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Show INTEIfTS OF DEVOTED TO THE THE PEOPLES ADVERTISER. VOL XX inAftfJUNE COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUNTY 6, JOB WORK NEATLY DONE 1913 NO. 23 HlDfused notice V M,U)r Mrs. J, A. Wright of Wahratch, Is blue and. (he doee Is very easy 4 them; new Velle a Just take. buggy style visiting relatives here. Yes the buggy you tee dii,t tueoLtor. For Mr. Wui. B. Clark of Logan, is make. C. W. A M. Co. Adv.s tllBIl bv tile u imc of, t ( i ill f John Briue, who nfuvj t. taU , visiting relatives hefe. u.installed I Weeper out of the The Coalville b1 FOUND--Pai- r of spectacles. Own- fire v o in the rear of the store liant it longer moii, vw,at j hydrant er call at this office. Adv. g for fire protection. Other fire pro i Jthe matter. I pon m n 0t booK LOST--Pai- r of spectacles between tectioi: is contemplated, not onl, tu ,j th.it' t tp.o! i, Court house end Ball corner, return for their own protection bnt forth! J' was slim t 4iTr as a lllftttei of c, (i Mr. Beard to J. S. Hall Reward. Adv. Us figure! well, epr nelgbtysas M pw ugo bis in that lUto evenings protecting neighbors on R One soirel uorse branded G and John ' no I...!,, ie likewise protecting hie own iutsr- - j" 10, rigid noiilJer. Has been on the ests. ll I". ig jUd end and clear in th it New house ranch since fallSf 1912 1 vme'Jesue ' . Paid It Ml he tievt Owner cad have same by paying on him reduction all hata ent Big speeb receipt n full feed bill. R, E. Stingiey..-Ad- v. for one week. Ctiibuens white Rei' bie pardon for not ko .ing h, na hats. Beautiful summer dreaf for 4ade Inn ,1, arrangement has of Salt Win E. Mr. Lake, ward, if goods at cost for cash.. M R. Baiun t Vig that manner - Kxi lui ge. as soda a dispensposition accepted Adv. , er at the Bov den fountain.- - He is an THE TOWN OF NO GOOD r uuintx a has and in bis line, Mr. sud Mrs L. . Eldredge left lafi expert ' y evening for Salt Lake City, where tke I id friends, have yoft (u ard of the of new drinks up his sleeve. om are to make their home. Mr. No Good, on tbebauks of the Dont say Everybody's doing it" will return Sunday, however, Eldrcdg4 and ft, Lv Slow, a here the nr other but say The 2 Jims are doing it" msm in Price month ofee the the and the sofl air dunng (loeuMes ask Andy, you have seen his broad June is It lies in the valley of Whats up (hle buaineas af jjro smile, well he saw the Times (? and fairs here.settleing Pries Advocate. in tlie jirovince of I.et her ulule. ' I t ' and now has a new harness. Adv. ,W004KHK40004KHHKH000004 are-Ve- il u. i j -- TOLD IH BRIEF Co-o- The - p' War Cost of u-,- ( mvo-ti- Miss , Dell Neeley, of Salt is visiting here. LOSTBunch tus office. Adv. of ktys. return lo Watch for the new serial story, euse Me. It is a good one. Xr Kx i -- Good parlor organ Apply Times oflie. FOR SALE Two fresh tnileh tom. Applv George Daniels, Hoyts Ulej Utah. Ad. .14 I Some-lur- e i Miss Hose Piper, of Alberta Canada, is a home guest of Mrs. T. L. " Allen. - . H r its la FriElder Morgan past sixteen years, tbs American Flaif field the mission in from the Association reminds yoe that Ssturdu. agency for the Bulck autoinible in day where be has spent Juno U, 1913, will be tbe 130th enni Southern States, this vicinity. of the stars and stripes, rs the pasttwenty-si- x months. Morgan versary of our country. The puoUe vecot, be is back and gladfto Mr. and Mrs. Leo Knopp are here is looking fine nition of Flag Pay as a national sum with relatives and friends versary, eaeh year here Mrs. Mr. and becoming more anv her pareuts, visiting more general, would seem to make nn again. W. H. Branch. ed Rees-return- -- J. N. Jensen has taken the Say Boys wake np? dont let the Rock port boys get all tbelie w Velle buggies. Theres one here for you and your Jims just ess the Mrs. J. R. Haucock and children trouble, are over. They put out th bugglee and harness that you of Park City, are visiting at buL L. of Beech. home T. treJ u rlRbt.Ade. ; A sanitary drinking founka nae Mlss lnes Rbead has returned been Installed at the corner of the from Riverton Utah, where she has Relief society hall.Tbls is one of the been teaching th past winter. thing that are very welOoine to the publie at large, especially the email 'Mr. isnd Mrs. George Beard, were boy, a ho is always thirsty, aspect-allSalt Lakr' visitor In latteg part when there 1sno water in eight. t. Of last week, returning Monday., ' r o V ' t f f t j FR SALE X. have for sale four k Commissioner J Grade Jersey Cows. Good family gfntls, and rngd in- age from 'Rack, of Katnae was 'Jn the county oows, . 