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Show SCHALK causes a sen$at!On CHICAGO CUBS STRONG BEHIND; THE MI FRANCE WINS GREAT H YDROAEROPLANE RJLCE Former Milwaukee Backitop la Coiv Mired by Yankee's Star as Best In American League. J. K. Cornwall Will Guide Expedi; tion on Mackenzie. Although he has been eearing a Chicago White Sox uniform but a short time. Ray Schalk, the catchei secured from the Milwaukee club foi Ed $10,000, la a reigning sensation Sweeney, the Hlllmen's star backstop, after seeing young Schalk work behind the bat, remarked: It's saying a lot, I know, but Schalk comes near being the best catcher in the American league to day Schalk is twenty years old. He was born in Harvel, 111 . of German par ents, but his home is in Litchfield He has been playing baseball foi about three years and began last sea son with the Taylorsvlle, 111, r.iub, iu the Illinois and Missouri league In July a year ago a scout in the employ of the Milwaukee American association club saw the young man cati h several games and then recommended his purchase The Milwaukee clut bought him for $1,000 and he caught in about thirty games before the sea son closed When the 1912 campaign opened Hugh Duffy, the Milwaukee manager, decided to make Schalk his regular catcher. The youngbter quickly sur prised the critics with his wonderful catching and throwing and as he im proved steadily the major league scouts flocked to Milwaukee to look him over Duffy put a price on the boys release $1 .1.000 but nobody seemed willing to pay it After catching eighty games, however. Schalk had proved his worth to such extent that Comiskey offered $10,000 in cash and two ball players and Duffy closed the deal. Schalk is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds. He la a light- modest fellow, haired, bright-eyed- , who doesn't seem to realize his importance Jimmy Callahan, manager of the White Sox, was so Impressed with Schalk after he had Been him play a few games that he benched his veteran catcher, Billy Sullivan. "Schalk coat & lot of money, said Callahan, but be'a worth It. I think be will develop into the beat back stop In the country. AFTER KING COBBS CROWN Joe Jackson and Trls 8ptakor Eager to Oust Georgia Peach From Hla Exalted Perch. The opening of the big league baseball season inaugurated many interesting events, but none more likely to he followed with keen attention than the race for leading batting honors between Ty Cobb of Detroit, Joe Jack-eo- n of Cleveland and Trls Speaker of Boston. Cobb baa led the league In batting for six years; and last1 season bang up the awesome average of .410, which Is going some. Jackson, for two years a close pursuer of Cobb, pasted tbe pellet for .$95, while Trls Speaker, main stroke In the Boston Red 8ox outfit, batted for .383. Speaker and Jackson both have done great things so far this season, s all bavs southpaws and looked alike to these two so far as tbe hlttablllty of their burling offer Party'of Writer and Artists Will Ejw plore th Far North That Ita , Resources May Bs Mad Known to Alt. Edmonton, Alta. James K. Corw-w- all of Edmonton, member of the provincial parliament for Peap river, will conduct a party of writer, artist photograph snd moving picture down the Mackenzie river. In tbe hinterland of Alberta, to the fringe ff the Arctic circle, to show the life off tbe Indian, fur trapper, traders nC settle: and the development e tb A film company will sen country two machines and an operator. TIM party will return about the end of thei year Among other the party will elude Mr. Cornwall, who has paseed quarter century In the norlhland;. Charles Russell, the Indian arthst ef Montana; Emerson Hough, author and special writer; P. K. Miller, scteuttoO-a- nd George Fraser, cbronologlst The route is from Edmonton w Athabasca Landing by rail along that Athabasca river to the Mackenzie nnd river by way of Lesser Slav Great Slave lakes, down ths Mackms zle to PorcuplneU ths Yukon, visto Ing Dawson snd Wblteborsa snd gc tng thence to Herschells Island. The explorers, traveling In scow skiffs snd steamers, will visit tbe numerous