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Show them for a longer period, for the pur AND MINNA pose of Installing tbe field bakery, the field ranges and in dismantling, clean- i lng, packing and storing material after Compared with the month'f arcL the encampment Is over. the production of ore in the ToSopab Tbe old soldiers are to be supplied mines In April shows a dertee ol with fresh meat directly, from refrig- 1,527 tons. ) erator cars drawn upon the field. They Ben Harrison mine at Stoiktos has will be given fresh vegetables and speseen carg'of ore tki nonth Big Reunion of Survivors of Civil cial bread with the beet coffee and tea shipped trade, eo far. seteral of pretty go which the market affords For them It t War at Gettysburg on the Tooele Time. ea's will not be a case of hardtack, bootleg There are fifty to seventy' men July 1. and poor bacon. tP mines The Battle of Gettysburg commis- now vet king in catpp In Ike mines Itah. nulls and at Mercnr, sion of the stats of Pennsylvania baa under y main aie a sum of at its operating money disposal EXPECTED large TO ATTEND 40,000 being At least five leases si for the entertainment of tbe visiting veterans, and the thousands of persons worked in the Pioche and BJ11 districts at the present time, SSd In all Men Who Wore the Blue and Gray who will accompany them. Hospitality Is to mark the days. Fifty years probability others will be Is SP Wat ion to Again Gather on Ground ago Pennsylvania aided in the work of inside of the next fortnight. Made Memorable by c repelling the visitors from the south. Mason f'pany Valley Mines Conflict. In early July next the same state will smelter 5.866,000 JS'Cds of produced have its arms wide open In welcome the first fuf onths By EDW RD B. CLARK. to the men wearing the gray. Enter- ofopper during i ON. thjs year against 4,590.004 founds During the of various kinds will be of- In the same period of 1912. s four days of July the tainments fered the visiting veterans, but it is of Gettysburg, Pa, At Tooele now the International pretty well understood that their deep mnelter la four again be the scene of a Interest in operating four lead revisiting the scenes where a capacity has meeting of the Blue and the Each they fought. Little Round Top, Oak copper fumacvs. Gray, but this time they will meet in tons daily. There Ux fifth Hill, of Hboul will Ridge, Cemetery Hill, Culpe amity and affection. A Rock Creek, the Stone Wall and other copper furnace which aalB in have passed since last these men of two of ore. places will bold them largely to the great American armies met on this pleasures and to the sadnesses of peris progressing very satisfacWork northern field. Then they a ere face sonal reminiscencea. Arm in arm with with the construction of tk new torily to face in deadly conflict, for the issue. the ?oche, Union aoldlera the Confederate sol- mill at the Mendtia talcs conIt aae well understood to both to be will retramp the battleground diers expected is Nev . and the plant tending forces, was the success of the They w ill look over the field of PickIn commissioa some thm durplaced southern cause, or the beginning of Its etts desperate charge. They will reing the coming month. defeat, to be followed by the restora- trace the marching steps of Ore hauling from Dry cany1. In the tion of the Union as it had been before will go to the corps. They Sumwas first shot fired at Port the district, begal last place where Meade had his headquar- Stockton, Utah, ter. week and shipment will be regular ters and to the place from which Lee stitaated The United States government and directed his southern forces in battle. made all summer, as it is n the the government of nearly every state stored are tons over 1,000 that to make a Pennsylvania is going workmen In the Union have combined to make of force a great celebration of peace of this fif- dumps with good the Gettysburg reunion of the soldiers tieth what of ing probably of the north and south one of the great was anniversary The Golden Star, near ; Brigham the decisive battle of tbe war, alpeace evente of the century. The state though it was fought nearly two yearc City, Utah, Is now werklng 4 force of of Pennsylvania some time ago ap- before the war ended. states four men The main adit is in 225 Other pointed a Fiftieth Anniversary of the will help Pennsylvania In Its work, and depth of apBattle of Gettysburg commission to from every section of the country, feet, giving a verticalThe face is now feet. 180 proximately make preparations for