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Show i who really got we were Pansy and HEWS WEST-POIN- Mr. and Mrs. Orson Davis on the 18th; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Putnam on the 19th; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Johnston on the 24th; Mr. and Mrs. Orrell Moss also on the 24th. i , Tk union (immediate families) will held next Sunday July 21st in the Cleone. Tha goes to show what conscientious workers we have in our MIA! On Thursday the girls gave a program as their mutual for that week as Tuesday was a special stake program at Lagoon. Those who came up to visit that evening were Mr. and Mrs. George Q. Bennett, Dell and Zelma Singleton, Jay and June Holbrook, Wilford and Elva Zaugg, Darlene Montgomery, Beverly Hunt, Florence and Doyle Abrams, Arnold Bingham, Robert Caldwell, Ronald Caldwell, other visitors were Ruth Troseth, and Bonnie Johnson. After the program they had a marshmallow roast. Last Sunday evening the Relief Society presidency was released. The outgoing officers are Erma Blake, president; Norma Patterson, 1st coun.; Mildred Bauman, 2nd, and Julia Bennett, secretary. We would like to thang them all for their services. The new presidency is Florence Paice, president; Norma Patterson, 1st coun., Della Coo, 2nd counselor. Julia Bennett will continue as secretary until a new secretary is selected. We wish to the new presidency andfcwtth them happiness in their labors. The West Point Young Ladies MIA had a wonderful time when they camped out at the Meadows in South Fork Canyon last week. Pansy Dalton, MIA president and Cleone Caldwell activity counselor accompanied the girls. The girls at- landing were Saundra Flint, Ellen Margaret Bybee, Anna White, Bonnie Mae Edwards, Jean Single- Janice Bennett, Sheri Penney, Carolyn Patterson, Zora King, Janet Burnmgham, Linda Dalton, Linda Singleton, Jackie Putnam, Eileen Judy Jones, Irene Garrard, Holbrook, Carol Dean Ed Like most encampments a of amusing incidents hap pcned. On Wednesday night they had rain and Pansy and Cleone were so concerned about the g.rU getting wet that they rotated be the tents hie only ones The new bishops storehouse in Kaysviltc will be dedicated on Thursday July 18, at 8 p.m. On Monday the "Five Little Sew and Sews" and the "Buttons and Bows 4 II Sewing Clubs met to do community service. The girls who participated in filling in an aban-Flmdoned well were Gayle Loveland, , Linda Moss, Janet Flint, Doris son and Sheila Kirkman, Susan Blake Caroldean Edwards, Colleen Dahl, Dianna Page, Karen Zaugg and Carolyn Criddle. The 4 11 ers who were present and took tion pictures of the girls perform-wards- . r ing their task were Emerald Takahashi. land. Midge Beverly Criddle. Marjorie Montgomery, After filling in the well the five little Sew and Sews met at the home of their leader Emerald Love-tweeland for their sleekly meeting; Olenon Virginia Ph. TA 54340 Happy birthday to Ralph King on the 17th; Wilford Flint the 18lh; Keith Wayne Broadhead, the 20th; Arnold Bingham the 21st; Blanch Bingham and Emerald Loveland the 22nd; Edith Flint, Evelyn Single-ton- , Noal Cook, Timmy Fisher all on the 23rd; Mary Beth Fisher the 24th; Richard Flint, Lora Edwards, Floyd Patterson all on the 25th. Dee and Lee Caldwell on the 2(ith. A vary special birthday wish to Mrs. Mary E. Dalton of Roy who will be 90 years old on July 23. Mrs. Dalton is known and loved by most of the folks in West Point and she once lived here. Her son Charles Dalton and daughter Elizabeth Patterson and families are well known in West point. Happy to wedding anniversary u r afternoon at the Syracuse Park. t, Ole-ton- lead-Zaug- e Love-numbe- ; n Baby Doll Pajamas of Dacron and Cotton perfect for Needs no ironing Summer Vacations' sr Waltz Length Gown in N5 I)N Beautiful and $5.95 Roy, Utah I it nmwmaK Low Cost-Uniq- Beauty ue when youbuild with UTAH CONCRETE BLOCH Permanent and