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Show COALVILLE TIMES N. JACOB PETERSON, Editor tad I I TREATY Uutiw. COALVILLE UTAH M II OF SIGNED t ROOSEVELT LEAYI - ROOSEVELT COURTHOUSE FIGHT FATAL DUEL LOIIDOII Who Charged Colonel With Drunkenness Fined Six Cents Aftsr Making Retraction in Court Man numbering 181 Ogden have been signed up to teach la th rlty school during the term of 1915 STRUGGLE OF EIGHT MONTHS. tend 1911. A small viaitet sized cloudburst Ogden and vicinity on May 17. thi water overflowing the gutters in man) parts of the city. A severe hat storm visited North Ogden district on Wednesday, and it said to have done considerable dam age to garden truck. Trout fishing this year promises tc be exceedingly good, according to re ports received by the state fish ant game commissioner. Protesting that be stole to feed bit family, Charles Anderson, a resident of Provo, has been held to answei the charge of burglary. The people of Warren, Farr West and Plain City have started a ram palgn to awaken farmers in the thre districts to the fact that they are in electric line need of an Interurban Into Ogden City. Charged with having passed worth less checks in 8a! t Lake aggregating $100. R. W. Rice, 22 years of age Who' declares he has Influential frlendt in Kansas City, Mo., has been arrested in Salt Lake. Contract for the construction of tbs Penrose district school of Box Elder comity has been awarded to the Og den Planing Mill company on a bid ol to be finished $1,000. The school ey September let The annual camp of instruction ot the Utah national guard will be held July 20, when the battery, the signal corps, the infantry and such otbei martial men as Utah possesses will go to Heber City. On May 27. a hailstorm awept ovei the Provo Bench near the mouth ol Provo canyon and deatroyed mort than $15,000 worth of fruit The storm belt was about a mile wide and two mile long. Orders for .fifteen new motor ear of the . passenger type have been rail-d- . placed by the &a"t Lake A Utah and Lake Sait connect will which Paywon. The contract calls for delivery within six months. Goal .dealers probably will bring a teat ault against the Denver A Bio Grande to determine the constitutiondestination ality of tho law passed by the last legislature and which has just gone Into effect Tho case of the state against Alfred Reed holm, charged with having bou t wry.. Vr. Dora T. Jachettt with Point, during an alUh cation over the trespass of cattle, has been dismissed. The state bureau of Immigration, labor and statistic la taking stepa to call to tho attention of Utah landownband ot 207 prospective settlers er from Poland, who have sent advance requests at to where they can buy good land, and what the coat would be, John Molena, Italian, charged with assault with a deadly weapon on Sol-IoArgentos at Sait Lake, May 24, In which hit la alleged to have stabbed Argentoe In the beck during a argument over the peyment of n meal, has been hound over to the district court for trial. The final survey of the Green river Irrigation project has been accepted - by the secretary of the department of tho interior. Thte reclamation project la in eastern Utah and when completed will embrace enough acre-fee- t of water to reclaim about 265,000 acres ot land. After n conference between the state road commission and tho RlcJt county commissioner. It la decided that Rich county will have about $12,000 for roads this year, the money to be applied on tho road from the Wyoming line to Randolph and thence from . Randolph to Laketown. A petition signed by six business men of Ogden has been presented to the board of city commissioned s, pro testing against the use of the aid walks by fakers. The petitioners set forth that they consider the pavements and curbs of the city a part of tbeir plant tor doing business. The bureau of soils, U, 8. department of agriculture, haa resumed field work on the toll survey ot Cache val150 ley, of which approximately square pile remains to be surveyed. The survey Is being made for the purpose of determining the different types of soil in the area, and what crop they are best adapted to. Frank Carpenter, an employee at the JBeggs concentrator, at Park City, struck n match a he was looking Into n large tank of acid, which exploded, flying over Carpenters face and hands Fellow workmen rushed to hla assistance and put oil on hia burn. Me win not lose his eyesight, but will always bear scars on his face. On. hundred case of strawberries shipped to Ogden from outside points -Inwere destroyed by the sanitary spector. The top layers of tne Perries