the four days' north, east, south and west, the vet- In what appears to be A Urgo Iron reunion, at which Pennsylvania as a erans will assemble, most of $60 Ihetq capping Samples go as bfgl state was to act as host to the vetprobably to see for the last time in to tbe ton. erans of the war between the states life the field upon which they were Utah men returning from, the new and to the thousands of vleltors who to die for tbe sake of their rewilling would follow their march to the field of Broken Hilis, in X'liurcMll camp causes. spective fifty-fivmiles north of of battle, and appropriated $150,000 for Tbe veterans will not be directly en- county, Nev., railrold the purpose of entertaining the vetpoint, nearest the Lulling, camped In tbe Gettysburg park, which erans. and about fifteen miles nortf uf LkdL Is dotted with monuments to the vari40,000 Veterans Expected. ous commands which took part In the seem unwilling to give out aiy details It is expected that 40,000 veterans and which la laid out in approved relative to the new- camp except that of the war, not all of them, however, fight "It a is fine and with drives good prospect survivors of the Gettysburg battle, will park fashion, Ore receipts at the Mason Talley kept lawns. There will be be found encamped upon the field beautifully two camps, known as No. 1 and No. 2. smelter for the week endinl Miy 23, when reveille sounds on the morning No. 1 will cover 149 acres and No. 2 are as folows, says the ITeriagtou of July 1. It will be a different re- will cover 44 acres. The of Times: nines, layouts from Mason-Vaveille than that which the fife and these are based on tbe use of 2,159 tons; from Nevada-Doughcamps two of the drum corps great armies conical tents, each of which will withtons and from other mines in dissounded fifty years ago. The call to out accommodate eight per- trict, 1,211 tons. Total, 4J44 tons. crowding, awakening will be a call to a peaceful sons. Inasmuch as accommodations J celebration while the call to the awak- are to be furnished for 40,000 visitors Daily average, 692 tons. The new camp of Broket Hills. In ening In July, 1863, was a call of 5,000 tents will be required to give Churchill county, Nevada, Is esoentlal-l- y armlap to conflict and, to thousands of quarters to the visiting hosts. a silver camp. However, son ore men, a call to death. Visitors to Bs Cared For. For years the veterans hare been the outskirts has been foind vhlch 3n Every possible care Is to be taken carried as looking forward to this reunion. It is of the visitors. Tbe high as 14 per cent lead. sanitary arrangeprobable that there wUl be present ments which have been made are said 3ome carries 80 cents in golt A nummany thousands of survivors of the to be of assays went as high as UO to tbcbqet that are possible and ber battle.' The United States governcpwt 196 ounces silver to the toxtWA we are of careful study by result under an act of congress has appro- they been officer of the service. All the medical has It given out kf eastern priated money for the preparation of of the past has been diawn directors that the treasure's report the camps and for the messing of the experience Lealth of tbe Majestic Mines compay shows soldier visitors. The average age of upon to make it certain that the will while that the company for thetrst three veterans conserved be of tbe the men engaged In the Civil war was are in camp. months of thlSsjear made met profit they but fifty years only eighteen years, With so many thousands of old sol- .of $10,975 over and above a! expenses have passed since these soldier boys in attendance, and taking Into for mine operations, new nachinery fought at Gettysburg, and so if the diers consideration tbe probability that the and underground developmat one waa a true of the age computation will be warm, it is expected Utah Copper company directors In average years of the veterans who will weather meet In Pennsylvania in July will be that there will be sickness, but the New York last week declar'd the regabout sixty-eigh- t years. Many of them, United States government and the ular quarterly dividend of ft cents a of course, w .11 be much older and a state of Pennsylvania are preparing share. This calls for a tfitributlon for a hospital service which shall be of good many of them, men who entered approximately $1,182,004 00 June at ages ranging from fourteen to sev- adequate to any contingency. There 30. An equal amount war paid out enteen years, will be younger, but all will be hospital corps detachments