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Show SHOP IN ROY FREE GASOLINE DETAILS INSIDE SEE CONGRESS CONSIDERING BILL UNFAVORABLE FOR THE WESTERN STATES A bill which would strike a dev astating blow against the Western Stateis now being considered by Congress. If passed, it would make it extremely difficult for the West to develop more of its natural re sources. I refer to the so called Wilder ness Preservation bill, S 1176 Hejrings have now bceji held on this bill by the Interior committees uf both ho..scs and the bill Is picking up considerable popular think, among support mostly, people who do not unde rstand it hTc Idle of the bill makes it sound a it it were a rather harm less pieee ol legislation Alter all, who can object to preserving th. and protecting the "wilderness, njturjl beauty of our fuiests Hut the bid wuuiel do far mule than that It would U ovule- gtaduai of ihe grazing uf live in u o stuck in flu-- wilderness areas, it would slop location and patent ol nun.ng clauns. and the- leasing tit - Loc&l News, Local Advertising for Local People Roy, U (jili Thursday, .July IS, Daring this session of Congress, have supported Federal budget cuts totaling more than $1 5 billion under the amount the admuu.stra tion requested This week in the House, however, I was convinced that the recent spenders turned misers cut the lepariment of le fenve budget too deeply Despite President Eisenhower's warning the tvW economy conix-rtcut funds for the Army, Navy, and Air Force $2 6 billion under what the President requested and $1 billion under appropriations allotted for the current year I voted to restore $313 millions to the budget but we were outnumbered s 1 1 Vol. '.r7 4 N Of course, it is recognized that tiiere are some areas which must be protected completly from mining, from grazing, and similar development Those areas can be placed under the National lark System a parks or monuments under existing law -- there is no need to put all of our wilderness areas in this category, thereby "freezing" all development at its present stage Yet this is exactly what this hill would do It would almost have the effect of making the west one big national park understand that the Interior Committees of both houses are con sidertng the possibility of holding oil and gas resourie-it would pie in the field" after Con vent the building id toads mtu any hearings If hearings are gre-sadjourns would it 'wild' areas and tie scheduled in Utah. I hope the ol the National J.uk Servile-iof the state will make their admiiiis't ring o ,r ii.itu.n.i, people to this measure known iipIKisilion In elfecf. It would mean tha. to the committee m forceful terms vast areas jiaetiealy .ol 111 the The We st is no a embarking on a west would he maintained so'civ new era of growth and develop lor tin enjoyment of the few Inki rs He cunriut afford to have and lumpers who tali get to the-mu-ebs ill t onsidi reel legisla sty Si n.i ui liubi it II .mp1 ri y oj in ihe name of conscr-lion Minin sota. who mtjodueiil the bill ation IllallltaUls that existing u- ,, ulld Boy Scouts Enjoy Finale of Trip Washington Reports From Representative Dawson I 1 1 Utah's Boy Scouts are enjoying week of Jamboree activities. Everyone is up and going oy 7 a in. while the fire builders are getting the charcoal stoves healed up. Ihe commissary detail pickup their food rations for the day. All plates, cupsu and dishes are made ol paper. their final may well pahs over Utah. It is scheduled to fly over the United Mates between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude. All of Utah south of I'ay-iois within this area. So it tnay be tha tresidents of Utah, equipped with powerful glasses, will see a new "star" flash over the horizon, the sun's rays reflected back to earth by its metallic skin, a skin l25,OOOths of an inch thick, Since they are taxpayers, the "star" il be partly theirs. And, it is hoped, the knowledge it sends back m the future, amply repay t,u'in for their contribution - s irn-n- l -i . i and tilled 1 i - - The Grand Prize to be given away at Roy Days, Sept. 2, will also be on display. Happy Daze can hardly wait' This old sunshine and the green mountains are sure making the old skin crawl. Vacation time is here fishing. boating, swimming, hiking, touring, the works. No getting out of bed in the morning and dragging off to work. Wonderful? Ill say Maybe you are like me. I A REAL COOL" COWGIRL In Hazel Jenkins, clerk typist in the Purchasing Division, who poses prettily to boost Ogden Citys l Depot, upcoming annual Pioneer Days celebration. Utah for the first time In several years, will enter several floats complete with fair and shapely damsels In the July 24th Parade. just want to lie around and be lazy. Whatever you do on your vacation, its your way of getting away from it all for a time. I was talking to a guy the other day who is spending 13 of