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Show For Roy Police Phone EX The 3,802(1 Son-Chronicl- Roy, Utah, Thursday July 11, 1957 e, mond, and have proved to be real good ones. Last Sunday was Testimony meeting, and two of our used terbe Umtahites brought their new to be blessed. Former Lynda Dye, had her new baby boy and Lennia Jo had their new daughter named Lisa Lee. Bishop Glen Hill named and blessed both babies, who incidently caused lots of oh and aha comments from the congregation. The 4th of July was a busy one for our town. The South Ogden Stake held a stake carnival and parade, and Uintah was in it up to their ears. First we made a float to enter in the parade, which took as many as 15 workers some times, and about 6 workers a whole week to complete. It was a lovely float depicting the Landing of the Pilgrims. Those who worked on it, and who came from Uintah were mighty proud of it, there in the parade. The Judging was on four points, and the fudges awarded a first place on each point We received first place in the point of in genuity. That was not all we had to do. Our Sunday School had Jo take care of the fish pond all day, and the MIA kept the root beer stand manned for the day long celebra tion. It was a busy day. but even one enjoyed themselves Birthdays this month belong to Robert Bybee on the 1st, Pat Scott the 4th, Cary Hartman the 5th, Cory Combe the 6th, Mike Hartman 7th, Vernon Forsgrcen and Donna Hartman the 9th, Alma Fernelius the 11th, Dick Brown Ned Jones, and Linda Wadman the 12th, Sherry Peterson the 14th, Mary Kendell and Newell Darling ton the 15th, Curtis Anderson and Teddy Loveday the 16th, Marilyn Kendell, (Bert's wife) Junior By bee and Sharon Ward, the 18th Johnny Price, Debbie Peterson and Randy Peterson on the 19th Happy birthday once again, whether it be coming up or just past. ba-bie- a COO NO CUH MAIL ftlTHiOlI AUT1IOBIUD PUBLISHED BY AT UTAH MOT. rfci THE ROY PRIT1TING COMPANY r.p&pw aufclth4 Mr VmAJt Thnmte, VUrtAU. j "jiVM.TTXD j!klZt at Am i. niai. I SOUTH OCJDtN. OUUM, NATIONAL I 0 i UDfTAH aad I T O I JA L iocrATN anmnsanm SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 12.50 PER YEAR S 1900 We5t Roy- UUh; n- EX2'1184 ncr Publisher, Res. EX 2 9441 BETTY LOU STAHLE Manager - - EDITORIAL . The Harry S. Truman library at Independance, Mo, was dedicated recently. It i becoming traditional for our U.S. president to preserve tn libranea the files attendant to the presidential office. Thu practice of preserving records u of transcendant value historically Recordkeeping has always been synonymous to a high cultural level. Voices from the past cry out to us, warning and pointing out the way. Libraries, the custodians of our culture, are to be found in every siieable town, and m many pocket-sueplaces too. d Often It Isn't necessary to go on long trip when one feel the need of "revitalization." A week's lime devoted to the nearby public library can be a "journey of dis covery." One can got into a world of one's own choosing at any tune via the magic carpel of literature Shelves after shelves of fav .intmg volumes there are, iach a w ,1c of knowledge, beckoning y.mr .i suit. The worlds greatest in there to lift you out ui iur dull, mundane sphere ol t i...e How can anyone possibly be i i. when there is so wry mueii i learn and a priceless souree o. knowledge within a few blinks ol your home? a . we have just heard that both her mother and father died last week. THE ROY VOLUNTEER FIREMEN quelch one of the many grass fires that Roy City has been plaqued with recently as s bystanders watch Fire Chief Chauncey Daily urged the to around eliminate from building to clear the dry grass the danger of fire to the buildings in this dry, hot weather. Photo by Ins. Investigators of Ut. citi-ren- been ill with pnuemonia recently were June Holbrook, Reese Montgomery and Lawrence Thurgood I hope they are all feeling better now. It takes time. I was told that it will be a long time before 1 fell like myself again. I am find ing that out. has accepted a teaching appoint ment at the Bngh.im Young University. Congratulations and good luck to them in their new position Back home again from two months in Virginia, is Ralph Peterson, who has bet n attending a to school for the govirnment. The way It was related to me was that her mother died on Thursday and her father two daya later. It was quite a blow to lose one loved one, think of the impact at losing Thought for the week . both beloved parents. Let us all If you have been meaning show our love and devotion to write someone, or go to see someGene's wife in the trying days that one dear to you, or do