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Show LEADER 4 WEEKLY REFLEX MEN R Stoi KEEPtD low miles super economy Immediately Pf $Q' WIIMH No experience necessary, must be wHIlnp to work, comprehensive training program with rapid advancement to management positions, liberal profit sharing and bonuses Health and accident benefits Start Immediately with dollar appliance a corporation that Is expanding and looking tor energetic, neat appearing men For appointment multi-millio- call Layton 7oOOOIL R6 time days 12 3pm Monday-FridaApply in person ot Anthonys, between 2 No 5pm R Main, Layton 2 Or- - vinyl top. 3V6 engine, power steering, brakes, windows, tilt steering wneel, and air condi-""- excellent Port time work available at food 344 No Main, Lav ton between 2 4pm R7 in person, BookkeeperSecretary for Gol den Years Center, Bountiful statement and perform receptionist duties Two years experience or an equivalent 18uOSo combination 1978 Ford F150 pickup cyl 4 speed radio $.595 & employment Salary $642 00 mo Applications will be accepted through March 29th at the Davis County Courtnouse in Farming Atom, Bountitui 292 4433 silver WILLEY FORD eauipped R7 3 1800 So Moin, Bountiful 292 4433 Heip needed 'n day on Monday & Thursday $2 75 per hour Call 369713 R7 pets R6 3761! - Roberts panion tor mine Call good core R7 6 TV REPAIR All mokes Fast Service House call $12.95. Phone Bill Brlmley 368196 R47 Is our Printing for the bride to-b- e Announcements, specialty napkins, thank you notes, etc Reasonable prices Call 3760748 evenings R47 Professional sewing done Wed dings, tailoring, alterations for men as well as women & childr en etc Call 376 9947 R29 before Special after winter spiders move Into your house Ried s Call service spraying Pest Control 3764695 R67 Gardens & yards leveled and ro totilled Small or large lobs Free estimates Phone Dean Homilton & 3764105 R7 8 Custom spraying crops, gardens fence lines etc Call 3761906 weekdays after 3 30 pm R7 Repair sewing machines, clocks, small appl in my home Very reasonable & work guaranteed '1969 So. 850 W , Bountiful 292 2 R? 'I ton, v o J5U COUNTRY HOME spacious 3 bedroom rambler whorse pasture Fully equipped, new corpetsdrapes Beautiful fenced yard wpatio 3352, Would love to tend your child, age newborn to 7 yrs in my home Mon thru Fri 7 till 7 Some Sat 9 R7 Kavsville area, Would like fo tend 1 boy as com Mam $190 473 No Bdr delux unit We pay heat Phone 3769334 or 376 0338 $185, sell, call real estate in this vertised newspaper Is subect to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes It Illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation ot the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in are this newspaper available on an equal opportunity basts. 3763827 R7 Kaysville, United Rentals, 399 9627 R7 6 Bedroom, 2 both home in Roy Child's pet, black & brown male dingo dud. Last seen In Layton Estates Tr Court 31678 Please return to owner L E. No. 189 or phone 766 1416 $10 00 reword R7 wmany extras deni fireplace1 deluxe appliances1 plush carpets drapes, finished basement1 And beautiful fenced lawn wgarden & fruit trees Kids singles, pets OK1 United Rentals 39V i7 tJ0 DO to assume eauiy on excellent rental property with good income V A e a oiidy Most be reinstated R7 8 9627 R7 ad- Art- - wrecking We buy old OAK FOREST 4 bedroom home has over 2100 sq ft finished plus unfinished basement highlighted by a Cathedral ceiling which covers the livmgroom and formal dining room Home also has kitchen eating area