trading posts In the north, and It Is probable that several photo I'pper picture Irevost of France alighting on the water after winning the 500 kilometer International hydroaeroplane race at Monte Carlo, In plays will be worked out by tho re oh which he defeated the United States, England, Italy, Belgium and Spain. pioneers of tbe country. Lower picture The wreck of Gandart'a hydroaeroplane, which fell during Mr. Cornwall, who It financing thop the race, killing the aviator. project. Is the head of ths Northene Trading company, which ope rata a. line of boats on northern waters. H has been over thousands ot miles eff the virgin territory, and in know among the dwellers of ths north far as any white man has yet penc-rated tbs Interior. of romance and tbe cate Jury stripped U. S. Court Arkansan Appeals to sentiment and asked the Jury to dein Breach of Promise Case. cide two questions: HAS MACHINE TO CUT SKULLS Was there an engagement to wed? And was Faucette responsible' for Doctor Demonstrates Elsotrleal Apr Girt Given Verdict of $100,000 by Jury Loda Anderaona moral standing? waa The minout In paratufefor Trepanning jury only thirty Tat Was Out Thirty Minutes ute snd returned a Judgment for Reduces ths Fain. Fsdsral Court St Little amount the full asked. $100,000, Roek, Arkansas. Chicago. Skull cutting by machlan-erNO SEE IN KISSES 2013 is th latest development in craLittle Rock, Ark. Tbs Supreme nial surgery. Jtd a doctor In CMogp court of the United 8tates is to have Mrs. Barney Hsmmlck Declares Wom- is th Inventor. A secret demoartnw the unusual experience of reviewing a an Will Than Wosr tlou was given at n eseetlag nf to. breach of promise case which, In the T routers. medical society and surgeon wh federal circuit court hers, was comwere permitted to witness the operato the play Evsrywoman, by pared In 301$ JL D. man and tion are said to have been gxaatljr Washington. the attorney for the plaintiff. ' V ,women will both wear trousers and Interested. William C. Faucette has appealed to will be n lost art. according to kissing saw le machine cylindrical The. of that tribunal the judgment $100,000 i Prophecy .lb. nqw jdaylet. wrttteg operated electricity speed aljkigh (fiver to Lode, AudvrsouVwhorbsrgsd by)?$ Mr. Barney Hemmlck, the fairy A'Vatlent can be trepanned by thtot d that broken hla repeated promof Washington society, godmother traction of tho tins remethod In ises to marry her. , Mrs. Hemmlck will produce the play ' Miss Anderson told the jury that by the old chisel and quired for ' first time as the curtain raiser worked saw. ' Faucette cams Into her life when she to th , ... her ' play. suffrage ws hut fifteen years old. At that In emergency, It was stated, th In addition to tb shove noted time he frequently met her as she machine can be. attached te any hia Mrs. Hemmlck that predicts cssee requirleft her mothers boarding house on changes, In $013 character as well as health of electric current la U U claimed that errands and always talked to her, certificates instant operation ing will be required attachcomplimenting her beauty and com- ments to the new machine will save many pamarriage licenses. would on fine what tients who formerly would bavo hs menting clothing, lo for her considered hopeless case. Jan. 1, 1911, she testified, she went HAS BULL THAT GIVES MILK Its greatest useful nest, however, h to his office at bis Invitation. Soon said to lie in the fact that the number after that, ahe told tbe jury, he sent Animal Was Raised at ths Delaware ot operable cases wUl be Increased t her to Central college at Conway, Collage Experimental Include many whose weakness ot heart Farm. Ark., to fit her to become hla wife. action would prohibit them - from bo-lu- g -She said that there was not any time anaesthetized long enough Dir Newark, Del. The Delaware college erstlon old method. tbq by experimental farm baa a curiosity n Hie electrically driven saw tin rothe shape of a Guernsey bull which at an exceedingly high speed, tate gives milk. Professor Harry Hayat a mere touch, so that la (too ting director of the ward, farm, admitted of a skilled surgeon