appeared to be all right, but the lower layers were found In most cases to - be rotten and covered with mold. Notice haa been received from Oregon to the effect that that state has stock or like prohibited nursery . things from entering Its boundaries from Utah or Wyoming when packed atraw-T-T..hai-nralfalfa weevil it attributed a the cause for the quar- aatine. Delegate Montenegrin Peace Terms, Dtclarmg gro Has Been Detpoiled Share of Triumphant Montane- of Just War. In the body of the girl were found two bullet wounds from the caliber revolver which was found by the mother, leading to the belief that the mother herself -- Inflicted the fatal wound upon the girl rather than have her remain unprotected In the world after she realized that both sne and her husband were dying. The bodies were found lying upon the floor of a bedroom In the home when Scott went to the Stanley ranch to visit Our photograph shows Colonel 2 nfvelt and friends leaving the court bouse at Marquette, where his libel Lit against Editor Newett of Ishpem- I ing was beard. POURS OIL OYER WIFE; BURNS HER TO DEAD DI10IIS SOUND NOTE OF Husband Who Accused Wife of faithfulness Subjects Her to Terrible Ordeal. 0'8 EGAN (LOW $0 Winnipeg Annie Zahrtuk, aged Is dead from burns sustained after kw osene oil had been poureu over Vi and set her clothing on fire. Her ha band, Stefan Zahrtuk Is accu of the crime and has been arrested, It is claimed that the burning of young woman Is in accordance will an old Galician custom. According k the police Zahrtuk accused his vff of unfaithfulness and to prove berk noeence she consented to the ord If she screamed it would be an knowledgment of her guilt. She M said to have borne the agth; in silence for some time and rushed out of bid home and called t assistance. She died a short tk later, after telling her story to 2 neighbors, who bad been attracted her criea for help. 1UII6 CHILDREN ALLY ADVISED TO GO IN MAKING RACE QUESTION AN ISSUE. Sndard Declares It Would'be Mlafor-pof First Magnitude If the Ne- e gotiations Left Behind Feelings of Exasperation on Either Side. l London. In an editorial on the Cab bpla situation the Standard advises pan to deal with the question as a (rely business matter, rather than (Import into It sentiments of offend-- i racial and national pride As the allies ot Japan and the firm lends of the United States the Brit-people would deem It a mlafor ne of the first magnitude if the left behind feelings of on either side, it says. The Standard proceeds to show that e occidental woMd la Interested Id w larger aspects of the! question ised by the California land law. In SllshoOybla. no Jess thap In over terms, the senate on ftflayf,1 leetmg against the settlement ot Japanese and Chinese' 1 strong, adopted a resolution Instructing the own has 'Its iastrallaa democracy the to committee judiciary lnvestlgw on views decided the very subject d oharge that a lobby la being mahtain-eInIn Washington or elseahere !)Jn oven If the danger of a Japanese not vasion Is great. wit fluence pending legislation, p But the paperf adds, the precedent tlcular emphasis on the Undew tariff bill now before the comritte of unrestricted admission would be China dangerous should awakening It was an Indirect response to thegu lie statement made by President Yl demand the same privileges, because son that an insidious lobby with Ita- t Chinese la a most efficient machine and haa learned through a grim strug-glly of money was operating again for existence In hie own tariff bU. country the secret of subsist-taPresident Wilson, In his talk ftth on a minimum. newepaer correspondents, deckred ho was In sympathy with the proposed Racer Crashes Into Fence. Investigation and would be glad to furnish the names of the lobbyists Ogden- Utah. In the presence ol ban 2,000 people, Augustus to whom he referred if public nece- nor He added that If a Daniel Roman of Rlverdale, riding at ssity required " miles an hour In senate committee were charged with I rate of seventy-fivrace at the fair the Investigation it would have ample the motorcycle power to obtain information. groan ds on Decoration day, lost control of hia machine and dashed Into Hermooillo Surrenders. the fence on one of the torhs in the course, receiving Injuries Eagle Pass, Jesus G. Hermooillo, half-mprominently connected with the con- from which- - be died ten minutes later, stitutionalist cause, voluntarily eras- vhUe being taken to a hospital. ed the border to this place from MeDisaster Dua to Decayed Girders. diae Negras Friday and surrendered to the United State authorities ahen Long Beach, Cal. The