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Show For Itoy Police Phono. E X The Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Moss bad as their guests over the 4th of July weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph AnArif nr Hamblin EX derson of Martinez, Calil., Mrs. Mrs A. M Brown and Mrs. Mer- - flee Render of Walnut Creek, Cal., lin Cook say it is well worth any- - and their son Robert il. Moss also ones tune to visit the Curtis Bulb of Walnut Creek. near the Washington ir dllj Mrs Moss also had the Garden I errace, to see the lilies now in pleasure ot attending the Weber bloom. lounty bhertl s party Tuesday It was held at the Weber NSavne lVteisim son of Mr and evening Memorial I'ark. A large M,s l eisun, - 0 So lh, kher.lfk ofi.ee, the V k' 1osse and the Sheriff l'osse, . . a high Hhool students fcnd V(jlU.y t. at ah ot I tun ajfl training week h i ar at CdlliJ) Hob Malt1 Mr. and Mrs Janie i. Schoen-l,k2 W illmiiG. mil. s south ot Salt1 and laindy leeenlly returned feld In i e bundled t it v boys Hon. an .eght day l.ey arrived state the all ol gallon. iron, pails Memorial the black Hill Sunday. The boss will be instructed 'sitedm .South Uukota I Hark hey also hi government functions, hold a M lends the 'iMted trip, ar dunng town and and mock legislation city, Hurd lor tne i lime Jui iv ju iuk slate gowimnent.s suit tr formed . with l lie hois elected to hold the i leln aliolls on the 4th Ms Alex Skeen lecently return various positions ed (loin a trip to I alifomia where olid for the mi his is year heeler family stie attinded the ai Toy s Slate lie was Mr. and i euiit'ii She a. c mupaiued and will veal elected l.it son Slatt-and their Mis Haloid fireside m that position until a new Paul Mis Ski I'll S Irene daughter. ,,o I I nol IS I lei II d Lewis ol Bnghalli ( lly made the oini outstanding s'uuents, who In p also with Mr and Mrs Hoyd have hun judged on extra curie hmglit ol Anno, Idaho While ill ald siholasllC ahlll California Mis Skeen stayed wild ular aitivitlc-,i at!, lid boy s State Ihe event Mi and Mis frank Wheeler ul ban s spoiisoied hv the American !, Remadino Ihe Wheelers nd Mrs It'll Skeen went through the l.us An Mi and Mis linyse Hall and g eifs inple '.hen soli ll.ivid. lelullied last wick II is ol glial interest to the a two Ulk tllp to Rattle Oil young i mI that Ml and Mrs Rob l ri t k Muh vvlme they Visited line are hue in iUiy Vlsitdlg then son luih.iid .md his lainily limn then home ill Englewood, ( al hi y vis.tid i uial points of in liny ale staving at the flume ol K s ,n Ii.i' alia Mi ' Rues paimt.s, Mr and Mrs Mrs Hi ii i etl a Ambli r is home Main i Randall Mrs Rico is the i g .i n ai'ir a shoit tup to I .as lot mi l ( aloo- Randall . eg. is Nevada where she visited A put link supper was given re with lit i daughter and son in law m the home ol Mr and Mrs intly .md then t hildn-lo honor Mr and Mrs Jaik llaeii M Rmwn and Mi .md Mis Roh Mi- -t during thur recent visit 'hi H g! aimd.ilihti Darlene here Iwilvi- luupks enjoyed the sy In mk atn ndt-tin- funeral of aflair. 