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Show D V SPECIAL PURCHASES Direct From Lending Factories Open Friday Evening Till 8 p.m. Store! in BOUNTIFUL ROY - LOW OVERHEAD CARLOAD BUYING SAVES YOU MONEY! "We Can and Do Sell for Less', LAYTON NATIONAL in n wj La U TFD Ji && Modem This Mattress Smooth-To- p Mod by a St I A ti Save S20. Attoco tep-i- for only at these 9 Features ... Compare with Costlier Mattresses! Look SaMtk Of tutt 1upS nDuR oe i'd rmNtf it l the P ' : b:tc rrit' K !. U ! : I f: ;.IUt OLtkt I C Unit Up ftjjri tckfd ' fijt Mil Iff. h fb U Yteti-r;- 2 of ! (' . REPLACE Mode by tbe aokera of Sena Ferfecf Steeper"- - woo YOUR OLD MATTRESSES er U th ft, f C d.n Cu.h e''..fi inti to I j ;V ' , if JH efrtf U "f fabric ij't i, "1 tough - yet to Uyfly GOODRICH "k Elcctrirally Impend steal calls trjff iwrjrfci ot Pirn-tfT;fe i t? ts rten to idd el Rubber Padding FREE with each Carpet Purchased During Our July BONUS SALE OVER 300 COLORS AND PATTERNS it tlt hi'd . . trl ir'o . it h" sUir-e- it v sif Iff rr.'lt Fur R Kri the smeteth it easier it 'i fake it Up teisy to -i n d tettorn MOST REFRIGERATORS OVER 5 YEARS OLD ARE YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO REPAIR WHEN YOU CAN REPLACE AT SUCH A LOW COST! Union Furniture and Frigidaire WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD We Need Used Refrigerators Now TO CHOOSE FROM. SEE THIS MONEY SAVING REG. $17.50 Sq. Yd. VALUE NOW $3.55 You Pay Only $13.95 BONUS 4 DURHAM ALL-META- FOLDING uni-ifir- OUT OF WARRANTY ? Lifetime (fjarantee SAVE tj lyk it Is Your Refrigerator LIFETIME GUARANTEE included Htiry . fon tUit fully reUies toe is yrwf bt'dtr thst ont busk f B. F. A cc-- lj't Urn, is it cji t fir it Of t.f"' cp and count what you SAVE! Mattr.u free 4- -ii rrtillt Ofi lilitf tN r t an tui'h rf'r;. Ptr Bitator rtiifetul titmtw f in r t '.,r3't tc "!e uu j . Vt ip if Itrfl 'fit luifiMi iiyt-- liytr holiLrry cl ' r It'lfd CjIOft , I Pt b.ilt -- 11 c You Save For Only $80.00 slf95 Factory Price $279.95 NEVER BEFORE SUCH GREAT VALUES AT SUCH GREAT SAVINGS LOW COST! AT SUCH SALE COMPARE L CHAIRS More Usable Shelf Space Than Any 1957 Refrigerator of Comparable Size Buy the Easy Way Add to Your Old Account, Add to Your Present Account, Open a New Account Take Months to Pay! NOTHING DOWN! STOP COME IN AND SEE! COMPARE! YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THAT Frigidaire and Union Furniture WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! EASY This Dinette Set Specially Selected for Our July Bonus Sale Table and 6 Chairs Fram Wrought Iron Finished Stain Resistant Tabla Top . Imagine! &&Q Table & 10 chairs for only Thi Set and Chair Ar Also ldal for Outdoor Living! 7 TERMS LAYTON ROY BOUNTIFUL NEW PARKING LOTS AT REAR OF ALL OUR STORES |