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Show v Mil i"Ti f : .ne Ij ARim-- Hogs aome-wliere- MAGNA, UTAH, FRIDAY JULY 10, 1S31 in. . Copper Open, in competition for th richest array of prize offered for the year in Uub. Among the Golfer to try for the 19 JO gonfalon at Charley Foley, State Champion, Ralph Pugmirt, last year Copper Club Champ'on, Ale Stevtnstn, local professional and hot of others including Ale Country Club, Tei Branca, winner of th Utah open, and a flock of ranking professional -- fange. Indians and - primitive races were the highest c 1 ? 1 because they were more satisfied, and they depended less on each other, and took less from each other. . We couident live a day without depending on everybody. So our civillzation ha given us no Liberty or Independence. And dont have an Ideal to work for. Thats like riding towards a Mirage of a lake. When you get there it alnt there. Believe In something for another World, but dont be too set on what It Is, and then yon wont start out that life with a disappointment Live your life so if yon lose yon are ahead. 0 1931, McKaufht SpxlicMt, lac.) ma.cut be-id- Former Resident Dies In Auto Llishnp Djixjjanb The news of each day la like an layer cake, or a slice of Neopolitan ice cream, one layer better than the other. Immigration to this country la now lowest In ixty-a!- x years, which means that ambitious men and women, with courage and 'new Ideas, the sort that made this country, are shut out That is BAD newt. The American-Libra- ry Association, In conference at New Haven, completed with ease, a one million dollar endowment fund and will get another million from a foundation, not named. The money will he used, largely, for "adult education." which i important and neglected. Millions of men and women past SO and past 60, long for education, and would make good use at It. That la GOOD news. Mr. Gene TnnntA who has re"--' tamed to America after a trip to Jerusalem and extenalve traveling la Russia, brings Interesting observations on the Soviet Republics, Including this: "Thera are In Russia 80,000,000 young people under 27 years of ago that know nothing but Communism. "They have been brought up breathing the atmosphere of Communism as their ideal, their religion. They would die for it, as CHARLIE FOLEY Utah State Champ., 1930 . F. 0. Haymond, Jr. ALEX STEVENSEN Magna Professional Mine Dividends RALPH PUGMIRE, Defending Champion UIILEFIELD LYMAN - - Are Decreased Victor In Tourney lAi W Namonia Smith Knight Namonia Littlefield, a long time of Raymond resiJcnt of Magna, vas drowned Sat- of pulmonary Mt-Xyma- Dividends paid by Utah F. O Haymond, Jr was the victor metal mining m the qualifying round of the July the companies, urcka Standard, Silver King Coali; leg of the director's cujF'tournamcnt, shooting a gross 97, handicap 37, for non, Tintic Standard and Utah CopM Robinson came in per Companies, during the first six a net 60. L second with a score, net of 64. months of 1911 were $6,186,462 the smallest total for the half year period A pro amateur low ball tourna1925 when a sum of $1,000 ment for Sunday, June 12. has been less was paid The Utah Copper paid arranged for the Utah Copper Club a "lions share of this $5,685,715.00 golfers. Ale Stevenson. Magna pro- for the first two quarters. The Copfessional is in charge of all arrangeper Company paid $2 a share during ments. The Magna golfers will also the first quarter but cut its disburse1 journey taFort Douglas, June 2 for ment rate to" a share in the team match Trom definite informa- second quarter. tion, 20 local players have signed up t It for the match. interesting to note that copwas advanced in New York on per The first round must be completed Monday to 9c a pound delivered and by July 13. The following are the 9.275 cents c. i. f. European base qualifier and pairings for this round. tbe fourth advance in ports, nuking H. C. Anderson, 1 2 vs. Dr. vWegge-lan- a week. , 34; L. S. Brccken, 29 vs. J. W. Meanwhile, Wall Street reports Ridd, 5; F. OrTlaymondr3 7 handicap vs. M. J.. Murphy, 23 handicop; said that agreement finally has been Gyde Mantle 11, vs.i Jerry Dunn, 13; reached whereby American production Lee Warniik, 25 vs H. A. Jarvis, 3; of copper will be further curtailed, J. B. Robison, 31, vs. Clarence Mit- with the possibility that the movechell, 12: L. J. Morton, 16 v. W. S. ment may take on international proHook, 5; Orson Naylor, 17 vs. L. portions. A. Blackner, 10. The Magna Womens Gub held In the lower brackett, L. M. Robits L. A. 11: regular business and social meeting G Ensign, inson, 26 vs. E. M. Wednesday evening at tbe dubroom. 