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Show XI;c News Hooper By Jewel Widdlxon Mane llaws teems to be too busy right at the moment to write this news so 1 guess I'll help her out on it for awhile. Mr. and Mrs Fay Parker ai& Mr. and Mrs. lrice llunot have umasamtmm recently returned from a trip to Orifino, Idaho, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Arave. Mr and Mrs. Arave moved from Hooper several years ago to their new place in Orifino. Mrs. Parker says its a good place to go if you like dugways and high dangerous 'scary' roads. Aside from that, V 'SSgra ROY AUTO PARTS IHOVK EX 4 6939 .'.ri'i Arm 5316 So. 1990 W Roy, Utah (il.ASS INSTALLED DI.ASS AND IAHTSt-AV- w and Used A- - At ( EsSoitlES c.c, they enjoyed their visit very much and were interested in the timber-lanthat the Arave's own. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Simpson with their many relatives here and are here from Nyssa, Ore., visiting staying with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Widdison. Many reunions are taking place now. Among them have been the Edwin Parker reunion held in the Hooper Park. The Belnaps also held their reunion in the park and the descendants of James, William and Robert Widdison held a reunion last Saturday in the Hooper First Ward hall. Francis G. Widdison was master of ceremonies a surprise number on the program was the appearance of the three old grandfathers, James, William and Robert, who came and enjoyed the program. Acting the parts of the grandfathers were three sister-ilaws, Armina Widdison, Martha Mae Widdison and Jewel Widdison. The two pea viners in Hooper are all through with the pea run d Gj, L tsvlj 13 mCj7 j, 1 for,this year after a very successful three-weerun. The neighbors however will be smelling the effects of it for quite some time. The ditches in some cases are getting wider ever year, thus narrowing the roads. Where there is an irrigation ditch on one side and a ditch on the other, the roads A drag line has been in Hooper drain are really narrowing up and this recently cleaning out several of will probably present a problem in the main irrigation ditches. It a fe wyears. seems that at this time of year moss really gets to be. a problem. Barrett Haws has been partid- k paring in the horse show and pa- bian costume. TTiia is all I've heard for this' rade in Ogden and if you were in attendance you probably saw him time so if youll bear with me on his Arabian station in full Ara maybe well have more next week. mssmtwm Mining problems are Utah's problems Mines help Utah's prosperity only when they operate at a reasonable pi'ofit. Despite good ore, many mines are doting down because' a flood of Imports of cheaply produced foreign metals is forcing our prices down, while Inflation Is driving domestic mine operating costs up. Utah's congressmen are working on the problem. You can help by writing them to say you support them. Moth Proof Bags.... 30c fine for storing winter clothes n BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE IN ROY AY, FRIDAY AN .THUR: JULY a 18-19-- 20 sit V Shop in Roy SHOP AT THE FOLLOWING TO RECEIVE GAS COUPONS WITH YOUR PURCHASE Where: 1 PRICES ARE LOWER 2 PARKING IS EASIER 3. G ASOIJNE IS FREE (With Purchases) Supporting Firms Co. Varney Canning FOODS VARNEY BRAND AU-Purpo- Mfg. Co. se SALAD DRESSINGS AND SAUCES Roy Printing Co. 5380 SOUTH 1900 WEST Bank of Utah' Roy Branch Archibald Roofing Co. WEST Parkers Market Dale Bingham Music Co. PIANOS MAGNA VOX HI FI Co. Apparel WEST Roy DepartmentWESTStore 5223 SOUTH 1900 Burger Bar 5291 SO. 1900 WEST Bennion Drug Store 1915 WEST 5600 SOUTH BOL Surplus Sales 1850 WEST 5600 SOUTH Chads Barber Shop WEST SOUTH Eames TV and Appliance 5477 5600 1948 SHOP IN ROY YOU GET FREE GAS COUPONS WITH AIL YOUR PURCHASES Shop in Roy, Where Prices are Lower, and you get a Bonu- s- FREE GASOLINE Develoment Co. Hal-Ver- n ROY, UTAH 1900 WEST SOUTH 1900 5619 SOUTH 1900 5651 Roy Lumber Company 5540 SOUTH WEST 1900 & Insurance Co. Roy Realty 5533 SOUTH 1900 WEST Sal-Lee- s 1805 Sav-Mo- r 5197 SOUTH 2000 WEST Shop DorothysWESTJuvenile SOUTH H.D. Sparrow Appliance Co. WEST SOUTH Rea-Jo- s 1900 5643 SO. 1900 This Money Saving Event sponsored by the Roy Chamber of Commerce! 5301 Gift Shop Market RIVERDALE RD. 5368 SOUTH 1900 WEST , Union Furniture Co. 5490 SOUTH 1900 WEST W.M. Bush Co., Paint Store 1946 WEST 5600 SOUTH Western Auto Supply WEST 5600 SOUTH 1942 Accumulate Your Coupons from Different Stores Take Your Free Gasoline Coupons to Any of the Following Dealers For Redemption: Jesss Texaco Service Chappells Hdwre. & Service SOUTH WEST Station SOUTH WEST Olesons Texaco Service SOUTH WEST Daves Beeline Service WEST SOUTH Pete Resslers Sinclair Serv. 5210 5413 1900 5464 1900 5348 SOUTH 1900 WEST 1900 1900 Service Lloyd 5576Berrett SOUTH 1900 WEST Ed & Jacks Service Station 4000 SOUTH 1900 WEST Cut Rate Service Hughes SOUTH WEST 5353 6009 1900 Tubbs Phillips SOUTH 5711 Union 76 66 1900 WEST Service Roc Royal, Mgr. 5300 SOUTH 1900 WEST Service |