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Show rn i m $ iiiijiw : J' r rm Ladiea and Gents WatcbM, and Jawalry af Bwrj Bracelet Rug. Laca Curtain, Hoaaa Daacriptloa, Jh Ma-chiaa- a, Faaa-tal- Fv&a tn fact a utdf varythlag yaa WB think af yaa can gat Absolutely Fraa for selliag oar Beautiful Fsaay iwi had fiatia Striped Ilandker-aiafat J$e. each. They aall rapidly, I eaa gaaarally ba aold ia tvary hoaaa. Don't aaad aa aay aioaay, but writ ua te aaad yaa a lot af Uaadktrekitfa to ell, that wkea aold yaa will toad ua tba maaey and get tha preatium i lac tad. Bailing 24 handkerchief entitle you to your choice of an Elegant Watch 3 Gold Laid King, Lace Curtain. Etc. Wnta ua today, we truet you aad taka bank the good if you eaanot ell them. a orouk oo, Chicago, ill. BET1EB THAN SPANKING 8 peaking will not cure ekildraa of watting tha bad, baennaa it ia aat a habit, but a dangerous disease. Tb C. H. Raw Drug Co., Chicago, Illiaoia, have discovered a strictly harmless ram edy .for this distressing disease aad to tanks knows its manta they will send a bO Mat Package teearely wrapped aad prepaid Absolutely Prao to aay reader of Tha Times. This remedy also auras frequaat desire la arlnate aad inabil Hy to uoatrol nriaa duriag tha night or day ia old or youog. The C. II. Xowaa Drug Co. are aa Old Reliable Mount. Write to then today for the free medicine. Cura tk afflicted mem berg af yoar family, than tell your oeighbor and f rienda about this rera ady. .... . NOTICE ! in 1 1 1 1 pss-pi- 1 holiday. 10 W. French Physician and Surgeon Office in Summit Mock, Coalville Hour, from t to 4, 7 to 8 p. THE MERCHANTS OOINO TO DO ABOUT IT? u. All who can ahvuld observe these hours aa near aa poaaible. EDHOLM & AKIN KAMOaj HILLIARD FLAT ANIl UrPBR LA OHAPKLLC CAKKK. When mail order magnate admit under oath on the witness stand that his firm actually cleared ever seven millions of dollars during 1012 from sales made in the rural disticts of the nation, is it not about time that the country merchants were looking into the matter and preparing some adequate means of defense to eoinbat this great national octopus which threatens tb undermine the very principle of rural business, extending from the tiniest cross roads store to the biggest National bank in the eounty. What are the merehanta going to do i,' I I not thu the logieal quesshould be fared by every man tion that rollowing brand; in business in the rural districts today f on right aide About two months ago in Chicago, od left aide the government conducted an iavesti-gatioon left en both Iloraaa looking into the conditions in shoulder the big mail order houses, where women aldM. bultabla reward leading to raoov- - wore paid starvation wages that were 0 F. and Shoemaking done by n R. JONES, a Notary Public d Mr. -- Logan F. Physician and Surgeon ..rr-uffted-ly dig-eiio- -- Cut Short Youp Troubles By making you field and lot secure and sale with some ol that good old reliable woven wire fencing Kitselman Bros. We have it at 22c per rod up" Ornamental Fence and Gates, cheaper than wood, for your front lot. Stay to fit any wire fence. better fence made. Af to price Also the Finch Fence Just got a car load. well we Just sell 1 below any Catalogue Mail Order House. Ne 5 per cent tali Utah Hoytsville Painting and Paper Hanging Kalsorhining and Whitewashing Carriage Painting and Window Glazing All Work Guaranteed Joseph Sommers MAIN STREET Opposite Rack School House , Deafness Cann. DC Cured R. D. Porter went te dts-sCPOcsltfKM. s Wry i . ot rrirh kml T where Mr. Porter will Friday, r. lew a o ,.y o o iy to portion oi U snd test Is by ouiinitutsHiol rri..'tw attend the A. C. summer school. dirt druOMM. r s feUSuntd coaaiuoo ol tlio DioIikob M round It Vs tha eeeooo Union u the Luatootuon Tuho. yo. hsvo IV cwaMt mi or Very little general business last Mon- Id a MUsastA ami a when Deal ttoocA. hooruas. Odlrot aaam ramie eon ba and noma- adump day and few complaints regarding mm a tha raulS thta tube irottord ta ho norouU toadt-doand eat Ud sir r wui ba deounvod ami. nae coora taxes. out at tm an award by Csiah which a nothing 0l aa tofeacd eoadnlm o the anr nm sortorrw About $600 worth of state money arre One Hundred! IMbui tor any one at We will DtaParn (tweed by eatarrttr mm ran ora hr curad rived in Morgan Thertday morning, hr Hods Ownrrh Cura. 8md hr rlrroloia. rm. j. chknkv a cu. tomm. to and the boys doing oar state mad work XeM DrwnWto. r.7 Sr. by ter aonattpattew um. family were made happy. y.T. Mr. and C oalvilleLocjge No. 28, Dr. W. R. Emmett ia Saccse. contributing to a health Ittusia-- ii nlweivwl tliar n inan ia xelilmn nick when hia liowes