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Show t Dalton Queen' of Ogden Pioneer Celebration Mary E. the appreciation of her family and The City of Roy is proud to be friends and the good thing of life. represented in the annual Ogden Pioneer Days celebration, by Mary Y E. Dalton, a WO year old native pio; neer of Utah. She was chosen by $ Uje West Company of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers to reign as queen over the celebration to be held the week of July 24 9 t Two of her great grandaudhters will attend her on the float in the parade They are Mrs Junior (Car nul Talor of Ogden and Mrs Wayne (Merlene) Grover of East Garland Both oting ladies are the daughters of Mr and Mrs Poland Patterson of West Point Mrs Dalton will observe her Dot h birthday July 23 She was born in Bountiful on that date in 1867, the daughter of Richard and Eliza beth Baker Jones She has lived In Roy since she was nine years old and has watched the town grow from four families, including her own to its present population and progression The pioneer queen enjoys good health, is keen and alert and has a marvelous memory. She is inlerested in every day happenings and has a wonderful capacity for Twelve Roy Jaycees and Jaycet-tereturned fro Milwaukee, Wis last week with many honors for the Roy Jaycees ami the City of Sacrament services will le held Roy . Siirul.iv at 12 15 pm in the Lake The Roy club was picked as the View Ward next Sunday onlv Hurd most outstanding club in the i instead of the regular time. 7 30 United States fur cities under made so that This change has population This was a great those who wish to attend the pro honor for the Roy Jaycees as well ductinn. "All Faces West" may do as the City of Roy so at the Ogden Stadium The club also receiver first place Igor Gorin, world famous ban awards in Inter Club Relations, and Membership and personnel and 4, Local Newt, Local Advertising for Local People Hoy, Utah, Thursday duly r Vol. 4, No. 8 11, 1!Cj7 7TT v1 7vWh A Kv - i Xi fcr'- PY- - tf 'v-- Speaker Stirs 4th of July Fun Seekers at Hooper Park on the prive-loge- s living in America and being an American, was given bv E. LaMar Bmkm-r- . as the high point in the literary musical program presented at the Lake View Stake annual 4th of July celebration held at the Hooper Park last Thursday. "The flag of the United States and its traditions are symbolic world wide of the freedom of man, the speaker said He urged the more frequent reading of the Declaration oi Independence, for everything this country stands for that has made It great, is contained A stirring oration of Ax second and the Ambulance, third. In the walking group, the dressed as a cowboy, first place; small girl with a bustle, second place and two tiny little girls dressed in Hawaiian costumes, won third place. won Roy Jaycees Stake Softball Enters Half Play Changes Time I Shine at National Meet in Wisconsin s The Lake View Stake began the third and last round of its softball program recently There were two in it. senior games Wednesday and one We all too freoently take ourt(junnj. the 4:h of Jills celebration vhJt rights and privileges too much for Playoffs were certain in both granted and fall to realize the the Junior and Senior leagues with IXK'AL SCOUTS WHO ARE enjoing the trip to to the National Scout Jamboree are left to right conditions that exist just beyond Clinton Juniors Hooper 1st Michael ore, ljmce Parker, and scout leader, Aldous John Smith, Wallace our own shores" He continued and Hooperjoining Second joining Roy son. The boys are holding golden spikes, postcards with salt bags and of the Bingham Copper "the things that make us different First Seniors as Round Robin win Mines, all of which will U used to swap or trade with other scouts of other areas. from other peonies- fneidentlv spel ners the word free. F faith In God. and FRIDAY JULY 12 the political and physical free 6 30 Roy 1st vs Clinton Sr at Roy aeenev of man 6 45 Hoojier 1st vs Clinton Jr. "R rights of the Individual E 8 06 Roy 2nd vs Kanesville Sr Weber County now has 4060 per- economic onnortunity, free enter-All games at Hooper park unless $1 50 children 50c, reserved sc.its Roy and the things that they are sons receiving Social Security nrise AmeHeans own elpht nut nf S2 and lm seats $2 50 otherwise noted. fair city. fit under the Old Age and Sur 10 autnmoh'W