la this town for quite a few days and made s good deal of money for his bears did very fins tricks and the people enjoyed seeing them. Now one of the bears was quite happy walking around the streets and doing hla tricks every day. Bis master was kind and ha gave him plenty of food. And he got better food than ever on the days hs did his tricks heat Of courts you can understand that for on such days the man got more money and be Uked to give ed by the polaonooa a national i r. v. THE stairs scampered the UPblack cat as tbs ancient clock clanged 10 and tbs rind'bowled a monrnfnl serenade Alone I sat In the lower halt of to the kercbog-kercbntho registrar of time and watching ths antics of tbs cat Within a few feet of where I aat two men had met death mysteriously during the last six month John Simon had been a naturalist and a bachelor. Ha bad rented tbs konst for a horn bat on the morning following the day on which he snored In, his dead body waa found at ths foot of tho stair The coroner pronounced It heart disease, but when Alfred Lozier, another tenant met tho same fate three months later, the owner of ths property, Frank Judaon, called on mo to g ' j! g - . . bo of ia ic. if it f i- - a f k ' cted From tho Latin The word "Episcopal means governed by bishops, and Is taken from the Latin eplsropalla. My quest led ms to can on Gud-lo- the caretaker of the old house who occupied a shanty a half mils way. Sure, I know who done It said Gudlow, decisively. Judson know too, only ho wont admit it Them two men were killed by tho old inventor McKee or rttbor, by McKee's ghost McKee lived In the bouse s year ago, and ho seemed an all right tort of a man until he got taken sick, and ths way ho raved then mads ms think he mast bo crazy. The day bo died ha called me to him and said: Gudlow, Im going to die ; but m haunt this, place forever. Im taking a secret with me a secret that may mean death to many. Bat only Demon knows ths secret and hell never tell, The caretaker then explained that Demon waa hla black cat Which' bad been accustomed to Spend considerable time with the old Inventor and who even now frequented tho house. When 1 entered the house of mys-ter- y there was ths black cat and hs Interested me strongly," particularly on account of ths snpposed secret he held In his brain. For the third time I watched him skip np the stair wheel st .tbs landing and retrace hla step Suddenly my conscious mind grasped a fact with which my subconscious brain had been Juggling. Each tlm In ascending and descending, ths eat had leaped over a step about midway In the flight the step against which the big clock seemed to lean. ft was about time for me to get busy, so I picked np the smoky lantern and mounted the stair Pausing on tbs tenth step, I examined the eleventh, but It looked no difAt the top ferent from the other of the flight I turned right and encountered a door which admitted me to a bedroom. Tbs room wss partly furnished, and I lay dbwu on the bed after extinguishing the lantern and placing my flashlight and automatic conveniently near. When the midnight bonr began to clang I sat np, possessed of aa inexplicable conviction that something was about to happen. Scarcely had tho twelfth stroke died away when a loud, flapping noise cams up from the first floor. 1 sprang from tbs bed, with ths flashlight in one hand and ths revolver. Jn tho other. Tho noise had. ceased, but began again as I passed Into the upper hall It lasted only a moment, then all waa quiet except - the clock and the wind. The flashlight found tho explanation of the hla It showed tho black cat standing on the bottom step, his back arched, his tall standing straight up. his eyes blazing at me like fiery emerald Guided by tho flashlight, every Largest ScSor tn 121 Countries Salt La!ie Citys ing the boys on tho farm? No, replied Farmer Corntosset . (TheyTe willin to stay. Tho only jdlfferencejs that they an want to . act like summer boarder ?nref Hotel Nat Yet Professor Natural - science has jmada such progress that ws can now send picture by wireless, Elderly Lady Listener Really, ready framed I Pearson chopped, one cupful each of pecans cut fine and celery, also finely cut Mold tn Individual molds and servo ! HOTEL Marks , Bow did they mark yon at school la yonr day, dad? With n switch. . one-fourt- TEMPLE SQUADS ' If It were literally true that whisky fills our jail lots of men would break Into them. 200 Rooms Dont regret a lost love too much. It might hays soared. Radio conaectkm la every RATES FROM $130 Tery often standing In line . worth It ' Isnt 200 T2e Bt& ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Jfg COTTON RETURNS TO FAVOR Shaving-Cre-am A New Shaving Cream It Soothes face Thla double row of .needle extending serosa