and separate family room AH located on the 3 bedroom bungalow with garage, family room, bath and y, covered patio, air spnnKImg conditioning, ceilings VAFHA 42,500 - unwanted cots and trucks Free Pick-up- . Holler - I'll Hauler" 295 0522 RJ9 "Yo. KQZ1AR HILLS Phon SOUTH WEBER heat-o-lat- 621 Call today $82 900 6614 ask tor Brent b OAK FOREST . bath Firepace, 2 car garage R981 new lot 4 sprinklers Gerry S 773-922- 0 000 3 Bt $j0 j G ca'eiiee ESTATE OGDEN Brett Leslie CLEARFIELD 394-666- 5 376-953- Bill 3 Terry CO. 773-383- 7 . 8 lands- the time to get $8 ready tor spring planting will design and draw a landscape plan to tit your specific needs Blueprinting and house plans also done Call 82S2161. R67 Design Specialties'1 Is your child having reading or math difficulties We d like to use our experience & skills to give him Individual help Please call 7660207 or 3768812 R7 BEAUTIFUL CONTEMPORARY REDWOOD HOME Kw Prtced below market quick idle by translated owner urw 4 bath, montns od J bedroom. I taunory ano family rooms up. reuwooa wepoown and inepface itfilmq formal kvinyruom wilti sxyityM cetfent Kaysnue location bee to ap vatu t pteciate Low 60s. - 648 North 350 East 376-209- 8 OPEN HOUSE SAT. 6 P.M. - New luxury 2 B R. with carpets, I Duplex, 3 bedroom, garage, fridge, stove, children welcome $225. Month, $50 00 Deposit. No 399-102- 75 E. 700 N., LAYTON 500 Nice bilevel with 3 Bdrm large ciose to the schools Gerry S 773 9220 $9 apartment 3 Bdrm $37 950 This home features tern ed and more Cali Ron 773-- 1 723, $145 00 per month. Call 7661050 R7 1489 W. 1750 LAYTON kitchens large dining area $45 000 4 Br 2 5 baths 2 ced yard, fruit trees Call Ed $00 lot Call MiHie 295 - 9418 or Bob Eldon Mark or working person Pets ok! R7 United Rentals 399 9627 view COMMERCIAL PROPERTY M-- 1 TWO STORY HOME E. LAYTON, Located in Woods Cross this is ideal tor use by contractors or light industrial business Fu'ly enclosed 10 000 sq ft compound with a 19 x22 block bunding Adjacent to rail spur with zoning $25 000 See at 5 500 So 1100 W Woods Cross Ft Sq EAST CREST ESTATES, LAYTON bath on view $58 900 New 1400 Sq Ft 3 Bedroom 376-420- 7 Ca'I Jean Bodily 825-943- 8 , lot WELCOME TO A NEW SUBDIVISION Country Meadows, located on South Fort Lane in Layton Homes are completed and will be priced under $55 000 A good example of the quality ot homes ohered is 1256 Sq Ft 3 bedrooms 1 V. baths Large living room and deck fireplace dining room and ktchen, all built-in- s many extras $53 900 62,750 Existing Vh yr home, prestigious area Many extras 766-107- 2 or 773-540- 4 fireplace in master bedroom Call Dana NEW CONDOS SO. OGDEN 48,900 Ready for color selection Choose from 11 total units 766-107- 2 773-540Hurry tor best selection Call Dana THIS HOME HAS EVERYTHING BUT A CLOTHES CHUTE! VA APPRAISED 45,500 IN LAYTON Existing 5 bedroom home near HAFB Mam floor family or 766-- 1 072 room Immediate possession Dana 773-540- 4 R 985 & Restaurant business business investment Call Dana 1 windows ROSE PARK IN Excellent cond.tion-nefireplace, fenced, mail extra $32,500 large Ideal location or 773-540- 4 baths large living room, thermo pane bedrooms steel garage door and many extras $59 900 4 EXISTING BUSINESS LAYTON 35,000 Re'ail Gas AKE CITY unique antique XldUndry garage and many X.tenor good ardley Corporation o Real Estate & Investments Bountiful Granger Layton 376-128- 290-342- 1 966-147- 3 1 Property Vy! in- Ur 292-869- 6 295 - 941 8 or 295 - 9418 or 295-455- 5 BROUGH GUAr 295-430- 4 in SECURE REALTY small one Apt