Show we have a few cases of whooping cough in our but all are lined on friday evening last our republican club held a primer and del to tho at Cast ledale that was held last saturday they also also re organized the club A P john son was elected chairman with R johbson as secretary they appointed a committee to encourage all legal vot ers 10 register before election time the miller residence is now receiving its crowning edoo be for the shingles last friday and saturday waa the huntingdon Hunt ingon primary fair das many beautiful and useful things were oa ex hibi tion the makeup of the children the officers also sold luncheon during the time a means of gathering revenue for the association on thursday evening a farewell social ajr elder win J green jr was held in the meeting house A goodly number was out and took part A aniie purse was raised tor him and all wished him a pleasant and profitable tiia and a sate return to hie friends E johnson is repairing the old tithing office and will open up a butcher shop there eo the good people of town can be supplied occasionally abe Ha camond is acting as marshal for a while instead 0 robert gordon re signed mrs hannah leonard has a cumber of little ones down with the whooping cough and was unfortunate as to loose her baby girl on coodsy morn at at 2 clock the lady is alone with arr children her husband elier D II 11 leonard jr fill n a mission in the eastern states at the present time eral was held tuesday afternoon our district school is in apple pie or der six departments our new school house is to loom up the foundation is nearing completion and the 10 ats are now being put in position and george hilts have the woodwork ortho building in charge thus far the work 13 very the relief soi ieta is preparing to start to complete their hall it has teen standing the past three in eie sore to he public we hope to it completed as it 13 a enuch needed place capitalists are still seen D robbins up huntington camjon we hope something good will come out of it our new threshing machine company have decided to exchange their horse power tor an engine and be up to date in every respect it 13 claimed that the engine can travel over roads that horses will stall on robert litster jr whose carves shattered over the of a 9 pound boy at his home have become calm he la now able to work the mother and babe are doing nicel another clerk can be seen at s store he pa s he expects to kep tour clerks bus this winter |