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Show The Kan Chronicle, Uoy, Utah, Thursday, July 18, 1957 ftEt'OMl MAIL (LAs . rMlWIJGCS AfTHOtltED AT CTAM EOT. PUBLISHED BY THE ROY PRINTING COMPANY fUt IH&ft Interet the fn ciiniow AH iwrr 6iUtN. INI of IUV, kJVKitDAl. ommunit)r fcMUUf MThEH, UINTAH, OuDfcW AtX INIXIUIEU ANEAI4 the BurroundiJif BUinM KANEMVIUJE U OlTORIAl f f And sTo c fa i fo n -- J rmuftiBirng MUM tiona, and may you have many more. .Mrs. Hugo Muel, aon Sammy and daughter Lynn Dee, Mr. Mullers mother in law, Mrs. Fred Muller and daughter, Peggy of Elko, have Just returned from a wonderful trip to the following places: Winter. South Dakota where they visited with Mr. Muller grandmother, Mrs Nellie ePterson. from there to Watertown for a visit with Mr. Fred Mullers daughter. Mr. Wilbert Karanz. After leiving South Dakota they traveled to Blytheville, Ark . to see Sgt. and Mrs. Ron Bowman, on to Memphis, Tenn., for a visit with Mrs Claudia Smart. Their last stop was in Duma, Tex as guests of Mrs Muller' son, Wally Muller. PRICK 12.50 PER YEAR I IKK) Utah, lh KX 2 118-Writ, Ko School class of the The Owm-J SI Publisher. Res EX 29441 17 and Sunday 18 year olds of the ClearU)U KTAHI.E Manager field Third Ward held a party at Iagoon last Thursday. They had 'really be needed It la being put lots of food and loads of fun. After up at 550 No near Vicky lame they enjoyed all the food they Ila lire Ashton Ph TA5 0122 Home for a siait with his grand attended the tee hop that was held parents recently was Airman 2nd in the loigoon dance hall. Those ' Ihke Lynns grand who attended were Joyce Taylor, II Minis th.it the j uple of Ja Class Lynn are Mr and Mr Irby Hod Sharon Hale, Pauline Hale, Mary parents oi.. rl Afrs art- gi Mini; along real son He is also a nephew- of Mr Jo Benmcosa, Linda Rae Hilton, .mil showing how neighbors and Mrs Virgil Hudson, and Mr I, Ree Wheeler, Doug Price, Roni It if the) mil nulls Iry tan (ooN-ratand Mrs Elmo Hudson Airman nie Stevenson, Thell El win Day, for example a group of parents Pike attended Oasis High School Michael Blood, Ilene Bell, and lloin the in ohhol liood hale gotten where tie was ac tise with the school Ashton A good time was together to build a playground for tiaiid He receised hia basic tram by all who attended. S.itnnJaV finds ing at Parks Air Force Base in the youllp'-te-rJuly 11a family reunion was held them piiCing up femes leveling (.allforma From there hr wen! in the honor of the Day family. It a'lound and planting grass seed to Oklahoma Lynn sjn-na four was held in the back yard of Mr the pl.ixgroiind was given month assignment in the Far East and Mrs Ken and Divma (Day) Land Its tinThr lie has been in the Air Force Snow Among those who attended original Mibdmdi-I !i arfu Id tits provided fill dirt, a star Sure was good to Me you were Mr and Mrs Simpson Day Sr if it Was only and their daughter .i.i". M i d a sj r.nkling system. home Lynn Shirley of Rncing and via'k-- but tin- parents tor a short tunc Provo. Mr and Mrs Simpson Day aio coiitribu' ii.p the most essential Jr and their children of I jyton. be a little more baseball Mr and Mrs Thomas Ties arc doing a ill in muscles Day and good job but nei d more help as mindi d and get out and support children of ladroit, Mich and 11a there is still ipni e a tut set to do out junior hard ball team Tbe fi Dee Ashton and Thell Day Vi Lhbnrhrmd residents are going lows hast- been doing very well to le asked to finance tbe purchase-i- but either the jx oplr don t know playground eipiipment Tbit's when the games are to be played the time that everyoncs help ill or this Just aren I interested The boys jus', hasen't been given tbe, support that they jusstly deserve ILrthdus time has rolled around i ( i p i.nci agj.n fo rthe following Rob irt V lli .idles, Ralph H Hamblin ' I ! 1' i ! Hi tb Monigomery. and Horace K Ashby on tie 14'h, (beryl Lynn Tern'S pa Ihomas Hudson. Daniel 11 Ogden and Jaime (oodfcllow on the 15th, Blair Green Steven W Thurgood, TOl It OI D TIK4S Barbara Newby. John E Pace, and I Olt DOW N PAY MENT Eugene 0 Peterson on the 16th, hl.une Smith Karen Naylor, ra A happy birthday this week to R Barlow Paul K Blair, Anne ( ' to l.'l Month s and Vcrda Bouchard 1 i rl" s and Jean Burton on the Mabel 17th Delbert J Martin, Betty Ste on the 19!h. Annette Ray 20th. VlU sins and Terrs Steed on the lHth Berncil lligley and Eddie Smith Ray Mctlcne Peterson, ltulh Holt. Lu 21st, Irvin Pull and iillc (I Stringham and George Has 22 Elizabeth Ann Mathis and Clark .mi on the 2nih Happy birthday Smi'h 23rd Mrs Rerneil lligley was hostess to all of you Those we would like to wish a to a birthday partv in honor of "Lindas first birth happy annisersjrs to this wet k are her daughter Mr and Mrs Willard S Parker date on July 8th Luncheon was the 14'h, Mr and Mrs John H served to the following Mrs Rose on the 15th. Mr and Mrs Watts. Mrs Ralphs. Dee and Sandra Weaver and Mr and Mrs El Mark M Argyll- on the 18th wood Watts Linda received many Iliidliuiiy 91 Mr and Mrs Charles Myryn Ma I t lit lovely gifts a din at liny. bey rccintly entertained Mr and Mrs