tor rent bedroom, furnished bachelor apartment. We pay all utilities R7 $75 00 per month Deluxe 3 bedroom. Super nice location weasy access to HAFB & Freeport. Fenced, w'patio & pool Modern appliances Mony extras $170 complete1 United 3765427 R7 BUILDING ARE SO CONFIDENT OF OUR ABILITY TO SELL REAL ESTATE THAT IS PROPERLY PRICED, THAT WE WILL IN FACT GUARANTEE TO SELL IT IF WE FAIL. lE BUY IT PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SERVICES Divorce . . Bankruptcy V - 300 costs . . . - (Simple Individual) 300 costs Business Incorporations (Partnerships) - 250 costs .. 300 costs Individual Wills . . . 40 Corporations Office Consultations at $ YOU ONLY COMPLETE. ' . (Uncontested) KAYSVILLE 2700 sq ft designed six month old finished Has unique large master bedroom with four other bedrooms, three bathrooms, family room, dining room, den, fruit room, mud room, storage room Two car garage, back yard fenced, front yard landscaped Extra cement for parking and storage of vehicles Daylight winarea dows in lower SYRACUSE plan VvE Lorge 2 bedroom opt Stove, Regrigerotor, $180 mo. 29 So 141 E , Farmington, Phone 3768022 KAYSVILLE solid built home in the clean rambler with 3 bedroom, full basement located on a nice neighborhood Owner will THE PUZZLE OF HOME ANTEEO SALES Rentols 399 9627 R7 Looking for a nearly new This is the one1 Very 1 baths, 2 car garage, in a very quiet consider all otters WE SOLVE BEALTV 362 So. Main, Bountiful BE SURE DEAL WITH SECURE 3 Other Legal Services Available Upon Request Please Call For Appointment Fee For i 5 " K I I SCOTT W. HOLT STEPHEN I. ODA ATTORNEYS AT LAW CALL 376-481- 2 '50 Layton, Utah 8404 SOUTH DAVIS REALTY 292-044- 4 No. Main Phone $ 766-126- 4 1 YOUR NEW HOME IS '''ft' rV' r yv 4 vwr, iff" SPRING WILL BE BEAUTIFUL ,n this new home ,n Grand Oaks Kaysville s new area of fine homes 4 bedrooms, two story home with fireplace, family room and double garage $58,900 00 SPRING IS BUSTIN OUT ALL OVER - at 11 2 Dover King Clarion Hi Its, Kaysville You can see it as you look out from every room in this pretty brick and frame two story home YESTERDAYS SNOWDRIFT IS TOMORROWS FLOWER BED - Beautiful Woods Cross home where oil seasons ore lovely but about to welcome spring You con t miss seeing this 3 bedroom full basement home with fireplace and 1 Custom built for the owner with so many special touches 1911 sq ft includes 3 bedrooms 3 baths, living room, kitchen, family room with fireplace double garage etc etc etc Plus ook covered yard $79,900 00 THERES A SONG IN THE AIR - Spring in Lovely country home in East Layton (4 bedrooms) 1 ONCE, WHEN MOVE the country lovely yard Please let us show so you con understand our en thusiosm $48,900 00 DAFFODILS - will soon be singing in front of this older This home is one mce buy and we invite you to o Kaysville showing Con serve as o 3 bedroom single family home or o Call for a showing at Duplex with one bedroom eoch $42,900 00 with com- pletely finished basement and a terrific viewm $51 ,900 00 LET SPRING EXPLODE - we ore ready with this Hob Hill Subdivision beauty Brand spankin new with outstanding view Two story home with all the nice features picture window, overlooking patio custom kitchen - yes, you II love it - see11 $76,900 00 FRESH AS SPRING - is this new Fruit Heights home Yes, V ust 40 days from completion Has 3 bedrooms, baths, Has everything the practical fireplace, double garage homemaker will love Enioy the great outdoors with an inspiring view of the whole volley $60,900 00 1 New listing and