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Show V The Cost of iv Continued from page 1. Tin armies id the fluted St rite tained th name of it.7,,JMni ' : more than LS.IO.OOll were enrolled the armie of the South. The great! . DEVILS SLIDE, June RtJ Dvil.s'' have hen age ny, tbuH niflirt te mi) other HUM v , and uplifting our rit lfl irenslnp to a higher lewd and turning all eyes to Sod, the'Stithor of peace and not of war. Then it will he pos Slide for all to enjoy life in plenty and For the money and energy eomlort 'now wasted on war, war material and war debt will he invested m enterprise producing the necessities and comforts Of We, and then there will he enough obtained number of ('unfederate aoldicra actual a ahmit ly enlisted at any one tune fniou The on 1, I!!. f'l.MKt, January army wan largest at the eloae of the truggle the rolls at that time khuning an aetual enliatinent of 1,000,111) men about four men tf every nine of null tary age in the North and of every ten in the South, served iu the armies lur an average of three vear. During the whole struggle the ratio of the armien of the North and South averaged three to One hundred teu thousand fniou soldiers were killed iu actual i battle, or died of wounds, while thousand others died of disease, ex ore of from other eauses. The aetual hisses in the battle of the South weie about niuety four thousand, hut l'ullv . This 175, tHKl others died in the servu-emeans that iu both armies together mi average of Ton nieu died eaeh day. too of them in aetual battle from the begin ning of the war to the end. An ides of the great saeriliee made bv the South for its eauae may be gamed from the fact that nearly one fourth of tie1 arms bearing imputation of South fur olina gave up their lives in war The money eost of the war to the fmted States government was fully three and one half billiun dollars, while the efrt to the cohfcderaey was not for short of two billion, though niiirb of the latter debt was uever paid. In addition to these sums three billion dollars has since been paid out in jvensions by the Initcd States government to the I'uion soldiers. These figures are for oue war only, that covering a jieriod of four years. A four years war in a civilized country has eost millions of money and such great loss of life and property, what ran we say of the wars since time be gan its course. Think of the lireek and Roman wars of the Israelites and other eastern countries. Europe, a barhar ioua couutry, was the seat of wars for hundreds of wars. Pause to reflect upon the campaigns of Caesar, Alexander ai Napoleon. Does that historian If c who can give us the cost of the w waged by this modern man of armie Are the figures given for thp moneta . eost of bit famous marches. Is it knov n bow many lives were lost and hum. (u blighted by hit cruel advances. comprehension is not keen enough t interpret if we could read. In our own country, think of the Indian war, the revolution, the 1812 struggle our conflict with Mexico and the Spanish- - American war. In all of these war millions of alpl lari went up in amok and the hopes Of many hornet fell erushed and blight- - - ed. j ! I for all. -- IJ'KhU CLAYToN. Take Plenty of Tune to Eat. There is a saying that rapid eat If vna haw nuicui'. mg ik v foriiitJ the hahit f eating too r:i frori in art iimpt likely Miffering tu licKtHin or constipation, nbirh Hill re ult exentuallv in mtioum iIlneM unleu eorreeted. hems ju tin month. Koni should be thoroughly mas Then when ticated and of tlie stonmche or von haw a fuline feel dull and tUUJ after rating, take Many oje .f haiiiberlain V Tablet .ere t uses of wtonaehe trouble ami hae been cured by the eomriipatinn Vise of these tablet They aie easy to take and imt aieeable in tiled. h. Sojd b all dealers.' Elko County, Nevada The bet investment World a( ni?h llol I fo department packing t tie cement, instead of sack sacking ingjbv hand a it is now done. Ere I Lundherg and wife liavebeei visiting in Kaystille during the pas! Die Saturday and Sunday. The lath and plaster outside wsllf of the o If ice building at the plan) are being torn out and replaced bj cement blocks. HENEFER, dune 3 (lur cemetery by ti p. iii. on lecoration Day was a ver liable flower garden. Many came in from other places to show respect for their departed loved ones. There was dance at night, but the attendance watered valley in Nevada, a tract n wjth eaSy payments. See the valley at once yuu Let Us give You Book Explaining o- - Elliot C. Taylor, Coalville or Moses C. Taylor, Shake Off Your Rheumatism. Now is the time to get rid of youi wa" "'"h- rheumatism. Tiv a twenty five cenfj " ' Liniment a ml, .re bottle of Chamberlain Several new cases of meusles Bv Patroni'B how quickly your rheumatic paiml Notice to AdverUaen Chan gee of see merehnt whose ad a number Inst There are imte. since my I WOMENS LAW CASES v Ad all dealers. Hold hy advs. ut people tliaf are lint as careful as they disappear. must be in not later thou Wednesvertisement appears in this paper, you of eaeh week. ought to lie about spreading disease. day mornings Some to From Change Modesty Keeps Going are helping to build up an industry in PETERSON NEWJ. Men, Sayo Now Zealand your advs. often, but get them in The Misses Alice