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Show 1 For Boy Police Phone EX board of directors ol the District and the determination shall be final and conclusive If such estimate is more or less than the actual cost thereof, NOTICE AN ORDINANCE NO. IJ5 Authorizing the Mayor and the City Recorder of Roy City Corporation, a municipal corporation, to petition the Weber Banin Water Conservancy District lor an allotment of water and declaring an emergency. BE CITY i ) The Sun - Chronicle, Koy, Utah, Thursday July 11, 1957 IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF ROY CITY CORPORATION. A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. Section 1. The public convenience and necessity require that Roy City Corporation, a municipal corporation, petition the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District for the allotment of 1,000 acre feet of Weber Basin Project water for municipal use, and the Mayor and the City Recorder are hereby authorized to execute and file the following peUtion. PETITION TO WEBER BASIN WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT FOR ALLOTMENT OF WATER FOR MUNICIPAL USE Roy City Corporation, a murucipal corporation of the State of Utah, hereinafter referred to as the City, hereby applies to the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District, hereinafter referred to as the District for the allotment of 1,000 acre feet of Weber Basin Project water an nually for municipal use, upon the following terms and conditions 1. Payment to the District for water so allotted shall be made in an annual amount to consist of the total of the following items (a) 59 50 per acre foot of water allotted for each of the first ten years in which water is available for use by the City, and 515 00 per acre foot of wa ter allotted for each year thereafter, to apply on the District s obligations under the repayment contract No 1406 400-3dated December 12, the United 1952, between States and the District, (b) 51100 per acre foot of water allotted for each of the first three years in which water is available for use by the City, 513 00 per acre foot for each of the next succeeding three-yearand 516 00 (mt acre foot of water allotted for each year thereafter, which shall be a charge made for the purpose of, and to be Used by the Dis tnct to pay to that amount principal of and interest, bank collection charges for payment of principal and interest, and redemption premiums on, and to establish a reserve fund for. bonds heretofore and hereafter issued by Ihe District pursuant to authorization granted at the election held therein on De eember 6, 1952, and (c) a fair proportionate amount of estimated operating and maintenance charges for the next succeeding calendar year Such fair proportionate amount shall be determined each year by the an appropriate adjustment will be made in the annual amount for the year following the year for which the estimate was made. 2. The first payment on the amount specified in item (a) of paragraph I hereof, shall be made on January 1 of the year following the first full calendar year in which project water is available for use by the City and shall be in payment for water so made available in such first full calendar year. Subsequent payments shall be made on January 1 ol each year thereafter untilpayment in full of that part of the construction obli gation of the District apportioned to the development unit in which the City is located. The first pay ment of the amount specified in item (b) shall be made on January 1 of the first year in which project water is available for use by the Cty Subsequent payments shall be made on January 1 of each year thereafter for a period of 40 yean from said dale, and as long thereafter as any of the bonds herein above referred to or any bonds issued to refund any such bonds, remain outstanding and for as long after the final payment of such bonds as the City shall desire and the District shall have water avail able for the City as herein set forth Subsequent to the retirement of all such bonds the annual amount shall not include therein the charge specified in item (b) of of paragraph I The first payment of the amount specified in item c shall be made on January 1 of the first year in which water Is avail able for use by the City and subsequent payments shall be made on January 1 of each year thereafter. 3 'Ihe annual amount specified in paragraph 1 shall be paid whether or not all or any part of the water allotted as hereinabove provided is called for or used by the City The District may, at its reduce such annual election, amount in any year in which for any reason the full amount is not needed by the District for the purposes therein specified. 4 Class B taxes shall be levied annually by the Board of Directors of the Distritt upon property within the City, as provided by Section 73 9 17, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended by Chapter 132, Laws of Utah, 1953, at rates sufficient to produce the annual amount specified in paragraph 1, less any amount paid or undertaken to be paid from water revenues, and from any other source In making such annual levies the Board of Directors of the District shall take into account the deficiencies and defaults of prior years and shall make ample provision for the payment thereof. 5 Water allotted herein shall be made available to the city and shall be measured into the City's distribution system near the Southeast corner of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake iwimi VTSHD GESSD (iSSi HaJ 235H2HDCHEB 3& Moth Proof Bags FINE FOR STORING .... 