March 31. This will give the big win be old men as the world views present ready to render first aid to Bingham mine a total distribution of the injured, and there will be many age. field hospitals with surgeons In at- $19,433,000. Many of the states of the Union, It is reported that by Jwe 1 the north as well as south, have made ap- tendance, where tbe sick can receive Mines Operating company, hkh uas propriations to send their veterans to Instant attendance. on a portion of tbe old Ona lease rela said this that It contemplated the Gettysburg reunion and to pay all at tario Park City, will be operating interest other expenses. The battle of Gettys- union has induced more Its little old soldiers the north of the plant at capacity. This will among Is recognised ss the turning point burg to 150 tons of ore a day. be 100 from south and the than any event which of tbe war between the states. It has furbeen called time acd again one of the has happened since the day that tbe Tbe plant includes eight routing tank Each has Is naces closed. war tanks. at and There six GettysGenertoday decisive battles of tbe world. ally it la recognised that Gettysburg burg a great national park. In which a capacity of 110 tons. d decided tbe great' conflict, helped in Is included a cemetery where thouBringing along with M the decision probably by the fall of sands of soldier dead are burled. Tbe bowlder of $90 ore fio Ike Big Vicksburg on the Mississippi, which United States government and the leg- Gentile property In Beswr county, took place virtually at the moment islature of Pennsylvania worked to- Lorln Hall, tbe general msssger, came that the conflict on the Pennsylvania gether to make a park of tbe battle- 'Up from Milford this vsek quite field waa decided in favor of the north- field and to mark accurately every elated over recent developments in point In it which has historic Interest the lower workings frois tbs 300-foern arms. The preparations which the govern- When one goes to the field he can tell incline, says the Salt Lsbe ment Is making to care for the veter- just where this brigade or that briThis big hunt of ore asans at Gettysburg are Interesting. gade was engaged, just where thla cent lead; 54 ounces sil72 sayed per or waa that charge made and They have been ander tbe charge of charge ome with values in ver, gold James B. Aleshlre, quartermaster gen- just where the desperate defenses of in gold. were maintained until the positions eral of the United 8tates army, and In the Osceola district tbe Boston Henry G. Sharpe, commissary general tide of battle brought either victory or of the United States army. Two years defeat to one of the immediate com- Nevada Mining A Mlllisf company expecfsTtrbe- - producing gold bullion ago last March 14,000 regular troops mands engaged. It was In 1895 that congress estab- w'ithln tbe next two montbl says tbe were gathered In camp at Texas. The health of the soldiers throughout the lished a national park at Gettysburg Ely Expositor. One of tbe old mills Texas encampment was almost per- and gave the secretary of war author- near the town will probib'f be leased fect, made so by the plans which had ity to name a commission "to superin- and equipped with modem nachinery been carefully laid to see that perfect tend the opening of additional roads, for the better extratetion of be values sanitation was maintained. Tbe Unit- mark the boundaries, ascertain- - and than Is possible with the o machined States army was taught a lesson definitely mark the lines of battle of ery. decided by the Spanish war, whan lack of troops engaged, to acquire lands which Id1 of The supreme court a were occupied by Infantry, cavalry and proper sanitary precautions and wmpany in in other ways cost the gov- artOlery, and anch other adjacent against Stewart Mining decision the from the appeal ernment the lives of more men than lands ns the. secretary of war may of latters against It la Tower court the were sacrificed to the bullets of the deem necessary to preserve the impoIn Its Ontario the compel Mining rtant topographical features of the batSpaniard. Stewart suit- - against the Ontario tlefield. The estimates of tbe commissary Ontarif k'dn When the Union and the Confede- contended that the and quartermaster authorities are In the Senator frsctk and that based upon an attendance of 40,000 veb rate veterans reach Gettysburg on Juna erans. It probably will cost the gov- 30 next they will find on the scene of it could be traced over tbeutbBd , ernment about $360,000 to act In