what a deal Four bedrooms, 3 baths, Full large kitchen with covered balcony off eating area kitbasement complete with rec room, game room and chen Two finished fireplaces, beautiful fenced yard, attached double garage plus extra parking for camper or boat Pnced in the low 50 s 2130 So. Orch. Dr., Bountiful 1900 00 oven pressurized irrigation water wndows car garage brick construction dining room tuep.ace and 1320 sq ft $61 300 1444 E weather Drive Eas La, Ion 773 9220 376-374- 6 2 fen- R977 773-922- 0 2-- This is a great location, with a unique home beautitul Day N EAST CREST ESTATES, LAYTON 900 Duys this new 3 Bedroom 1 . bath on super For info. Cali FURNISHED Near HAFB! $100 all utilities paid1 Cozy bachelor pad in excellent locale Perfect tor airman Elegantly I I EAST LAYTON OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY & SATURDAY garage, large yard, Have buyers need listings free appraisal Brown's Park beauty overlooking Great Sait Lake When leading up to three entering, first view is oak stairway mam floor offers conspacious bedrooms I3, baths, venient laundry room, family room with study or library, living room, formal dining and spacious kitchen Located on quiet KAYSVILLE HOB HILL Professionally Two story home with personality decorated, tour months old Four bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Main floor has family room, dining room, utilities and bathroom Build your own equity by finishing the full basement and landscaping Two car garage, 1800 sq ft finished Priced to sell -- & 773-922- OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ON FIFTH WEST in Kavs- ville. Carpet, stove, frig., disposal, air conditioning. No pets 295-089- 6 1 , Cams Beautiful contemporary oes gn 3 bea'cv-m- s love'y deck fireplace main floor laundry nd farm , ru m St 7 430 113 So 400 W Kaysv he 684 ANN STREET, CLEARFIELD y underneath driveway with dock cludes 2 rental houses plus apt BOUNTIFUL CAPE COD 376-999- 3 fenced yard $6? 500 Kaysville 376-377- 9 3 Parking EAST BENCH 292-637- 7 W Start of spring in this spec.al home ma.n floor dunary 1 hatr s dining room with sewing area tiuit cellar and many evras $t2 700 firepiace, deck ail bunt-m- s 167 So 400 Vvesjt Kaysvilie 773 9220 R'337 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2nd West Office with, Whse and shop area or 3768695. Lakewood Unbelievable view of city, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths completely finished, loads of storage, formal dining, good location with central air & oversize master bedroom, basement double garage levet-gre- in cams kitchen, all built ns 3 bedrooms fireplace deck and a double szed ga sae U9 Sc 400 Large 773-922- 0 3 baths, 2 fireplaces 2 car garage, laundry on mam floor, family room, secluded on an oak brush lot, has been fee appraised and selling for appraisal In the low eighties All offers will be looked at 2 'E 1 2'n baths rock fireplace wet bar in family or room Ed at 1 1 992 N. HILL BLVD., LAYTON $oC 000 4 Br ,i'v i nome-- 400 sq ff with brick construction ,dige deck s 3 bed'ucms and a 2 car parage All bahs $59 800 53 So 4XW Ka,$v.ie 3222 FERNWOOD RD., LAYTON 3 6 Irm , 1 V, bath fireplace garage Dining 773-274- 7, Y 5 bedroom, drapes, and all appliances, fireplace, air conditioning, carports and storage. S 95. 