Jim lligley gave a of Mrs Mabey's honor ner in party We tell nothing but familly dinner on the 26th lovely Mr Mrs Ihillman. and Roy parents for Gordon Watts prior of June who were celebrating their golden Quality Products to his leaving for the service in Congratula wedding anniversary Fort Ord. Calif for his basic train ing Those enjoying this get togeth rr were Mrs Rose Watts. Doe and landa lligley, Mr and Mrs F.lwood Watts. Berncil and Jim Higlev and Don Clark from Taylor and the guest of honor Ry the way Mrs Edna Watts informed me that Gor don called last Sunday from Fort Ord and he reports he is fine and sends everyone hello We all send you the same greetings Gordon and wc miss your pleasant person ality At this time I would like to send a cheery hello and best wishes to all the other fellows away from home, either in the service or in the mission field, to let you know we think of you all and wish you the best of luck and happiness. A get well wish" goes out this EMERGENCY PHONE EX 2 9665 PHONE EX2 31C0 week to Barbara Pall, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Marlow Poll, who has bronchial pneumonia and to Evan Rav who has been ill Graduating from Primary this month were (he following- Barbara Poll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs E lJM'A mHOWARD I It 1 11 ION 531)0 So A111.K ION , r lli:m Clearfield News Ila-De- e t !r - . , Ia-t- , South Weber s . ! i I DAVE'S SERVICE . JEWELRY REDUCED DRASTICALLY RESCRIRTIONS cuxuta&&i BENNION DRUG STOP . . . LOOK LISTEN Marlw Poll; Linda Kendell, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Lawrence and Geraldine BrimhalL They received their certificate from Mr. Elaine Poll, president W would like to congratulate these girl on this advancement The Trail Builder will be held Friday evening July 19th at the church. The boy parent are invited to participate in this evening of fun. Games will Phone TA 5 2165 be played and refreshment served. Mr. and Mr. Darrell Stoddard Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nelson and took their Sunday School Class Mr. and Mr. Garth King are vacadown to Timpanoga Cave last Fri- tioning in California this week. day. This day was well spent and They plan to visit in San Francisco enjoyed immensely by all who at- and Los Angeles. Little, Terri and tended. Thank to thi fine couple Tamara Nelson will visit while they who took the time out to show are with their Clinton News these boys and girls such a lovely time. Some of them probably would have never had the opportunity of exploring the cave. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kent Bambrough who moved into their new home this week. Sacrament meeting last Sunday evening was under the direction ol the Y VVMIA. Individual award were presented to the girl. The guest speaker was J. Duffy Pal miT, asst, county attorney and counselor tn the Clearfield Third Ward bishopric. Special musical numbers were presented. Next Sun day evening July 21st, the Daughters of the Pioneers will be in charge of the services. This u the month we commemorate the p.o neerj entering the Salt Lake VaJ ley in July 1847. The motive ol these pioneer men and women was nut for all the gold in California, but that they might worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. What a heritage we of the church have been given of 1847 and the by the pioneer ilandciirt pioneers who came a decade later, these are the ones we honor this month and what a responsibility we have to pass this valuable possession on untarnished Mrs. Rose Matts is spending the week in Idaho Falls visiting her son and daughter in law and fam Watts. Mr. and Mrs Then ii She went up with another son, Saync, and his family who were on vacation also The Polio Clinic which was spon sored by the PTA was very successful. with everyone responding in large groups for their shots, last FTriday July 12th being the last date till fall There was 906 given the serum We would like to thank all those who helped and suiorted this cause Mrs Delores Badger entertained he r Sunday School class last Satur day night to a picnic and swim ming party a tCoino Springs, those attending were Paul Thorpe, Connie Stark, Carolyn Poll, Leroy Badger, Caroly Coy, Joan Poll, Joyce Handrahan and Dan Slanger and Roger Bambrough. Mrs LaVt-rBybee was pleant-lsurprised on her birthday last Saturday to a lovely dinner served at the Hillside Manor in Farmington A lovely birthday cake was made for her at the Manor House, besides the many gift presented her by her family. Those present were Mr and Mrs. Bob Kempster, Mr and Mrs LaMoync Bennington, Mr and Mrs. Jack Clark and Mr. and Mrs Jim Clark, Mr. and Mrs Art Johansen, June and Dean By bee and the guest of honor; LaVern and Orville Bybee. After dinner they all enjoyed an evening of dancing Little Diana Kempster, 34 years of age, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kempster of South Weber, has been entered in a beauty contest sfxmsixred by The Rebecca Iodge in Ogden. Last Sunday she was among the top two being the highest in her age group. Motion pictures were taken of her which will be shown