tho tro hand the presence of the phenomenon sayoperation will bo relieved' sto panning Is a It for bull to unusual ing: give of its danger; a portion great It Is not impossible for milk, but Th machine has not yet bsts lrts males of the bovine family to develop on s Dvlng subject, for tho doctor mammary glands. King Beds Is tbe name of this bull wanted an authoritative' confirmations of his own views. snd bis milk Is rich In fats. IS GIVEN In Jimmy Archer the Cuba have one of the best catching artlata who has broken Into tbe game In a number of years. When Johnny Kling left the Cubs it was predicted that the team would b weakened In this department, but Archer mads the Chicago fans soon forget Kling. Today the Cubs are well fortified behind the bat. bsckstoppers in having two high-clasArcher and Roger Bresnahan. Johnny Evers has built up a fine ball team thto season and the way In which the Cubs bave Men traveling Indicates that they win be factors la the penna- LOVE SUIT y s nt-fight. yhen epposodby , leftr. handed pitcher Manager John Ever has been putiing Archer oa first la place of Vic Suer, as Archer caa play Billy Sullivan is bow scouttqior the first bag up to the queen's taste. the White Sox. t si f Bill Dahlen's team is trying b up to that new field. live - In SL Louis they are pickhf the ' Tigers t& finish eighth. Manager Griffith believes b las a real find in Pitcher Joe Engel, Catcher Grover Land of tlw Naps says he Is not afraid of Ty Cobb's . . , spikes. w What Is Red Dooln? Why, limply hipping into shape a mighty good-lookin- ball club. If Boehling falls the Senators without a left-bande- d ( to make with 31 b goof Washington '' twirler. , Extremes meet: High plif tbs for Detroit, and Lowe occasionscouts for the same club . ally be-ha- . field Eddie Plank, the veteran kwter ot the Athletics, leads the American league pitchers in strike-out- . Larry Doyle is playing a WJUent fielding game. Larry io s 11 M k. ever and bs is hitting at s high Manager Doolns pitcher great work, and a little willow would make the to , Good Control Esssntlal. George Mollln, the veteran twirler of the Ttgera, aays a pitcher must have good control- - to stick in the majors. Speed and fancy curves will not allow a pitcher to remain in the big show If he Is nnable to locate Ibd knarlLLneld-Mallln- r" .. . Roger Brssnahan. (7) at 4ln widths PhlUls hard beat t Hans Wagner believes that pci-etnow with the Pirate. 8 tbe Booe, Archer Is a better hitter than Saier and with Bresnahan to do the work ccmlng star inflelder In tb behind the bat the Cubs would not be leaguer. i- weakened any. Detroit has a twirler named Bouse. Jennings denies that hla cure reComiskey Lauds Cobb. , semble bis name as they flont P to Ty Cobb was being discussed In the , platter. Ch&r.vj Comiakey's office the day the w Georgia Peach signed Uh the Tigers. by Weakness on fly sbalU is "I see where Ty aays he won't play wor8t tb be to critics Philadelphia qptli be gets lets condition, drawled fault in the first-bas- e play of young a scribe. Jknvrin of the Red Sox. I'd be glad if Comiskey laughed. my ball player were in as good abape Pitcher Howard Camnit of Pitta-burgin the noddle ot tho summer as Cobb declare hlo belief tb Is in e dead of winter. Pirates will win tbe pennast V least 15 game' margin. Phyl an Exception. . Billy Phyle is one exception to Pres.Maranvllle of the Dove ident Baums rule not to place cover as much ground at tb eague players on his staff of arbiters. Hano Wagner ever did In hyle played third base for the Seals, when Fred Clarke played left f ut It was so long ago that bat few of Walih. te present generation ot fans can re-i- ll With his Murphys, him. - As he was not contem-oraneo- Barry and Mclnnls, Connie M 1 with soy of tbe present crop his valiant fight for tb f players, there was no objection rais- Of Ireland, Philadelphia ' : ed to.hls appolntmenL- American learn. jr 1 . ' V MANY LOST ARTICLES HERE . Discredite Comedy 8tunts. The comedy stunts of Schafer and Altrock do not appeal to Manager BirI mingham of tbe Napa. Says Joe: hope Ban Johnson put the screws oa that pair. If people