are he ia never wril when they are cotiatipaied. F'or eunstipaiimi Oil will find nothing quite eo good a Chamberlains Tablets. They not. only move the Irewela but Improve the apatite and strengthen the They are aold by all dealer Adv. The LOJE STAR Berber Shop FOR THE MAN WHO CARES BEDELL & BEGG5 Morgan News. Samuel Banner 0. ft e Carpet Weaving O. v NOTICE TO .state of James KobinsojJwr eeanfd. Creditors will preuent claims with vouchers to the undrrKigned at his rest dencc, ia tbe Coalville priinct. Hum nut County, 1tah, on or before the fimt day of September. A. D. 1913 JAMES ROIHNHON, Administrator of the Estate of James Robinson, Hr., deceased. Date of first publication, Mir 23 1913. Evans A Evans, Attornevs. sip-pos- Cattle branded with either of the about itt might not be molested. Ia the course of this investigation, some of the question asked revealed the eoloaaal nature of tome of the flgurea that participate In the yearly dividend declared by the mall erder houses whieh do bust net in Summit eounty, and take from the local merehanta moaey which is rightfully their. The Chieago mail order magnate who admitted that hi firm cleared over (even million of dollar in 1912 i a member of but one of the 100 similar firm in the United State. These firms do business on such a broad basis that they eaa afford to cover the eountry in advertising of such a nature that it forma a personal appeal to every man and woman in every eounty in the Na All Work Guaranteed tion. They place their proposition before the purchase in such a graetous, tempting style that the buyer almost before he is aware of it has ordered Secret Society. something from Chieago, whiyh is bo cheaper than his home merchant would sell it for, plus the additional costs of expresssge and money orders, and the inconvenience of awaiting it arrival. I. few day ago a lady la Coalville called at one of the stores. 8be had left an order for some goods, and upon Meets every Tuesday Evening calling for them tb following onver-catioensued: ia Jones' HaIL Visiting Brothers Mr. I ll have to Lady: ask you to eharge these goods. Cordially Invited. Alt right, tn.vfiam, Merchant: were always pleased to accommodate J. W. Welsh, Nobl Grand our customers. Thomas Lee, Vice Grand. Youre very kind, imMed. Ladyi Yon aee I ordered a bill of goods from J. H. Couch. Secretary Hears A Roebuck, a few day ago, aad Williem Wlk, Treasurer. they jast arrived C. O. D., so 1 had to pay cash for them. Bears A Roebuck got the Cash tb Country Merchant Is Asksd for Credit. How often docs this happen in the course of a ye art Hundreds of timm, no doubt. The hardware dealer tells 'a wagon oa credit, and 8$fr A Roebuck furnish the harness for cask. The grocer dole out his groceries on a eharge book, aad a big mail order house aends dowa goods and takea away the ready eoia. The implement dealer aclla a planter in the Spring and waits until Office Summit Block. the crop are harvested for his money. Mongtomery, Ward A Co. aofla a custom Telephone, Office, - 56 er a carriage and collect the tolL Residence, 22 blk. What are the merehanta going to Ao about itt The Pareela Post ia opening up tbe COALVILLE. UTAH. pathway for even greater mail order The business prosperity of activity. every rural sectioa in the Nation is Are these mail order threatened. Notary Pabllc. houses to be allowed to eons here and cap our financial energy while local enterprises fade late significance? PerWe haps you will aay that we are calamity-howlers- , but are not the merchants of today facing just this proposition I Are not the fingera of these Dig national enterprises closing slowly, but surely, oar the throats of the smaller retailers! Borne of thee days something i goResident Agent Firemans Fund ing to snap. It will be the small retailers wiad pip. He will be amoUr-ereInsurance Company in the sinuous folds of tha great mail order octopuses thousand of San Franc lco The Wise uuyer read the sdxs. ia this paper. Are yeu ea of the Wise Oaeef Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signora for iurueLhtiotwstfor octs-nu- WHAT ARE Office vertising Morgan and Kichville, Rich-1- 1 aad the express companies and tV KolK down to defeat with freight companies are standing at their doorway prepared to bring their orders fore of 6 to 8. It is easy for a man lit to Coalville, mg near Coalville tar get an article fro Mrs. James Campbell, is slowly Montgomery, Ward A Co. as it would be if Montgomery, Ward A Co. were h liprov ing. Coalville. A few hours is the only dtf ference. For the shooting up of one of his Today Coalville piaetieslly has a te suntrymen at the Slide some time ago, million