some kindDO IT NOW, are to follow ness for someone . TODAY. Tomorrow may be too The 4 H club of West Point are late. If you have some kind word meeting in a body next week to to say, do it now We never know do some community service. On from one moment to the next when Monday at 12 30 they are to meet someone dear to us may be taken at the home of Midge Takahashi "The saddest words of tongue or Their project will be the filling in . It might have are these of an old abandoned well that is pen " been located not far from the Takahashi home The dirt has been hauled This was all brought forcibly to there for that purpose There are me this week I talked to my uncle many small children who play in nearly every' night for a few mo that area It is a most worthwhile ments on the phone The last tune !r ject If every community would i saw him was whenI he came out was ill with c.trch for and eliminate such ha to see me when sards what untold misery might be pneumonia 1 called him and talk a few minutes Friday i ted A search for old ice boxes ed to him i" cl other such hazards would also evening Saturday morning he diedI in so glad i wive My own daughter narrow with a heart attack misved being suffocated in a talked to him the night before i.- u'et in a trailer once used for r. il help If 1 had not been alarm i and searched for her and not ii.- .."d her when Phone EX d.d she would Marion Stuart been another casutly I thank h And it'sh been a busy, busy week Lord that 1 was guided to e right spot, in time again this week, with many of us having lots of company. Beth and The deacons and teachers quor Clarence Fernelius have had a ums have as a project clearing whole house full Clarence's sister away the weeks that are growing Mrs. Mae Lord came up last Tues here and there in the parking lot day from the LDS Hospital to reThere is some puncture burrs that her strength from an ojH-rneed removing and it is a relief to gain Hon. before returning to her home know that the job is being taken in Nevada care of Then on Tuesday and WednesThe warrd outing to be held at on Tuesday evening would day. Mrs Elaine Elliott and her come too late for me to tell you baby daughter Joyce and grandmuch about it this week so more mother, Hath Anderson were house about that later guests, as well as Henry Jr. Keyes Others in the ward who have and his wife, Margie find daughter, Penny who are visiting here from Portland, Ore . . v 1 v Uintah I 1 ve WEST POINT NEWS Happy birthday to Karen Kirk man and Sherol Uurningham on the 13th, Randy Edwards on the 15th. Ronald Caldwell and Bryce Gar ner on the 16th, Ralph King on the 17th, Wilford Flint on the 18th. Happy wedding anniversary to Mr. and Mrs Orson Davis on the 17th, Mr. and Mrs Jack Putnam on the 18th We wish to express our deepest sympathy to Mrs Gene Bingham See Tour Doctor . Then See Us! BENNION DRUG EMERGENCY PHONE EX PHONE EX2J160 ?: New Store Hours: STOP LOOK . . . LISTEN Want tn soli or trade your homo Want to liny a homo . . . Want a loan on otir homo . Want an appraisal on your home . . . down from Idaho, where Harry ha been a principal m one of the high schools, to Provo where he While Jr. and Margie have been here, they have also visited with his brothers, and Margie's parents, Mr and Mrs Leo Colt of Ogden On July 4th, Jack and Ivy Keyes had a hamburger fry for a family out on their newly completed patio, with Clarence and Beth, Beverly, Jr and Margie Keyes, Merl and Verla, Russel, Vincent and LuAnn and families, and Dennis Anderson, Clarence's nephew from Norwalk, Calif, who is also staying with them, all in attendance. At the Onn Bybee's, Ina Malan is home from California with her two little daughters, for a visit with her folks, and her son Cerjon, who has been here for a couple of months So ltts been family get-- t and dinners at the Bybees as well. In the moving way, and not just for a vacation, are Harry and Becky Wicks. They have come Driving by the Norman Anderson s, we were glad to see Carl Anderson home As many of you know, Carl is in the Custom Auto Body business and he is here, custom body s, trucks and all With all the fanully at home, at one time or anotner the past two weiks, the Claude Stuarts, have round enjoyed several laimly And to add to the pleasure ups was the arrival ol Alton and Ben Hex and lamily lrorn Randolph, and family Iron) Randolph, with meir mother, Lnne lljtil, to stay lor a couple ol days, and join in ilie hus.le and bustle of a full ' Household . . Bingham, daughter our towns people have been trying Mr and Mrs Earl Bingham is ill of a few relaxation lo squeese days at the hospital with rheumatic fe m between, all of their