want to see slapstick action they can go to a vaudeville show. That pair of clowns try to make the opposing players look lli a lot of dummies." I V t The Giants, after starting Its sea son in poor form, are back la stride Intention whatever of allowing himself to be ousted from tbe posseaaioa of one of tbe greatest honors which is offered by America's national game. y ir right-hander- Trls Speaker. Inga went Each la determined to be tbe athlete to drag Cobb from hla throne and to beat out the other. Ty, jealous of bla honors, la still In hla prime as a ball player and baa no j Miss Loda Anderson. that be waa not to marry her. He provided for all of her expenses, including two operations She waa compelled to withdraw from Central college because the president disapproved of her acquaintance with Faucette snd abe went to Springfield. Mo. While In the latter city she received several endearing letters This was after she had copied, at Fa request, sh testified, s letter releasing him from their engagement 8he said that he asked her to do this merely to please hie family. He would still regard her as previously. Faucette defense was an attack on Miss Andersons character. Attorney Cham Serial n. for .tbe plaintiff. In summing up the case to tbs jury, drew his argument from tbe play Everywoman," and quoted the play freely. Attorney Blackwood, for the defense, drew a picture of ,tb business man as a prey of designing Yrom-V-k an Intimation Judge T richer la his charge to the Wonderful Depot in Paris Removed to rings with brilliants and twe hats eto naval officer Larger Quarters 100,000 Pieces On another occasion an employe MB Await Owner the opera foonjLn bracelet with diamonds which formed, part of1 the Paris. The wonderful depot of lost crown Jewels, and belonged te m bad articles, which for thirty years her of tbe Orleans family. Its temporary headquarters st the PreA general once found a purse to fecture of Police, Is about to be reBole de Boulogne. .He banded It tm moved to the Caserne de la Cite, with the policeman, and a year later tl its stocks of 100,000 heterogeneous artisame purs was restored te briar wttto cles. According to these figurea, one out of thirty adult Parisians loaea tbe injunction that he wee, never dine to the law, to be he depositary leer something every day, snd th police thirty ycare, after which thne, to accsmall. too was depot really growing ordance with the statute of lndm There la a story of one particularly tlons, be would become the definite um-I oblivious lady who lost the same owner. The purse contained $1A5. times. She went brella twenty-threto fetch It twenty-twtime, but tbe WILD CATS KILL SONGSTERS twenty-thirtime she waa too much ashamed to redeem it However, a few days later she thought ahe would Wealthy Residents or Nsvs Rochelle Park, N. Y, Alarmed by Acta sf just go out of curiosity and aes If her umbrella waa there. Sure enough It Felines, waa. and at all tbe employe by that 4ime knew her, one of them said to New Tork. The wealthy her with a smile. Madame, will you of Rochelle Park, New Rockll not come and take your umbrella?" become alarmed over the depredattoav She bad to take It the twenty-thirof a band of wild cats that to aaktoc We desire. even her time, against raids oa pantries and songbird m are not told how many times she lost ths park. Tbs cats attack those whe It after that? chase them. Most of the robins snd thrush md Other stories which tbe police have to tell are scarcely leas amusing. ths squirrels have been killed Loads of lost articles find their way eaten by the cats. ' Among the to th depot after some great celebra- are valuable angoras and Persian tion. The day after the departure of They have colonized In of the old home of Dr. HL CL the king of Spain the most astounding finds were made. Tbs depot received Bumpns, formerly curate ef the ffTT two swords with damask blades and lean Museum of Natural Htotovy ad handles ot solid gold, a neck chain of New. Tork city. The band tos-t- o diamonds, rubies and emeralds, ear creased to more than 100. ' i f IJl T . u e o , 1 ' d d ,ntSWlMaeWat'jln(daf'X yrf' I I |