'tnir in pin u II li Stninbiry at Mr and Mis Robed Mi ten and Klgl'V Idaho hist vv i t k family returns d recently Irom an Mi nil Mis Owen fox Mr and i xtuided trip through the East Mrs A M Brown. Mr and Mrs hey visited friends in Minneapolis Itiurm.m 'Juhbs and Mr ami Mrs and St Paul and then visited Rob's Mina hills were amnog those pres sister and brother in law in Sagi house- at int who attended on-Dale naw, Muh i Mr and Mr 'he home of Mrs Kinma harms Ihomasi following their visit in worth in Salt hake City, in honor trawled to Niagra hi r mutlur Mrs ' hariotn- Ja Saginawl they thin bark through jiiada, falls, i obs birthday last tveik New York Tht re they Mr and Mrs Virgil Anderson ul Palmyra, s.iw the imrih historual spots ami og.m were visitors at the home continued on t oChieago On the of their daughter and sun in law, return trip, they followed Ihe route vlr and Mrs Walter Meldruin of the church s mints of interest 'Sunday The Molcns were gone 17 days In to Frank and all Congratulations Sounds like a very interesting '.Vanda Masti r of the Rerrett Ad experience I. Hon on t .1 h.r'h of a new baby To members ol . irl This makes two girl-- , for theApproximately John 11 Moss family met Satur tile Masters day, June 2Jth at the Syr.iiuse Park fm a family n union G W Moss of Hoy is the eldest member of that fainilv I.umh was served at noon and garni s and a program weree njovid hi the group Mrs I vnn t riddle of West point was the links uinmr ol a u Those attending from Hus ..ml Mrs G W Moss. wi te Mi Mr. Ray Wright, and Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Honipool. Mr. and Mr. LaVoy Forbes are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nell Forbes and family. They are here from Oregon. NaDean Weidman accompanied by Helen Stuart recently returned from Hollywood, Calif., where of NaDean Beauty Shop took an advanced coure in hair tinting at the "Mi Clatral Institute of Technology." NaDean wa pleased to have for her model several television artists, through whom they were enabled to see several TV shows, one being Queen for a Day, reservations of which were made through Irene Somerset fashions by Irene herself. They also enjoyed a visit to Knottsberry farm and other tourist points of interest. They visited a short while with Ethel and Jay Davis formerly ROY NEYS Na-Dea- n 4- V T 1 1 govi-lim- I i Per Lb 59c Beaff SWISS STEAK RUMP ROAST . . . V. S. CHOICE BONELESS PER POUND U. 8. CHOICE Rump Roast I I f Kill plant Firm Ripe Red Haven years Of all the organizations she has worked in, she liked the MIA the t as she loved to work with the young people and she thinks that they are better than most old folks There have been a great many changes in the state and the community in her lifetime She has witrussef) the birth of the electric lights, radio, TV and many other things The automobile and air plane have replaced old dubbin. It is almost strange to see a team of horses now as if was to see an auto some 50 year ago TTie irrigation systems have pro gresM-greatly In the early days of ihi5 part of Ctah, the water supply was very short The crops suf f red (or water during the late summer This has been remedied by the building of our great re servers making water plentiful fori yearly irrigation The growing of crops have multiplied immensely since she came to t'tah At that time, there were approximately 100 people in Clinton, which has now grown to around 800. not counting the many who have moved On March 8th. 1023, her husband p. i seed aw.iv and was buried by the side of their adopted son in the Clinton cemetery A beautiful place now, as it once was a field of sand burrs and weeds A place, she says, v and calm cry Mrs Fraiser will he 85 years old Nov 20 and she says that the thought of meeting her husband and relatives who have gone on before, has given her strength and Mr and Mis