Show get fixed sow any jewelry that should be repaired or made over we will be very busy later on MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY UTAH union assay office M 8 HANAUER P 0 BOX 1446 J V SADLER SALT LAKE UTAH rs neglect health thus lost la restored by lyolla E a vegetable compound now many women do you know who are perfectly well and strong we everyday the story and over again I 1 do not feel well I 1 am so tired all the time 1 more than likely you speak the same words yourself and no doubt you feel far brorn well the cause be easily traced to some derangement of the ft male organs which itself in depression of spirits reluctance to go anywhere or do anything backache bearing down pains flatulency nerv ausness sleeplessness or other fe male weakness these symptoms are but warnings that there is danger ahead and unless heeded a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable result the never fallin g remedy for all these symptoms is elvdia E pinkham s table compound miss kate mcdonald of woodbudge N J writes dear mrs restored Ke stored health baa meant much to me that I 1 cannot help from tell ne about it tor the sake 0 other suffering won en for a lone time I 1 suffered 11 antol 1 witt a female trouble an 1 irregularities v aich made me physical a reck an 1 no one thought I 1 woul 1 recover but ly lia E pink hams vegetable compound has entirely cured me and made me well and strong and I 1 feel it my duty to tell other suffering women what a splendid mo dicino it is for twenty five years mrs pinkham daughter in law of I 1 ydia D pinkham has under her direction and since her decease been advising sick women free of charge her advice is free and always helpful address lynn mass A NERVOUS WRECK mrs green gained 26 pour da and recovered her health by taking dr williams pink pills general debility is a term that covers a multitude of cases where is no acute disease yet the patient continues to lose strength and the doctor s medi cines have no apparent effect this is the decimo that lea Is to death it means are not found to check it in a great majority of cases dr williams pink pills will check it and e 1 balth and strength because they actually n ake new blood and so sei d renewed vitality to every organ and tissue of the body mrs A green eliose address is box 29 R I 1 D no 4 ga says for oliree an 1 ft b alf years I 1 suffered with deaki ess and nervous bess uess complicated with ston ach trouble at times I 1 was confine I 1 to my bed for periods ranging from thice weeks to two months and was under the physician s cai e most of the time for thi years I 1 do not know the cause of n trouble but I 1 was prostrated with weakness and al I 1 took a great deal of medicine nothing seemed to give me strength at times my stomach hurt me something fearful and my bead often troubled me I 1 wis sleepless and what sleep I 1 did get did not refresh me when I 1 began taking dr williams pink pills I 1 weighed but pounds I 1 knew I 1 ana ba I 1 that n few doses would not cure me and I 1 ha I 1 patience the pills began to give me strength my bloo I 1 got in I 1 could sleep well at night and help sou e with the housework now I 1 v beigh ISO pounds and think nothing of walking halt a mile dr williams pink pills have done won ders for me and the neighbors all know this statement is true dr williams pills are sold by all druggists or will be beut by mail post paid on receipt of price 60 cents per box six boxes 2 SO by the dr williams mad acine oo 00 necta ly N |