his 15 days vacation in bed. Lazy? Nope. He just didn't plan his vacation very well. He got all excited, didn't take time to make certain his car was in safe condition before he started out on his trip. Result, a tie rod came loose and he ended up in the pit and from there to a hospital bed. A lot of people are seriously injured and killed while they are on their vacations every year. They fail to pre plan and prepare for their trips and then they fail to use the safety lessons they have learned; If you dont take anything else with you on your vacation, be sure you take a large bottle of Safety and take it in regular doses every hour. Its a wonderful tonic for an enjoyable time. Have fun get a good rest and you can tell us all about that wonderful vacation when you get back to your homo and on the Job safely. Post Office Tell think, however. U1.1t many t tub hvestock men an non iis would sharply d.s.iAtie vv th that U ten nt vv III "ider t" Jit1, t have soiiu le IS,lieour-illy routes id Hill Xpe ell' niusly allel to .linn ii.ii.'iig and graz ng and "t he-vice to r.e w homes ti s'i 1, ,1, dri.lmg fur oil We i.ili:."! g v. anyone a trie- bund to el .i, hi- i'i..d I" i" t'g in tin area, the- Post ve. he s u.'.h our iil.li, lull - I liit "tin Hu" uiiK.iig and re I" ! 1.11 g ,t I'lie in the cltv, is why the- - existing reiii'i" . we 11 lev 'Ii' nt up in.iny y ui s u, J,.i. 22 Seiioi tin- Nutu'ii.i. I'ulk ills wi.I inejn a dilfeieiit time in y un n, 1,1 etc livery ami in many system the f .s.'l alul U ilill.fi- Se i ue ulid o' tu r gov mine lit uge II us. s a d.l !e r nt 1 an ler I de fis tew system we shall 10s anin-- operu'.i- on re 'I.! iii'ii. In in a jHisition to I. ui that nut ulur.il mill is s' tv 'I t.e all' le I'.ete-population .lu.'ih wi Ii a minimum id changes r routes ei. r c.'i I heratal patrons will no longer the- r box number, all mall is to he addressed and delivered by house number Th s will eliminate The July meeting of Ihe Women s adding bux numbe rs with letters of the- alp! abet In some case-s Lutheran where (mid of Our htirch was held Julv 11th at the m vv huim-have been built one I'i'X n in In r bus had to fuse almost home of Mrs I H Crossfn hi wrh Mrs laiuis ojip serving as cohost every letter of the alphabet added tu it t" g.ve- delivery to separate ','s vi Ihe- Ikvotiona hi'ine s service was give-v Mrs F.mmu liu'se II Hoy postmaster, Wallae c Omcr t this meeting nvlons explained further that by using the address would for rug making, lint ns house numlx-rdonated for the Columbia Confer remain permanent and not subject ence Home for the Aged, and maga to t hangi' whenever a new heu.se was built ziius gathered for the Infirmry delicious lunch was served In Tile Post Off up ask your earnest the hosti ssc-cooperation in the change and if 'I he 111 xt meeting will he held you are' a rural patron, they reat 7 30 pm Aug 1st at the home quest you aeluse correspondents of Mrs Henri Burklund. with Mrs of ymir housenumbers immeIlurrv I'.urduk as co hostess diate') to assist in the change over I e , -- i- S 11 . - "ill' . j i e 11 - v 1 S U Imrii ct-l- i .i tercet eif re sc ! J I i i v el t t:,e- c s .e -- .ei l.K k .utile- of ci the- bi.ll kMllelll it WJs IIIUM mu as a grim r tie- ill he- ;! ti., i .11 ng eorp Witt iiio.,y Club 1 tine the- line eillll v, e, eel ;.i ir man 83 U. K.s 111! N(, President David ci Me ka.v r i v ji. rl .f hi lei gi'ei'l eiai' last week when 111rolehis laVeillte- he'lseVM'I. 1 iiI s ov r ( the I .Solis Wueiilci! lilllnle-illail .ill in.le s tloiii '. Hlitlslv ille- to Plata oar own lee K host teiwn Laiiata was once a ciigfing sjuui,ng 11011111, town le nts ol ov r .11 atiii Pi si ii lie It Me !. rente ll s t ei si I "P, llutistv ille- to eie hve r tin in tin ir mail At li the w lute t ,iae lie e! lal 1' - 1 KIND WORDS Edward Fieri U !ho American Statesman min wrote. 'When I contemplate the extent to which the moral sent, ment.s, the intelligence, the aftec tions of mi many millions of pi op!iare scaled up by the sacred eh. urn Within tile (over of a letter daily circulated through a country. I am compelled to regard the POST OF FTC E. next 10 Christianity, as the r.ght arm of modern civilization Patriarch m.eii.s visiie-i- re ruke-- t l tm ij a in's lo'ieru 11 11 e - s 11 I s g r- THE LIVING .1 u- le'itin 1. .ip eitv nut v nlc- id the the- 5 o k eye Iee-- t non he gre uV-.have pM nllmv ( hi'-tii.