dollar building owned by Mon Jap, after paying hia fine and costs, ginnery, Ward A Co. A mere technirfi land himself minus $100. His eoun buildthe ity prevents it. Hpintually ing is here. Physically it ia net. It tyman refused to appear against him. other words, the effect is the sans knee the heavy fine. Both men were They send out their circulars, and ky urged by the cement company and the grace of the government and tie $ve left the county. freignt and express eompanie the get the goods just the same as fl ? they came to Coalville. Judge Harris held District Court in Where should the money that is g Jorgan Monday, and the preliminary be ing to these companies really going the controversy baring regarding It is up to the merchant to answw. Are you, Mr. Merchant, willing to tf inch has arisen between the Francis low this condition to longer exist, or sri ad Waldrons over their water right you willing to fight the mail order what is known aa the Bra.lt Spring with his own weapons Print! heard, but as some of the details Ink and a fair profit. The printer re not complete, the matter was to ink man is waiting. As, in all instances, there is anotksr k argued by the attorneys Thursday in side to this question. The man tkst (;den. buys the goods from the mail order houses is by no means wholly to blast Mrs. J. Williams In In Park City The merchant is equally at fault. The mail order houses go to the tria- Mending the District Convention of ble and expense of sending the list af Re Women of Woodcraft as repre-tatlv- e their goods to his borne They describe of Morgan Circle. the article; they tell him the price Vfi him all the information .... it; they give Council met in regular session he desires. Packed away in the met , suiiel warehouse Monday night, but little else was chants is, perhaps, the article. But, has he told is custoiwrjj1144! of outside the water question, finch seems to be quite s complicated that he has itf If the customer not know it, and naturally presuaes aad they will meet again next fair, that the mail order man has a better londay night for tbe purpose of pas-sreasonable to it 't isn proposition, city ordinances and settling, it that he will order from the mil order mant pssibUq the water question. People will buy from mail orler I houses just so long as they can get flic The final party of tb high school was same article that the local merebut home of Ernest Waldron kid the st sells for less money. But this they Aa not do. If the merchants were to link tieadsy evening. The dramatic club of into the mail order sales they wodd ie schoel entertained the rest of the find in almost every instance that tlay pi pile in a most royal manner. Games could duplieate the order for the sate tore played on the lawn over whieh The lesa Trouble or Is tha money. , lore hung Chinese lantern.' After the chaaer Does Not Know Ha Has It. Tb merehanta must awaken to the fact thg bn,, a delicate repast was served. The Uut Purchasers of tha eouatrj. VS rkHxj--, gtf of the clnb knoW how toind readers. If the merchant put al were preeAbout forty-fivwtertaln. new line of goods en his shelves, the sit be must about told before buyers it these goods are moved. How aany lines of goods have grown dusty oa The graduating exercises of the 8th shelve ia Coalville not because they grade were held at the opera bouse Friwere inferior good but because the day evening. people did not know they were ttare. Printers Ink is the answer. '.Mr. The following program was rendered: (election by orchestra. Merchant the Time stand ready aad willing to help you protect yoirtelf Prayer by V. W. Frmecis. against the mail order evit Our coopKathcriae Camp- Prognostication, eration is at your command. Ask fir it. hall- Paper, Marvella neiner. Addres fcu graduates, Prof. Kings-hnr-y of Ogden. Yibla CridcBk. Reading, The High School discontinued Friday, Dora Jobansen. ' Valedictory, after a most successful year. Benediction, B. R. FVy. The opera house warn well filled. All The Arthur Francis hay scales have maahi enjoyed Mm exercises. present had a general overhauling. Coaliille will the following liollils.ta: Jan. Ul, all ilav. 2 Lincoln's B.rthilny, o'clock. b Washington's Birthday. o'clock. 4 Arbor Day, all dav. 5 Memorial Day, all day. fl July 4, all day. 7 July 24, all day. 8 Labor Day, o'clock. 9 Thanksgiving, all day. Id Christmas, all day. Commencing Thursday, May H, we will close at o'clock sharp, and all Thursdays thereafter to Thursday, Kept. 25th, excepting anr Thursday that proceeds a S 0. