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Show Stiiisaieediis wma wes i | LV nited 8ι Deat Companyof Infantry Will Attempt | and "i ΠΠ Πο --- υ s Causes Two to Preserve Order at Fairbanks, Alaska, During Strike. is Outcome of Demand for Higher Wages and Shorter Hours, and Attempt to Operate Mines Independently of Western Trouble | | the ‘ pan floc at ] und ragon match | a iro mi Greek the | on ix igni the gliisonite | dust two men have of the The bodies th | —By direction of Washington recovered, and it is not be president, Acting Secretary Oliver on | not been as they lieved that they will ever be, Thursday ordered a company of in cremated are pr »bat fantry from Fort Gibbon, in Alaska ing held by the striking miners, that threats of violence flames seem thrown on the Water | to pre to Fairbanks, in that territory, 10 add to the fury of the fire, and there is no hope of , saving the mine ! way ‘ ; pes re : the. . 00 i men ἐν are in that eerve order during the mining strike | | Telegrams from Fair | in that section. ' banks to the attorney general state 1] that open air mass meetings are be | ent have m trying Wor king, ROW and| flames, but are meeting wits indiffer success There are 200 men Leaders Are . - ucson Four Ships be Built. fied Axserican at im attempt to the Extensive Speculeiion on Bourse of ᾿ Copenhagen and Tight Money kil Rosa Market the Cause. em- been | | ploy d in the mine made. rhe night shift of 103 men had just The distance from Fort Gibbon tc | the last of Fairbanks is 155 miles, and the troops 8°t out of the mine and them were but 100 yards distant when will be carried by sleds over th jan explosion occurred The miners route, which is said to be a very good rushed to the entrance, and there one. If there is urgent necessity for were two more explosions, more viothe presence of the soldiers at Fair Windows in the banks they can get there in four or lent than the first broken, five days. But under ordinary condi-|C@bins about the mine were and there was consternation in the tions the trip takes six or seven da camp Fairbanks is in the center of a min {ng country, with a population of 7 WANTS UNCLE SAM TO LEAD. 000 or 8,000. Persons in Washingt« familiar with the conditions existing Member of English Parliament Advoat Fairbanks say the trouble is the cates Use of Silver Bullion. type. the dynamite failed to ignite. Over the Prospes® Monarchy— Financial Crisis am import- ᾿ , Jubiiant of Downfall of mine, in Sonora, twenty miles south se of Douglas, was made recently, when Mexican employes placed sticks of The Appropriation Bill, as Agreedynamite under a boarding heuse, the There Has Been a Run on a Number Upon by the Committeemen, Car. ef Banks and Two Have company store and the foreman's and | Been ries $101,000,000 for the Naval superintendent's residences The Forced to Suspend Payment— the for Establishment fuses attached to the dynamite were | Government Will Aid Next Fiscal Year. timed for the explosions to follow Banks. each other in quick successivn. The| hour selected was during the evening | Washington.—By a vote of 13 to §,| meal, when all the American miners | Copenhagen.—A financial panic has one member absent and not voting, Were in the boarding house and the arisen here on account of a tight the house committee on naval affairs | foreman and the superintendent in | money market and extensive speculan Monday rejected the president's their respective residences tions on the bourse. Two small banks urgent recommendation that congress The first explosion was at the | have been affected and one of these It was demolished. | lorced to suspend authorize at this session the building boarding house. payment. There of four battleships at a total cost of Fifteen men eating, were blown |has been a run on several of the $58,000,000, and by a unanimeus vote through the roof, sustaining broken banks. The minister of finance on there was included in the navy ap- legs and arms, but there were no fa- | Sunday conferred with the officials of propriation bil an authorization for talities. The store was completely five of the principal banks here, and the construction of two, to cost $9, demolished. Tom Fagin, the foreman, | ft was decided that the governmen t, 500,000, each to be of the Delaware} and his wife were in their home, but in conjunction with the leading banks, two | morning Wednesday Utah Greeks W instal killed, and the mine, one f the richest of its kind .., μμ te |; in the ‘United Sta The explosion | the extent of $100,000. is believed, by one of | was caused Federation. N mendations of President That } ΑΞ | iM | | | malt Every in Sonora, Old Mexico House Committee Rejects Recom- | exp Attempt to K American at the Sante Rosa Mine, $100,000 Damage | | an | _,crand Junction, Colo—tn REPUBLICS "FINANCIAL ΠΗ PORTUGUESE. SAY THRONE IS TOTTERING HITS DENMARK UYHAMITE DUNK ROUSES WHILE MEN ARE EATING Mexican Miners in t = ant Factor. Lisbon.