- (loud oifuee mil of mail trv p, .oine-liliii WANTED YOUNG MEN PHILOSOPHIES ! .s and fiv K i ,with this tn.rdcn by us.iig mure THE M IL I) I I) N T GO employ ees at lili'U so I, veil TIIKOl (.11 I he Postal Scrv icc ha-- t In v swamped both on the remade atomic' strides over the ci iv ing .end dispute lung end .mil Ii tie r m.iv lie- de s yum years and for you who still affectionately to the "good old hive d days jilease read this little tut taken from the Deseret News dated January 23, 1857. "The Cali forma mad lame in, and again it had been r.ficd of the most uibr esting magazines and papers." AMONG THE SOUVENIRS If you are a tourist of a sort and care for a conn etc look at a souvenir of those ' old days," hesitate in the museum of Virginia City, Montana where the actual foot of a clubfooted blacksmith is featured in a stellar role and up on the knoll of boot hill are three of his contemporaries with wooden slab headstones, stating tn bold old type that they were all hanged. Historians of western lore tell the story of how the sheriff of Virginia City robbed the stagecoach of the mail going to Salt Lake City His stealing partner was the duii footed blacksmith who "turned up" the stage coach and horses for the journey and then passed the word along to the sheriff whenever the mail in the coach was laden with valuables. After many losses and privac (me minded young men sleuthing by some of the few hon between the ages of 21 and est souls outside the law, the sher35 to join the Roy Junior iff and his blacksmith buddy and Chamber of Commerce (Jay other pals ended their rich career cces). hanged to the tallest tree in VirIts an tip and coming young ginia City Later some of the citizens doubted that the actual thieves man's organization established were hung that day when boiling to provide leadership training emotions had become a tempest, through community better so they dug up the remains to put ment. their minds at rest. When they For more information call found the club foot of the blackRobert Stewart EX 4 2140, Robsmith, they knew the vigilantes ert Rush EX A6046 or Dom had hung the "right" men. They Antonietti EX 4 2874, e Womans Guild Collects Nylons - mtiaiits sum, wh.sino tile mm ii s sighing tin otigh tie- s.igi' MIL I. Mtl BIRD (.FI's 1 ML M ML whole Mu I'lten i.mi l" - le in M liven if yuj mud lotting s - Senator Wallace Benneit of Utoh examine model of spoci sotellit which will be launched soon. The ''artificial moon" will fravel 18,000 miles on hour, and will provide information about , conditions beyond earth's atmosphere. F. rc-f- Oh boy! I ' Mu.-mil- . pro Of New Change Roy Jaycees Plan Car Wash July 27 sate-lite- - - 11 e - an- Hspieted ;h pnv.ite- tights un- pimkgis i , t pa-se- e 'o 1 s Roy Miss Wed In Home Rites . India-irimiatel- ) Each day offers new experiences, new friends, and new activities. Walking tours of Valley Forge, archery, skeet shooting, rille shoot log ing, conversation, rolling, bridge gilding, physical fitness courses and many other fine activities take up the time and make life interesting There are many new friends to meet and many momentoes to swap with boys from all over the world Careful Research Last Sunday over 50,000 boys at tended special relig.ous services As your representative in Con There were services for 7,OcJ Ho gress 1 have had an opportunity man Catholic, also Jewish, Budhisli to viyt many of our highly secret Me r. lyn tuld and Huhard Miss and Bahai faiths. There were 30,000 I defence installations have abo seen many of the as'oundingli com i Under were umted in mairiuge Protestant youths attended special a lovely ceremony Ju.y 12. at services. plex weapons now being developed home of tile bildes parents ...iTie amaz-ncapabilities of th-Elders Harold B Lee and Delbert machines will be made puhl'c as .. ai ii Mrs t Dean I laid of Hoy L. Stapley, of the Council of the h i. sunp .Merlin .N look of the soon as seruntv permits Coo'ro' Twelve, addressed the youths of eve ard ofllc .allllg mg these supersonic devices n i'.eicn's ed the hr.d l uom are the LDS Church Present also for quires machines that can r .' ahd Mrs Jesse . He c dir. 3 Uhl the sen lies were Elder Theodore much more rapidlv than m,n cm C Jacobsen, New York City, presi , Ate-Ogden, I tah Needles to sav the mac h ms dent of the Eastern States Mission, ,ie Lt.dal paity reueved guests and expensive Elder Elbert R Cuitis, general , i:e j jiiciure window, highlight superintendent of the MIA and by a .citric calldelahla and New Star Mrs. La Verne Pannlev, general ...K.ii.g arch festooned with pink The United Mates' space- sin Meof Primary president i nations and while i. gladioli ls not a defense weapon I! is tie ng he hi de was lovely in a balla Special feature of the evening built with defense funels. however i.na length gown of imported chan services were the five minute talks because the information it is ex nl.y lace over taffeta and tulle by Stanford S. Smith, Bountiful, pected to gather in its journey I he bodice was styled with scallop the Deacons, Lance through outer space will be of great ld boa, styk. neck and Wlde puUed representing J Parker, Roy, representing the value in designing our aircraft of beeves that were elbow length Teachers and Mark Allen, Ameri the future Adding a new star" to Her fingertip veil of illusion was can Fork, representing the Priests. the aky is an