24 Hall, 13; L. Johnston. A. Lewis, 30 vs. T. Colombe; OfJ. Misj Sarah Kuernsty, librarian, renon-ferro- r e $10 - d. urday in the Payc'U- river near Boise, Mrs. Idaho. Hu widow, Mrytle Littlein Magtheir borne who was at field, ill na on Spender Ae is critically with prostration. Mr. Littlefield a former employee Smith Knight, 31, wife S. Knight of Magna died embolism and heart in a Salt Lake hospital Tuesday noon. Mrs. Knight was born in Ameria November 13, 1899, can Fork, daughter of Alonzo and Lola Tidwell Smith She is survived by her husband; three daughters, Lola R Robin Li and Ilia Jane Knight; and six brothers and sisters, T, A., E. G. and L. D. Smith, Salt Lake; W. R. Briton and Mrs. WTGowling, Los Angeles, Mrs. T. E, V using, Sparks, Nevada. Funeral services will be held Friday in the Pleasant Green Ward chapel with interment in the City ceme disease of tbe Utah Copper Company had journeyed to Boise Idaho. June 12 in search of employment and had found aiker Construction work with the Idaho. In an efBanks at Company fort to bring the body to the surface of the water, dvn.miie was resorted to, with no illness. His body was recovered 1 uedas afternoon. Sunday morning Waldo, son of the tery. I deceased man read tbe brief account that was in the dad paper, but did-nfor a while tonsidtr that it could be his father' 1 o dispell his doubts, he inquired around and through information procured, discovered that Honor Students Congratulated James Wayne Cahoon, Joseph B. Grose, Douglas K. Jones, Frank Leon the drowned man was his father. The tragic sutom is survived by ard Pehrson, and Kean Westphal of his widow and three sons, Waldo 16, Magna have been sent congratulatory cards by the scholarship committee Beryl 14, and David 10. Mr. Littlefield was born in Henricvillcn and had of the University of Utah in recogbeen married for 17 years. He is sur- nition of their high scholastic records vived by 5 brothers and one sister; for tbe Spring quarter which just endJoseph Littlefield, Buhl, Idaho; Sam ed. and Omer Littlefield, Sandy, Alonzo Congratulatory cards were sent by LLittlefield. Burley, rIdahp and John the Scholarship committee to all honLittlefield, Oakley, Idaho and Mrs. or students. These include all students Greathouse, 32 vs. O. H. Bateman, ported a cucqLtion of 609 books for who have an average of 2.15, which Olive Lind, of Santequia. 18; T. Ahlquist, 41 vs. S. Yamagu-ch- i. the month of June. TixTplayground is slightly higher thaji a B, or higher. His funeral will be held Sunday in 8; C. E. Hall, 18, drew a bye; supervisor, Mrs. Emma Elmer, reportwere 473 honor students this There ed an attendance of over 100 children,' tbf' Deseret Mortuary. Roy Hatch 13, vs. Meade Janney 5: 'spring quarter. and L. E. Snow, 21 vs Y, Sako, 14. at the t playground each day, Tables Tbe plan of sending congratulatory of cards were later arranged at which., The Catholic church of Magna will cards to honor students was inaugurawarded was the for dance accomAllen (core a entertain Saturday evening, prize high at Mr. and Mrs. J. Lv ated several years ago by tbe scholarTbe followPetersen. invited Frank Mrs. it To to Effi public Mr. July IhhrTbe panied by their daughter, ship committee. It was tbe result of Lachesi. left Thursday for Seattle, ing ladies were hostesses of the even- attend. a desire on the part of the committee, D. Mrs. Mrs. B. W. H. Boucher, ing: Washington, via. auto. Elka to recognize scholastic meric. - Th ?fCluff and Mr. A. J. Radebaugh. Estray The MrT and MrsTTarref Robmr-an- d held their meeting at the Utah Copper card conveys the following message! "The University wishesr to ' con- Miss Mary Geehans of Dillon? cTubJuTy"' 7'. The eegulav business children spent a brief vacation at Fish A carried is out. you onyourrxcellent-e- c large gratniat visiting with Jriends and proceedure was Haven, Idaho as guests of Mr. and Mont., made ord were relatives members during the past quarter. Garfield, ta number of present. Mrs. JJP- - Stock. v. Magna-Gatfiel- v , d dren, sometimes cruelly beaten, carry school books for tho well dressed little descendants of United States slaves. And thls displeases Mr. Curtis more than anything else; Th rulAmerica-Liberlan- s, ing clasa, descendants of United States slayes, have la their houses ncav young native women" that "comely Sants Rou, California, Sunday. The play the part of "supplementary victim wae formerly Miss Mabel wives." - Local clergy offer no objection Engs of Magna, Mrs. Johanson, according tQJeord on the "dweller in glasa houses" received by relatives ia Magna and a principle. to the Salt Lake special dispatch Killing! by brigands, "rads and Tribune, was the victim of a collision government authorities, when they between two machines on tbe highway catch the brigands or "reds," conneat Sants Rosa. James F, Maxwell of tinue in China. San Francisco, driver of the car ia Chinas "reds" alone are said by whkh Mrs. Johanson tod is in s civic authorities of Changsha to have killed four hundred thousand very critical condition. James Murray, within five years, and this la a driver of tbe other car wav be Id for small area. comparatively investigation, by sheriffs of Santa opposed to domination by Canton, Rosa. northern China, has been purchasMrs. Johnson -- was a daughter of ing war materials with considerMrs. Gara E. Engs, who was a resiable lntelligence...The purchase dent of Magna for quite I period of include thirty-si- x airplanes, sixteen x time. Mrs. Engs snd family bad but of them from America. Thirty-sione hundred with only airplanes, moved to Salt Lake tecemly. and eight Chinese In them, cen do The victim of the accident "was more to worry northern dhlneee married to Don Johanson of Bingcities than one hundred and thirty-si- x ham June 13. 1929, but later, septhousand Cantonese marching arated. Her daughter, Geraldine, 16 along the ground. months old. Lai been in th cat of The lllUe old school house seea her mother, since Mrt. Johnsen left last days. its SahLake, six months ago. will make one Consolidation and mother her besides Surviving, school take the place of larger baby daughter are six brothers and 2 many small schools. That is necsisters: McKinney. Don, Blaine. Har- essary In these daya of efficiency, old. LaMar, Jack, Verda and Naomab economy, and motor busses for school children .But It is a pity. Engs. Thera was value In the 181,611 The body was brought to Utah tiny schools scattered over this the latter part of the week. Interment each with Ita wood box will be made in th Spanish Fork country, outside the door. Its patient teacher cemeti ry. and small group of children. The bigger boya that aat outside on the fence until the last minute, snd swallowed their luncheon whole to have more time for baseball at "recess " often amounted to something later on. At least they could spell, add. nurses will be in charge. All mothers subtract and divide. They lived In re invited to attend and bring theit the country, saw tha sky every day, went barefoot and canght turtles In summer, read Dickens and put fire crackers under milk cans, all useful parts of education. . Mr. Mabel Johpsoiw 'll) killed in i tiagic Col--log- o ence, you got tg have em' satis-- ' lied on the WC3: n e Magna will hav five entrant Stevensen, all amateur. The most promising is Jack Robbi.it, who ha been burning up th course all ytar and who i expected to tour the 54 holes in pat golf at least. Other local entrees an Meade Janney, Howard Ridge, Bill Hook and Jack Ridd. any Mohammedan would die for hie all stellar shooters, but hardly up to faith. They do not know what yon the das of pro, and amateur who talk about, if you discuss anything Opposed to the modern theories of will iovtde Magna for th try. Mr. F, O. Haymond, president of Russia." That ia something to be taken Inth Copper Golf Club, and Mr. X. C. to consideration by those that aak Taylor, Secreury, and th Tourney themselves "After BoUhevlim, Committee have been putting forth What?" After Bolshevism it will probably the every effort possible to mak a success tournament and Gallery be MOXU& BOLSHEVISM. tickets will be available to spectators Cyras IL K. Curtis, whose eye for 50c, The Utah Copper Open pro with equal facility the penetrates ises to be a spectacular as any golf Interior of the atom or the vastneee tournament in the etate, and all lovers of the Great Nebula In Orion, has of sport can be certain that the found out all about the "Free 8tate tournament will be most interesting of Liberia." One gentleman, formto watch. Don't forget the date, erly a slave In tbe United States, now owns his own slave ia "free" Saturday and Sunday, July 18 and Gol3T?d men and women Liberia 18 boles on the 18 snd 36 holes 19, from the United 8tates buy and sell Be there. on tli 19th natives. Ragged little native chil- scmif-thni?- t and star. ii-- but satisfaction. If you want to ship off fat beef cattle at the end of their exist- li the 18, Saturday morning July Golfer of th Sum of Utah will tee 'off in th 4th annual Utah j . 