lew cotll Utah Concrete Sloli and Fade) lave Spltt can beautify your home and yord ot you never believed pottible, and many carer, you con do the work yourulfl Free riant, Initrvction and are yourt for the oiking we'll be plod le helpl I In eeH-mat- $7.80. Many Their activity was cutting out their Daughters of Pioneers since their dresses. Last week they made draw- organisation 43 years ago. The captain, Alta Patterson, in reportstring bags. Lee Zaugg of West Point ia at- ing on the history ol the local camp tending the National Boy Scout stated that he Riverdale camp was Jamboree at Valley Forge. He will organized Sept. 6, 1914, with Martha probably have many interesting Ritter as first captam There are things to relate when he returns now 32 registered members. home near the end of this moth. Are you all properly celebrating Pioneer Days. In my opinion, "All Thought for the week Live for aometing. Do goo, and racesWesl is an oubtanding 'unuMcale whuh improves leave behind you a monument ol virute that the storms of time can with age. It is remarkable what never destroy. Write your name in teamwoiltjwill do It takes tha same kindness, love and mercy on the kind of eamwork to produce auch hearts of thousands you come into an epic as it took (or the pioneers contact with, year by year. Good to produce the tremendous spot in deads will shine as the stars in history the epic bespeak of. heaven. The Boy Scouts have chosen to leave for their camping trip on July 22, at 9 a m They will be in camp Monday through Friday, com Saturday before noon. BeYtrla K. Hull Phone EX 4 5831 mg home sides two professional scouters who We re well into July, and every regularly slay ai (tie camp, provision has been nude for an adult body's hot and bothered, including to be with the boy' each night, and the Atomic Energy Commission. women to be there in the day two The AEG, of course, has told the Each boy is io bring the folHouse Appropriations Subcommit time. items for hi own use, plus lowing with tee' that it cannot comply any spending money he may wsnt, ITesident Eisenhower's new ecofor .22 shells, ete and his regular a drastic cut without order nomy scout equipment, such as first aid back in producUon of weapons. etc. There was also a debate last week kit, A skillet and kettle and individDeon the foreign aid program. ual dishes and silverware, plus mocracy and debating go together. Thank God for the opportunity to these items of food (from a menu worked out by a scout mother, Cleo debate our problems! 1 Brough): qt. of canned fruit or And thank Him for freedom of an amount of fresh fruit, equivalent the press, if m modified form 1 tomato Juice ior fresh citrus qt. had our former citizenry borne of a dessert food such as cake, no such freedom, even though they fruit), cookies The other foods are to be of bona this fide were citizens the entire group, cost USA. In 1833, the Church Printing purchased for later lress of the Church of Jesus Christ figured There can be i.o sleeping in the of Latterday Saints, was destroyed. so anyone having access to cabins, Other depredations followed and a tent will find it handy for pup to were ter these people subjected in the meadows Family rible oppressions in Missouri and camping night will be hTursday, when the Illinois. ideorl dg OWIRIBOXES But, when the call came for men of this people to enlist in the war against Mexico, there was no hesitation. The Saints mustered the "Mormon Battalion ' of 500 at Coun cil Bluffs on July 16, 1846. Daniel B. Rawson, eldest son of my greatHorace S Rawson, grandfather, tells of the many hardships endured while he was in the service of an unkind "Uncle Saw at this time. On the whole, however, it came to be a blessing to the Saints to belong to the Battalion, since it helped some of the impoverished to earn the means of getting their families o their place of asylum On July 27, there is a "Hill Billy Hop, the