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. - ilio stores Dr. ee-rf- tbmlie a, Rifl, Moving Ftctara Skat, Frlnttag Pmaii, What is the logical thing to d to fni g tlie wek surveying the line bat tins influereet 'lbe answer is to ear ry tb power to the t tht found in the method pursued by plaat Printer mail order huu.es Ink. They long ago realized that they could not sell goods to the people f De lawn party given at H. B. Frys N. J. PETERSON, ftT be Bgh School Saturday Summit county from away out in Chi 0Editor and Busts Manager esgo unless they bad some means of eiemg was enjoyed by all who were telling the people what they bsv. jmt. Games were played and r re sent big at foment served. Eeutored at Post of flee in Coalville, What did they dot They homes. our to They trartive catalogues Class aa Second Utah, May 7, 1804, made ua believe we were getting sums Tie ball Matter. given by the High School thing for nothing. We got the habit. y was much eajoyed by alL What The result today is that Summit cou TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ty is paying toll to the yearly ind ,nl the town have been without the Payable 1b Advaaea dent activities the past winterf A (lends of 1 00 mail order rsmlunations One Veer . $1.50 one of which cleared seven milbuiia rfc against the bonds means that you Six Month .75 dollars last year. ... want such an institution in Mor.40 Three Months There would be Boioe eunsternatiaa jnt .05 crested among merchants in this sertist in county. Think well before Single Copies jou act. of the coubtry if an announcemest were made that Montgomery, Ward i.is llanna Ward ley, died I bursAdvertising Rotes made known upi: Co. contemplated erecting a ten million Ht 3 p. tn. funeral services will ty rppluation. house Utah. sales in dollar factory and belli Sunday, 12 oclock at the Khof The merchants of the Eastern would be up in arms. Vet Montgomery l the home of John Green In En- Ward A Co. are doing practically ties ffpriee . Very thing. They are building a tei million dollar building ui New Yort A holly contested game was fought From New York they send out their a literature. The Parcels Po lit last Wednesday afternoon u-- " The most pleasing feature of the recital hst Tuesday waa the fact that 1 have top Mile the following desGrandma Waldrsa aad Mrs. Arthur cribed bull calf. Royal Chieftain, Francis had sufficiently recovered to from ChioftmHt Reliance dam. Ia be witk n. from-- the FAimouo Raetler of St.Lam-hertlSSS- Clean Linen of eB pawns eEio& op first-cU- n shape Seruice up4a-da- We: are prepared to do all tledmcal kinS of fiat-doall. Messaging for ss dt PALACE BARBER SHOP W. S. JOHNSTON,. Prop. Agent for Ogden Steam. L&undiy. AD kinds of Dty Cleaning. Dying and Repairing. WEST SIDE MAIfgSTREET COAVILLE. UTAH t R. Jamea Ho tea W. Peek, who recently arrived from Evanaton, Wyo, has started j businese in the krackanith shop vacated by Thomas Butter. Mr. Peck is fifty ymra of age, aad started hi at Macksmitbing at 9. He was fsrmerly from Wellington, Kan., where ke ha a wife sad two ehiMren whom be rxports to n bring to later oa. Mo-ga- Robert Graham and wife have from a visit to their people in d Idaho. the price im eoty Ado animal, and $50.00. Call and! Weber Coal spells economy. This ie a good kimo te sell ferm load, of farms era brought gad moat seise i)Nt threag h scarified ads. duces the greateat amount of heat; the THIRD DISTRICT COURT yw or SUMMIT COUNTY, STATE Ol UTAH. M tba Mattar of the Estate of Joseph gmlth. Deceased. NOTICE. : Notiee is hereby given that the en return of sale of certain real eshear-ia- ILB. Fry was the speaker at the Memorial exercises of the North Morgan Ward Friday morning. 2 ir It will do a tons work. that burns to tb all coal, and of its heat we Coal that laffi ounce; coal tie mb tl enngf Ty a Ion. pro- coal that k which is evidence (hats the kind of coal seH. g tate situate in Balt Lake County, State Smith, administramf Utah, of Alice trix of the estate of Joseph Smith, praying for confirmation of the of said property, whieh said sale Mrs. 8. B. Benson, of Whitney, Ida, been heretofore made, has been set ia visiting friends and relative in Mor- t, hearing before the above entitled gan and Milton. ert st the Court House, at Coalville, Utah, on ggmmit County, State of Irwin Nelson spent the week in Monday, the 16th day of Juae, 1913, oeloek a. m. t the hour of 10 Clerk attending the commencement exerof said Court WITNESS the cise of the Weber Academy. Uk tbo seal thereof affixed, this 15th A. D. 1913. Fifteen surveyors for the Ttah Power - of My, MOSES C. TAYLOR, (Seal) and Light Company have been in Mor- - t Clerk of th Court. Og-de- n Coal... him at J. W. Lees, Hoytsvlllov Utah Adv. e Fiench IVEBE trines of COALVILLE, UTAH. n. |