olhir sum ver mi r chores. The Darwin Hartman Mr and Mrs Fynes Davis and look a weekend with their faultily family, and Edward Dunlap of lo enjoy themselves dl Bear Lake Texas, have been visiting the past LUiot Stuart family, and two neiues. and two uephewu fiom lrorn luma spent the day at Bear Lake, and the company, completely forgot the fun they had swimming, when they saw snow, on top ol Monte Cri.sto It was quite a disap pointnient to the little Arizona boy, who found his bottle of precious snow had turned lo plain old water by the time he got home Bill and Thelma Hill, took a four day weekend to visit with Earl, While there, they in Wyoming drove to Gret-lColo., and saw all the sights, diiii visited in general had a real good time The little league is staying right in there, playing all their games, and fighting every minute. They are now at four wins and three losses record Which is still hopeful for them as they are still in the top four. They have two more games, then we will know whether they will be m the final playyoff or not They really have a lot of spirit, and if you get a chance to watch either of their next games, you will enjoy it The senior softball team stands at a five win and three loss record for their efforts. They have beat the 37th twice, the 28th, the 50th, and the 38th They give up games to the 14th, 39th and 34th wards Their games are played on Thursday nights, here on our own dia- ' rs- I .1 f Call or See Us Now -- Roy, The City With ii Where Quality is. Inexpensive SHOP in ROY and SAVE! . . Complete Family Laundry Fast Service Launderette! . Electrically tX -- the swiuh turns A Hip n YOU... ROY. UTAH G---idL.- mmm SERVICE! BUILDERS McFalrldge, - our simmeting oo . . . with an summer liulmom to nn on-- c electric room air conditioner. Real Estate and Insurance Co. - R. . OR ANY KIND OF QUICK REALTORS First Church Baptist Jarnr SEE US for SAVINGS On YOUR Familys Furnishings low-cos- IS ) SLEEP TIGHT, WAKE BRIGHT I' IRK t Want some good Insurance and AUTO Insurance PERSONAL with Renere Burnett who would like to attend the Lake View Stake temple excursion to Idaho Falla on Aug. 17. The Clinton Ward. Primary waa reorganized Sunday In Sacrament meeting. Mrs. Marilyn Russell was released assacond counselor and Mrs RaNae Nelson as secretary. Newr officers sustained were Mn. RaNae Nelson as second counselor and Mrs. Mary Rice as secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beua and family are vacationing this week at Bear Lake. Clinton News Phone TA 5 2465 And also in the company way, have been Fail and flora Kendeii Mr and Mrs ICo Child and Mr floras brollur erl Hunvukcr has and Mrs Jamcj Mitchell spent last been up from (. ulilornu with his week fishing in Montana wife and family, and that s meant Mr and Mrs Doyle Heinrr and the luiiest use of Earl and Floras and Miss Lucy Taylor spent new back yard facilities -- fireplace, family week of July 4 fishing in the past pu me table and all the Uintah Mountains. Then up, up and away, some of Little Jane of . . ' 10 days at the home of Mrs. Katherine .and Frances Frasier. Marla Kay, Rex and Jed Frasier, children of Mr. and Mrs. Arles Frasier of Ogden, are visiting at the home of their grandparent, Mrs. Catherine Frasier. Mr. and Mrs Robert Fates and children of Massachutes are guests this week of Mr. ami Mrs. Jack Clifford and family. Mrs. KhzsU-tRoss celebrated her 84th birthday on Sunday July 7 The daughters of pioneers of which she is a member, held a surprise party for her in the after noon at the home of Ijncoln Koss A lovely lamp was given to her The family of Mrs ltoss held a supper in her honor that evening at the Clinton Park Miss Virginia Clifford, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jaik ( hfford was crowned queen of the Clearfield day on July 4 She ruled over ttie celebration and lead the parade on a beautiful float James Mitchell is recuperating at his home this wiek from injuries he received from an explosion at his home on July 4 Mr and Mrs Merle KingsfurJ and family are spending their va cation this week at Yellowstone Mayor Albert Miti hell has spent the past week at Jackson Hole, W yoming Children confirmed memhi rs of the churih were liradley Kuvscll. son of Mr and Mrs William Bus sell, Cheryl Hinglum. daughter of Mr and Mrs Dun Bingham and Peggy Jo Parker daughter of Mr and Mrs Lly wn P.n kc r All ate urged to gel m contact f r It uvt mn "cr.,c 1 Their sm.utly styled model for any room in )our home. 1'ilteis ouf diit, pollen, outis a side noises. Sleep better, live better ... electrically! INSURANCE PHONE EX 3 8618 . Future." BUY NOW FROM YOUR DEALER UTAH POWER A LIGHT CO, |