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Show If For Koy Police Phone KX The and Mrs. Itawaon Mas sustained in uie position. Mrs. Eula l'arkinson Gieaner Leader was replaced by Airs. Ardis Lacker Ms. Jewel Widdi Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Wickstrom sou was sustained as MIA Maid and Joy have returned from a leader lepiacitig Mrs. Metba Child three-weevacation spent in the1 Kojai and Kyie Harrop were re leased as drama leaders and Mrs. y'rancisco area. Hal rop vtas sustained as junior Jtev. and Mrs. Ralph Wallen of gt.am r leader, replacing Mrs. bar Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, I anada, ara vViggins Mho was released an last Meek end for a Mrs. Erma Gardner was sustained dropjH-to Rev. and Mrs Ar as a stake visit surprise bockeeper. tliur Wukstrom The date for the annual Aaromc Rriesthood outing of the Lake View Ward has been set for Aug. 3, at bear Lake. dheir will be a mission to the i.ogan Temple, Friday, July 19. The bus will leave the stake house at jM pm. It is tune to get asyour the tempie recommends renewed ,ircsini ones expire July 31. brent 'ijioinpson, son of Mr. and Mrs Ezra Thompson, 5122 So. 1900 West, returned home in time to eelenrate the 4th of July with his wile and family after an 18 month ,. Mr and Mrs Llovd Juntoul re 1,h ,h A"n ln cently enjoyed a week s v.sit from .heir son and daughter ... law and hau Uj(.rt, Mf T,() lour boys from Azusa, t alif , t(J j Mr. and Mrs A. A Hiss and son Glen, recently returned from three weeks touring the Northwest. Two sisters of Mr Hiss, who had been visiting them in Roy, aviompuiiieo them on the trip Sister Mary Her no went with them to three folks, Montana, ami Rose Zellers traveled with them to San Franusco on the trip, they visited Mrs Hiss I, Other in Helena, and her sisl, r in Walla Walla Mr and Mrs New bnghtoii. week at the A Kuv Mr Kellev ol last Kellev R O Rum, visited Hiss home in A ritirid s hit Is a I 1 Sun 'lhe Kelley to continue the.r vaea lion, and plan to slop in Roy again hefoie they return to Rennsy lv am.i Mr and Mrs Glade Nielsen I, turned last week from Waterloo. Iowa, where they were tailed hy sudden death of Mrs Nielsen's fa ther, Frank Strompke Mr SUom night pke died June 2Jth and the fum iai services were held July 3rd A miihlur of (flanges have been made on the I.ake View Stake MIA board, with the releasing of sivr. iminlats and the sustaining ol o' In rs to Ml the v at am it s (in the W MIA hoard, Mrs India .,s teleased ,,s seiretary Raws,, n ikI Mrs (.rate Parker was sustain id to take he plate Mrs Orhj liu not was released as speech d. rector V CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE UP HAVE d.gging to he dull of any type, fjrm dra.nage sew rrs, water lines, h.g job or small see us Work by lhe hour or con IF Rert Robinson and Son EX 9 08 i8. Hooper, Itah tract Rhone RICKETS, Ely wood, used lumber East ol boxes, scrap lumber Navy base. Rear I S Surplus Ise southeast Expiditers. trance only. Dr. Merle Dale Isham Naturopathic Medicine 3012 Washington b!vd Ogden. Itah llK.rt RHONE K0 thr0UJ,h hn. 4 7871 PAINT SPECIALS en Lake with Lhe Scouta. Donna Osmond has the Teal answer to this summer vacation, auu employment problem. She is work ing at Yellowstone lor tne summer and besides a slight touch of homesickness, it's the ticket to a good Ume, with the need for school money taken care ot. Those of us who haven't been able to get away yet, are just sticking around, and using every excuse we can think of tor a parly. Ted and Tlhel Loveday had a party for some of the young mar-nedlast week and treated them to some real muscle control teasers. The pot luck supper as usuaf turned out to be a quite