00 pets R7 2 Bedroom Ne 1723 W. 4575 S., ROY 900 Hoorn Cali Glenn THURSDAY-FRiDAY-SATURDA- JOHN'S ACRES New 3 Bdrm rambler INbatn dining, fireplace 773 9220 R717 gaMje Call G.enn 773-274- 7, 766-107- 2 professional musicians & will play anytime anywhere Call our ' Mountain agent Rocky Booking" 292 7979 or 292 4354 R OPEN HOMES 392-551- 8 Jack LAYTON yourself KAYSVILLE gorgeous 773-922- 0 BOUNTIFUL HILLS It Is 1 1C85 N. 1250 E. NO. F, LAYTON 2 full ba'hs enjoy 3 Bdrm 2 story condo R973 ky ng Cali Gienn 773 2747, MUST SELL THIS WEEK R68 Attention do capers Now 773-922- 0 2658 W. 4900 S. ROY, PRICED TO SELL. REAL ROCK MUSIC Want a real full tilt boogie rock n roll bond tor your next stomp, private party, concert or ony occasion Then Lazer" is your band We have the sound gear 8, lights to bring you the best, . . for a reasonable price We are full lengh deck Lovely execut've home w.tn a great vie at rear of home and one covered deck at s de 4 bedrooms 2'n bams man floor tarn iy room firep.ace formal dining room 2 013 sq ft J?6 East 630 So-t- h Farming! or $r9 9o0 workshop, patio great starter F919 Ideal location close to schools 3 bedroom, 2 bath 773-540- 4 lot convent financing Dana 766-107- R7 $ J R Fantastic view Great atmosphere and STyie 1025 sq ft 3 bedrooms 2'h baths formal dining room, main floor family room 2 firepiaces $86 500 554 South 400 East ap- pointments include 3 baths fireplace wth 2 double garage large furnaces, and oak brush 49,900 Available for housecleaning or general housewotk. Please call Other level main and 3 bedroom with double garage, bath and 3i. Vi acre lot, and zoned for FHAVA from animals 2 3'b 107$ $34 900. FARMINGTON OPEN HOMES DAILY 838 BIRCH, CLEARFIELD 3 Eksrm garage Call Genn 77 J 2747. KAYSVILLE ROY PROPERTY KAYSVILLE OWNER square feet finished up and aown, tormal dminp room, 5 & bedrooms, beoutifut carpets draperies, swamp cooler, V. acre lot with mature fruit trees, eraoes. berries par den, all tor 00 Farmington $59 900 New 4 Bedroom 2 story over 773-922- 0 finished View Elaine 376-514- IMVUW Y 1. New Colonial homes in the classic tradition, completely finished or built for future expansion, mid fifties and up tor the style and chorm you ve been looking tor Ph (oent) R7 1 LOT 83 E. CREST ESTATES Lei us nlm your next office, oi house party, with sound-colo- r film, 600 foot reels, or, your wedding, graduation, meetings, or your fomtly loved ones in We will film almost action anything So give us a try, you will De glod you did. Coll 7661394 after 3 30 p m Jimmy Pineda him producer R45 14x70 Westmont Like new Stove fridge A must fo see R7 - 8 R ) corporation ujorcfrdu 9400 R7 Let me help you take care ot summer yard core power call tor estimate raking ooents (no $. c soo All s 1977 Ford 150 Ranger X L T. 460 Engine, oir conditioning, loaded T Rentals Laundry hook-upKitchen appliances Large yard ana garden area $200 per month AVON To buy or 35V 5147 or United New auplex in Kavsvibe Fully Two bedrooms carpeted 1976 Ford Courier Vj ton truck. Less than 10 000 miles Real buy ot $3188 Call 773 4139 R7 71 Chev pickup, $l50a 3764534 R Collect R7 carpetsdrapes Klds'smgies OK! 399 9627 R7 witn many extras Elwtn R7 and schools Freeway Access Kaysville $5! 900 Pat Hartman 292 8v to or Paula Bills 322 2169 Century 21 Gnmshaw Inc Real or our new For tors 292 mington Number 86? 2603 Call modern appliances, w Two custom built homes tor saie on ogk covered lots in Oax Forest, Layton, 1 550 sa ft 3 bedrooms too Quality throuohout $&9 000 To see call Builaer By owners Con 7sM)5?8 R4 Realty r qyduTlex ASSUMPTION OUO Save on closing costs 4 years new 4 bedrooms 2 baths finsned up ana down Near golt course Large comfortable rooms, mce ton Room 214 R7 BookkeepingAccounting skills with good typing Three days and one evening per week tor a total of 24 hours weekly General otlice procedure helpful Call for Mrs Rigby appointment Sl6 Quiet location w easy access to S HAFB Freeport Fully 6 Management available. 