Hal W Moss and a faith to go on during the 34 years Mr and Mrs Ad Jensen of widowhood Three of the 1 family and family brothers and sisters are still liv- Mr and Mrs G W Moss en ing She is the eldest of them all As she looks bark over her long joved a visit last week from Mrs Moss' (oun'in Mrs Ethel ("riddle life, she has no regrets of leaving of Idaho falls her home land and relatives to A group Irom Hov enjoyed an come to a new home for the sake evening of d.ning nut last week of her church She thinks things They melon d to Salt Dike City nnd are in good hands and all will be dun- dat Hannon s They were Mr well for our future men and worn and Mrs Wayne Smith, Mr and en la-s- j 1 diseases Freestone Per FRESH BAKED 15c Pound LARGE SOLID HEADS 25c Green Cabbage . .Each10c - Slicing Per 10c Pound FRESH BAKED FARCE STONE GROUND Lemon Cake Roll.. Each 49c Whole Wheat Bread Ioaf 25c Fresh Frozen Sea Mist Brand 6 ... FRESH FROZEN FRESH FROZEN SILVERDALE SHAVERS Orange Juice 6oz. cans MUTTON-Libby- for IS 3 lor 35c LbCa" 314 ,1h 's Can! 98c 3iorT 303 Size Cans FIGS. Inheavy syrup S!,l,allIa 5or$l 00 for 00 STRAWBERRY PRESERVES Tab,ePt"le 10 oz. Jars SODA CRACKERS Oven Fresh Brand 2 Lb. Pack 49c ' PLUM a.r. -- PRESERVES Mary Ellen Brand 20 oz. Jars CATSUP Pierces GREEN BEANS So simple! Hotavo Deluxi- m or Del Monte -- 14 oz. Jars 7 for $ 12 oz. Jars iorSJOO ruis "PEAS ? Todays Brand No. 303 Size Cans PORK & BEANS Libbys Deep Brown No. 300 Size Cans rend no measuring, no mixing, no fuss. Simply point the dust gun pm kuge nnd pump. Give your garden thin most modern petit protection. Chock the mt below. Hotano Deluxe gives effective control of all of the following: 24 Oz. Sucking insecta: Aphis, Thripn, White Flies, f Hoppers, Lace Hug, Spittle Hugs, Tarnished 1'lant Hug . g or Jar . . sj $1 00 00 Sor $ 00 Premium Brand SWEET PICKLES $j iorSOO TOILET TISSUE cbaminBrand,'VbiteorCoIors BOTANO Deluxe lor HI C ORANGEADE with T GRADE A 10 Or. Pack 9!orSl Green Peas WHOLE CHICKEN Denls B,Mi CORNED Pink or Regular oz. Cans LEMONADE MUX CHILI SAUCE Del Monte witj . 59c . Per Pound PEACHES TOMATO tl) Ucy . Slicing Cantaloupe . . . I insects and BONELESS . . 79c Beef Steiv . Jl.MBO SIZE PORTRAIT CONTENTED 79c ROUND STEAK . . . 1 - Per Lb Roast U. 8. CHOICE CRADE BEEF TOMATOES Students in Mri Henninger' class entertained Kindergarten their mohters with program of nursery songs and garmo they have Inert learning Refreshments were also served Six weeks of Kindergarten ends ITiday. - I SILVERTIP Frying Rabbits Tasty trip . ImrscUy July 11, 1957 Per Pound Helen and NaDean returned home June 23 enthusiattic over a combined business and pleasure V Eoy, Utah, le, FRESH of Roy. young-1'eterso- Ban-Chronic- . 3Q. Ia-n- JEWEL OIL . Chewing insects: Earwigs. Iatwn Moth Iatrvne (Sod Web Worm), Dinbrotirn Heetlo, Caterpillars, Host-- , Cherry and Tear Slugs . . . Soil Insects: Seed-CorMaggot, Wireworms, Din Erotica n Plant diseases: Powdery 3. ROY TN'I Mt ts ruugh on Fur vuur PAPER PLATES OtM tint hi. Driiixu 1 hinlmi- - is to stand up to ruggisl hunt nnd humiditv Full cooling capacitv; quirt efficient operation: beautiful cabinet design, General tric dependability LUMBER Free Installation Limited Time Only H. D. SPARROW CO. Roy. Utah - White 88 Count . . . GOLD STRIKE STAMPS ON ALL ITEMS air thi-(- t I1. Mildew, Hlnck Spot on Leaf Spot, Rust . . . i' CONDITIONER Hut humid luri ditiuni-r- Swifts Full Quart Ph. EX 3-44- 64 9-in- ch 59c 98c aMUGmM |