nne o"t nf 10 trying to do fur thi-ivivors Insurance program, Sen tubs one hntf of the wor'ds radio Wallace F. Bennett announced this sets snd 45rt of the total world week his group left July 3 with near Total monthly payments witlnn "F edorat'nnst tpitbs and the i hi other scouts from the Ogden the county now total $203,935. Sen h- -r n" rr ed'-nna- l know,rdcr u at! fgp world" !.i They later Joined 4O0 more Bennett said The figures were compiled by Lake area with i outs from the Salt nrneram Cir The wet! atle-d- ed the Department of Health, Educa e4 u Oh the Fae ra'sine reremonv buses traveling together tion, and Welfare a of Die 31 h'rh was done under the direr Before ihey camp at Valley 1956. ion of Notan Ne'snn srontmastoe Sen. Bennett, who is a membir sf Tenon 73 of Hooner. assisted bv week beRiverdales Fourth of July festi Jorge, lcnn , for one 12. they will have of the Senate Finance Committee July the hnvs in his troop. ginning vities started with a well attended visited many tourist attractions in- which handles Social Security leg Vocal nnmhers were given bv Miss ha which Child after parade, islation. said the figure will in Mrs Rettv Erickson and Mrs Juno scenic, religious and charming daughter of Mr and Mrs cluding Included on the itenerary crease every year for the foresee Heiser, accompanied at the piano George Child, was crowned queen are able future. 111, Greenwich VilChicago, bv Carol Bens Singing and guitar G Edwin Andor (Tedi by Mayor N Y. where "The Social Security system is rnerbers were even bv Alton and N Y Palmyra. lage, son Attractive attendants to Miss lunch at the now a recognized part of our way I.aMar Cook and by Roger Bam Child were Miss Audrey Erickson they were served Just Smith by members of of life," Sen Bennett said "The in farm jih brunch. M Bench Miss and iss Kathryn of the LDS creasing number of persons nn-iHorace Garner as rhanlain. gave Erickson is a daughter of Mr and the Palmyra Branch I hurt h and nearby missionaries ing Old Age and Survivors Insur the opennc and closing nraver and Mrs. Elnor Erickson, Miss Bench, Services were held in the Sacred ancc focuses attention on the need Bishop Hooper the welcoming addaughter of Mr. and Mrs Francis Grove for preserving the purchasing pow- dress Bench. (The Ericksons are from er of the money these people re"Freedom Rinrs" a float entered MrCammon. Idaho) Then they visited Boston, New ceive. This problem, now under in the 4th of Julv parade held at York City which will include a trip study by the Finance Committee, the Hooper Park entered bv the "Les Amies Gaels" president. to Coney Island, the Statue of Lib- is one of the most important mat Mrs. Norris Bingham, presented Rnv fserond Ward won first place. and a baseball game. ters now facing our national gov- The float entered bv Kanesville. Queen Kay with a corsage, and all erty three girls with specially engraved Several of the fiuses have had ernment. "I Vote for Independence." second bracelets gold trouble which have caused several 2 place and "Tmv but Mighty by m-i lur S.iv mr Fv iu,iPF RsPFCT l F draw ng showing t Lot In ran Church, ,i BOE IS Local musicians supplied lively delays Once after leaving Palmyra the Rnv fih Ward won third place whuh was designed by Haines and Purhonen aribiteits Itie tmild'tig is now undi r t (instruction music to introduce the parade and they were stopped because police Two courts of honor were held The three floats have been invited by the Nelson ((instruction Co, at 5550 So 2300 West m Rov 7he exterior walls arc of bnek a very colorful parade it was The sa.d that the buses were not prop hike Part in ,hp Ogden Pioneer t recently by Troop 193 of the Roy tor and the interior Glued laminated wood beams with rxjmsed wooel masonry, both on the to One was bus found be Davx embellished beautiful held with 24th erly inspected. floats, parade Fifth Ward. July deck is the main roof construction Approximate mate ly 25(H) square (eet are provided m this first girls, were indeed artistic and gay to have defective brakes. After a Guide Patrol members receiving n Ogden unit of an overall building program This building program This building is designed to tie in In the small vehicle numbers in The "Les Amies Gaies float, with 3 hour delay to get them fixed, Tenderfoot badges were Johnny The Sanctuary. Sacristy, offucs, classrooms, with the- future