—The republican leaders in Portugal are in extremely high spirits They assert confidently that a republic is now a matter of months, not of years. One of the republican leaders is quoted as saying: “The end of the monarchy is near. It will! eome as unexpectedly as did the murder ot the king and the crown prince, and the world will wake up one morning to find a republic in Portugal. We are convinced that the revolution will be a peaceful one. It is a mistake for fcreigners to imagine that the people of Portugal are not awake. There is a republican organization in every town, and doctors, lawyers and even Village priests are sending in notices of their adherence by the score, and there are avowed republican officers ix the army “King Manuel is a well-intentioned boy. Hestarts his regime with fair The su- | Guarantee all the risks for the banks τοὶ op words and the restoration of political These representatives voted tn ac perintendent's office was demolished, | affected by placing the necessary liberty, but it is inevitable that he cordance with the president's recom-/ but he was out of the building and | funds at their disposal, which will im- | should fall into the hands of the ma mendations: Lilley, of Connecticut, escaped. old parties | mediately satisfy all the Danish and nipulators of the two (Republican); Thomas, Ohio, (Repub Gevernor Torres has been notified | loreign creditors whose bankruptcy was proclaimed by lican); Myer, Louisiana, (Democrat); and rurales under Commander Kos,| King Carlos and Premier Franco. The Talbott, Maryland, (Democrat); and} terlisky are already on the scene. | ROOSEVELT SAYS|CRITICS LIED. men about the throne knowthat the Hobson, Alabama, (Democrat), Eighteen Mexicans are under arrest | end is near, and when the time comes | Answers Statements Made Regarding that they realize that they cannot - Representative Hobson announged 4! the mine The attempt to destroy the Amer!lafter the committee meeting that he Use of Federal Patronage for Taft, fight they will surrender as did Dom intended to make a minority report CDs is believed to be the work = Washington.—President Roosevelt Pedro in Brazil. I don’t think a shot ‘recommending authorization for four sympathizers with the revolutionists on Sunday made answerto the recent will be fired. King Carlos knew he under arrest at Los Angeles, who be- | battleships He had prisoners are being perse- | public statements that he has made was making his last fight. lieve the The naval appropriation bill as cuted by Americans. to Tiere had been use of federal patronage to further transferred every dollar he had amended and agreed upon by the com no trouble at the mine previously, | the presidential interests of Secretary England.” outcome of a strike a year or more | The financial situation is viewed ago for higher wages and short | Washington.— Morton Frewen of mittee, carries a total appropriation and no other cause is cancel vans. | Taft. The answer is in form of a let of $101,000,000 for the navy establish The country is SS τ jer addressed to William Dudley with great alarm. hours for miners. This the operators, | England, member of parliament, CAN'T SUSPEND LAW. | Foulke of Richmond, Ind., and in- staggering under its foreign debt, and however, refused, and their determi- | spoke before the house committee on ment for the next fiscal year, about $24,000,000 less than was asked for θε nation to operate their mines inde cludes a letter from Mr. Foulke to the commerce is almost paralyzed by the banking and currency on Wednesday, Interstate Commerce Commission. Anpendently of the Western Federation in the department estimates. the gold premium. president suggesting the need of such fluctuations in in explanation of the old Goshen sysof Miners may, it is feared, lead to Under the head of new authorizaswers Query of Railroads. consider the a statement, The president begins by Conservative bankers tem which provides a reserve of siltrouble. tions for whose fulfillment ‘congress Washington.