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Show . rox mob of 20 n the d the Sulloway pension of 4 widows of bhonorabl; | ] Ό \ a no car WE ne Dece sid r e Baldwin ia, ἶ y a 1 fro. ! ! A ito cing I \ 00} lraw 50¢pe- BOTTLE be e force or i Veve the ) ] ] ‘ t I Wi $91.4 $ ) ‘ OF Captair I E $ ' age la lied t at i R Col. f M I 1 Shaw Fel 1 1 "1 ed Su nde N, r ] ¢ student ment t sleep—it of lie of and 1 norning the | —Opiates Alone Brought cep —Eczema Yielded to Cuticura. 1 I a to Menlo t hou Park W into when he H 7>o ise vho On Was was arrested me a minor charge and wh dismissed, has confessed “T had eczema for over two years the police of Portland that while he [ had two physicians, but they only was in jail his cellmate, Joseph Απ: gave me relief for a short time and I lerson, confessed to him that he had cannot enumerate the ointment und killed Harry Logan, who was shot to jotions i used to no purpose My ank death on the Fourth street bridge sev les were one mass of sores. The itch eral months ago ing and burning were so intense that Henry J Gruber, on trial at Boulder, | I could not sleep. I could not walk for Mont., for the hold-up of a Northern nearly four months. One day my husPacific train near Butte last May, and | band said 1 had better try the Cuticura the murder of Engineer Clow, has sub Remedies. After using them three mitted a written confession, implicat times I had the best night's rest in Haskins, still to be tried, ing Geor months unless I took an opiate. I and Geors week Towers, last sen | used one set of Cuticura Soap, Oint tenced to ninety-nine years in the penment, and Pills, and my ankles healed itentiary lor the crime in a short time. It is now a year since A publicity bureau has been created I used Cuticura, and there has been no in Denver by the executive committee return of the eczema Mrs David Denver convention league, Brown, Locke, Ark., May 18 and July of the which is acting in connection with the 13, 1907.” committee on arrangements for the ANOTHER NARROW-MINDED MAN. Democratic national convention. The purpose of the bureau is to send out news and feature storles about Denver and Colorado from now until the convention is over An eloquent address was delivered in the senate by Senator Pyles of Washington, in favor of an appropriation by congress of $700,000 for a government exhibit at the Alaska-Yukon- gave it up Is it not saucer madness to live poor to die rich?—Juvenal ONLY ONE “BROMO QUININE” @hat is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. GROVE. Day. Look for Used the World 2c The fox may lose his hair, but not his cunning.—Dutch. By an order signed by Judge Lynch of the State District at Butte Robert M. Lyons, receiver in charge of the Aetna bank, which failed in Oc: tober, 1906, is directed to bring suit against F. Augustus Heinze, former director, and A. B. Clements, former treasurer, for $97,500, the amount of eash due for stock held by Heinze in been declared Monaco, Pa., posed frozen 2ccident The American Railway association, | at an executive session in Chicago, decided to submit to the various roads of the country a proposition to reduce the per diem charge on freight cars to 25 cents, effective March 1, instead of 50 cents as at present with the family Port of the King Carlos of moved by tne Hungarian cabinet in the diet, had to be withdrawn because the independents opposed it on the round James Cavin Towers, charged with the murder of Engineer Frank Clow, of the North Coast Limited train on the Northern Pacific, was found guilty, at Boulder, Mont., of murder in the second degree. The jury recommended that the court impose a sentence of } $9 years State Engineer Wade, who has just made a plat of the town of Cut Bank, Mont will report to the state board and commissioners that practically | every business house and residence of | that town is situated upon land owned by the state and by the Great North- that King Carlos had vie Stewart Because the girl to whom John Mol lett has been engaged refused to talk to him, Mollett fatally shot himsell while standing at a tiphon in Chicago Tne shot was heard ovet the telephone by the girl's mother who had just telephoned the girl's re fusal The body of Dr. F. H. Moss of Palo Alto was found on the railroad track near the station rgan Hill, Cal. completely cut in two. Dr. Moss re cently had been res g on a farm at Madrone. It is presumed that he was killed by the early north-bound coast train “Death from shock,” of physicians who was the examined verdict into L. SEEDS ruisttc United r GREGORY’S yo tt 1 Woodford States, had 8 Choking been smoke tt from raf a 8 i February an advisory at at 1 fire ectly rche- a th h, at troit, Ludgate, « young Ὁ Chic committee sang 1udience h Mass, “ee for that I of tt e our r B 1 ΜΝ 20 Years with Poultry, Colo Fr an ( ) { the advanced poultry-rais a rue W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 7, | t 190 