part the old conflict between five and six line. mines as host to the survivors of the battle hundred memorials raised in commemIs It predicted that ail and other veterans who .attend the oration of the deeds of their com- In the Coeur dAlenes and m several mands on the great fields of the Penn- new ones being construct'd w 111 b Gettysburg reunion. T Men. to Feed Big Task sylvania battlefield. There are, more- taxed to capacity to trek the Tbe survivors of tbe war from the over, 1,000 markers placed to desig- that wiU be mined In tbs lon tbit north and south who will be present, nate historic spots. There are great summer, and the high . being old men, must be cared for In towers built upon tbe field by the gov- ments will be heavier th ,ver a way which would not have been nec- ernment so that birds-ey- e I views can ' ) essary fifty years ago. Tbe messing of be. obtained of the entire scene of, the Tbe Fiaxle mine sU.l bo1 ?1 BJot the veterans will require 400 ' army battle. Fine roads have been conditx and U light ranges, 1 great field bakery, 40,000 structed and everywhere attention baa the in tbe Jarbidge coot&n J high grade shoot mess kits, 800 cooks, $00 kitchen belp-- been paid to every detail of tbe least underdeveloproentM bakers.This helping per- importance in eettlng forth the history ere and 130 sonnel win bo required to be In camp of one of the greatest 'battles ever in the past week, it mui?on'cn mining mand the attention of for at least seven days, and many of known to warfare. world which. Its showing J j1De- - , JEIEIIS Oil MINES TO MEET . fflpELD -- Hia-torl- WASH1. j half-centur- y Long-street- s e e, 200-poun- ot Herald-Republica- innl . unpre-parednes- -- - d 1 DIDNT , Her Interest. Your mother asked me If I smoked Does she disapprove? Thomas of Colorado Was Barred at Teats Used by Railroad Show That cigarettes. fiance. said the Senate Door After Hie Hr-- r la Almost Everybody Slightly Not at all. She's saving coupons. Wat Cut. Color Blind. said the fiancee As Sampson found Ins strength vanThe tarlous tea's for color blindished after Delilah snipped his locks, ness liave come Into practical uae In Ups and Downs. so Senator 1 homas of Iolorado found the examination of railroad "1 think the office force has bees engineers his official idt ntit v lost after a and the like, where the ability to dis- doing borne shaking down. patng a Yes, It does need a shaking uslt to harbtr shop in the rapitol tinguish colors is necessary, so that He e en was spurned b) the senate these tests are no to longer peculiar A pretty girl knows enough palmisdoorkeep rs But It is not gener'1 Senator homas long bus gloried in ally known outside the laboratory that try to hold hands a vavlng mane lint alien the la partially color blind tlzllng heat of an unuMiath hot spring duv eerbody that is. in certain parts of the field of Settled on Washington II leastd to be lsion The most normal Individual HOV a source of gratilu atiou or can see all the colors only when lie glor The senator stood the discomfort as looks If looked at directly at them long us he could and tlnn decided to from an angle of about fifteen degrees be shorn An oei.talous barber1 red and green can no longer be seen snipped the slnttsnntn - lochs down to but in their places will appear shades the seal p of yellow or blue This region of the Back, said s "urth doorteiider eyes Is known as the yellow blue zone. Would not give Lydia EPink when Senator t Ijoinas sought to entei If the color be moved still farther to hams Vegetable Compound to the flooi ot tin st uate 'You cant the side the yellow and blue will dis get In In re ' for AH Rest of Medicine seen be can and gray only appear Blit Im Senator Thomas," pro- This region Is known as the zone of in the World. tested the applicant An Intercomplete color blindness "Nothing doing," retoited the door- esting theory In regard to these zones I suffered everything Utica, Ohio. keeper, looking at the suppos'd intru- Is that every normal eye represents weakness from female a after baby der's appa remit bald head Youll three stages of evolution The zone came. I had nomb find the eletatois to the public gal of low Is color blindness the complete spella and waa dizzf. leries down the corridor to tour riRht " est stage, and appears In such ani- had black spots be The senator was rescued lit u col nmls as the frog, whose vision Is fore my eyes, my league, who disclosed his identity to 'known as shadow vision The blue-- I back ached and I the embarrassed keeper of tbe door yellow