—An important am | characterizing the charges as “false financial situation to be more critical jver bullion to be held α5 security is bound to appropriate money at the nouncement was made on Tuesdayby| and malicious,” He follows this with than the ΜΉΝ al. EXPRESS COMPANY IN TROUBLE. against trade silver paper, issued in next session if the bill as' recommend. the interstate commerce commission| an analysis of all appointments sent denominations of $2.50 up to $10, not ed passes the house and senate, the respecting its attitude toward the re | by him to the senate for its action to ASSASSIS' VICTIMS AT REST. Accused of Carrying Mail in V-olation redeemable in gold, hut in silver. Mr. committee included two battleships to quest recently made by the operating | show that in no case has the proximFrewen said that all hope of internaof the Postal Laws. | ity of a presidential contest influenced Funeral of King Carlos and Prince cost $19,000,000; ten destroyers, 58, vice presidents of the railroads of the | bimetallism had disappeared, tional bis action. Cincinnati, O.—Violation of the pos Luiz an Imposing Spectacle. £00,000; eight submarine torpedo United States that the so-called nine- | and that the Goshen plan could be altal laws by carrying first-class mail hoats, $3,040,000; total, $20,540,000, or hour law, relating to the employment | Lisbon.—With the church bells tol’: RIFLED BANK'S VAULTS. lied in this country without disrupt matter was charged against the Amer 730,000 less than the total for new ing continually, the bodies of the murof train dispatchers, telegraph opera | ing the present currency system. He authorizations asked for the navy de. fean Express companyin a suit filed tors and tower men, be suspended’ by Between $40,000 and $50,000 Mysteri- dered king and crown prince, in two declared that it would be more applicpartment. {in the United States district court | golden chariots shrouded in black velthe commission temporarily. The ously Disappears from Salt able here than in England now than here Wednesday by District Attorney | it would have been years ago vet and drawn by eight hooded horses, commission holds, in brief, that it His Lake Bank. TAFT GIVES WARM WSELCOME. McPherson. has no authority to extend the time were escorted by a glittering funeral idea was to have the United States Salt Lake City.—It has just been This suit was the first gun in @/| adopt it first, and then iet Engiand Missourians Pay $2.50 Each for At- or suspend the operation of the law, pageant en Saturday across Lisbon to fliscovered that some time during the except in a particular case or cases in campaign which the government pro- take it up. | the Portuguese pantheon and laid at month of January, some one, presumand poses to wage against common car--which a hearing has been held tending Banquet With Secretary rest beside their ancestors of the Braof War. ood cause shown for the extension ably an employe, abstracted between riers for carrying first-class matter Pacific Fleet to Search for Missing ganza dynasty. Seven hours elapsed $40,000 and $50,000 from the vaults of contrary to law. In the information Man, Kansas City.—William H. Taft, sec. *sked. from the time the foreign princes and which Attorney McPherson filed he the Utah National bank of this city, | retary of war, was given a memorWoman of There is a theory that some employe | the special ambassadors of all the alleged that the American Express} Wasiington.—A man by the name Jury Failed to Convict powers gathered at the palace for the company on January 6 carried a let-| of Jeffs, and whose home is said to able ovation by 15,000 people in Cor Murder. ot the bank, who had access to the| vention hall Monday night, when he ceremony there until three salvos of ter from Belton, Texas, to Cincinnati. have been in Connecticut, is believed icago.—Mrs. Dora McDonald, who unsealed envelope, got the combina- twenty-one guns and three volleys of was the guest of honor and principal The letter was from Mrs. Will Brown, | to be stranded on one of the Galapa| tion to the reserve money chest, and been, on trial here since January of Belton, and in it she ordered from | gos or Tortoise islands situated off speaker at the most elaborate ban at a time that was favorable worked musketry, reverherating over the terton the charge of murdering Web- the combination and made tne biggest raced and sun-bathed hills and quet ever attempted in this city, a glove company twelve ρας Of | ihe west eoast of South America. A anMF Guerin, was acquitted by a jury given by the Association of Young gloves-and enclosed