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Show The For Roy Police Phone EX at the home of Mrs. LuelLa Byram. We would like to extend a "Get Well Wish to Glen Poll who had his little toe amputated Monday Glen suffered a cruahed foot when it was caught in the hydraulic lift of the tractor his father was operating a few weeks ago. Huger Banihrough sang and played at Lagoon Monday evening for South Weber By .33 $t Bessie Banibrough the National Guard 222nd Battery Phone EX 4 3543 party A thought . . . ICt each man learn to know himself, To gain that knowledge, let him out be will Those who blowiny labor candles this week are LaVern To improve those failings in him13th. Wayne Potter 14. Gay lene self Bouchard 15th, Georye Poll and Which he condemns so in his Alfred Peek 18 We would like neighbor to wish them all a happy birthday How leniently our own faults we Last Sunday evening July 7th the view, 4 Hers of South Weber held rural And consciences voice adeptly Sunday evening services The fol smother, lowing program was given, Eddie how harshly we review The Jensen took charge The opening Vet, same failings in another' self (prayer was given by Val Byram Oh, list to that small voice within, The Pledge of Allegiance was led Whose whisenngs oft make men by Lynn Poll, and LaVcra liulay confounded, led the 4 11 Pledge A short talk not anothers sin on the 411 Motto was given by And tiutnjM-if you're own You'd blush deep Julie Greer The talks on the differ Ann were sounded nt parts of the 4H pledge The head was given by Hale Lkena, the heart by Patsy Hill, the hands by Ivan Hay, and Health by Brent Poll. The sang "The Plough Marie W. Haws Phone EX 4 4708 " After which Fred Stan mg Song ger gave the 4 H Creed Another I am sure that the hundreds who ones of talks were given by Shir attended the Lake View Stake 4th ley Smith and Ban Stanger of July celebration held here last He week would agree that the day was Karen Ray sang "Breaming marks were then given by the 411 a huge success It was a busy day, of all sorts going on leaders, Mildred Smith, Virginia with activities minute every Manger and Arthur L'kena Closing A record number of children song wa, "Song of Peace" by the 4 H members Closing prayer was took part in the early morning offered by Bavul Stanger parade There was a shortage of Margaret Slromberg has a dar floats, but the ones that were there ng little puppy she would like to were outstanding The Hoy Second find a good homo for. It is a month Ward took top honors with their old and is part Pomeranian and float entitled "Freedom Rings" Three ball games were played part Terrier It is white with a brown fare and is a female Phone during the day By now, I've for 1.X4 4205 gottin the wore, but Hoo(er First A quilting was held Wednesday Ward defeated Hooper Second in 9 h- r - Wi-ber- t hfujtfvsrd " rf rV in m f 1 e there. The North Davis Junior High Brand marched in the Clearfield 4th of July parade. Members of this band from Sunset are as follows: Colleen Steed, Gary Steed, Chris Haugen, Sheryn Lee Barnett, Irene McOuarrte, Barbara Hill, Robert Stettler, David Egbert, Tina Brandenburg, Kent Scott, Gayle Ann Rumsey, Barry Peterson, Joey Wells, Marilyn Lavender, Lindsay Workman, and Robert Lovell. Joslyn Wiberg is going to ride in a cart while a Shetland pony pulls K in the Horse Parade, July 10, at 0 p m in Ogden. Her bro- TV' l JUST A SAMPIE of the floats wen in the Hiverdale 4th of July parade were these floats and accessories Back row left, to right are Barbara Zlto, Jean Henderson. Julie Boswell, Geneal Myers, Karen Henderson, and Judy Millrr Second row I to r , Janet Gibby, Ethel Goff, Bonnie Sommers, Chary! Johnson, Connie Fuller, LuBawna Woodbury, and Joyce Hitter. Holly Kessler and Jtne Ann Jacobson not present when picture was Photo by Buane Bingham taken Hooper News Junior League softball game. Kanesvllle defeated Hooper in an afternoon baseball