rone Is one tep higher iu the was so weak I could The barber, at last reports, was said B(.ale not clearly marked although t hardly stand up. My to be in hiding off in the animal kingdom' And the face was yellow, even my fingernails appeaiance of the red green zone THE RIGHT SOAP FOR BABYS marks the highest stage of evolution were colorless and I Cases of color blindness are, accordSKIN haddiaplacement I ing to this theory, a lack of developtook Lydia E. Pink Indiment bevond the early stage of hams Vegetable la tbe care of btbye skin and hair, vidual life Strand Magazine. Compound and now I am stout, well and Cutlcura Soap Is tbe mothers fahealthy. I can do all my own work and Not only Is It unrivaled In vorite. can walk to town and back and not get The Leaser of Two Evils. purity and refreshing fragrance, but A gentleman from the north was entired. I would not give your Vegetable Its gentle emollieL. properties are for all the rest ot tbs media bunt excitement of bear the Compound joying usually sufficient to allay minor irriIn Mississippi. The bear was cine in ths world. I tried doctors medtations, remove redness, roughness down Mrs. and chafing, aoothe aeneltlve condl- - i surrounded In a small cane thicket icines and they did me no good. MART EAM.EWIWK, R.F.D. No. Utica,, out could not The the bear get dogs ttona, and promote akin and hair health generally. Assisted by Cuti-cur- a and tbe planter who was at the bead Ohla Another Case. Ointment, It la moat valuable In of the hunt called to one of the I wss bothered for ted tbe treatment of eczemas, raahea and Nebo, H "Sum. go In there and get tbe bear with female troubles and tbs doo-to- ra stber Itching, burning Infantile erupyean did not help me. I was ao weak and tions. Cutlcura Soap wears to a wafer, out The negro hesitated for a moment nervous that I could not do sften outlasting several cakes of ordimy work A few and every month I had to spend a few nary soap and making Us use moat and then plunged Into the cane. moments after the negro, the bear and days in bed. I read so many letten about economical. Cuticnra Soap and Ointment sold the dogs were rolling upon the ground Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound curing female troubles that I got tbroughont the world. 8ample of each outside After the hunt was over tbe visitor abottleofit It did me more good thus Skin Book. Address tree, with 32-said to the ntgro. poet-car-d anything else I ever took and now it has Cutlcura, Dept L. Boston. "Were you not afraid to go into that cured me. I feel better than I hav Adv. thicket with that bear?" for yean and tell everybody what tb Vacillating. "Cap'n, replied the negro. "It wus Compound baa done forme. I believe I Al a dinner not long ago Thomas jest dis way I neb her had met dat would not be living y but forW. Lawson was talking on the sub- bar, but 1 wus puaaoually 'qualnted th at Mr. Bsrna Grrsnstrixt, wid old boss, and I jea' naturally tuck Nebo, Illinois. ject of success. Success in Finance, said Lawson, dat b'ar." "is due in a great measure to prompt action. The doubting, hesitating, HamInfant Hygiene at School. let type of man had best keep out of Out In Cleveland 17 trained nurses He is quite sure to be are now finance. giving lesaona In Infant hy- Cm quickly be overcome by Tbe street hasn't much giene to the girl pupils swamped. attending 15 CARTERS LITTLE use for him. 1 had a boyhood friend public sc boo Is. it is .reported that the UVER PILLS. f this type named Grimes. He was girls have shown an Intense and dea falterer, a doubter, a Hamlet of the Purely vegetable lighted Interest In. tb e J eaeofiL-Absoc- bj most exaggerated type. CARTDS tbs to relates all that eagerly lng One evening I stopped to call on of of kind This x babies. proper care him and found him in a deep study, Instruction In the public schools repreover white s on bent waistcoat, lying sents something more and better than a table. tbe activity of faddists. America, like Hello, Grimes I said 'UTtuCa the other countries, has a very large innean and Indigestion. They do their duty. T matter fant death rate. Thousands of Infanta "This waistcoat, he replied, bold- die annually because they have not re- SMALL PILL, SMAU DOSE, SMALL niCK, Genuine must bear Signature ing tbe garment up to my view, it's ceived proper care. It Is easily contoo dirty to wear and not dirty ceivable that the of proper training I enougb to send to the laundry. girls might save tbe lives of many do to what about it' dont know babies Everybody's. DAISY