ths step, comprised tbs discovery I had mads while deAs 1 suspected scending ths stair I found that tho needles wort hollow and contained a virulent poison which was Injected Into the veins of him who cbanceiTto step with his bars foot on the eleventh step st ths midnight hour. hr McClure NmiMMr Ovsdlaatat (VfcNUSarvtm.) i , young man net yet settled to hla calling and place In tho wod. amuiimN-icuny- nerve taut, I finally reached the atep which waa tbs tenth from ths top. . Bending over 1 held the light close to the eleventh and there partly I solved the double murder mystery, although" the horrifying discovery for a moment threatened to congeal the blood In my body. Ths rest of the solutlon was In the big dock. I bad all along believed, apparently without reason, that tbs hugs timepiece had something to do with it, and tbs revelation on the eleventh step sent me harrying to tho dock, which I proceeded to dissect with tho aid of some tools I found on the premise . An Intricate device, which Included n strong spring aside from tbs one that gave power to the hnnds, was deftly concealed from any one winding tha tlm machinery. In a way thla device was ilka that of an alarm dock, only Instead of ringing a bell tt unfolded a thin ateel arm, which extended Itself and rapped against tha glass face of tho dock. This occurred every twenty-fou- r hour at midnight Tho rapping against ths glass served as ths lure to get tho dead Inventors victims to tho eleventh step, Ths same device controlled mechanism under tho step, which at midnight thrust twenty needles In two rows through tiny holes in the step, causing them to rise about a third of sa inch above tho sur- - Mahambta Jlrut Wife Mahomet had numerous wives, tha first being n widow, IS years his senior, whom be married when Her name was ho was twenty-fivKhadlja. Mahomet did not become n polygamist until after her death. e. Not Easily Acquired Real knowledge, like everything das of tho highest value, is not to be obtained easily. It must be worked for, thonght for and more than an, U must bo prayed for. Thomas Arnold, brand new things which are done with tho cotton weaves art simply amazing. Materials which have a deep soft lnster through perfected mercerizing processes In the final analysis often reveal themselves to bo every thread cotton, although one would never have thought It possible at first glance. Being cotton means that they are not only durable but though their looka may bell they can be tubbed to look as good as new. Seeing that these era ths very qualities which are desired In materials for the making of little folk's clothe their wide popularity with creators sf Juvenile fashions Is One of tbs newest trends in fabrics Is that of novel mesh effectL Now that these lacy weave some of which look almost like coarse net, so pronounced la their openwork patterning, have become so vitalde-a stylo topi dressmakers and . signers are expressing no little enthusiasm for tho beautifully merdurens mesh cerized quality-kin- d cottons which tro as smartly attractive zs they art thoroughly THE hlgb-lus-ter- ed wee saddens In the picture herewith know style, for they are wearing frocks of durene cotton mesh with net yoke Tho camera caught them all dressed up, bat not in tbe sense of being starched stiffly, and told not to tit down. . Modern little ladles of very young years have a much better Urns of It being all dressed np now, that their dresses are mads of soft cotton As to the frocks which ths youngster to tho left is wearing, It la made of maixe-colore-d pineapple d mesh, the deep collar Is whit Inverted pleats both bock tnd front achieve necessary fuli-ae- e yoke-shape- . Tbs older girls dress la of peri-winkl- e blue dnreen mesh with a yoke of dureen net Just two shades darker. Contrasting shades this year may bo either two entirely different colors or they may bo two tones of ths Sams coRhv-Thi- s Is p color season, and mothers are encouraged to indulge In bright-- w delicate shadeo tho more for their little folks wearing apparel bow that modern Ingenuity and science havo achieved boflfast colors la washable materials which la especially true of tbe new and vogulsh mercerized eottona CHERIK NICHOLAS (A 1ML WaMara WmwM Vihai a$ It Softens , Ia Campaign Tima Plenty of Em Wife Going to tho dob again and Senator, gushed tho hostess to a prominent politician, Eve hoard A yon know tho rent is due next week. Husband (calmly) Oh. I shall bo great deal about yon. Pooslbly, bo answered. Absently, back before then. Luatlg Kolner .bat yon cant prove It Zeltung, Cologne. rt By Charles Sughroe Variation la Frails beThere la no tween tbe season of blossoming and Some" that blosripening of fruit som early may ripen late; others that blossom lata may ripen