and Ivic Mrewei are Practitioner. this city The Coalville Times. early. making an extended visit in the Hear 4 uni Work June PETERSON, River Valiev. They will visit chiefly A woman who practice a. a lawyer the now state road is progressing1 New in Kvauston and Randolph. Zealand has been Induced. In team ten aurf , favorably, about connection with the bar diaapproTal Sheep shearing is progressing uicely, five men htv been employ of th twenty to women of InM dmUglon and the sheep men will soon have their , eJ tor the past ten days. of (ourti t0 narrate her experiences wool ready for the market. Memorial Day service were held f forenilc life. Dealers in Chamberlain 'i Colic, Cholera and in Peterson Imll Friday May 30tb ?. " prineb are Diarrhoea Remedy. and from the large croud present 1 sought by some men. Matrimonial Every family, without exception, one would think the building s;ie and separation cases have, in the . J. uhl keep this preparation at hand on lire. Mrs. main, claimed my attention. best of hot summer the weather ..i ring the Leslie Sonny Nichols is spending De Costa Is convinced that without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera i; nths. molt of his timeon the road betweej j,er services many a case would never You Get Value for Every Dollar and Mid Diarrhoea Remedy is worth many ' and Peterson. It isrumorel have been dealt with. Ogden eost when si The woman. In many instances, needed, and is times It s Staple Good when you trade with us. he will soon biing her up to sharp prefers 16 suffer in silence rather than .i.cst certain to be needed before the home Nichols the with him, oi unfold her story to a man solicitor. ti inner is over. It has no superior for Broadway. however sympathetic he may be,' shs the purposes for which it is intended. fk of Lake Salt Mrs. Curran now. Sold Adv. it all Hurry dealers. Hey by 'If we please you, tell your friends. this not support the contention a guest at the home of Mrs. O. Wee I to women were allowed if prac piat, If we do not, tell us. I at the bar In England they would Jimmy Anderson and wife, ECHOJJEWS. W down attending Memorial Dk- engaged principally In the delicate cases in which their appearance would ECHO, June 6.Our new depot is R. and C. Mrs. Walking Mr, and place their men opponents, aa well as almost completed. family of Salt Lake were Peterson Judges and juries, under a feeling of Mrs. Alice Buchmiller spent three visitors last week. , restraint which would interfere with the proper administration of the law? or four days the past week in Ogden reeove irl.v ent almost has Petersen - THE PALACE MARKET "0 i Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Lard, Eggs and Butter. Whcrq you gel the . t STAPLE and FANCY Grocerie nt I 1 ut ' I i UVES V 11111 , 1 ' and or two thousand for the loos of an th same subject. " Two of T. L. Allen's sons spent rm, leg, an eye or other injury, but does that money fill the vacant chain f Sunday here with their consfh, Mr. Comfort thp weeping wife? Feed and Bessie Hixsnoi educate children f And build the home which was yet a dream in the young unmarried soldier? . . Having shown - that wsr saps the physical, moral, financial and industrial life of otfiHcount wo rth srh il. You will Enjoy it 'Excuse Me is a splendid new story by Rupert Hughes Watch fo First Installment UP TO REPUTATION A million hands are reaching for Mary Knew How to Work, Wasnt Afraid to Work, but Wao Independent. exMarys written reference! were cellent and the employment agent to piled up pralaea. She knew how work, and ahe wasnt afraid to work. But ahe waa Independent, she wouldn't jtlde that. Bvery bit of work that tall to her legitimately was performed thoroughly, but not one hand's turn would ahe do to help a fellow-servaalong; the mistress must take that into conaideration. The mistreat did She said that that was no objection. On the first day in her new home Mary lived up to her reputation. Also, he lived up to It later in the evening. She waa requested to w Ind a big hall It waa a fourteen day clock, clock. turn of the and It took twenty-eigh- t ley to w ind it. Mary turned the key fourteen times. "That's not enough," said her mistress. "Why dont you finish?" "Because there may be another girl on this Job next week," said Mary, "snd Im not going to do her work for her. A FOl'ND light driving bridle, Owner can have same bv culling and nVentitying it and paving lur adv. BECKERS BEER Its better by test than J1 the rest Its the true health beverage of the West Order It Today j RESTORE OLD PARIS CONVENT of the Bernar-dineMay Be Reconstructed in Part. Historic Institution rf ryiTt we can fur- - (ieoige Hall and M iss Neilsen visit ed with his folks at Coalville last I guess It 1 well we dont know these on business and pleasure. red from the small-po- x scare, of a things good that we can not feel the Mrs. Mary Homer, of Grass Creek year ago. As evidenced by the annheartaebes of bereft loved ones; good that we have been spared these things visited her mother, at the Hotel ouncement that a base ball team Is assured. The boys are organized and and good that more humanitarian ideas Echo, the past week. in a short time expect to show any are being aJ vs need. We are glad to welcome Mr. or all teams in the county, that our is costs enormous these to Addejl and family, to Echo. They can play ball in spite of Peterson moral iosa which must ever keep space , will occupy the Burney Evans home On Friday June contrary reports. of form wiht this butchery. oil WKdslde avenue. 