the night of Aug a tthe Ogden High School. Tickets for this evening which is the final judging night are 30c each and can be obtained from Arline Kempster Each ticket sold helps little Diana win points Judging the final night will be on health and beauty. They will have to haye 8 doctor's examination on health and judges , . . . What a boy with a tool kit makes is nervous parent. first of all A lot of people consider themselves a bead of tbe times when they arent even going in tbe ' same direction. neth Wood and family are spending the next three week in Stockton, Calif. Mr. Russell and Mr. Wood will receive their (wo weeks summer training with the armed forces while the rest of their family are seeing some of the beautiful sights in California. Reid Davis took his Sunday School class to Cottonwood canyon on Thursday. Games were played and a lovely supper sefved to the members of his class. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Davis are the proud parents of a new baby daughter born on July 12 at the Dee Hospital. A brother Stanley and sister Carol are waiting for her to return home. Miss Virginia Clifford of Clinton and Mary Lynna Petro of Clear field spent the dsy Wednesday at the home of Janette Ross. Mrs. Betty Heiner and family and Mrs. Florence Lewis and fam ily spent the past week visiting with their brother, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Taylor and family in Rupert Idaho. Keith Beus, son of Mr. and Mrs Henry Beus, celebrated his birthday on July 11. Keith is 8 years of Salute to CACHE ' COUNTY ft . . . . In northern Utah lie the beautiful communitie of the largest Swim chece of Cache County-ho- me canfactory in the world, evaporated milk plants, neries, packing houses, and Utah State University NaCovering the east part of the county is Cache tional Forest, a favorite retreat for campers, fishermen, and hunters. In Cache County and its many progressive communities each having a colorful history and record of continuous achievement the United State Brewer Foundation works constantly to encourage mainwherever com! wholesome of tenance clean, beer and ale are enjoyed. ge- - Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Mitchell and family are spending their vacation in Tdaho visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Sherman and family. On July 24th at 4 p.m. a cele bration will be held at the Clinton Park. All relatives, friends and former members of the ward are invited to attend. Everyone will bring their own lunch and refreshments will be furnished. A parade for children will be held at 6 with judges to choose those that arc ' Dairy Land of Infermountain America BEER and ALE GOOD JW W 0J3J . . eSHUB bur-cos- Insurance and AUTO Insurance Complete Family Laundry Fast Service Launderettd OR ANY KIND OF QUICK PERSONAL SERVICE! IS all Ray, Paul, Dale, Clark and Don Child, sons of Mr. and Mr. John T. Child spent the past week at Yellowstone Park. Janette Ross, Virginia Clifford and Mary Lynn Petro entertained 40 of the aophomore friends from Davla High at the Clinton Park on Tuesday. Games were played and a lovely supper prepared for all. It was wonderful meeting with one another and renewing their friend ship again. Mrs. Janean DeWitt of Sunset, Mrs. Nell Johnston of Hooper, and Mrs. Ruby Davis oT Clinton spent an enjoyable day together on Friday. Tby motored to Brigham City and had lunch at Maddox. . Want an appraisal mi vmir limne . , t FI UK Jlinf sonit' pood .Insurance Co. Koa! Kstato oic grandparents, waterworks plant and system for the town. The town voted 190 for tbe bond and 8 against. and horse shoe pitching program firework. The bishopric urges to attend. iioy . . away best Their will be a ball game, part of tbe cost of acquiring a Mr. and bln. Kay Nelson. Miss Lucy Taylor spent the week end as a guest of Mis Sharon Rosa at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Child and Tbe Sunday School class of Mrs. LaVaun Mitchell spent a very plea- family of Murray, Utah were dinner sant evening together on Thursday guests on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rsymond Davis. at Lagoon. The Clinton Town Board held an Mr. and Mrs. William Russell election on Tuesday to vote for a and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- bond for the purpose of defraying w Want to sell nr trade ymir homo Want to liny a home . . Want a loan on soar home Fundalaj for the beauty. Let all buy a ticket and help our little entry win first place. Tbe winner will be presented a beautiful trophy. A THOUGHT' '(No one ride dead bead on tbe road to happi-nesIf you reach that goal, you must pay your fare." YOU... ESV TESADti TTO tTESAVEO. E3V UNION EPAGBIPBC A wide selection of wonderful meals. freshly prepared and graciously served, while you view the passing panorama. Doubly thrilling atop a Dome Diner. For information, reservations, Call or See Us Now tickets, or help with your travel plant, tee your nearby Union Pacific Railroad ticket agent. t REALTORS BUILDERS ROY. UTAH PHONE EX J "Roy, The City With a Future." i QJ DTI DO OH INSURANCE 861 Q3V,UILB Pa if So PalDo-oad- l, C5 . |