wer , ist he rules of ep rw T and n the 1 Ῥ x A bitt parent ᾿ N who rv th et et What's the matter? Dr. Moth Artie Ant—lI think I must have eaten the ‘den h too man The it which will tect ons of the reason to believe that the hen person you are looking for.” filled pantry di agreeable mice EDITOR, Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a s: re remedyfor infants and clhildren, d see that it ignature of In Use For Over 30 Years, The Kind You Have Always Bought. he loves her second husband Took Two to Beat Her. Timkin Your wife seems to quite a fluent talker Sin You bet she is. amid be conquer all female a4 town, Pa., writes: ‘‘Ever since I was sixteen years of age I had suffered from an organic derangement and female ΤΊ! tell him, I suppose, to avoid heavy drinking “Ts it poss ible,’ Charles inquires, ‘to tell when a black man blushes?’ “So the questions go, ten or twelve of them a day. Is it any wonder I am gray before my time?” in FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For th irty years Lydia E. Pink- table Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the Simkins—Yes: and haspositively cured thousandsof and then it took two remedy for female tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, When Your Throat Feels Sore get a 25¢c box of Brown's Bronchial Troches. They five :mediate relief. 1othing in ini Contain nothing Making things appear to prove what we want them to prove, is one way; having them prove what they do prove is another way. The very wisest advice: take Garfield lea whenever a laxative is indicated! Pleasant to the taste, simple, pure, mild, potent and health-giving. Made of Herbs not drugs The best swimmer is the first to periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, fatulency, indiges- tion, dizziness,ornervousprostration. SIGK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. Ble or digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Naua, Drowsiness, Bad tein the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain in the They regulate the Bowels. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, NTMENT is eed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Sead sag Ην nes Caen Lar Cotton) Side, TORPID drown himself.—Italian. THE TIME TEST. ills women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- “Reggie,” he went on, “asks me the drinking. weakness; consequence I had dreadful headaches and was extremely nervous. Myphysician said I must go through an operation to get well. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and I took it and wrote you for advice, following your directions carefully, and thanks to you I am te day a well woman, and I am telling all my friends of my experience.” standard other women to do it best way to avoid the effects of heavy diseases. Mrs. Norman R. Barndt, of Allen- Timkins—Indeed en another letter i iid “A Methodist minister has too large anose. What is he to do? What, indeed?” He read a third letter. “Here's a girl,” he said, “who wants to know in what winter resort hotel she will meet the largest number of eligible bachelors.” LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND I never ham’s V knew her to be outtalked but once Such lette rsas the fol- lowing, from grateful women, establish beyond a doubt the powerof “but I have farmer, thirty years she may have help yourcase. to is no extant data on the sub said the every ] the “who inufacturer an item that would There From hervast correspond- gained the very knowledge that will The First Advertiser. author looked up from κῶς λαέμων all the ant holes, be fidence. ence with sick women during the - of his mammoth history ng ect.” can the whole story about your private illness — you are too modest. You need not be afraid to tell Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., the things you could not explain to the doctor. Your letter will be held in the strictest con- past acts in the pan and llows over at marso swamp part) LIVER. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL BOSE. SMALL PRICE, Protruding Piles in Genuine Must Bear « 50c That Is What Proves True Merit. Fac-Simile Signature Taking care of money is almost as hard work as earning it. Doan's Kidney Pills bring the quick est of relief from backache and kid Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. ney troubles. Is that For children teething, softens the gums, reduces tm relief lasting? Let fammatign, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25ca bottle. | Mrs. James M. Long As a man dresses so he is esteemed. ΠΕΡΙΑΝΟΕ Cold Water Starch of 113 Augusta St., makes laundry work a pleasure. 16 oz. pkg. 10a Staunton, Va.,_ tell —Danish. you. OnJanuary31st, 1903, Mrs. Long wrote: “Doan’s Kid ney Pills have cured me” (of pain in the back, urinary trou- | oles, bearing down sensations, etc.) WET AND DAMP CAUSE On June 20th, 1907, four and one-half COLD IN THE JOINTS years later, she said: “T haven't had | kidney trouble since. I repeat my testimony.” Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, gienanerendvdndrenddneneverdtedisc. STIFF, YES? | The Simple Life. Abe, a light mulatto, called upon a minister for whom he had formerly worked. “Yo’ know, boss, I’'se gwine be mar ried nex’. week,” he admitted halting ly, according to Lippincott’s Magazine. “I'se gwine to marry Miss May Felicity Johnson, an’ May she say she wants ter be married jus’ like | white folks.” “All right, Abe, I'll marry you if you want,” the minister replied “How much you gwine charge?” “It will cost you $5 to be married like white folks.” Abe scratched his head. “Guess we'll hab ter be married like colored folks, then,” he said. “You see, boss, we's goin’ to housekeepin’, an’ I ain't got < S: JACOBS OIL TAKES OUT THE PAIN AT ONCE,REMOVESTHE STIFFNESS. PREVENTS ITS RETURN, TOO. FINE FOR BRUISES, SPRAINS AND SORENESS. νυ.οννο 2 VERILY THE WORLD SHALL PAUSE BEFORE A DARING THOUGHT HAVE YOU SEENIT? HAVE YOU READIT? THE NEW BOOK “Leo's Analysis of the Creation, or Eve the H i Marriage Ceremony with no Unequal Covenants.) THE ANCIENT SERPENT OF EDEN. Andproves that our Unequal Marriage Vows arerelics of barbarism over 2000 years old, merely tolerated Because aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the 1 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and case of CaTARRH that cannot be cured bythet modern thinkers have not dared to think aloud. A contract to love, an enemy to love. A_ covenant to obey, the inspiration to rebellion. “The words, “To have and to hold” are the terms of barter and sale, adopted when women were sold from the and conveyed to the hands of their masters. The new block ceremony appeals to the heart and reason of th y vi adopted by advanced thinkers, ee eren, Mew Daring In thought, rapid in style and not a dull line in it Price, 1.00, cash of ry with order, or send 10 cents for prospectus te lling mere, Agents making from $10.00 to $25.00 per day. Rend 2%cents for Agents’ Agents wanted everywhere, Haww’s CaTaRRa CURE. Llustrated Prospectus and Instructions. FRANKJ. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subser this 6th day of December, A. D.. πῶ". pany | seat t iin my presen 3 1886 VICTOR LEO SCOTT Cu als, free HENEY& CO., Sold by ail D . Take Hall's Family Pills for const!pat Toled mpt friends “Have you ever, O, my w lowed yourselves to wonder ὦ ye wW you wl will be and I 5 ΐ whe A - - - - San Antonio, Texas a: } 5 Gloomy Outlook. Long Winded Orator (lowerir 1 SOUTHWESTERN SUPPLY co. Βοχ 71, W. GLEASON, Pcs Notary N ally and acts a surfaces of the directly on the b system. Send for around Wea (A Sacred Olassic.) By &k Leo ScorTt, Author of Scott's Digest of The Things That Are din Small Type. The work containsa Scientific-Sacred Analysis Prophet Moses’ Biblical Account of The Creation, and “Rib and parable. TwtE TO LIFE AS THE SURGEON'S KNIFE THAT ExSA VEIN OR AN ARTERY, HIS WEIRD PEN Dissecrs AND EX®ERITS Statz oF Onto, CiTy Ἐ TOLEDO,πᾳ, Lucas Cot ‘ Frank J. CHENEY oath that he {s sentor partuer of the firm of F Cuenry & Co., duing business in the City of Touivdo, County and State t c When Knighthood Was Not in fipwen (ane oy but $8.” voice = Price 25¢ and 50¢. Ee VP SHOES AT ALL GE D& PRICES, FOR EVERY — MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. a= W. £. Douglas makes and selis more Ἔ Res men’s $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 shees “Sa fhan any other manufacturer in the Re world, because they hold their “Ὁ shape, fit ery — fonger. = Rw are of greater voluve than any other shoes in the world to-day. Ὃς ἃ os Ἡ.ἰ. Dougias $4 and em r, 181 age οἱ seen by you fall of the wall coat small Hall's Catarrh with , α. Κεἰ ΕῈ D, and meeting to be held hote 1ο. the sudden death of Mrs. Claudine Abry of Nyack, N. Y Mrs. Abry was on Friday watching a number of boys ind girls skating on the Hudson when the ice broke and three of the boys esident of the Hughes League γῇ ed were drowned announced Sunday that Gen off, Before His Time. Senator Gallinger has favorably re ported from the committee on commerce a bill increasing the mail subbetween the sidies on steamship lines South United States and ports in Ausand America, the Philippines he constitution of his country 8 Bears the exploded It is supwater pipes caused the sympathy hux Bene You won't tell your family doctor off A special from Lewistown, Mont says John Walsh, aged 14, accidental ly shot his 12-year-old brother while twenty playing soldier on a ranch The younger boy miles from town The two were alone died instantly on the ranch when the accident occurred, railroad flecking Little Wonder the Poor Man Is Gray A movement was inauguratted at Johannesburg last week at a largely attended meeting to boycott Asiatic traders and all employers of Asiatics It is an outcome of the recent antiAsiatic agitation in