collapse ol he learned that a warrant had been on girder, originally too slender to issued charging him with violating the bar the burdens Intended tor R, and which had almost rotted away, caused neutrality laws. He gave bond. a the wrecking of the municipal Death Stalks at Veteran Pared Its loss with last Saturday pier Chattanooga, Tenn. The closing afaearly forty lives. This was the exof reunion week of the planation given "by, the board of three United Confederate Veterans here experts, appointed to investigate the Friday were saddened by the deaths disaster. In lu official report to the of three aged soldiers, whose strength coroners Jury. had been overtaxed by the demands Bandits Get Pay Roll. put upon It In the parade in the afternoon. La Salle. Ill Four masked ban-g- it held np a party carrying the Tillmans War on Smoker. pay roll of the Illinois Washington. Senator Tillman, who glue company, - five miles southeast propose:! to abolish smoking in execuhere Friday,' killing one man and tive sessions of the senate to protect wounding three others. F. D. Richhis own health, has Bent a letter to mond, engineer of the xlhc each member of the cabinet asking company, one of the wounded, saved them to prohibit smoking in their rea wild dash ihe $6,000 pay roll by spective departments Bder fire. The robbers escaped. ti m 'Air representatives of the Cuban republic and others took part In the exercises. New York, A military parade along Fifth avenue preceded the ceremonies at the monument DRIVE . STOCK 2 ACROSS LINE. Alberta Homesteaders and Indians Blamed for Roundup by Owners. Lethbridge, Alberta. Three thousand head of cattle and horse belonging to several large atockralsers operating south of McGrath, Alberta, were rounded up and driven across the border into Montana, according to reports to the mounted police here. with whom the Homesteaders, stockralsers have been In trouble for some time, and Indiana who are indignant because two of their number recently were sentenced for borse stealing, are accused by the stock-raiser- s and an Investigation is being made. Repudiates Confession of Murder. Missoula. Mont. Frank Diamond, who was arrested at Plains, Mont., is the result of his alleged confession ot the murder of former Governor Thomas Francis Meagher of Mon-an- a and others, haa repudiated bis ' confession. Golf Ball Blinds Child. Kansas City, Mo. Aa a result ot whittling a golf ball until It exploded, throwing its acid contents into hla .ace. Jack Heflin, 13 years old, lost the sight of his left eye, and physicians aay he probably will become blind. y Parachute Jumper Has Close Call. - New York. Falling 400 feet from xn aero pane Friday, Arthur Lampham, a youthful parachute jumper, landed feet first In a Staten la'and marsh and buried to hla neck in the hiud With rope and obards he was extricated, and will recover. Lay Blame on Mititents. London. An attempt was made Friday to set fire to the Brttsh Royal academy. Although the usual "votes for women" placards were not found, the police suspect the militant suffr- age. Tallyho Plunges Over Embankment. Denver. Colo. A talyho In which were forty persons was hurled down a fifty-foembankment at Mount Morrison park, near here, on Friday. Thirty persona are reported injured, many seriously. ha. j ! wife. Monument In New York Dedicated to Men Who Lost Their Lives. New York. In memory of the 261 officer and men who were lost with the battleship Maine In Havana harbor fifteen year ago, the National Maine monument was dedicated here ou May 30. From a dozen American warships, units of the Atlantic fleet at anchor In the Hudson river, a salute of 253 guns echoed from the Palisade es the veil was swept aside that revealed the country' tribute a pylon forty feet high, that eland In Central park overlooking Columbus circle. LOBBY PROBE ORDERED. Noted cKlena spoke words of praise war with for the dead heroes of the Committee to Investigate Mean U, Spain and for those who live. Former j to influence Legislation,, President Taft, .the secretary pf the wvrwiiWwweiiu Mich. Colonel Theo Marquette, dore Roosevelt won his lioel suit Newett, who George A. against charged the colonel with drunkenness. and having waived damages after the defendant had uttered a retraction, the jury awarded the nominal damages of 6 cents provided in such cases by the law of Mtcnigan. Each party to the suit will have to The trial pay his own expenses. ended Saturday. the Instructed Judge Flannlgan jury to bring In a verdict for the plaintiff, which they did without leaving their seata. The colonel left for Chicago anu' the east at 