building program harmoniously the queen candidates depicted a igam started on only to have an- Umbros, Merrill Eames, Jeffrey ,hp Hooncr parade. Ding Dong toilet rooms and storage are included in this vp.icr One wall of the kitchen, hall, sotia nursery, flower garden ,the other floats other bus break completely down, and Michael Roe, Evan Rackeri Bell won first place. Hot Dog Stand social area has doors which open the inside to the outside for social activities or outdoor worship. were in 4 II motif, the handiwork the second time a bus did so. The Gaile Hill. Richard Bingham and of our 4 H girls groups, led by boys were distributed among the Craig Wiggins. Doris Woodbury and Thelma Ober other buses Scouts receiving Tenderfoot brobkling Mrs. Adele Fife was were Bill Second Class badges Jamboree will activities bring awards went to Ivey, crowned queen of the Olierhrobk-linDavid Winer, Dasome 55.000 scouts float, and sat by an old fash- together vid Racker and Stewart Lamnore. the are These nation throughout ioned sewing machine. First Class badges went to Lance 5 onlv held every four years Parker and a merit badge, other If numbers count for anything, Women of the Moose will have there were over 500 barbecues sold, They all have a common goal, as receiving merit badges were Lynn Dr William J Fanning of Roy their and it is estimated that 500 people the leaders put it, to monthly enrollment of new Donaldson, Dennis Bingham, Brent has returned from the In- members recently Walt viewed the parade. The dunking themselves, where Hazen, Gene Friday at 8 p m. July 12th Larimore, by sleeping Bingternational Chiropractors Conven- at the Moose Home The F.xicltive booth proved popular. For good Washingtons troops slept, to the ham, Larry Oleson. Donald Gibby tion in St 1,0111s, Mo. where he Committee will lx- in charge of and Lance our Parker. ideals beat built which the And cant you mayor, sports country. Walt Larimore was also given was named regional director for the program and refreshments officials of the town and the bish to the four year scout crusade, "Onthe 11 western states. One of his The Civic Affairs Committee of the oprics,of the two wards. Nor can ward for God and Country." Or, a Life award. new duties will he the organizing yoii beat the women who played as the boys put it, to have a whale City CounLoyal Order of Moose are sponsor Guide Patrol leaders is Darlene and Three hundred Bov Scouts from Ogden and Salt conducting of the International ing a dance following the chapter cils left to attend the fourth National Jamboree at Valiev Forge. The softball. The ball games and tug of a good time and to come back Bingham and Blame Bingham is PoMurc Queen contest which is were won by the Riverdale loaded with souvenirs and to see Scoutmaster with James Archibald meeting. trip to and from the jamboree will increase their knowledge of hcld annuallv in St. Louis, ward. as much of America as they can. as thev travel through jarts of Utah, Wyoand industry as assistant. geography The contest is unique m that it Nebraska. Iowa. Illinois. Michigan. Ohm and o'her states. ming. does not depend on beauty alone as "Be prepared" is the all time scout motto This year's scout rallya means of selecting the winner. " ing cry is "Onward for Gixl and My Country The most important group Sixty per cent of th escore depends in America today is its youth. upon who has the most perfect SCOUTING traias the minds, bodies and souls of these is which column determined spinal , for strong bodied, , youngsters 1, 1897. The Mormons By ERMA ROSS were not by X ray examination. The other manhood. conscious and spiritually 40U depends upon beauty, poise, well known in those days, so they Mrs. Francos Davis Frasier was The purpose of this campaign is to teach our hoys wise citizenship were not respected nor treated carriage, and speaking voice. in White horn on Nov. 20, 1872 reverence for God and appreciation of this country that God Dr Fanning stated the purpose through friendly. However, this treatment of a has so daughter Tenn, to County, singularly blessed, to give them a complete working understandemphasize the did not change their belief or of this contest is i ! assurance 7 and Ccar Elizabeth Constitution its and Mary of America and its methods, of the importance of posture in its rela- G E. DlfsilWASHLhYind sin faith in this new found religion. mod ng V bourgh Dabis She was the middle fn,,.,om m thought and worship and in worrd and in action. W ithin i tionship to better health. child of 11 children. these basic tenents lies our hope for the future and for mankind. Miss Dianna Stopke of Missouri They with their son .her sister, and husband. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. was named queen of this years conTHE INI H ENCE of good citizenship is such that if we were Her childhood to young womanto make a deliberate and continual effort of treating others with Frasier with their three children test. She was awarded $1000 in hood was spent in this community left their home land March 25, cash and a 1000 scholarship. She the consideration that goixl citizenship demands, the effoe on us as and she attended school in a 1901 and to Fork came the Utah. all On their house individuals, and on the country would he almost revolutionary. was given an Caney by log expense paid trip arrival in Utah, they went to the to New York City where she Scouting offers a pleasant and practical wav for youth River, one half mile from her home of Joseph D. Burnett and to learn these effects through nianlv character building skills home. The school boasted of one on seveal national televie were made welcome to this. new sion shows. The new queen will and habits. America needs the clear thinking and teacher who taught all of the , scouting. D. through be Orlander entered Miss produced the by citizenship Amerialso community in grades. who was bishop of the Clin- ca Contest. Only by making the most out of the present can we obtain the In the farming iommumty where ton ward at that time, best results in the future. Second place winner was Miss she lived, her father grew aweet Mrs. Frasier has been very ac- Laverne Mason of British Columbia Therefore Scout's motto "Be Prepared potatoes, corn, wheat, cotton and in the different organizations Canada. She was awarded $500 in tive The responsibilities of American citizenship are so great that our of as cane the crops priciplc sugar of the church and found has much a and $500 area. cash youth cannot learn them too early. The people who built the nation scholarship. that day and in her work. She worked for Miss Louise joy Utah's of Ogput a lot of overtime into the job. They built better than they knew. married she Petty 17, of At the age 17 years in the Mutual 14 of these den was awarded third Building unselfishly and without stint for posterity. for place Isaac Clinton Frasier on the 18th We must remain strong spiritually, physically and materially In years as president. She has 40 years which she received $250 and the of June, 1869, in her home town. Soa as to give the rest of the peoples of the world, our example to live a Relief in order teacher Davis amount Mrs. in visiting like Frasier Frances She scholarship. One son was born to this marriage, and has she also and to try to equal our fundamentals, the hope of the entire world. worked in entered in the Miss ciety also will be by William Luther, on Jan. 21st, 1891. he was 6 years old and was the Primary and Dale Isham Merle Dr. only sacred duty to da what we can to prepare a world that ia our classes. It contest. is a America She religion received Clinin farm on the He now lives ceme- Mrs. Fralscr has served under set of matched luggage and an all our buried for in Medicine the safe Utah, Clinton, youth to live in, and to prepare our youth to meet the Naturopathic ton, that his parents bought. They seven bishops who have presided expenses paid trip to St. Louis for of existence, to perpetuate the American way of life, Blvd. 3012 tery. responsibilities Washington chilother with blessed not were and over ward the the a in Utah as practicing way their responsibilities as citizens. many chosen the during practical Mrs. the Ogden, Mr. Frasier joined and Posture Queen being dren but adopted a boy Fred, two we think together again next week? Shall CONTINUED ON PAGE PIIONE in of Utah, Tennessee LDS died in when He Church EXport 1913. Aug. in yeara old, lx-e- - Valley Forge Beckons 4066 Receive Pay ' i lx-n- Local Scon??, Set Tour we-.t- h Riverdale Crowd Enjoy Fourth Courts o$ Honor i - Dr. Fanning Named Director At National Meet Women oi Moose Enlist Members Boy Scouts Philosophy - . Community Portraits Ab-solu- i clear-minded- r . . 1 one-roo- wide-awak- IIad-loek- 1 |