well balanced meal. Linseed Oil For your roof jobs pure boiled topmost quality IN 15 G L. I.OTS Gal. 2.29 - s believe we missed the birthday get.together group who met at Almas Eernclius' lor their monthly pot luck dinner, and it was a good rneal and a good time for an the adies. Last Saturday evening the Rritsis of the ward met at their advisors, Jack Keyes, for a patio party with their partners. There were Jim Stoddard, Lee Hill, Alien Kendell, and Jay Kcndell and their partners all present. Next Friday night the Elders are having a party up Cottenwood .'anyon. Every Elder and his wife and partner are invited to be there, big appetite and ally. Saturday three of our local Army Reservists will be gone to Camp Roberts for two week period. Roy Fcrnclius left on Wednesday with Kenny Stuart and Rulon Dye, packing their bags for the end of the House ck NEW! lute. 5.79 Here- - ROME IN EARLY while stocks are complete and select yours A Gal. Jantzen Fall Sweaters Are "Dutchbov" paint w small deposit will hold your choice on Layaway. SEE OUR new jewelry styled to match the new NEW JANTZEN Latex Paint Many lovely colors quick (Irving AND COMTANY lst Door Ww,t of Post Office 675 SO. MAIN Jars 39c Jars JARS CASE OF $2.79 12 39c JARS 12 $4.29 JAR CASE CASE OF $2.69 PHENIX By OLEO BIGS Kraft . 12 OZ. DENNIS BRAND . 3 lbs. 93c , HI C BRAND SNOWWHITE FULL POUNb LIBBYS BONNIE BURNS .... 25c Marshmallows 12 JARS $4.29 MT. IDA CANS 19c ... 3 for $1 DENNISONS 40 OZ. CAN. Spagetti and MEAT BALKS PICNIC SIZE 6 OZ. Salad Olives 4for$l 24 OZ. .59c for SI Beef Stew CLOSEOUT CALIFORNIA GI1T Tuna .SWIFT HALF Ripe Olives ",w 3 8$1 CARNATION Chunk Style . . . 4 BRAND Crab Meat 98c Charcoal briquets DEEP BROWN Pork e Beans DEEP BLUE c 46 OZ. CANS or $1 Orangeade 4 POUNDS Whole Chicken JARS Pickles All Varieties J'i Wesson Oil $1 JAR . 49c GALLON .$1.19 BEAUTIFUL ..... 35c Cereal Holanden SCHOOL BOY 18 OZ. JAR Peanut Butter ROYALTY' BRAND 11 OZ. CANS MANDARIN 6 Bowg for $1 ... 49c KLONDYKE OCEAN SPRAY 6or$l Oranges Sauce SWEET AS SUGAR PER TASTY Where Quality is Inexpensive SHOP in ROY and SAVE! 2r""41c Deal Pack JUMBO SIZE M NKIST SIZE LARGE 25c LEMONS Cantaloupe FRESH SLICING s( POIND Per dozen... P 39c FREESTONE n Ul Ini PER POUND TENDER TESTED PER ROUND YVHOI.E OR I RUSH FROZEN CHICKE.V Cut-U- Pan Ready p PARTS S..IFTS Drumsticks Thighs BREASTS Per Pound . 89c BIRD OF PARADISE Per Pound I I LI.Y 49c COOKED READY TO EAT HAMS 3 Lb. $098 4 Lb. $098 5 Lb. $498 Can Can Can 13 to IS Pounds Average CT RE. 10 UNI) SEA MIST BRAND FRESH FROZEN 6 oz. cans LEMONADE Regular or Pink MIX SIHVFRi FRESH FROZEN 6 OZ. CANS lor Orange Juice . . 9 LEMON LIME RAKED .... BIRDSEYE for IB FRESH FROZEN SLICED $ 10 OZ. PACK Jrfor 89c $ FRESH BAKED BLACK Iced'59cPIair49c BREAD GERMAN RYE Per Loaf 21c STORES CLOSED WEDNESDAY JULY 24 4.95 Also at PROVO & BOUNTIFUL TABLE PRIDE BRAND 10 Oz. Jars 18 Oz. Jars IJ lor $100 "7 CAKE W. M. BUSH SUNSET CASE OF 12 CHIFFON Seidlilz" Famous for beauty and durability SPECIAL FOR TIUS SALE .... 18 Oz. $100 Oz. 10 FRESH washable Gal. .... 4.29 Redwood stain Gal. lor . Pound . . . . 15c Outside White pure TABLE PRIDE BRAND I I'm cutting a fine figure, said the thorine as she tripped and tat Marion Stuart Rhone EX 4 4 159 Jow n on a broken pop' bottle. .he wm just a hula dancer l.vttyhody is going or lias gone He was a guy from the fleet a somewhere it .seems For such He forgot the sugar be left at very oik- was wonder o..h time home ing where the sunshine was, and now it is here, not very many are When she shook her shredded wheat lay ng to enjoy it Ul course, some ol our town jieople are oil to the The notion that when children tint sjMits. Rut many of them grow