game, and Hoop er Second won over Hoojht First in a senior league softball game played in the evening The program, featuring Buckner as speaker, was otic ot the best 4th of July programs that we have ever had a 1 : III Several Hooper youngsters join with other 4 II Club the county and pare sday cipatcd in a tour on Among the plates of interest vim! cd were General Mills in Ogden where the boys watched the tion of feed and flour making Later ill the day they came to Hooper to the fjke View Stake-Farwhere many thing, of inter esl were shown to them Othe r 4 II tour are planned for the near fu lure Two Hooper young men will have-nebrides this weekend Russell Manning, son of Hank and June Manning will marry Patsy Shelby, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ijimont Shelby of Ogden They are being married Friday with the-ireception being held in the Thirteenth V Sv- - all it was a very met das and I for one hope that tin staki will continue to celebrate the 4'h of July as an annual affair for repairs on your A yvxj ri v I ; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Naylor have as their house guests their son Dean Naylor, of Eureka, Calif., and their granddaughter Miss Diane Taylor of Randlett. Well birthday time has rolled around again for the following: E. Kathleen Ronald McBnde, Jones, Henry Slaughter, on the 7th, Robyn Limb on the 8th. Mary Ellen Adams, Steven Hodson, Louann Bell on the 9th; Gary Nelson, Gaye Nalder, Jean T. Wilcox and Ronald Montgomery on the 10th; Patricia Ann Goodfellow, and Dennis Sedgwick on the 11th. Brent Halls on the 12lh; Odell Wood and Wil Bam Lamb on the 13th Happy birthday everyone. The happy couples celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr and Mrs. Ellis Starks and Mr. and Mrs. Harold M Jameson on the 7th; Mr and Mrs William Leonard, and Mr and Mrs C. Eugene Nelson. and Mr. and Mr. Roy Clayton on the 12th; Mr. and Mrs. Noel G Larsen on the 13th. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Allen Muir (Dana Lu Fackrell) on the arrival of their first little bundle of joy, a baby boy. summer recreation Clearfield program this year is holding an adult handicraft class each Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. at the South Clearfield SchooL Those interested are invited to drop around Thursday evening, skilled ' instruction is available. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davies announced the mamage of their daughter, Connie, to Stanley Manning, aoo of Mr. and Mrs. John Manning of West Point. They exchanged vows June 27 in the Logan Temple and they were honored by in the Third Ward a reception chapel in Clearfield. Acting aa Connie a attendants were Misa Claudia Holt, Mias Francien Smith, Misa Pauline Morley, Miss JoAnn Miss Marylin Muller and Misa Shirley Danes. The little flower girl was Diane Daviea. Beat man duties were performed by Deah Manning. The newlyweds are at home to their friends In West Point. We send our congratulations to them. Me-Gert- LEROY ROMAN DIED SATURDAY JULY 8 1957 Leroy Roman, of Riverdale, died Saturday, July 6, 1957, at the Roman home, the house in which he was born. Mr. Roman was 60 years of age, born January 6, 1897. He was a son of Daniel B. and Gertrude Ferburggen Roman. a Mr. Roman was essentially tiller of the soil, but he was also employed as a construction worker for the Utah Power and Light Co. He was educated in Weber County schools and served the U. S. In World War I. He was given a very creditable honorable discharge from the Army at that time. On July 16. 