early. Uacle Ebsa When 1 feels dissatisfied wlf my looks said Uncle Eben I goes to d zoo an offers thanks fob bein u so much handsomer dan de Washington Star. Hampton and Hampton Roads de- rived their present names from the earl of Southampton, one of the leaders of the Virginia county, and a friend or patron of Shakespear The name was probably abbreviated to Hampton. . ' . ' Remarkable Loagovity The parish register of 81 Leonard Shoreditch. England, records Thomas Caro to be the oldest man Be waa born le of modern time 1381. outlived ten sovereigns and died during Queen Elisabeths reiga In 1588. Imports ace of Health Lack of success In life to due In many cases to physical defects that might have been avoided by Dr. Roger Intelligent brtnging-np- . Dennett In Womans Boms Companion. Haroitma Vlrta Heroism to tho brilliant triumph of the soul over the flesh, that Is to say over fear fear of poverty, of Buffering, of calamity, of Hines of loneliness and of death. Amlel hlppo-potam- BeaatSfiera la DamaaJ About 2,000 tons of range and 4,000 tons of face powder are naed annually In the United State, according to tbe chemical division of ths Department of Com mere Dufaaua Spider-Crab- s Is an artist In The spider-cradisguise; tt sticks seaweed and sponges on Its shell to conceal Itthe devilself from sn b arch-enem- Playing-Car- d Term fourchetts to a card terra and refers to the cards above and the one led. When a qneen Is led. the king and Jack lo a players band form a fourchett f A ho-lo- Eternal Mystery , One of lifes biggest mysteries Is why some dumb fools bars the luck they do when you and L with aH our brain cant beat tbq Jinx. Cincinnati Enquirer. y fish. Point ol View Bapplness to an element In health. Toe caDnot be at yonr best physically when your mind to In the dwelling place of thought Creaks Reserve Anchor Ancient Greek ships carried many one of which, called tbe sacred anchor. was never let go unless tbe vessel was tn grave dan- anchor ger. r 1 XJ Matter af Optalea - Daat Be Stingy With Seay When may man be said to be growing reany old? to often asked. When be objects to progress and Improvement The cleansing value of soap depends not on Its solvent qualities but alas on the quantity you as , Woman's Boms Oompanioa. Politicians Woo Somewhat like the man who was enjoying bad health to tbe politician confronted with dissension. Woman Fight for Suffrage Organized work for woman 'suffrage began In the United States with the Womans Righto conventions to Seneca Fall N. T in Is Charlotte New - Something Lika That We need activity as well as optimism, saya sn exebang so to speak. Boston TranHop-to-Itls- script. Tie Wise Mae A wise man to not Inquisitive Broom about things Impertinent. )jf till n Oa the Farm with highly seasoned mayonnaise, ' unmolded on nests of lettuc Cherry loo Cream. Use a cupful add one of rich cherry Juice and 00a pound of marshmallow Nature ia mans hast taarher. not or al- of cream with a few drops ofpint Bha unfolds cut of alpecan cupful Bar treasures to his search, as-lsooda if preferred; add enough mond extract Sweeten to taste RAaIr Ml AVAu whipped cream to make a mixture and freeze as usual Servs In sherBlunsaa hla mind, sad vurlflsa to stand up welL Servo In sherbet bet cups and garnish with n spoonhla heart. glasses with n spoonful or two of ful of minced cherries and a spot of An taSusace hrvathaa from all orange end pineapple Juice peered whipped cream. the Bights and sound over each. Top with a maraschino Of her sxlsUnch: aha la vis-doA. 1HL Wmtcta Kewaueper Oak) sslL cherry. Alfred It rest. Birds of Florida 8panlah Pepper Salad. Dissolve , . The biological survey aaye that ont of lemon gelatin In package DESSERT does not need to' be one and h cupfula of boil- the following are among birds In either elaborate In ltn prepara- ing water, add a teaspoonful of tht Florida everglades: Snake- tion or expensive In coat to bo ap- salt, ths Juice of a lemon and one-hal-f btrd curlew tblse crane kingheron wild duka and petizing. Many of the simplest of cupful of mild vinegar. Mix fisher desserts art ths moat popular. with alx canned plmlentoa finely gees Duchess Cream. Thla delightful dessert serves fifteen, so It may ho cut Into half for the ordinary family. Cook six tabtespoonfula of tapioca in boiling water until dear, coot, add n tittle salt, one capful of sugar, the Jules from a can of pineapple, the Juice of two oranges and Cook until thick. two lemon Cool, then add thr pineapple one cupful of finely broken nuts and a pint of whipped cream beaten stiff. Two-Tw- o Take ths Dessert. Juice of two lemons, the finely mashed pulp of two bananas and two , cupfuls . of sugar. Add a quart of thin cream, a pinch of salt and freez . Dainty Dsssort Cut with sds-sodipped Into