8 year. Ret von for sailing, seat on business the forej art o,L (he have more than if can pasture. Vf x, Tj Prices reasonable. Come and make , t week "! thet - -- Eg-Coun- ty - a-t- . litt custom for flu necessary any reminder to secure yon I pos cooperation if securing the widest aibls observanee this yaw. t ' , , j j"-Ie- CX - r- iXHKXHKKKKHXKOOtXi . j j ROLLER NOTICES No high school election was fieh last Tuesday oa hceount of tbe clsion of the Supreme chart ratify ;! Ing the Action of our county. on April 0th last, iu North and Bouth high creating. school district. Today members oi tk Nortb high school district met and organised with tne following officers: T. J, Lewis, president; A, R. tv Banner, Jones,, d. EKOOOOOOoeoottoo! CXCIH i45 ed k eersury ; J. B. Ball, treasurer, ' r . ' , proof-le'-b- 5 many a man is hard to satisfy he wants is balr restorer v HU restore. , T! Auto hits epuplain that many people do not know the rules f passing on the public highs ay, which s;t to cause accidents. Always turn to th no matter 'Ybetlier yon meet a ; er wi-to let one pass from t ih; , ' Have you ;seentthe new two ar spd a half gold peicef .On 'one siJe is the eagle atasdingf WitV wi;. "f dd4 n and on the 'reverse eid is ' rar .is'.ore-- w scefnTMrtf pieveyf-ycoin is milled, while the rims of other gold coins are stars and letters; rht, is i taking, the T Miss It m t'Ktiuiated there that during the last iikt fortv win among tbe nviiired races; that irf these wars more than twelve bil lion dolhirs were expimled and five mil lion men killed A few ot these weie the rimlt of commercial differences, but of bite war the rapid growth of com ifieree la. given use to the dangers of an armed conflict. The great na tions of the woild aie grappling for commercial, siipremaev . It will not be heard to convince men that war thus becomes a struggle for existence. Kven now the newspapers and maga Sines are full of rcfKiits of wars, revolu tions, rebellions and labor troubles. The Chinese Republic, whose existence is the product of revolutions, can nut get recognition from the other nations of the world and is trying to borrow money to build ships and equip armies that they nay take their place among their neighboring nations. For the late Jaaiiee war the government allowed '9(1,000,000 for war purpose including 20,000,000 as a ape cisl reserve. Of the whole amount 230,000,000 will be lairrowed, 135,000,-00will b obtained from increased revenue, and the remainder from turplus revenue. In the Philippine Islands politicians are trying to fan into life the smouldering revolutionary spirit. The Turkish nation bee been brought almost to finan rial ruin by the ravages of war, which they have jnflicted upon the Christian people and which is now being visited ppoetbem .by tbciryneighltore on the Balkan Peninsula, Greece no sooner got through (fighting with Italy a yoar e ntim were something 0 e are flattery undertaker gets thru with 11 1 Ji hired girl problem is getting married, I women ,11 vice-preside- y , aoeordanee with UAlie home of the rechlex I dor 't t$where the Give it up abide. The as old as the human race, and t flag with the flight of years, it ig in the fog of the idlers retts; its streets are paved with schemes and are sprinkled houseless tears. New York Press. by li hi at present, not. gaged ia v ' ' the city waterworks system have ered from her war with Greece and is for never this mind Got the Blues? Will Thai tl.50 