Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS I 1 a omas rait 1 ike city utah at 4 wl IS givan THAT thal deseret I 1 bite ai d irrigation company by ita 1 resident joseph drapel whose post office la leret lake county utah hag anade application in accordance with tho re j of chapter aw station I 1 ef akk to 81 jo acre feet of in miller carton county said water bo diperte 1 by ancans incans of dam and al it a point wl leh from abe eolith quarter corner ot 21 to 1 ip 15 oath ua IRO 9 east halt lake base and meridian wl era it will a embraced in section 2 1 and 11 acuti 10 past salt lake base and meridian said water wui I 1 e stored wl enever available from january 1st to I 1 alst inclusive f cacti vear the water stored will be from may lat to october istl ef each leur and convened fora distance of about 60 6 feet and to irrigated 0 of land embraced in sections 11 a d U tofu south ranee 10 east 11 S 7 28 29 81 82 sa anam ab bouth halt lake butge aid lan this Is in tho state I 1 banci r e office N ato all protests against the all application the leaann must le in and flied in this office thirty 30 dye after the completion of the publication ot this notice 1 bbate 11 date of llast publication aug date of completion of pt nth 1800 |