82,000. Gary Neison 3 869 Lakewood f?7 borhood, offered by builaer this price unfit listed with realtor 5o to ION down, financing available Seeat 2233 No llbOW, coll Layton For information 1722 Rooerl or Catol Lovell 773 Open House This Saturday from HM0 to 2 00R7 conditioned lovely fenced United Rentols, 399 9627. R7 New two bearoom, carpets drapes, stove, fridge, and bath 8, halt No smoking or pets Kays vine 3763639 R7 $150 cozy cottage in Sunset door location, fenced, spruiMing system, fireplace, ex cenent condition, oniv 2 yrs aid priced to move. Pfl 376 6io9 laoent) SN6LTEB TAX od 4pex in Loyd on, Bncx, 2 B R. units with many extras Good rental history. year Layton carport, basement, carpeted, fireplace, nice quiet neighat appliances, air cryer, custom & lawn WILLEY FORD t nancial education 4 home now Need tost sole on this sharp 4 bearoom rambler, choice East available tor occupancy, double Roy, Extra sharp apt in ex cellent location $145 all utilities washer oishwasner, paid1 9 72 Dooge 100 Super sport pickup Power brakes power steering air conditioning dual Qas tanks over load springs, shell Call 37689 j9 evenings only RT R7 $41,500 new 3 bearoom 399 9627 R7 white green vinyl top automatic, air, real nite car $U95 quarterly reports prepare 10-- evenmts delightful decor. United RentaiS, 830 So Main, Bountiful 292 4433 Mercury Monarc, Kaysville Spacious opt. Recently reaone with extra nice furniture & raiSsror"en' 6 Choice family neighborhood near schools, shopping, HAFB Large o'mosl new quality 3 bedroom, brtckcedar bilevel, custom fireplace aoubte garage features Assumable 7 Vo loan Low 50 s No agents 36 3it0 8 days, 376 8434 or 290 Layton ok United Rentals 399 9027 R7 FURNISHED $160 Clearfield, utilities paid1 3 766 Kaysville, home on large lot 3 spacious bedrooms, full basement, plus utility room & storage shed Pets i Vton BouMitat lir1 lv2 Fora LT D Brougnam. 2 poor 19 Type 60 WP, assist with monthly nice E xceptionally excellent condition '.mies, WILLEY FORD j, to oil schools, galore Walk 0431 R67 BUY OPTION Phone 376.464 $V95 00condition R7 8 194 Chev Malibu Wogon, 8 pas senger, brown, automatic, oir, 7 of borhood near schools, shopping WILLEY FORD at Arctic Circle preparation Appro 20 hours per weex 12 4 pm $2 65 per hour to start Appiy & CoPnc- h!?rV'.he best buy in the area House Split entry brick frome Extras Choice family neigh HAFB. Large, almost new Quality 3 bearoom, brickceaar bilevel, fireplace, Double oaroge, many custom features Lease $315 plus deposit 3763560 even- days, 376 8434 or ings R7 Layton ' $2495 VvtLLEY FORD 1800 So Main, Bountiful 292 4431 . Cook and bus boy to work part SOS JOURNAL. MARCH 23, 1978 DAVIS NEWS IT S SPRINGTIME FRESH - 0 lovely brick contemporary style home with 5 bedrooms, full mostly finished basement You II love the fully fenced yard and place to really enoy spring $41,900 00 Ogden 825-97- Salt Lake City Kaysvilie 385-34- 07 33 328-358- Clair Crookston 376 8569 Kathleen Clark Ed 376-800- 2 Johnnie Lozono Qumtes Wilson 376-460- Roy Stuort Jeanne Keorl 376 8904 Bob Mitchell Mel Lo,ew 825 3071 Dean Cook Nonne Moss 376-534- 4 Jim Brough 376-934- 8 Mork Brown Stromberg Howard Cloword . Steve Brough 376-830- 3 376-843- . . 376-582- 4 376-166- 2 ....376-8101 376-958- 8 376-830- 4 376-026- 3 4 497 North Main, Kaysville |