will buy paper been made by the engineer, Edward not enjoying peace because she is fear Bulletins with reference to parcel t whole .year. H. Rhead. Also a map allowing the dont Ixither Doc. just go and see ful of her interests being injured by ' the "2 Jims" its a sure' oure for post package have been issued by tbe pips line and works. the present uprising ia Southern Eu- department and eent to all postmasters, eautiouing them that stove eastings, plow points, pieces of machinery, etc., should be well wrapped to prevent damage to mail end equipment by their sharp points smd rough edges. Clothing, dry goods, shoes, etc., should be so put up as to reach the destination in unbroken packages, as when wrappers are broken the contents are liable to be soiled and damaged. (mstoffiee JUST RECEIVED-Anoth- er large ship- -' ment of Pattern Hats in all the newest designs. Prices to suit all Mrs. M. E. Rhoades, MILLINER Phon 41 Blk. sur.etswtitsteteteiiwewtititseetatititieiieWMtieseetwuwstitwawsww i For Successful On Decoration day a splendid program was rendered at the Stake house, beginning at 11 a. in. Wm. Weaver Chaplain Congregation Song "America Piano Solo Lillian Robinson Addrete Mayor Frank Plngres Duet Mrr. Judith Beard and J. A. Astin P. H. Neelejr Oration..... Male Quartet F. Carruth and others Prayer By Cbaplain Postmaster David Moore, of Cast ler..cK, was in the eounty seat Among other positions held by Mr. Moore at that point is weather director, but on account of business being slack in that line, he hat tendered his resignation. He complained that he had ordered rain on several different occasions during the past few months but hss failed to receive the goods. He lays the long dry spell to the fact list Ih weather director in Washington and the one in bait Lake, whom he list to order thru are out of harmony the one a democrat and the other a republican. Do you blame him for quitting his job? vee-terda-y. Catches get your I war recov- That 4 homo is complete ritiiout -- ft Luella Clayton. Eighth eooooooooooaowo XHixooooocKXHoooooooooooooooKoHaou I -- Written Essay Grade, Coalville Public Schools, '1 v tlg Mr.F.AIlen.of Nilt Lake, is a guest Mr. Prize . 1 at the home of E. H. Knead. TO TRADE tor milch cow. 11 , Time,"' rope. Portugal became a republic after an internal war of some length, and Hpnia is on the verge of civil war at the present time. Kngland, Germany, Frame mid Russia are not at war, lint are sjieuding millions of dollaVa annually for jHinder ous battleships, smokeless powder, noiseless guns and areoplaues and other equipments of war. bine tie countries of South America became few independent republics, years have passed that they have not been in some kind of trouble. Mexico is in a revolutionary -T- od-iy condition. What la to be gained f VYha is the coatf What ia the result of alt tbia uneasiness? These questions may be answered together by saying that the war appropriationa of today exceed those for education, charityerjnternal improvements In money, the United State paid out during the eiviL war for other purposes than ita ordinary eivii expenses the confederacy probably spent l,500,00t),000 measured ia gold. As for property, no free territory wan invaded except Pennsylvania and Ohio for a few day; and the destruction x Northern merchant veaaels amounted to tS.CCi,-000,00- t only 120,000.000. Those figures, great as they seem, tike no consideration ef the millions of i dollar worth nf property - destroyed during the war, nor the loss, coat by tbe cheek of production during tbe four years of th conquest- - ; The ,total cost to both sections doubtless amounted to; at least sin billion dollars, a el tf dividedfamong the families th-' whole tmintry In 160 would have given Sum-whi- fur month suapnod.Td, tn crop-wanearly a dead loss. The whole south was commercially ruined- - s , A ( ftontinoed on page 8 ) oooocwooooHooe9ceooooo09OO0ooo00CHrooe0ooa0CH9g Tbat all in this neck of the woods doulltake the hint-- ' u V - , Another Assortment., r of.... PROPER