an express order haul that is known to local banking swered by the British warships in the for $2.47 in Seinen Att M ; prominent person from Connecticut The Tuesday, 2.4 laymen ney ΐ . τ. the crimnal court on Republicans of Missouri, and attended cireles. The directors have made harbor, announced that the last rives ee aes ΚΤ fake : did got 1 interested in Jeffs’ case, has written , a I= € if eT 1 the loss, and detectives aré were over. by 1200 persons, many of whom came lerdict was reached after six and one- good one of that asking department the to οχρτι {πο of business working on the case. late to the from Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahgma /half hours of deliberation, the ry company, and that the envelope did the vessels of Admiral Evans’ fleet nd distant Missouri cities. The’ d having retifed at 1 o'clock. The deATTORNEY HALL FOUND GUILTY. ; fendant, who is the widow of Micha ] not bear a postage stamp, as required Stop at the fslands on th way from enstration accorded GRUESOME FIND IN OAKLAND by law Callo Peru, to Magdaler bay and Convicted of ἐκωαίζιον in Big Land ) | ; Ἐ n he entered: the great banquet }.¢, MeDg@nald, the former milliona) = | Π i ‘ or him rhe request i] and n when he rose to speak |, ambling king and political ler in Body of Woman, Sacked and Buried, rauds of Oregon. | has never been surpassed by the w Chieaz’, teccived the ve τὰ ct without LIABILITY OF RAIROADS. } Unearthed by Workmen. Portland, Ore.—Former United ome given ms man in the history During the trial emotion η ο» apparert 900 > ie le da Pas "y { Oakland, Cal John H. Hall, the Workmen, makiny States District Attorney of sity New Bill Introduced in Congress by Child is Dead as Result of Eating of thi ed. collaps : : tly ᾽ ~e | |ghe had frequen τ privileg ] ΐf an e€Xxcé for a sewer at the co ndicted for conspiracy with the Butte panic § queters Be ' paid La Follette and Sterling | Poisoned Candy. ner ¢ and Kimball avenues in Creek Land, Livestock & Lumber Bank. i 7 | K ι α Citys th the 4 Missour Loot Robbers Ρ ] “Ἔν os | the public Washington.—A comprehensive en ; nin free4 to τ ere Eimhurst, discovered the dead body μεν ιἵ company to maintain an illegal fence we tanehivs ct fim iy Miller vaghter of { ployers’ liability bill was introduced | ¥ of a woman in a sack, buried about which enclosed 20,000 acres of public Western Pacific Begins Operations. was looted of $10,000 by five robbers three feet under in the senate and house on Thursday % Ka City, Ka " Ἢ ud from A quantity land in Wheeler county, has been i. si ine nomi . ἳ y morning, after tne safe of quick lime wa's also in the sack, found guilty. by Senator La Follette of Wisconsin | te eeffets of eating candy from a Reno, Nev.—Within the next thirty early Tuesd ; The trial has been in through ni se and the remains were so badly decom bonbons cheap of 7ΠΧ | 1111 of days through trains on the Western iad been blown open with nitro-glyand Representative Sterling progress January 13, and has posed as to be unrec able. The Miller, Pacific railroad, between Salt Lake|cerine. The explosion aroused {36 The authors say the bill bas| the mail to an elder sister, Ella nois. been bitterly fought on both sides. : Thea ndw te nom body was found not far from the home the : endorsement ᾿ of 2% the Brotherhood The candy fs helieve be lieved to hove have con followed, City and Ely, will be in operation, For citizens and a street battle of A. Wilkins, who is now in the Ala- rhe offense is punishable bya fine not d strychnine, and Ruth Miller the road hag but the robbers, amid a fusillade of of Locomotive Engineers, the Brother \t the past several weeks meda county jail, charged with the exceeding $10,000, or by imprisonment | aie in agony: ten minutes after eatshots, made their way to a hand car murder of Mrs. Verna Carmen, hood of Locomotive Firemen and been handling ore cars, but not until Sentence {0}. not exceeding two years composse A rail ing some of the bonbons. Four other 2nd escaped by ginemen and the Brotherhood of ean Monday did the officials in charge of merly of Kansas City, with whom he has been suspended for the present, | another and men road Trainmen, and is intended to] children of the family were affected lived, and whose body was dug up in- and Judge Lionel R. the work announce that the line was} posed of business Webster has meet the recent decision of the su-| by the candy, but they suffered only nearing completion to handle all the| headed by the sheriff and composed of side a shed