30c Base A Meridian, unless the City ! r and the District otherwise mutually agree. Such water shall meet minimum standards for municipal water established by the Department of Health of the State of Utah, and the United States Public Health Service. It shall not be the responsibility of the District to provide facilities to convey water from such point of delivery to the place of use unless otherwise agreed in writing by the District and the City. 6. In the event there is a shortage of project water caused by drouth, inaccuracy in distribution not resulting from negligence, hostile diversion, prior or superior claims, or other causes not within the control of the District, no liability shall accrue against the District, or the United States, or any of their officers, agents or employees, or either of them for any damage, direct or indirect, arising therefrom and the payment to the District provided for herein shall not be reduced because of any such shortage or damage. During penoda of water shortage allocations of municipal water shall have first priority. If there should ever be any shortage of municipal water, deliveries of water allotted pursuant to this petition shall be reduced In the proportion that the of such shortnumber of acre-fee- t age as determined by the District bears to the total number of acre-fee- t allocated for municipal use 7. Any allotment of water made pursuant to this petition shall be subject to the Water Conservancy Act of Utah, Title 73. Chapter 9, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended, the rules and regulation of the Board of Directors of the District, and the Repayment Con tract between the United States and the District. This petition is made pursuant to a directive of the legislative body of Roy City Corporation, a municipal corporation, tow it, its Council, as evidenced by Ordinance No 135, adopted by the City Council of the City on the 5th day of July, 1957, a copy of which is attached hereto, and is for water for municipal use, additional to that heretofore allot ted by Weber Basin Water Con servancy District to Roy City Cor poralion under date of November 27, 1953 in the amount of 1,000 acre-feet- . Dated this 6th day of July, C. W. RAPP Mayor 1957 Attest. Madge H. Gibson City Recorder (Seal) Section 2 An emergency is here by declared, and it is necessary for the peace, health, and safety of the inhabitants of .the Roy City Corporation, a municipal corpora tion, that this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publishing as provided by law. Passed by unanimous vote of the members present of the City Coun cil of Roy City Corporation, a mum cipal corporation, Weber County, Slate of Utah, this 6th day of 1957. July. C. W. RAPP Mayor Attest. Madge H. Gibson City Recorder (Seal) Published in The Sun Chronicle 11 July 1957. Riverdale News Verla R. Hull Phone EX 4 5831 From down Memory Lane there comes drifting a most haunting melody. It is a beautiful old tune, composed by E. Austin Keith, a song my mother used to sing "When I'm Gone Youll Soon Forget Me." The newer words When Theyre Gone, Do Not Forget Them," however, written by Mrs Jane D. May, are as poignant and meaningful as the tune Is harmonious. The Daughters of Utah Pioneers will sing this song Sunday at Sacrament services (held after Sunday School instead of in the evening). Since the words are so apropos to our 24th of July theme, may I repeat part of it now? When they started on their WINTER CLOTHES ., " 7j iw,M THERE IS A NEW addition to the Roy Fire Department's equipment At least tt looks like new, thanks to the depart ment efforts urtder the direction of Don McDade They have repaired, sanded, and painted the truck that was given to tin in by Roy City. The truck will follow to all fires as a dean up truck. The truck has also the Neolator on for faster smite and emergency calls. destiny for our children May we which is a favorite recipe of Mrs. also be honored and revered for Monty (Shirley) Rigby. It esn be our lives prepared th eday before and served without fua or bother. Shirley had We are all happy to welcome no name for it, so we will call it, Alta Patterson bark from her seige Of sickness Alta was in the hos Shirley Rigbys pital for an opcartion and in quite Pineapple Dainty Deeert a serious condition necessitating Cream together: several blood transfusions I cube butter We also welcome Dorothy 1 cup sugar Parker back, but Dorothy had a Then add:, nice vacation trip Dorothy went 'i tsp salt batk to Chicago to visit her djugh 1 tsp vanilla ter, Ivtne She brought I vine and 1 can crushed pineapple hubby, Johnny back home with Mix well and fold in 2 stiffly her, since Johnny's plans were be aten egg whites. changed for him by the Navy (lie was to go to Florida, but now will Chush large box of vanilla wafers and line pan with them. Alternate go to Haw aft, instead) pineapple mixture sprinkled with chopped walnuts with layers of the crushed vanilla wafen. Set in refrigerator over night. Serve with whipped cream and a marixchino cherry if you desire. Serves 12. Corner Jolly Cooks By j journey, o'er a century ago. Following their faithful laeder, never knowing where theyd go, God had promised if theyd follow, peace and plenty would be their's. Thinking only of the future, that brave band of pioneers The Independance Day celebration was sanely and sensibly carried forth in Riverdale, thanks to the combined efforts of the River dale Town Board and the Riverdale and 49th Ward people There was a crowd all day and people from out of town remarked that it was a really nice celebration Cost of concession fun was kept at a minimum as it is not the purpose of the townspeople to commercialize, but to provide a good place for everyone to celebrate In safety There was, however, a profit of over $100, to be divided between the two wards. . We must hand it