FLT KILLER Foolish Cannon of 8olld Rock. No comfort for the living or tbe natal, immiayU , ititi When the Island ot Malta was under dead can be won from vain tbe rule of tbe Knights of SL John No consolation can be MW,1eleW Hf Ml M Ml V, they defended their fortifications with gained while you nurse tbe Imagining In cannon bored the living rock. Each that a certain trouble nffght have been innnini 11 i Peeler one of these strange weapons con- avoided. .What we have to do is to tained an entire barrel of powder, and try to escape from other troubles that RASOI MMU, M NUk as it was not possible to vary tbe aim are truly avoidable troubles of a of these cannon 50 were made ready, useless remorse, a present neglect, a facing various directions from which listless apathy that will not reach the enemy might approach. forth for tbe good things still to be When the fame of these arms of de- gathered. Exchange. fense became known to the world tbe idea was taken up of transporting Effort Wasted. HOWARD E. RURT01 rocks to summit to serve tbe same What makes me really mad." said Mtm- - UoM, SOTOT. Vmt. Si! purpose, but it waa soon recognized to the woman, is to spend minutes, may- SilTr, Uc: doU, Ms; Zim m (L lUlUae Bmrrtmss M4 (all pritm Uat Wat aeeHBatia. be impracticable, and tbe cannon of be aa4 Ooauul bo ltd 14. voft bold to of aaplra white a hours, trying get 13uL Hal Malta, bored In solid rock, have hair that shows up on my head like passed into history as tbe sole wea- a dazzling light, yet which is tantallz-lnglpons of the kind ever know n Harelusive when 1 try to catch it, per's Weekely. and then when I do finally separate JOHN UTHOMFHON HONS COTiy,N.X. it from the brown hair and give It a - to I Ready Thrift. find have that vigorous pull,Kirby Stone I bate to mention it, snatched out a good brown hair and TOOUSAND!rJlArK,fUt!C: B. , O IH.w,I,M8111bb.m.,iUi,IbbIbM dear, but I must tell you that business left the white one still shining! N rmrtuM'B formal rstrrmtutBa has been awfully poor lately. If you rutting or druga Hal. Bur, t to. food US could economise a little tn dresses Marrlaaa. HU Hlata Lawtgfoa. Haia. Just As Likely to Learn. wear something plainer. May 1 ask you how old your wife AgcatB Waat4 Rig mmailgglon Staple Mrs. Stone Certainly, dear. 1 shall is? ncedt-la horn. Sells Ilka wildfire Be H. H- -. Be jISa. (Welle Merit, Wadk. jrder some plainer dresses tomorrow. Certainly; you may ask her, too, If Puck. W. N. U, Salt Laka City, No. you wish. THE SENATOR MANY PERSONS COLOR BLIND j ' THIS WOMAN ' FOUND HEALTH j p to-da- The Wretchedness of Constipation m 8SATJJSE es-- S Mll. lH ). iaM y oiiransss !. ar-tl- rlr 1 23-19- 13. ' Important to Moth ere DOUGLAS 7.t.00L.fl.PO .00 Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and see that jit Bean the 4t80 Signature of In Use For Over SoVeam Couldnt AND 6:00 8HOES Children Cry for Fletcher'i Caatoria FOR MEN AND WOMEN ttsrtors iitoes t womb 92.00. Be. tl Mmn t)OQ. Tbe largest awlur ef Mens X50 and 4.00 shoes bi tbe world. Ask roar dealer to skew yaw MM Doaglaa MJM, MM aed iSUdikaaB. Juet as good la etyla, at aad wear ae other make eoetlag tal.OO to S7 fce oaty differ la (ho price, fckeee la to soft ovorybody, ledtkorg. etrle aad shape It yaa oaald visit W. L-- Doogtas large facto at He Brockton, Man., aad sea for haw earafaUy W. IU looolaa ghoaa oryoararlf aaado. weald them aadorstood why they ere warranted i St better, leak better, hold their wear aad shape laager L.than aay othar aeako for the prleo. If W. Poaglae sixes m not for sals la year stela from ths fartery and aae tb auddlemaa , no2 Shoes 'or BBBry anaihsrof ths fseillr. at all The barber waa not at all diplomats ic when he told my unclr be would bare to wear a wig. But a thing like that can only be a bald statement tbd 1 1 . KNOW $o The Reason. There Is a great deal of aiiap and about Jimsons business methods. How soT" He makes rat traps." Entertaining Literature. 1 wish I had a fairy tale to read. Heres the teed Catalogue. I I gi-- pride. Or TANK NO usmTUTi rated fosl, ensues frs Wrluhrlllotrsied will shoo yea bow to ordsr by aeU, I'elatec I eaa 'and msaay ea yoor toot - w. wby yea aa . u pocaui . f ' PUT NA M FA DE L E S S D YES Color store ood brighter red fatter colors thaa any ether dye. One 10c package colon an fibers. They Jy biroW water better tbsnnrrr other dee. How to lys. bleach and Mix Colors. MOWftQf DBPO dye aoy gsrrarwt arshoot npteog apart. W nta lor tree book costpady, QefeTjYr Tam BiWdMnftiMnMuwKi(MAifsaiwwtofBwuinvfcih.'rv-iH&t(- - |