13th. Remember that hoodoo date, looked this ut Thus far we have que Ada Rogers attended quarterly a dance will be given in Peterson tion from the financial view point, the in Morgan on Saturdav hall to stimulate enteiest in this conference .. H great humanitarian side should alul' Sunday, al-- o the M. I A. 'n- - sport, a lively time is expected thought of. there will be no ago or speed limit. Saturday evening. The tnn wbo tr mustered into tue Whoever read this is invited to atMr. G. to was called J. Kennedy army and navy, many of whom never tention as it is wiitten for you. York city. His place as oper-preturn to their homes again, ould, if N is filled Mr. A. J. Pierc Mrs. I. H. OLeii and family hy under the same diriphne, liemine ator d in Pelei son during the pastweek. .,T, great farturs in the progress of our i WANSHIP NEWS. .nations, the millious of men forming . Ietsistent . ltfied advertising will our armies of today are mere consumers H Mrs Mf June and WANSHIP. "' real estate that ha rctl vslu and not producers, turn them out into winch means :mv real cstat in or the usefull walks of life, and instead j George Larson are v tsUing relatives aeiir thin eitv. of eating the bread earned by the sweat here. of other brows, they would add to tiicj (juite a number who one- lived wealth of the world billion of dollar j ,H)V t.am Decoration day and which II now spent uhiii them w tide pneod Hw s the gfav cs of t he, i they lead a life of comparative idleness, loved ones, ybe life lead hy the men is a ditiin Mr. Luis Judd and Mr. Emma upon the 'mural tiibne of the world. Monte are visiting in Salt Lake. I It is with hemtHiiev that approach NrfrTliorntoti maUts regular trips the part of my suhjot wh.uh eHiiimt he here with vegetable and fripts measured with gold, I refer to the In of life. Let us pause and think of the twice a week. million wh..e lives have been mith-Mr. Frank Pendleton has tu. out L'e a candle, whose grave are kept clnldreiiHiuite til with no ash s at Out new semi green hy nature and moist by the tear this writing. mil Think the of of thoe herett. slorv, travels at Mr. M E Ilixsnn has ut It lions who lcep til nnkuown giaves. a irule a minute word from her son Lv le that is mu for ti to forgive this hy gait, with sixty a a niuiiey standard, tiod alone can re they have hahy girl, born mi June bughs s mmu'.ft first. It is expected that her four veal tin Cost, having these mourned and Web! W ill make brothers her ei y Unmounted dead ill the hand of He who come. t rmna, count Toe I'.iuew fall, let us look iw ' Mr. Kits U Vouu lilHile ti htli to the boues of those who are left Dont Miss W Int Coulville tiiip w huul. t be war ot thout f trip This Serial A luihaii.. a father, a hrotlier, a lover. not T,lt tn . t.() jed Ktorm Its one of the yes and a friend. What ha is cost? ,,me, so ail the farmer are Inis Auk the wjfe. the mother, the daughter. best stoiies we Irrigating, Each has placed a valthe nWeejheait. Have ever been Bird day was observed in our ue the payment of which is in the un able to secure school last Sunday, i he Sabbath, Man withTiis Tinfited known futme. a value of a thous- speakers at fast jneeting touched on wisdom has placed Land,tkeJbestand is in the LOTS in RUBY CITY SELLING FAST few day s. HENEFER NEWS. Mor-dau- ; Ruby Valley Farms u III capturing the four gann-thjvl thri-they have played tills season of which were won during the wee. The first game of the pasweek VpJ played on May 25th and won ft$t the heat amateur team in Ggdelic The score H to (5. The second p won from Morgan at Devil s Sliat 0,1 thutJStll by a score of 1. to 0. Tp( third game was played at Morgan: the ;toth iri a ten inning battl aeore of in to 8. The Cement company has pi chased a moving pic and lias turned same Club. We are now on a circuit show pictures each Monday aip Thursday evenings. Mr. F. A. Smith of the Hates valf' Bag Company is here installing tw Bates Packing Machines for use it s f tu. ! ilied ! ti miii in i DEVIL SLIDE NEWS. value ti reived, are the results uave if the war equal to the cost? In this War s There Is some question of restoring convent part of the historic Parisian of the Bernardinos, which is situated on the left bank. id the Rue de Polssv abort" distance beyond Notre tntne. The remains of the tuiclent convent were patched up a century ago and feed aa a barracks for firemen, r Archaelogists have been visiting the barracks They discovered hat the the Interior partitions which divided the famous that and flimsy, are Tery aid refectory hall of the monks, whtch waa at on time the largest tn France, All that ta neces-aaria practically Intact. ta to demolteh the partitions and to remove the deal floor which las been concealing the bases of the j y columns. '.The convent of the Bemardines tn been founded In psria la aatd to have and, according tp some writers. -- jJ44, It owed Its origin to Stephen Langton, archbishop of Canterbury- - WriU for prka Bit. Order fro flecker rruiiK&lHalfinojCE Ogden, Utah. oj |