REST FOR CHILDREN tervoue Youngsters Sheuld Be Kept . Free From Excitomont and , . Should Sloop bong. ' ..Trimmed Hats.. Mothers' should norer forget that nervous children require more rest than do those who are, beyond doubt, vrmal and healthy. Not phly should nervous children deep longer at night, but they should te trained, if they do not do so to taka a nap In the middle of the day, or as soon after dinner as f i 5 The Very Latest Ideas ! I MARGARET R. SALMON 4 nat-trail- poQOoooewoooooo0ooo0oooooo490eO4MftO0eeooO4o0oa possible. People who live in cities, where the Kiss often prevents babies and children from sleeping in the day time, f vfll overcome this annoyance by a place in the back part of tbe house where the noise of the street sill not reach the ears of the little ones; sometimes It is mors quiet in the middle rooms of a flat, and many Bothers find that their children .can teat if they are not disturbed. The window should be darkened sithout shutting out tbe air, and a pod screen is a great help, if placed bout the crib or bed on 'Which the flx-Is- is to child be. Nervous children should not be takes to places of amusement w ben they vfll become excited; plsy in tbe open sir. during the day Is quite sufficient tor both body and mind, and late hours sill only increase tbe 'trouble and Wrhsps bring on a more serious con- SendTor liberty its FREE b Acres and Liberty await you at Trenton, Utah, on the main line of n miles north of Ogden in the heart the Oregon Short Line, only dition. Rear conn River of the famous Valley apple district. Five acres of bearing Several delegates will leave this ty Saturday or Sunday to attend the Unnecessary WorCy. orchard with truck, cows, poultry and bees will makeyou absolutely indeFourth Annual Convention of the Inter of human nature in the fashStudy mountain Good Roads Association vs ionable barber ahopa leads me to pendent in a few years. The book 5 Acres and liberty Ehov " fifty-seve- - BoiseJ Idaho, which convenes Tuesday, think that is declining Wednesday and Thursday of next week, id Newark philosopher. "At the ia thou it expected that at least one jitorbilt hotel the other day I had sand delegates will be present. Some of the-- best road experts in the y hair trimmed by a barber who wintry will be present to tell the dele- teemed to be an exceptionally fine gate how and why to build better eedmen of manhood. He discussed roads. Every county will be benefited the tariff as Intelligently as a man of by the meeting assures President J, tlfsir might have done. He talked A. Hendrickson of Logan, and the trtlll&ntly about plays and analysed county that fails to send delegates sill Be political situation in words that be sorry, because it means better roads would reflect a the one way out self-respe- at We Keep the Best and Always Hare; It -- i - - 4a4,KHaVtfa4 . - asssaseeMeeMe4arii4 the right road to success and true happiness. Provide for the future connow, by securing five acres of orchard at Trenton. Every absolute water soil of and best ample dition favorable to success moderate and ten years FREE prices five maintenance; years rights and good markets; liberal assistance easy terms; close to good town to actual settlers and in fact every feature that you could desire. this very minute. It may be the turning Send for the book life. whole in point your credit upon college frofessor. Evidently he was a 'man if honor, and I hesitated to offend his elf respect by offering him a tip. But Be tipping custom Is chronle now, t I held out n dime, and my splen-I- INTER-MOUNTAImanspecimen of Advertiser in this paper are making hood accepted it without 2051 batting as 8 excepticwal bargain in this issue. Read News. F -r- them eve' carefully. and general advancement to every com , , mnnity. Mueh entertainment has been planned by the Boise Commercial Club. Tbe re dueed rate on all railroad go into of feet on Saturday, to-d- ay REALTY COMPANY d 0"--Newa- rk . N, TEMPLETON BUILDING, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH J - - f |