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Show LAYTON Stores in BOUNTIFUL ROY EVENING OPEN FRIDAY TILL 8:00 P. M. LIFETIME GUARANTEE B. F. GOODRICH Lifetime Guarantee Rubber Padding included with each pfgg Carpet Purchased During Our July BONUS :$S SALE To CHOOSE from! Over COO Colors and Patterns i ' : I ? A4 fv Along with 1150 other leading stores from coast to coast, we bought in boxcar quantities to bring you the biggest bedding sale ever, to celebrate Simmons 87th Anniversaryl $10,000,000 worth of purchases and the mass production power of 9 large Simmons g plants give you low prices! i 'o 40 Save history-makin- SIMMONS V famous hide-a-be- d J 3 & SOFA ' ; fullc Anni S.mmons Famous . , s new 8itn in wver.erspnng Wool, Viscose and Nylon. hand opens U. ? itt'-- ). chro.spun This Carpet Combines the Fine Qualities of Mi iidjT cushions f' 7 v f V ' 3V to slKP The Ramdom Loop Texture is High Fashion and the Lovely Plain Colors are a perfect background for Decorating. You Should Sec this Wonderful Carpet Value, or Call Us, Let Us Show it to You in Your Home. Mir JM . : EVERYTHING you want in a fine living room group! Foam cushioned seats! Summer Nights Enjoy WITH Circulating Cool, Conditioned, tiltered Air thru the House . egg OUR $1 m lLA SIMMONS ROLIAWAY COT Cooler YOUR Sjlmcrized cover resists stains and soil! shelf-arstyle created especially for Simmons 87th Anniversary! The lounge opens to sleep two. A new . . Reel innerspring pad, strong steel frame. Tolds up, rolls away, fits in a closet. Only $7995 YOURS NOW SIMMONS PAY BY THE MONTH Famous Simmons quality, with rugged steel frame, Bcautyrest seat cushion and new Scotchguard protected cover that resists stains, grease and soil. ON EASY TERMS This Cooler with its largo no draft fan does an exceptional job of cooling the home in summer time. 2 to 3 Room Capacity. Yr" A m$m Dont Wait! The Supply is Limited! SIMMONS The Demand is GREAT! CONTINENTAL BED Comfortable, smart, and wonderfully inexpensive! Made with innerspring pad and coil spring base. Long removable bolster for perfect seating comfort. Tapered legs with brass tip. WIDE SELECTION of other Coolers to Choose from; One and Two Room Capacity . . . Ranging in Price - EASY TERMS FREE (ISO wee kfy 1 DEELIVERY from $29.95 and up I SIMMONS Wide Selection of Sixes Designed to meet ony $6.95 and Breeze Thru the Heat Wave up. !. LAYTON BOUNTIFUL ROY NEW PARKING LOTS AT REAR OF ALL OUR STORES ( HOLLYWOOD BED A great value I Genuine Simmons box spring, plus innerspring mattress with d foam center. Complete with 6 legs. rubber-cushione- Demand. Priced from SOFA BED 69 1 wltl headboard $1-0- 0 weetyf 4 . |