back of their residence. taken sixty days in which to file no. urted st and formed quickly ieputies preme court by which the employers’ | temporary distress. There is no known Pa-| The Western traffic obtainable, Wilkins admits that he buried this tice of appeal, and was granted until liability act of June 11, 1906, was de | motive for the sending of the candy. cific connects with the Ely Northern |in pursuit. No citizens were shot. dur- woman, but asserts that she com May 1 in which to prepare a bill of about forty miles from ay ing the battle. clared unconstitutional. | mitted’ suicide. exceptions. Says Public Servants Should Not Act im BurnFarmers Are the Victims. | Imports Into the United States From Saved the Cows and Left Son as Attorneys Against Government. Horse Race From Ἄρανενto Ogden. PREPARING FOR FRUIT BBUSINESS | ing Barn. Germany Show Heavy Decrease. Springfield, O.—The Farmers’ Co | Washington.—Senator Βοτα of Ogden, Utah—Particulars have been bewas son his Railroads Making Preparations for Oxford, Pa.—While operating Harvesting company of | Idaho created the first spirited debate received reagrding the horse race to 3erlin.—The exports to the United at | be run from Ogden to Denver from F, Handling the California Crop. America, a corporation organized by | jn the senate on the bill to revise States invoiced by Alexander H. ing cremated in a burning barn William N. Whitely, known as the | and codify the federal laws by offerOgden.—Owing to the fruit crop of Thackara, the American consul gen- Pleasant Grove, the father and a num- G. Bonfils, publisher of the Denver The race will be more of an California being the heaviest in many l, since the beginning of the finan- ber of neighbors were risking their Post. Reaper King, has gone into the hand | ing an amendment making it a penal 1 disturbance in America, are from] lives to save horses and cows which endurance test between eastern and years, the Southern Pacific, Union Pa. of a receiver. C. 8. Olinger of this | omens for any United States senator city has been named in that capacity | : The western horses. could not get out of the stable. Six prizes will be cific and San Pedro roads are making month, 20 to 40 per cent less each as by the court. porated five The concern was incor | °° Consressman to ‘sppear in cours years followin ago, in attorney an the | any when compared with the correspond-| which in case interested. government may be organization of the so-called bind ih of the debate alone trust. known as the International Har. | Borah took eare vester company Large amounts of | ΕΙ ror hits ΡΕ ο. while stock were sold by Wiitely’s agents | Sénators all over the United States among prineipatiy farmers nd | Fighting Bob Evans in Better Health Washington.—The navy department has received the following from Ad miral Simpson of the Chilean navy, on board the cruiser Chacabuco, whic piloted Admiral Evans’ fleet partially through the Strait of Magellan “Talcthnano, | SF Chile, Feb. 12 *’Inaraiso ““Everything miral Evans much . on better we'll in Ad- Mont Advices from the the Mosney, that state yreed, whom the officers connection with the of R Holmes, has comoutwitted the officers under shoemaker of Helena and has health Bomb Placed for King. Lisbon.—It has been learned bomb was found under the stage where King Carlos land the day of the assas failed to explode because of in the fuse. A number of have called at the late hom one of the dead : | his | cow Wi getaway cher of an λ | that 1 | rhe pesse men subscription for also giving them house. free on the into Cascade ney : = Francisco. ᾽ idavit —That there was not ation of fact in the af1 Ruef with refer tanding immunity, with was Assistant District J. on : them en riding engine Heney Ach, money to his mother-inlaw support of his coildren rh tor of a department store has @ hay caught fire and the lad wa's soon surrounded by flames. The father and | ] for δι chise The 1 i indictment -xtinguished was the boy missed. given by the Post, aggregating $1,000 for the suecessful contestants. The winner of the first prize will receive $500. Cavalry horses from the United States army will be entered in the contest. The judges will be selected trom Utah, Colorado and Wyoming the Butte, At- counsel for ‘e mornitation of two Mont.