5:30 o'clock than two Saturday evening, less houra after the conclusion of the case. After hearing Mi--. Newetta retraction of hia charge. Colonel Roosevelt m&de the following statement to the court: "Your honor, in view of the statement of the defendant I ask the court to instruct the jury that I desire only nominal damages. I did not go into this case for money. I did not go into it for any vindicative purpose. I went into it, and as the court said, I made my reputation an issue, because I wished once for all during my lifetime, thoroughly- - and comprehensively, to deal with these slanders so that never again will it be possible for any man in good faith to repeat them. I have accomt plished my purpose and I am Greeley. Colo. In a duel between Robert Stanley and his wife, wnich occurred at their ranch home sixty miles northeast of here Sunday, the entire Stanley family was killed, according to information telephoned the coroner by Charles Scott, a neighbor. The body of the young daughter ot the family was found by the bide of her father, and revolvers were found lying at the sides ot husband and THE MAINE. REMEMBER n -. Daughter Also Killed, Fatal Shot Being Fired by Mother, Rather Than Leave Girl Alone and Unprotected in the World. Denounces I ondun - The eight months' war between Turkey and the allied Balkan states .is elided. The "Peace of London" was signed on Saturday, May 30, in the picture gallery of St. James palace. Sir Edward (!rey, th British for elgn secretary, presided over tne formalities. The following peace delegates signed the preliminary treaty: Osman Nlxaml Pasha for Turkey, Dr Daneff for Bulgaria, Stejan Novako-vltcfor Bervia, Stephanos Skoloudls for Greece, and M Popovltch for Montenegro. The only dramatic feature of the historic occasion was M. Popovitch's expression of keen disappointment that Montenero had "lieen despotic 1 of her just share of the spoils pf a triumphant war," and of the hope tbet "England, which took the lead In the spoliation. would take every step to compensate Montenegro for her sacrifice. The Bulgarian delegate proposed that peace become Immediately efof the fective without ratification was rejected The proposal treaty. and the delegates again left after agreeing to meet June 2 to consider the advisability if an eventual annexed protocol. coal-weig- ht - HU8BAND AND WIFE ENGAGE IN BATTLE AT HOME WHICH IN DEATH OF BOTH. BETWEEN BALKANS AND AFTER ENOS TURKS THE WAR teacher SU.T A6AINST MICHIGAN EDITOR r UTAH STATE NEWS ' WINS s e over-pop-slat- - e il audl-turio- cere-moule- a y vil School Children Frostrated by t says It's Up to China Heat Dee Moines. Iowa Edward Grey London. Sir Fifty school children. taking part In the anuual athin the house of commons letic exhibition of the Des Moines faesday that Great Britain was ready grades, wxre prostrated by the heat recognise the Chinese government Friday and only heroic emergency tfsoon a China Trad agreed to maintwork prevented, several deaths. ain the existing treaties. OeOro Wins Championship. Woman May Recover, San Francisco -- Alfred DeOro won gloux City. S. D Mrs. Mae Evans, the billiard champion- aha la supposed to have shot and kill-- , ship of the world from John Horgan R. L. Moore of South Dakota in the concluding game of a Jrricultural college staff and then series here Friday night for the twice Monday evening. In herself hot Lambert diamond trophy house here, may recover. rooming I ' Police Absolved From Blame. f Art Gallery to he Thrown Open. Massacre Mussulman. Washington. Superintendent . Salonlca. SylYork. The art treasures cok A dispatch from a trustvester and the Washington police are worthy source ted by the late' J. P. Morgan are to says that the Bulgarian nbsolved from blame for dlaordera troops have placed on view for the America! destroyed the village ot K?vnc ar three-cushio- n TiTch'ttendedYhlg"wbraad'"kuL' HidjrrbpTWeefiaTohTcTnll here on - Spxre( March 3. by and have massacred frage pageant thejdussulman the import of the senate committee. population a announced Metro noil tan Muaenm of Art -u OF FLAMES. Wore Sleeping on Hayetack In Open Barn When Fir Started. Utah Lillian Dawson Ogden, aged 13, was burned to death and her younger Bister Hortense was sq baddied the she ly burned "that next day, In a fire that destroyed the barns and outhouses on the Dawson farm, ten miles from Ogden, Saturday night William Dawson, an uncle of the girls, wad severely burned about the face and hands while rescuing Hortense and attempting to get Lillian. William Dawson, Lillian, Hortense, Beatrice, 11 years old, and James, 10 years old, were