cold water, one A - aM Co Ccfo Do yon havo any trouble In keep- The Weekly Short Story By II. RAY WALKER "SJ , la a fern design In blue and white, la enhanced with a yoke and hemline of matching blue lace, the chiffon and the lace being one as sheer as the other. For the most part U Is the color of the background which determines the color of the lace, although the rule may work both ways, for if the motif carries an outstanding color that same tons Is apt to be repeated In the lace. We cite, la this latter type, a very lovely gown of chiffon with a gray background (gray is very smart in prints this season), its flower patterning done In pretty wisteria, larkspur bine and rose tones with a prevailing use of green for the ieavea.and stems. The lace which was-selewas In a delicate green, thns achieving a delectable color symphony. Black lace is particularly effective with flower prints which flaunt high colors but It must be exceedingly fine and sheer to look Its handsomest' (& lfSlt Wmira Kewepepw CbIoM cool chiffon printed A A by Ccsl Aged Swede Swedens oldest Inhabitant, Lars Olofuon, n farmer of Gaakxajo near .Oesterannd, has celebrated his one hundred and fifth anniversary. In Gaakxsjle parish there are two men one hundred and one years old, two centenarians and five who are ninety-nl- n Eleventh Step Held the Key HA ! , praise. Be wouldn't btve minded climbing a tree, but be did dislike a pole. And bow he did bate to dance on his bind legs. wa ccrrncd They was all tailors five years hack. Why, If you hang your coat up ,for ten minutes they start sewing buttons on it sort of automatic- .London Dally Herald. Baskets Save Invalids To eld in transporting Invalids from burning buildings, the Berlin firs department has been equipped with Ilfs baskets which slide down the frames of extension ladders. Popular Mechanics Magazine. f u C--- ,ln him. By NELLIE MAXWELL 70a will to which fashion's follower! are listening in for Bummer. Aj every woman knows there la no more effective tway of carrying ont fhta order than to wear fluttering, flower-printe- d chfffon. Thla aummer theae gay patterned sheer weaves which we , lovfl ao well are more than ever la the picture. The garden parties, the 'tones and tints of these airy fairy prints compete with the gorgeous colorings of nature's own flowers about them, and when evening comes they go dancing In the moonlight, fluttering and floating about to the strains of sweet music with a grace all their own. Many of thla season's most enchanting frocks of chiffon add yet another note of beauty In that they are trimmed erith very lovely lace which la a sheer and delicate as a cobweb in order to tune with the exquisite texture of the dainty materials which they trim. ' A perfectly charming Idea Is that of trimming with lace which Is dyed to blend Into the color scheme of the frock. For Instance, the dance frock for summer evenings Aero pictured which la made of a pro- - always got the most and tbs greatest amount of - Dessert : and Things j j prettleat end BBbeYOUR cbie ia the message idlng, oach ; money O MM Dont take no notice of them guys ths big office some one advised bears wish came true. Be was given to n too after this and he never had to do any more work I It was ready time for him to rest Ho had worked bard and long and bo was too old to bo asked to dance on his hind legs. (A till. Vntm Hnwmi Ualw.1 trick that LOGCJlly. n. more. And the Doing Hla Trlcka Every Day. n filar ew kUvU Magnates Roland Pertwe tna novelist-dramatis- t, la finding Bollywood an amusing plat I started reading three of my eta-rie- a to star ho write end they would not let mo finish them, but demanded my terma halfway throngh. suppose that ta flattering. One of hla stories deserves Casern-natio- , .. (m Particularly now that hs was' growing old. It didn't seem a dignified thing for tn old bear to d After tbs man bad gone to sleep and the bears were supposed to be asleep, too, they would talk over the day's work. -- They bad to whisper .very, very gently, for If they really talked It would wake ap the whole country around end they would he moat unpopular. Well, said the second, the older bear, "I am ao tired of being made tn dance. It la ao silly, too. People like to neo bean dance on two lege because they have four, and we dont ask them to dance on one leg because they havo two. It would be Just as sensible If wo asked them to do this! The first bear laughed In a low tone. The trouble la I am old. And these things seem very silly to me. I ' wish I didnt have to do any -, f. w - Coavaruattoa" that many Inserts can eommanlcete with each other, especially bees and ant . lacects It to believed Flee Feathers "IPs not the dothewPint ' i!?'-woma- Its how she wearo th American Magaxln t i |