Show i memory jottings exodus from nauvoo young afi in those days 0 moving and constant home thanking brigha n waa something I 1 ke a father of a large rustling everybody came to hito for comfort or counsel I 1 will relate a few to show how they trusted to his guidance IB 1815 an italien sailor by the of aoto bad saved bis until be had hundred dollars he was worried ID mind for lem that he would lase it and could not decide where to deposit it returning from a voyage aad lust before reaching new lork in a dream a man stood before bim aad told lum to leave with mormon bangham and be should be prospered on reaching new york be began to in quire for mormon brigham no one him finally he met a person who told hun that brignani Br ighani young the president 0 the mormon church lived at nauvoo illinois ill irois toronto never rest ed until be reached that place makiri hie wai to president a e he laid the money on the table aad would have left without akocs it brigham had not detained him the money was sorely needed and the act was so deeply appreciated that abe hum ble true ing man was taken to the president e home and became ent member 0 abe timah at winter quarters a man by pame 0 majors a gentleman of wealth and scholarly at tain ments came to bangham and said that one of bis thoroughbred mares was down and could not get up and asked if he bad better kill her the president replied no never destroy life try and save her if ou can t provide for her give her to toronto and will tell him how to care for her he further direct ed to have a windlass erected the mare up then boda cut and a sod stable built around her the anima was saed afterwards I 1 saw brother toronto sell a pair 0 her colts to kin kead of lake for ad joseph uneducated italian sailor under the wise counsels of brig ham young became a man of property raised up an honorable family and fabb theia a good education f could tell numerous instances that I 1 saw in my boyhood das demonstrating the fact that president young wh etheron in his office was always to the ie and his coun sels arthea carried out brought b at quarters be was everywhere arrott at bed do of abe tiding next t ou would see hia carriage flung to the scene of a prairie fire and hear hie calm cirii hiie d reding the labors of his willing follower counseling peace but ever urging eterei leoce no booner would his hinds drop the critical labors of the moment tann he turn cerull to preparing t r the onward that all knew corne in the early spring prom the d he ed the narces of toe hanh robust or energetic men that he wished to hare with him 10 the pioneer movement that the council had decided should be made as soon as grass grew in my using the name of Dri ghana I 1 do not aish to onvey the idea that there was only one capal ie orly one great leader in our u I 1 consider that we had a col lection of able men joseph smith ID h 9 short prophetic career of li ears had not only given the book of mormon to the world hut he had brought forth and the roost prefect church organization that ve have adov record of in doing this he had gathered around bin and some very learned mer among the learned are such names as S adney R adon willard eich ards lorenzi snow orson spencer ana dr bernhisel while the i ew etith had gathered into its told a legion of strong intelligent spirits brinham young deberc kimball geo A suito john tailor and a host of others ill honorable and worthy of mention men who have made histo ucal records were numbered in our campa valued stal vart noeo and they were often nian him 10 council nod their decisions were honorid b him As a matter of fact it waa not br ebani e personal superiority that placed upon him the leadership it cama by ordina and cailing from joseph and the of the people hence in mormon th back of stood joa eph and the people and back and above joseph stood the mighty lord even jesus christ prom him came the pow er and influence that held this multitude of moving families together ind made it possible for one man and that man was bangham young to select the men that he desired to him on the journey that still lay before them of course people knew or had ever reason to deliee that in oregon there grand eners t 1 1 an 1 extensive oresta w th rich inter glades inviting the to come and tike possession but our experience haj taught us that prosper t and wealth excited jealousy aud in cited turmoil ind trouble and so far with us hid culminated in the interior 0 california was barked on our as a desert and said if there 8 1 on thie earth that our enemies do not want that u the spot I 1 hunting tor |