—aAlf Petersburg —The ministry of war is preparing plans for the speedy sonversion of Vladivostok into a firstpresses Monday night, train Kers expenditures class fortress, involvir ueceeded in dé ng a freight. Two tion of the ; ‘a about $6,000,000. Ce i ispects an “ustody rhe rth three years is 5 held to be. within work + πεν μήνυση . ᾿ pulling Lake, Salt from express ind that Russia may mperative in or 1 pile} | nt of Silver Bow xt niet i on the; mot be caught napping as at Port Arre The engine lof ties. trouble with bur in case of fut the} r A few moments } rails Russian strat bunch of} fapan. outhbound train hit another upon ure war with Japan will da ithbound| later An hour eams ld out railed by a switch flung] the ability of V ladivostok το eight was passing over it.|for a year without assistance. while the tr Nine Miners Killed by Gas. Kill Robins for Food. miners Ky.—Nine City, Central (two white and seven negroes), were} announcement New Orleans.—The that about one million robins have injured| een killed by hunters this winter in illed and one other y the Wednes- St. an explosion of the Moody Coal ‘arroilt nday miles thre ifternoon [ fatally from this city mine is 98 mer mn small one, and only at work in he Ϊ igs at the aceiden’ me of the explosion is caused by a slow blast setting off Following t on society. rent George E. Ho 1. a expert |'! tlre ™ent entig here to investigate . robins, may cages smashed : s aid tha accumu- Movement of the boll weevil <iNed for food 2 Mil Audu- 3 announce“overnment ; "ες | thcw the habits ‘te @ governeastward pro ed in considerable quantity, ag tho ‘ilitated by interior of the mine was wrecked and|tion of the the M. us in the mine] ocuisiana, is made by Frat company at South jer president of the Loui the Sa preparations to handle the large shipments which will begin in a few weeks. All of the fast freight engines in the local yards are being put in first-class shape and refrigerator and fruit cars are heing rushed to the ‘const to rece ive the perishable freight ¢ or the eastern market Lend Fraud Sleuth is Dead. Won't Be Caught Napping Again. attempts {to wreck two Oregon Short ] e@ ex: | | he gas, which had evid with January,| Attempt to Wreck Trains. Denies Immunity Contract. San a fire in the barn. 1907. Indian Outwits Posse. | Butte, | north ΝΕ | ar lo | mul pletely Sher | picion that a mat going to they 1 with $1,2 miral Evans requests me to inform | have t evety clew of the Indian out: the department from ‘the fleet, at sea, | law, who is believed to have » his Tuesday, 4 p. m., bound for Calla way into civilization. There a sus- via amounted $849,133, as compared with $1,077,479] 1907, nad kindled years old, In| December of 1916. For January,|) gishbors hurried to rescue the cat~ McLaurin, Clay. Teller, Hey- | in 1908, the figur > $813,886, as com-|tj6 Not until the flames had been Sutherland opposed it | effect boy, Joel L. Pusey, eight ing month of the preceding year. December, Sie Ad Willard, Mo.—The Bank of Willard A had reckless d The birds are) Portland, Ore.—Frank Michael Meyendorff, special ent of the department of the interior, died in this city en Sunday of Bright’s disease, Meyendorff, who was of noble Polish birth, achieved a splendid reputation for his work in connection with the investigation of coal land frauds in Utah, Wyoming and Colorado in 1906, and it was through his knowledge of the -situation that enabled the interstate τι merce the off was 58 commission rs to justice. to bring Meyendort crops. T yaa ft ἐκεῖν α ie mainder. and the Diablo meridian. They are required for the Carson reservoir Crops on Minidoka Project. Washington.—Crop reports for the Minidoka irrigation project, southern Idaho, f show grati fying returns irea on the north side of was 14,233 I roduced good acres, and crops and On the south side the acr ze was 629, of which 80 per cent e a fair yield On the north side » river 648 farms we ' only 16 per cent irawal, which provi that they shall not be subject to any form of diznosition whatever under the public land laws. These lands lie in townships 17, 18 and 19, range 25 and 26 east, Mount years of age cultivated 4 Lands Withdrawn From Entry. Washington—Certain lands, approxmating 22.500 acres, withdrawn subject only to homestead entry in conthe T uckee-Carson i nection wit gation project, Nevada, hav e been segregated under the forest form of with- Franco Wantstohe with j ] Τ Left Alone, Bordeaux.—Joao Franco, the former premier of Portugal, who arrived here aturday with s family from Maspent the day in his room at a near ilroad station. His ated requests for form orm his future move> had abandoned ρο]ments was tha ed all questioners ta ties, and he ceived vice no consul one his great sor |