1951. Mr. Roman was married to Siddie Dearden in Ogden, Utah. He is survived by Mrs. his widow, a stepdaughter, Frank (Grace) Van Dyke, of Ogden, two grandchildren. Janene and Bruce Van Dyke, a brother, Victor Roman, of Spanish Fork, two sisters, Mrs John H (Mary) Wheelwright, and Mrs Clinton Stephens of Layton Funeral services were held Tuesday at 1pm. in the Lindquist and Sons Mortuary Bishop Wilford Tesch of the Hiverdale Ward H ed TV, Radio or ROY AUTO PARTS Wt-dn- Phonograph FRED'S Radio & Television PHONE EX THEATRE BI.BG. r. The people who had the day in charge worked hard and I ain sure haven t their efforts payed off heard flow success! ul the day was financially, but if all little boys spent as much as my little boy we can figure that enough was madt to clear the indebtedness on tin stake gym Tunes have lertainls changed since the days when Ik would last all day All few J MU -- Roy, Utah, Thursday July 11, 1957 le, of 800. The parade which started at 11 was view hy a crowd of well over, 5000. Heading the parade was Mias Clearfield, Miss Virginia Clifford and her two attendants Linda Rae Hilton and Marlene Hill. We were very proud of our parade and the floats that were entered. The float that took first place was the Third Ward. It was titled "Time and Eternity," it had a flight of stairs on which stood a bride and groom, these led to a beautiful temple at the top. Second place went to Center Street. The people of center street got togther and made one. It was titled Center Street the Heart of Clearfield" and was made in the shape of a heart. We hope that this will inspire more people to enter floats next year. The fire department has asked that yku be extern ely careful when burning rubbish or weeds. Our volunteer fire department has made many runs to battle grass gires that have been caused by carelessnesk, so wont you please cooperate and do your part in watching these. Mrs. Melvin G- - Wood and four of her grandchildren apent three days In Idaho Falla, Idaho, where they visited with Mr. Woods daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm-sen- . las' aister, Uarda Perry. They will be gone about week. Mr. and Mr. Derral C. Draper left Tuesday for a week la Yellowstone. Sunset Second Ward Primary sponsored a parade, carnival and concessions at the Sunset Park Wednesday, July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott ! and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Kendrick and their families retimed Wednesday, July 3, from Yellowstone Park after vacationing there about week. Scotty and Joselyn each caught a fish for grandpa. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Laloli and family took a picnic lunch up Weber canyon July 4th, with friends from Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McQuar-riand family motored to Logan on the 4tb and visited relatives By-be- DEPEND ON US Son-Chronic- 5203 First Run Picture SHOWN ON THIS FLOT ARE Queen Mrs Fife; Kathy SpraVui Jensen Cheryl Highfield, Katherine Nelson, yer M.ir Ann Mitchell. Joan Hamblin, Susan Ressler, r(. 'ralitne Shirley Bingham, Linda Tesch. Patricia Rogers, Both of these floats will participate in Hughi-s Parade on July 19th ( h.ldM-Photo by Duane Bingham ther, Scotty, will ride his Shetland Ward in Ogd'i. Also being mar pony in the parade. Their father rnd on Friday are Earl Garner, and mother. Mr. and Mrs Norman Kae om if Svlvla Garner and .Stott Wiberg, are member of the HiompMin daughter of Mr and Horse Club The Horse Club sponMr-- , Ezra Ihnn.pson of Hoy Their sors the parade. reieplmn will be held the following The PTtest Quorum of the Sun Stakehouse View t'.e in I,ake night set Ward will hav etbeir scheduled t lyde l.owe eber County Farm party Saturday, July 13 It was to bureau pnulent has announced have been held July 6 but so many that the annual Weber County of the priests were incapacitated Farm Hunan outing will be held and not able to attend so it was Lake 13 at the Saturdav on July postponed a week At their Priest View Stake ( amp in North Fork Cottage meeting, last Sunday held It will Ik gin at noon and last until at Vern Young's home, Robert !) pm Ad Farm Bureau members gave a very nice extemporand thir famdns are urged to at aneous talk (,i-tend j r.ze will be given The North Davis MIA