the Transvaal Three coaches of the Western Maryland passenger train left the track a half mile north of German, Va., and rolled down hill into the Express Messenger Charles river Cochrane and Adam Reih! werekilled In spite of winter we ither, work on the E. H. Harriman residence, two miles east of Arden, N. Y., is being kept up. A large force of men fs enraged on the worl The monthly pay roll during the winter reaches $19,000. A vote of | Τ WOES OF THE QUERY of Heinze never patd for. It 1 ΒΙ putty an be made from the insects and In the midst of a wild blizzard the burned to steamer St. Cuthbert wa the water’s edge off the Nova Sc> tian coast Fif teen members of the crew were drowned by the swamping of a small boat in which they attempted to leave the vessel the bank and which, it has developed ern 18 other a thick with tralia Pacific exposition to be held in Seattle region has t dry end Me we seeds never | it « r W I on Do ns per acre a x others seriously injured when the in the Welch brick plant at to next year. Mr. Pyles pictured in vivid language the settlement of the great northwest in the face of predictions made by distinguished statesmen ad verse to the practical utility of that 1s constantly | « Uhlman's house i} Jacob Gallivan ί at The “Answe to Οἱ ponden | man, feverishly rum x the hair that λ ind itlaw ntly waylaid | lis duties had t soon made gra ergeants of the rural police near | tossed a letter on the table he groaned, δι villag of Chero hovo, Russik “An ex-widew of | nd murdered them, chopping off the than her first. She wants to ands, feet and heads of their victims | know if this is wicked or un-Chris rhr foreigner were killed and t Coo and ing the In Union of Boilermakers anstrike of boilermak‘al railroads in dent de Τ even was at one for the insane Minnesota I after an enforced a month tevens of Haverhill ] t daughter, aged aged 3, cutt ing their throats Vice-P is holes or any tries have * woman 1 { work the 9 a into the food and theidea of food flavored with glue made from horses hoofs is not appetizing Kitchen walls to be thoroughly sat sfactory should be alabastined the same as every other wall in the 1ouse. They should be coated regu irly in the fall of each year with a ligh The care ¢ try requires « ar έ walls should heen Pa ibe 1 son, 18 o'clock power been I 1 em than a universit 1 returned | Ankles at W, Unive id SHE COULD NOT WALK by to \ of Kal l, Mont., in the engineering Stanford I n | w farm La hed I Oats, § A sw ve brushed over eve year the dishes removed f the she which should be thoroughly wiped with hot water If there are ant Ra formerly S igton territor d sudd at home in Portland from a bursted blood € following a \ t attack of coughing He was 7 years old NV. | Pennsylvania Stee] com- 1 ly ' ; ] the 11 cor 6, by all Ὁ 8 in or rlue Montana, 1 unt Wasl ir the re ») rooms of the Anaconda n 1 ] . fan operation rformed the Copinu peng first he for eidish and four and a loss of t of a fire that A pi δ, 8 8 ΤΟ In the he $3,563,000 n to the sum 1 has been submitted cabinet and soon wil] n See ( g in i mixed with cold water walls ma from horses’ hoofs the red up with cheap colorir | not indicate good ho isekeeping;. The boiler of oft Tangier. fr With one acord the; r At Grand Cascapida, a Quebee bo ler town e four members of the Campbell were d to death 1 i fire which de ea ᾿ f i R Seed I Glue result the ] \\ f 62.919 the ppropriating M sta i | to 1 expected The nt i ) Salze Loc because wounded, five ye tw I food 4. g can t liscerned i t Ame f 4 » 3 a ere been laid off OPPORTUNITY. If interested in poultry, write fi THIS ire years A ¢ 3 (\ ai Ww -γεκεαεεααMittiiitt I ᾿ ‘little girl?’” 8 Z a CALIFORNIA d. J. H. Greeonr & Son, Ma i the i have ma ' Ῥ f Pom Manufacture d by The over to Cure a Cold in One x! nn On Diminutives. The Sphinx was asking a riddle. “Why does a man in love always want to call a 200-pound maiden his |.ρ Ν ee ee)ae from a } eide a better place than a matinee. Ν to kr 1 ‘ the oenurme, De Quiz—What do you call good winter weather? De Whiz—Weather cold enough to make a man’s wife think her own fire- Τ. ΐ } Ν n murdering } For Months -Burning Humor on € ν ΐ t f eneficial effec Is buy the signature of B. W. to a t habitual constipation vermanently. To det its “Does your wife tal} major?” “No, I talk in her only chance | get κ to oO? paring assists one in overcomine 5010 BY LEADING DRUCGISTS- Essential 3 the sy stemeffectually, Fic Syrup Co. an Millions in Oats and Barley, ; KITCHEN, e vw ἰ onthe bowels, cleanses ONLY THE y Looking acts death yel pepmps- HIS OF ean lixir¥denna SF CARE > ; NEWS SUMMARY NORTHWEST NOTES yrup offies ὦ Ὁ Pe SF CAUTION. Ῥ ΄ shor trated Catalog W. L. tf ' Git Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price Dongias name and price is stamped on bot 5 ywhere, Shoes maiied f actory to acdrce& W. L. WR WU ς a Take No Saubetitute, any part world. |1α DOUGLAS, Hreckto Mass. | |