sleeping on the haystack in the open barn when the fire started In some mysterious manner. con-ten- SENATOR BRADY WINS BRIDE. Romance of Idaho Senator Culminates Happily in Chicago. Senator Chicago. United States James H. Brady of Idaho and Miss Irene Moore, daughter of Mrs. George M. Moore of this city. Were- married Saturday evening, May 31, at 7 o'clock at the home of the bride's cousin, Arthur L Moore, Ravipe URGES CURRENCY LEGISLATION. President Favors Action During ent 8esion of Congress. Pres- Washington. Senator Tillman on Saturday made piftllc a letter from President Wilson it which the president- SsdtrcS-- tor 1 swrrenry - legislation at the present session of con. gress. In that portion; of the letter referring to currency, the president wrote: Xhls Is the time to pass cur rency legislation and I think we are In & sense bound In loyalty to the country to pass, it so that any attempt to create artificial disturbances after the tariff shall have become law may be offset by a free system if credit which will make It possible for men, big or little, to take care of themselves In business." SENATOR JAMES H. BRADY. drive. Highland Park, a Chicago suburb. Rev. Calvin R. Dobson of to be Distributed the Federal Fund Presbyterian church of Highland Among National Banka. Park officiated. Miss Moore attended the Chicago Washington. Secretary McAdoo announced Sunday the distribution by tnlver8ity for three years, and states of the additional $10,000,000 of later graduated from the University federal funds which the treasury de- of California After the ceremony the couple partment will deposit in the national left for Washington, and will be at banks. Of the 559 active depositary banks home after June 15 at 1700 Rhode bn May 1. when the secretary Issued Island avenue. bis Interest order, Mr. McAdoo said Former Senator Dead. July seven have declined to pay the Former Detroit. Mich. United interest charge and ceased to be government depositaries, surrendering States Senator Thomas Vfttherell .heir federal funds to the treasury. Palmer of Detroit died Sunday after a long Illness. He was elected to the United States senate in 1S83, and Smuggling Plot Unearthed. Phil k lphla. A sensational series after serving one , term, he was apjf smuggling plots by which sixteen pointed United States minister, to and business Spain. Philadelphia bankers men have swindled the government Cnicago Bars Smutty Songs. ut of more than a million dollars in Chioago Chicago officially put a the iutles during past eight years las been disclosed by the investiga- ban on the smutty songs on Saturday tion now being made by Harry N. when an amendment to the ordinances Arnold, special assistant to Attorney went into effect prohibiting all public acts of indecency or suggestive song general McReynolds. Provides for Direct Election. To Aid Vocational Education. In the presence of a Washington. a of Washington. Appointment notable company. Secretary Bryan on ximmisslon of nine to study plans for be formal announcef Saturday signed to of aid federal vocational system i ment of the seventeenth amendment education was indorsed Saturday by the senate committee on education to the constitution providing for the direct ejection of senators xnd labor. Grasshoppers In Kansas. Wll Probe Strike Conditions. Kansas In a bulletin Manhattan, Consideration of Washington. liana for the senate probe of condl-.lon- e Issued here the Kansas Agricultural in the strike zone of the West college haa warned the fanners of Kansas that the grasshoppers are .te-l- y Virginia coaL fields was begun Satur-lato cause serious damage in this eduon senate committee the by state this year. ction and labor. Wheat Crop Has Setback Trainmen to Meet Trienially. Wichita, Kansas Wheat growers in San Francisco. Conventions of the southern Kansas and grain buyers in trother'booL ot Railway Trainmen this -city estimate thet tbe growlng hereafter will be held trienntatfy, has been set back already 25 wheat of every two years, as he has yeen the custom. This decision was per cent by the hot and dry weather the past week. cached by the convention Saturday. " i Aviation Claims Anothsr Victim. Fortjr-alne- r' Diet. OhdcagcA vlaition claimed smother N. Y. William G. Watertown. victim Saturday, when James Colovan, fohnston, a California "forty nlner ong In business in Pittsburg, and JL young flyer, was killed by the overBANK8 GET TEN MILLION. y . in. wa.wrreftgemenro-h.vv4,nr-.thaat..lwfntje- completed, it Is VICTIMS t hl,1blan.,yhn t a,wealtby l ent of this city, died late Sunday eutalde the flying field. hla home, aged SO j -- |