Stake famto the loi.d w.th the largest per ily night at Lagoon held Tuesday, rent in attendame Soda water and July 9, was well attended. Sunset watermi Ion will be furnished wards were all represented The The UMtimn family reunion stake mutual furnished and young ' Ui will of Saturday beginning girls served punch at the tables at pm m the Hooper First with each family taking their own 'l fainnv members are in Ward lunch. Strip ticket regularly sold v iti d for 75c were sold for 50c for rides The- - weak marks th eend of the and etc. A dance with George Fishsix weik Mimmer kindergarten er's Orchestra playing and budget Graduation xerciscs are being held tickets honored, ended the eveon Friduv at tlie school gym. I am ning. sure it hi- - bei n a very pleasant At Sacrament meeting Sunday six wnk'. for all the youngsters afternoon in the Sunset Ward, Virand thi y w .1! all be anxiously await- ginia Ixncll bore a wonderful testiing the In (jnr.mj; of school in mony and gave a report on the leadership week meetings held in At li ,ot two Hoopcrites will be a I ToVO Robert C. McQuarrie IS back to part of the cad of "All Faces West" being (invented this weekend at work after being ill a weck with the Ogden Mudiuin. Howard Widdi what the doctors diagnose as virus von will vmg in the chorus, and pneumonia ox will be the Adagio dan-jeeMr. and Mrs Don Reid and famRoger in tie Siagull scene ily took their boat and vacationed The .tin- i.d ixiursion to Yellow a few days in Yellowstone Park. vtone this iur must have been Don was kept busy rowing the boat av successful and enjoyable as us- - on the lake and baiting the hooks u,il A large group attended the for the family to fish. They report opening daw of fishing again, and that fishing is good and also the from all repots fish must have fish so very good and that Yellow-ston- t been ivm more plentiful than us seems to be the choice vacatial tion spot Don and familly like Three ihddren were baptized on boat riding very much, too. Saturdav evening at the stake Mr. and Mrs. Venile Russon have house and confirmed on Sunday at been vacationing in Yellowstone Hooper This arn Perry Widdlson. Park. son of Fr.tnns and Jewel Widdison and Janeal and Itruce Killian, children of Mr and Mrs. Cal Killian. Ward offin.ils in both Hooper Ila Dee Ashton Ph. TA 5 0122 Wards s.i that they still have a Well with the hustle and bussel supply of hall point pens, which are going fur SI a piece, are being of the 4th of July behind us we sold to raise money for the stake can once again settle back and take gym They are very good pens, well it easy. We would like to thank worht the price, and it would be a everyone who took part in our good idea for each familyl to have celebration which was a hugh sucseveral cess. The fishing contest was a big event with the Collinson children walking off with the honors. Allan Collinson caught the first fish while I F.TII his sister Tcggie won $5 for hookMcQUARRIE ing the biggest, a 101 inchc trout. PHONE Our chuck wagon breakfast was Rishop and Mrs. John Nicholas also enjoyed, from the time it startleft Saturday. July 6. for Downey, ed at 6 30 till 9.30 the Jayceei Calif. They will visit Mrs. Nicho- - and their wives served an estimate Janet and the ( PHONE EX 1900 5316 So. 4 6939 W, Utah Roy, AUTO GLASS INSTALLED htl-- v Jiain-n- AUTO GLASS AND PARTS Sew and Used BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE ACCESSORIES ! .i . 4 . , f -- - v V additional . . . ' - . '.$ v h i I - i telephones- in COLOR - p ' ,J 3 ; 1 In This Area t-'- -d Sep-tendie- r I j r BUTTERFLY' STARRING WITH AlDIE Ml RPIIY A TOP CAST OF GEORGE NADER SUNDAY at the MONDAY. KENNON WYNN TUESDAY ROY THEATRE . i. v:-- -: - 1 -- d.Y,,7 TJ , '.i v 1 r $ 4 0 - Clearfield News SUNSET NEWS 7 -- : . V - .. ' os handsome. as they are practical i , ' 5 . V.-s.- j L- - easy to order .. .jvst call , i ' Mountain States Telephone - d.:--. ' ' . ' |