up and get married parents to the cooler climates ran relax was blasted again the lhe girls who could have taken to the girls camp in North Fork other day when a lavs Angeles woman received a phone rail colCanyon Hetty Osmond. Diana Sac-toGlenna McFarland, Ellen Rear lect from her daughter in Chicago son, Ixiuise Jones. Beverly Feme asking for a recipe. The mother bus, bonnic Jean Bybee, and Sail gave it to her, then asked, "Why the wwk up don't you buy a cook book? ilri Nrson a;l to Camp 1Oinondi. They came home - uid thc dauch. Ion.t. with an array of .suntans, arts and c crafts, and facinatmg takes of what 7 "Wberea3 the Acrobat; trapeze? went on up there They also en stTw missed It, son. joyed some COLD night, anyway. it was a considerable number of you missed it. If you want to gc even with degrees cooler than it has been down here. your wife for using your raxor The Ixiys took off last Monday-mornin- blade, to sharpen her pencils, use for Spirit where her puff to thine your powdrr they are spending the week fishing, shoes. it and you guessed hiking, boating eating We'll just have to wait until they get-batho to hear CHir Pirtor'i ultimo Chorrb about the experiences they have to offer Municipal School Building Down towards the "sunshine and Roy. Uth sand" cuontry is where Nancy McFarland has been staying with her Rrv Arthur I WVkslrom uncle, Win Jones, for a few weeks. Rhone EX 4 2585 I gist week Glen and Fern went down to Toomstonc, Ariz , to get Sunday School tJOiU her and spent a week vacationing II 00 A M Worship Service themselves Now Glen is at Spirit TX In 25 1 BOYSENBERR- Y- STRAWBERRY 1 Graphite pound bags Eure No PURE. TOP QUALITY BRANDS s 1 AT lU SIIKS m non m the Swiss Temple with a group of Norwegian people. Since his return, he and his wife, farm have taken a trip through bryce jnd Zion s national parks, a session in the St George Temple, visited Hu- Hoover Haul, lais Vegas and la-Angeles They returned home again in tune for the wedding of Mr 'I huinpson's sister, Kay, which was solemnized July 12, in the l.o gan emple. At present Mr. Thomp and his wife and young daugh week. laist Sunday evening, Mr. and ter are making their home in Rrovo, Mrs. Eric Relit, recently returned lj1, from the Laincmte Mission, gave " their reports. It was an interesting 52' ul lhl Ul 1:,k'' V'w ( 11,1,1 ' kliai-cobarbecue auppt-- at vemng, with the Re tits singing the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ruyai one of the church songs in the Harrop, Saturday evening. Guitar Indian language at the close of the .ml votal numbers presented by meeting Mis Moirty Righy and her sister, Mljcrt Rounous was sustained for Miss Merletie llowman, were endvancemcnt from Deacon to father Albert has been one of joy ed by the guests. Ihose pivscnt were Rishop and the 100' k Deacons in our ward, an Mrs Merlin N Cook, Mr and Mrs we want to congratulate hun on lu n Z.mgg, Mr and Mrs Andrew his fine work and his promotion. Happy birthdays to the followMos, r Mi and Mrs A M brown. Mr and Mis May mu d liergentr, ing in this busy week of the 24th ill .uid Mis Elmer Smith, Mr and Darwin Hartman and Shirley Ann lim H.uviv Sthcmk. Mis Roust-Il.i.- l Hill on the 23rd, Mrs. 24th her'idf. ami t M' Harold Ambler, Mr Ellen Stoker, who like the whole ami Mrs Monty Righy. Miss Mrr stale to celebrate with her on her .die bowman, Mr ant) Mrs Wayne h.rthday, Marvin Rebly, the 25th b lliiJ, Mr and Mrs Eugene and Dee Kendell the 2titli Con ll'dnus, the host and hostess and gr.itulationv to you all. Have a sensational, but sensil1, ir Hiree daughters, Vttki, Ros ble 24 :h ,n .nut Sandra 1 h.akematl dav opjortunity itoy, Utah, Thursday, July 18, li07 Sun-Chronicl- e, |