third annual such dance, at the stake house, sponsored by Terrace Fifth Ward. The event starts at 9 p.m. and is for all hill billies and pea pickers of the stake. It's picnic month and everyone is interested in outdoor eating. Some of the aftereffects of such fun can be oppressing, hower Rog er Thompson, son of former River dalers, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Thump son, is currently suffering from poison oak poisoning, witnessing this fact. The Thompsons are visiting in Ogden this holiday time. Roger attended Weber College, staying with his cousins, the Hemngers of Sunset. Kent has been here, too, previous to his folks' coming. The Ice Cream Festival continues is Na through July, and July tional Soft Ice Cream Week, promoting, oc course, the sale of the soft ice creams. I personally prefer . I like ice cream mine that will melt. Course, I dont usually give it time to melt. But some of the new varieties of ice cream they you buy are 60 Ubodificd stand there like pudding when theyre supposed to be melted. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Wayne Garfield! Their new little "bundle of Joy is a girl, born Friday, July 12. Mrs. Garfield's brother, Ronnie Hamblen, who is serving an LDS missionary in the Southern California mission, expresses love for and deep appreciation to the Riverdale people. In a letter received by the Riverdale bishopric, Ronnie reports that he is now working in the Church Mission Office in Los Angeles as secretary. Ronnie reports favorable news conversion-wise- , too, stating that in 8 months, 20 people came into the church." Sacrament meeting Sunday was given by Camp Martha, DUP, the first such opportunity provided the Elders met there the following evening at the same time for an event ful time together, playing softball, volley ball and other group games ' Elmo Brady. Weber County recreation director, announces that rhildren of the county may again sign up for swimming instruction, to begin on July 22 The charge is $1 25 per week, and a bus will pick up children at Riverdale School on Friday's at 10 am ARCTIC CIRCLE BULK SPECIAL-BUL- GOOD I KIDAY SPECIAL K MMitY SATl'RI) LEI11A McQUAKKIE PHONE 5 1835 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gomm and boys were visiting friends in Sun- set' last week. The'Gomms ONLY Lemon-Lim- Y them and their partners, in honor of Richard Scott who is leaving Thursday morning for the Air Force, to be stationed in Texas. Those present were ss follows: leader, Vern Young and wife, Wilford Izatt and wife, Richard Scott, Kenneth Ixivell, Quhid Izatt, Robert McQuarrie, Dale Barnett, Gloria Israelson, Joyce Sheffield, and Joel Izatt. Quhid Izatt, recently released from the Navy showed a few slides of Cuba, Bermuda," and the surrounding cities, and Richard gave a farewell talk. Henry D. Moyle of the Council of the Twelve will dedicate the new Bishop's Storehouse in Kaysville Thursday night. Much work has been done by the Sunset Wards and all who can are invited Jo attend. Quhid Izatt recently released from the Navy and Richard Scott who leaves for the Air Force July 17 were two of the speakers at Sacrament meeting Sunday, July 14, in Sunset Ward. Sunset Ward ITmury Parade will be held Monday, July 22, at 10 am There will be no Primary (be following Tuesday. Herbert linkman, son of Selma, was beaten up and his nooe broken by some teenagers when he was talking with the manager, his friend, of a club oh Riverdale Road Saturday night, July 13, at closing time. The teenagers broke in and wanted some beer and when they were refused, the riot began. Mary Ellen Bailey was in charge of the music and dancing so beautifully rendered in "All Faces West which was presented to the public last weekend ECS Dont forget the kids show each Saturday at the ROY THEATER CARTOONS 12 PLUS KETTLES ON Old McDonald's Farm e Cherry LOCATED origi- nally lived in Sunset but moved to California a few years ago. Happy birthday to Carol Tribe, and H. A. Tornock on July 12, Corinne Larsen, July 13, Ixanne Robinson, July 16, Grant Jensen July 17, Dorothy Lovell. July 18, and Dick Hunter, Linda Kay, and Sharee Nicholas, July 21. Congratulations to Air. and Mrs. J. Hay Ward on the birth of a baby girl. The Wards have twin boys and one boy, so this little girl is special. She was named Jetta last East Meeting in Sunset Ward. Mrs. Ward is the daughterof Bish op and Mrs. Orlin Oleson of VSest Point. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson and family are taking their vacation this week at Lake Mirror, where the children can swim and camp. The Clearfield Third and Sunset Ward's Mia Maids played Thurs day, July 11, for the North Davis Stake championship in softball The game was played in the Sunset Park. Clearfield Third got the championship, but Sunset got second place The score was 124 The Sunset Ward Beehive girls got third place in the Beehive tourna ment. A waffle supper was held Sun day evening after Sacrament Meet ing at the home of Joel Izatt The affair, given by the - Priests for Root Beer Orange Lime AT 5810 SO 19O0 WEST. HUY PHONE EX 4 7033 OPEN 2:45 DOORS ADMISSION rk I 'SUM SILHOUETTE 15 W From General Electric New Slim Silhouette Cabinet is Only 15 Inches thin ULTRAVISION TV ELECTRONIC 1958 SELF-TUNE- Fine Tues Dm If R Automatical!' SOUND SYSTEM Balanced Fidelity Sound ALUMINIZED PICTURE TUBE TILED DARK SAFETY GLASS REMOTE CONTROL AT NO EXTRA COST STYLED TO ADD SET AND FORGET VOLUME CONTROL GENUINE WOOD VENEER CABINET BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME FREE BUY NOW No Payments Until October One-Ye- A11 ar Warranty Parts All Tubes CLEARANCE SPECIAL Wo Mnkp All Ilojno Oulckl fasyl Enough Utah Con crate Block for a Retaining Watt four feel high and ten feet long s234 CONSOLE (alls Promptly! WHILE THEY LAST Your call for TV service gets a speedy answer. And all our work is guaranteed. cost, only approximately $11.70. Free plans! Low Rate by Job or Service Contract ond-o- ik Utah Concr.f. Patio Block about for Patios, Walks, Stops. Choico of pastol colors! low-co- st Sl BTAH CONCRETE PIPE CO. AND Sunday School talks were given by Dennis snd Coldene Bingham. Visitors at Sunday School were Pres. Kellerslrass, James McDougal and Mr snd Mrs Veu Haws Mrs Haws spoke to the group on cor rect manner of prayer. A Pioneers Fundalay was held Thursday at the Town Park for the Tradbuilders and parents And the SUNSET NEWS TX Indoors or out, a flower box of Utah Concrete Racial Lava Split Block gives just tha right touch of unique beauty. The necettay block cottc only a few dollorsi IwCF) Proper procedure for pitching tents and first aid procedure was taught the Beehive girls of Olive Ihumpson and Blanche Gibby last week when they went to the retreat above St. Benedict Hospital. Scouts who broke trail for them were Lynn and Claire Binghain, and Dennis Hull. There was also a lesson on the seven basic foods Riverdale News v fence-wlth-Bloc- boys will put on a program for their parents. The MIA girls will depart for their week of fun on the 29th. They are to bring bedding and a dessert, such as fruit, cake or cookies, and money to buy available items for sale there, plus approximately $3.50 for food. The girls are to work out their own menus, to be handed to their superiors on Sunday. First Year Beehives have the breakfast menus, 2nd yr. Beehives, lunch and Mia Maids, dinner. Girls are to meet at the ward at 6 a m. Any mothers who can go up to help supervise should try to do so. dra-msti- J UjSicT The Utoh Concrete Block for a fence cotfl at little ai approximately Koy, Utah, Thursday, July IS, 1U57 e, home-made- in ; Sun-Chronicl- 15-2- Feminine. 5651 South 1900 West Th 1440 Well Avenue OFFICES IN ml Utf Rhone kOOAH OODB4 BOW Roy FRED'S Radio 8 TV Theatre Bldg. EX 4 5203 -- o. D. SPARROW CO.M-Roy$ Utah Ph. EX 3-44- 64 , 3 15c |