Show THE VICE OF generalizing bauit all too genera and influential says writer according to rupert hughes writ ing in haepers weekly the habit 0 generalizing from single sentences Is far too general and influential one would thu k from some of the gen he says that the donop of money for example had also monopolized wickedness the news of the day will tell ot preachers caught in plagiarism or ad altery of druggists selling poisoned soda gatei of bakers vending unclean bread of theological students cheat ing each trade he says has its graft the fact is that drawing indictments against classes is as insane and illig ical as drawing indictments against nations there are burglars who are chaste and parsons who are sots there are rich women who are nuns of asceticism and poor women who are so vilely efti av aint as to bank bupt rupt their ditch digging keepers there are poets who are domestic models and plumbers who are there are rich men who overwork nd poor men lazy enough to beg there are millionaires sons who are normal and athletic and self made men who are degenerates there are robust athletes who are abnormal and cig arette fiends who are leaders of ress there are sicilians who never saw a dagger and puritans who seek ve nedetta with a knife or with poison there are policemen who would re act a bribe and senators who are devoted to their country there are chorus girls of repute and sunday school teachers who corn tolt infanticide exchange |