expensive task But j attached to a matching lace crown Music was furnished by the Eastshould I as a member of Congress trimmed with seed pearls and iri ern States Mission. say this nation has enough knowl deveest sequins Her bridal bouquet edge already Should this nation was fashioned of pink elf roses and After morning services a chicken which was discovered by an ad white s'ephanotis, tied with pink dinner was cooked and enjoyed by venturer with a scoffed at theory and white satin ribbon the boys. call a halt to space research Miss Sharon Allen was maid of All activities will conclude this tumor, with Mae Hobson, Carol weekend. Satriltc farts liashford, Shirley Reeder, Maureen If all goes well, the space sntehle Call, ami Teresa Child as brides will be launched next year Travel maids They wore identical gowns ing at 18,000 miles per hour, the of shaded torqcuse blue, and car21 inch instrument packed spheroid ried baskets of pink and white will circle the earth once cverv carnations 100 minutes During its journey, it Performing best man duties, was back to Dun Rutledge Lynn Fuhriman was will radio information The Roy Jaycees will hold their tracking stations now being built the usher. second car wash event of the sum-the served were Guests in friend and garden this other in in country Jess's Texaco Service, 600(1 at mer on with lighted Japanese lanterns, ly nations Although the will orbit from 300 to 1.VI0 miles tables covered with pink satin So. 1900 West, Saturday July 27 above the earth, it will be visible cloths centered with dainty pink All cars will be washed outside through powerful binoculars and an( white ming trees, cleaned inside for the small and Organ musil was played by J telescopes price of $1. This will be all day Clair Andersen. from 8am to 5 p m. A $5 gift cer Over Utah After a honeymoon in Sun Valtificate will be given to some lucky As is now planned, the satelitc ley, the couple will reside in Roy. person. should be used for the greatest good of the greatest number of people, not Just for any one group. Tins is known as the "multiple use" doctrine, which has been ao important in the development of the west. This doctrine will be a thing of the past if the Wilderness Pri servatmn lull is passed. Copy write 1957 F. COTTLE July 24, 1906 ON THE IT Itl.IC SQl'XRK he played bis big bass horn which led around his body in Ihe towns brass band Between selections played he m ngled with the group of men He had a look of conserva livedignity about him They knew that hr was a rock and brick ma-oand a farmer He was a medium large- man with a Feard His eves wore no g'asse s and were pie mnglv hazel He was a disciple of tin n 'he "woodshed" treatment fur the unruliest, disobedient child He loved well misted horqe made bread, spread with country fresh butter and lus own self refined honey, and well blanched celery. I suspeet I knew him much less than most folks 111 Plain City, Utah I knew he worked too hard building a new brick home That he payed his own expenses and gave his time to serve as a missionary in Ohio fur Irs church He krpt hoelv and soul together with much faith and little money Win n he passed our house driving his team hitched to a hay rack, ng tu the- (mid for a load of alfalfa, he would step and reach down tu ft nie up in the hai wagon Main of Ins moods and mannerisms marveled at his strength in lifting the large haycockes siirpiisid me li'gh onto the wagon Often he pondered the inhuman fate of his mother. She was a member of an independent pioneer company on their way to Utah. In a fight with Indians Julv 21. 1866. near Win., bis brother was badli wounded by an arrow in his baek. H's father died three weeks later from tomahawk wounds. His mother was slapped on an Indian pony, her feet tied underneath its .stomach and her hands around it's neck The pony was turned loose and followed the Indians away after the raid She was never seen or heard of again He (onstejered h's handicaps and ignored most of them His wife died when I was 7 days old I lived with my aunt and uncle. He had gie.it love for his ancestors and their posterity and hts faith in his religion impelled him onward, to go forth into a wilderness in the mountains to help create a new empire anti to a successful conclusion of las self assumed labor. He had a touch of broad humor close behind his English facade. With his own family he was loving and severe generous and obtuse and understanding, bullish and lambish. He had six sons and six daughters. Though he would now be 106, while I am 61, I cannot bring myself to call him by a solemn title. He has remained always to me as he was on the day July 24, 1906, while playing in the band for the celebration when he waved his hand inall--ad gesture to come to him and he gave me a bright new quarter for pop corn and soda . . . And I said thank you, daddy. Shall wp think together next week, 11 - |