to the women of our town for being such good sports and playing ball with suth zest In the ball games, Riverdale Ward groups were victors, also in the r competition Interest in the parade was heart ening this year. People braved the sun, lining up all along the ro.nl to watch And it was worth thi effort' The floats were very pretv t showing evidence of ninth Th t Ladies Club float, with Queen Kjly Child and her atti ml ants, Audrey Erickson and Kathryn Bench, and the othtr candidates was the representation of a glorious garden scene, with r d roses en twined in lattice work and the lovely girls looking like flowers themselves The other floats were skillfully made by the two 411 Sewing dubs Mrs Thelma Oberbrobkling s group done up in grefn and white (4 11 colors), honored one of Riverdalcs senior citizens Mrs Adele Fife Some of the girls were in old fash loned swimming suits, some in mo dern Mrs Doris Woodbury's girls had a lovely float, of green and white, with yellow roses and pretty girls in 4 H clover shorts and mid rifts This float will participate in the Children's Day parade in Ogden on July 19th. Part of the fireworks came after the Fourth, however, at least for Ezra Bingham and Leslie Davis This was when lightning struck where they were working out in the field It was about 6 30 in the morning, three days after the cole bration. when the two of them and a tractor were enveloped in ' Leslie de"dancing balls of fire scribes it thus "It was like riveting, with hot little strings of fire all around " He says he experienced a tingling in his hand, while Ezra felt the electricity go through his foot Luckily, there were rubber tires on the tractor to ground it, or there would be a sadder ending turn-spen- to this story. Leslie Berryessa ls ,ahing h.iht and other Hawaiian darning tmw at the Appolo Club Shr Marled Tuesday, 11 am but will arrange her schedule and time to fit the need Bishop and Mrs W ilford Tesch were pleasantly surprised Monday when their missionary companions Bishop and Mrs Morris Whitloik of San Bernardino Cal.f, visiud them With their families thev spent the afternoon swimming and Blanche and Grant reminiscing Gtbby also joined the swimmers for the afternoon The MIA of Hivtrdale is indeed fortunate in .securing Mr and Mrs Leland Manning for the Junior Gleaner and Jr M Men leathers Marie Bird is going to work with Frances Child, too, in the Bt chive work Betty Coleman was recently released from the YWMI-- t Mutual was fun Tuesday at the skating party held at the coliseum The Boy Scouts of ncoxsitv post poned their Camp hiesel trip until after the 24th hohd.tvs There will be a meeting on the abpet Sun dav after Sacrament sirvim h Several following Sundav .School factors figure ui (hi decision to pos'pom- the trip inrlud.ng made quacy of the iwmpsiti and failure f Kyle ' Harrop Phone 2667 1 , For a J ' 4 tempting and tasty party trv this simple desert la re desert HEY KID Dont forget the kids show each Saturday at the ROY THEATER CARTOONS 9 PLUS I Badlands of Montana - of some to get their rt tors examination j nrc cl doc Did anything liki tins ever hap (xil to you Mrs ( hde Bills fash loned .ui A lire dace m tin ir h.n k rh nil p.ni t ompli patio It InokcM SO rood III tact that a little ncigtl'iir , irl du idi d xf.e too would Iikc to pa. lit l.nnt the town rid So lu plot ceded starting with tin li.lls stinndoor .md sin thin to the di i p ended up (Minting tin ir lit white kitty Some lun penally fur the poor kitty It is interesting to note the growth of t)e I D.s i hutch n tin various missions tin July 11 1840 William Barratt was t h fust nns sionary to Australia Now tin nus sion has been divided and there an 250 missionaries there What would William Barratt arid o'hers of today think of us in our modern day world In some wavs I don i think they would trade us But I would hate to go baik to covered wagons and no clectrni'y wouldn't you Ihcrcs a difference in travel time too Maj Jay Bach DoORs OPEN 2 45 ADMISSION 15c 1 HAVING A PICNIC? - BEN FRANKLIN -- fieii - c -- man proves this by flying from Nauvoo in 111. minutes ins'ud ol the 111 days it toJ. the original pioneers to make t journey If we are to progress and be mu dern pioneers we must not, how ever, be blinded by the speed of the day and caught in the worldly trap The prairie schooner is gone, but the way is still hard, the wav to true joy We are the pioneers of the tomorrows, the makers of mdLF pm It I! yi yy -- PArF.R TES ID! D PI PORKS, SPOONS white Big ' in size FI.n 10c MwA'tmr' Pkg. Package of 8 white 9 in pa per plati s 1 lu y irs-- i - Package of 6 hot drink or ID cold drink cups 9oz Pkg cups 10c z ted edges STURDY METAL Loose Cover 1.98 Handsome lithographed yellow plaid design' Big 13 78x91x-in. JauiCcstri Convenient Budget jX Terms YOUR OLD TIRES FOR DOWN PAYMENT RED HO TROASTER BUILD WITH PASTEL-LAV- Five and dials the Wests most powerful premium gasoline. Why not try a tankful where you know you today? At the sign of the big 76... always get the finest. LIFE-LON- AT Its New Royal 76 I OP CALIFORNIA DAVES SERVICE bfleet nothing but Quality Products We sell SC G LOVELY PASTEL COLORS PERMANENT BEAUTY IwiP AMO CONCRETE PIPE CO. 1940 Wall Avnu OfHCtt of 100 colorfully IN SALT UU PtonJ-7Jl- S LOGAN OGDEN MOVO n If striped straws. j Pk. emb ossed 13 in size white paper napkins. 'n PICNIC JUG SODA STRAWS 13c Bx. jffll UTAH 60 nl erw ovqn oak picnic biskct Big 17 xl 18 in Box NAPKINS 10c 1 NO UP KEEP or MAINTENANCE HOST of STYLES and DESIGNS V Highway 91 Eoy, Utah UNION OIL COMPANY PPER BtSKPT 2.29 to Pay You Jcnow it is. WOOD SPLIT BLOCK A 39c Too! UTAH CONCRETE Up to 15 Months POWERFUL? Toasts sandwiches, paper 4.95 Insulated size! Steel case, glass lin- cd. With spout. |