14 cUu-c- J. - f n 0 But tblB week I got some let- interesting ters. One I sure w8 surprised to ft ,i L"' get uas from Will Durant, a man that has studied Philosophy like Mr. Coolldge has , Politics, and both hare reached the th In their choeen professions. ' heigh met this Durant one time. He Is an awful nice fellow. 1 dont know much about what his Racket" Is, this Philosophy Gag. Ha mauled me to write him and give Urn my version of "What your Pbiloaopuy of life is? I who hare lived philosophy for many years turn now from It back to life itself, and ask you, as one who has lived, to give me your version. Perhaps the version of those who have lived is different from those a ho have merely thought What keeps you going? What are the sources of your inspiration? and your energy? What is the goal or motive force of your toll? Where do you find your con "eolation and your happiness? Where Is tie last resort your treas- ui e lies? A copy of this let.,r is bhig lent to Hoover, McDonald, Llpd George, Mussolini, iiarcoiii. Wtaudl, Stalin., Trotsky, Tagore, tirastein, Edison, Foi d, I.ugene QrMil, and Bernard Shaw, and thw'e or four othera.that I had nevpr seen in the weeklys. it know if this guy Durant me or not If I got this letter from some body tould say its a lot of "Hooey and wouldent even finish reading it. But putting me in there with that class, why I figured I better stunt looking Into this Philosophy thing. I tuiuk what he is trying to get at on plain words, (leaving all the Philosophy out) is just how uimli holier otf after all is an highly fdutued man, than a dumb one? jjo tliats how I figure is the way 1 gut In that t. He knew that I was Just as happy- - and contented as if I ' knew and be wanted to get the Dumb angler as well as ' the highbiriv. TiiaTsiliuilliin is soiter like a get all excited" growing town Th-when tluy st ut to c't an increase, iind they sit a m.t sin. an of Fifty Thousand hj tin uul of next year" Well fiats too Guy that sets a tduc.fitm fls his Goal. Then when fn g t the fifty thousand to want go en to make It a they bundled, and the Ambitious College graduate wants to go on and make it a Po-- t gusduafe in some line, figuring lie will be Just about as sunut as anyone if lie tan just get that under his belt, and the Town flunking that tho hundred thousand will just put them by all the other competing towns, not figuring that while they are growing that all the rest are doing likewise and maby-fasterWhrtj they get to a half million New York will be twenty million, soydiey are no higher in the ladder comparitively than before. So I cant tell this doggone Durant anything. What all of us know put together dont mean anything. Nothing dont mean anything.. We are just here for a spell and pas on. Apy man that thinks that Civillza--ttet- i has advanced ituan egotist. v Fords and bathtubs have moved you and cleaned, you, but you was just ab Ignorant ' when you got there. We know lots of things Ire used to - dident know but we dont know any way to prevent em happening. perspired out more knowledge than the U. S. Senate has TO calized out in the last 60 years. We have got more tooth paste on the market, and more mU&ry in our Courts than at any time in ouf existence. There alnt nothing to life ' 3om Good, Some End Mr. Tunney in Russia Some Ladies of Liberia CLi.m Orders Airplanes BSVERLnftLLS NINTH YEAR ww y i 1111 G WMM I iuess I Just get the usual amount at mall ol anyone that, w rtf $a Junk for the papers,1 mostly people that sho dont agree with anything yon said In the papers, and showing you where you ought to be calling . Th of - was the Club of Garfield have been discontinued until tbe first Thursday jn September. Mrs. H. Claude Anderson will be the hostess then. . meeting Just-A-M- er New York hotel keepers find an Improvement in public methods of dealing with gangsters and rack- eteer!. The genera! public does not know how Important a part tha United States Treasury plays In discou. agTbe Arthur Bridge club have dis ing the hlgher-u- p criminals. Tha continued their meetings for the sum latter are financiers on a big scale, mer, as so many members art going and make huge profits. In soma eases millions a year for single Inor have gone on vacations. dividuals. 9 , The income tax department traces tbe huge winnings, wants to Garfield of Tbe Pythian Sister know why no report has been held their regular meeting Tuesday in made, and no tax paid, collects one-ha- lf the 1. O. O. F. Hall. The Minute of of the money and sends tL and financiers to Jail. other the-lcriminal read, wet meeting 9. 19 W, kf Km Ftar Srd- -, 1 ) j business problems taken up. J |