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'tv V P 3?Sa'5S -- vy AsY.., s&y 1? 2? w ',l v f T Wf' V JR 'ht - V' Wrf nr v ' -- M ii V f2 , ? - pj4 2 i I v f J r-- m hi' 1 VS p V v V r I R h vi-- a pendmg the health bo iid i f s til signed by the jude he said dixtr t IN FEBRUARY the boat J a of the Board at North avton Jr High and at L in coin Eli mentary School a half mile to the east, have dif ficultv crossing busy An 1 telope Drive tte timed the traffic lag durirg whuh students could cross the street without traf fic being stopped and the maximum time during the morning when students were on their way to school was 18 seconds," said Police Lt Morton Sparks HE TOLD the council that several vehicle counts also were made and it was found that during one 25 minute period in the morning 250 cars passed the schools Two other counts showed 142 and 123 during surveys "Excessive speed is not really a problem," said Lt Sparks "But it is a serious problem with the students because they have no sidewalks east of the viaduct and cars coming over the viaduct spanning Interstate 15 are right on top of the kids before they realize it HE SAID that only three accidents have occurred in the area, and only one involved a student ' Ii P u w oh ul M, d h !( Ml MO i n i Pt ( , 1 i s , i' hout p' j ' me rgi m v At d ins ( I M I S J ins j i w i i j ) i Hi AKR had ii d t a i e n ot 'V Ac t d n a arg s iOi ti e I e sin i In l i to pt l nv idt Mjt h w y ht i it SC H it t i r i of in t first t isde mod u ense i i that no sat mined g At ( ne t; ii s too e t i , u t ha it h' dt I N i 1 (iRDING TO Mr Nil u wax w 'it the r t ht ihi J of ht nth hud adequati ds when th v de n ed the A c F- - enif (atum in August it w. whi n the board refused to n nt w the htense that Ate i ; td for a hearing before f iniai d ie w t ir to i c i , t x r i w t , ii u F ru't a . i.1 ' i i i n ,J'S fd II I and regul e ( ontrol sp city what t pe of rt ore' k pn g and fin mi i u it pm u g tequ ri d jnd the re f le t'u nnghts id not viol itd Ihi e A fin m 1! r j j1 iliuns s' nit nt had bee n sut mitt d bv the owners, he said hJt n puljTions d i not speuf u thii si i t me nt tx1 rt jx M J if owners irk ur a loss He at gut el that ihi am bul nx comp inv h id tx t n in t is! m s for te n ve irs ind id JjPiv ide d (is tv North )ms( ountv me1 S n th Ggden whe n n ot hi r m Salt durirg trt ,Mi met e cwnt r did not test H h rn the Of. Ii n he a ier Ve t 'ight said thM he r id mi in a di ink on on1, two x i hi a, m two years and w es n it e- e , a.-- an ml dr n i r on th isc ik i pi n mi up IN th F A IN A! st tit mi Mr boat d aring tr Nilsr t t nd mse rip1 h d irrt gm aritu s i , t! pert of Ace owru rs m pp d inh pr iji r msjt one m n touiiting pi oi t duns and n t ipi i ci r title u ion ot am ttal am ej ojx rators as I M Fs Hi x itited ut that District ( ixi't tudpe Thomles Swan r,h i d Mr ind Mrs Bright not o operate until the I in tu ati-- d tail Vr Nt ,son said that Ace e m t vet t nal sta'ement ntt-a finan to the board which is equired todete rmine 'he f nanua! bast of the com and to determine p in whether the late- - base is a Jet) I iti. h d prt-s- y FARR que MR stiont-- d whv financial statements which had been submitted in the past, had not bee-- questioned According to Dr Olsen this statement is now required bv n the Ambulance Act which was passed in 19 I Rults and regulations to that act were and again approved m renewed in l'i'5 I ak-t Id FARMINGTON Davis ( ountv t ommissionc rs approve d a low bid submittc d bv Claude II Nix Contrudion (ompanv 1204 East South Wtber Drive for the con struct ion of a storm water projixt in f Itarficld But we have been very fortunate We cant go on being this lucky," he said "Weve got to have some ad ded safety devices MAYOR Lewis G Shields said a crossing guard could be used at the site if students would cross with the guard and not at unmarked cross guard could be utilized west of the junior high school and east of I Also, signal lights are planned at both ends of An telope Drive, west off the Hill L leld Road and east off High way 120 HE SAID the crossing overpass An spons.ble for power and main the mayor said tenance ings 15 amber (lashing light could be placed at the overpass to warn mi t ris(s of the d mgt rs of students in the area The state would pav for the light and installation while the citv would be re The citv would also be re for painting ot sponsible ( rossing signs on the road and for cost f a crossing guard c THE mavor noted that sidewalks and curbs and gut nMruc lion hid it $28 fTO was the lowest of seven bids Commiss ne rs dc laved aw irding the bid for two days to allow Hugh LxJVlon 1 to Larry ACCORDING Kirby, UDuT representative, the money will be allocated to those government entities which have the highest safety hazard index The hazard in dex is calculated based on the number of auto pedestrian accidents, the traffic flow, number of school age pedes trians and the speed of traffic on the road first became Program available three years ago when the state legislature approved the expenditure of $3 million in response to a pedestrian safety program PTA An State million was appropriated during the 1978 bv the additional $1 initiated r to evaluate the bids THE BOARD had earlier listened to a recommendation estimated the tost prnjei which will uln planned mately benefit both Clearfield and Layton Commissioner Flint Slid Over 170(1 feet of pipe will be installed from 14X1 South (learfitld to the soi th side of Antelope Drive t hit Ihe engineers of the at Sit) 0M T Till ( harfu Id project will be totally funded bv the tountv from the two mill property tax lew foi flood control Over $1 million wnl be available for these projects bv the end of the vear The laying of the so rm water p pe will complete onlv a segment of the total prnji-- a HAT porarilv t will ii m hook up with the protc Lavton storm drain which Clearfield has coni railed to use The total project sptcifies that storm water will be piped from Antelope Drive west to the Union Pacific track and eveniuallv link up with a holding pond at the Fret port (enter rk ters are scheduled for the area as soon as propertv rights are obtained He sa n nine feet are needed from each property owner for the Wdiivs and curbs Lt Sp irks said a rcguiiti 'V sign depicting a crossing walk ahead had bee n p! it c d on the overpass but has bten tom down IHL major kasked Lt with the polite department through the school PTA s to find a temporary solution to ihe Sp irks to woi problem By Bingham hjd s ltd he ohjt-- c ted to the obscene filth m the ROSELYN KIRK FARMINGTON A hook six Davis (oumv Library review committee has decided that a book named in a complain by a member Bountiful City Councilman should remain in circula'ion JEANNE Lavton, Davis County librarian told the library board Tuesday that a review committee had read the book and compared it had concurred that the book W'hen UDOT determines the hazard index, those cities who have applied will be con sidered for funding One half of the money will go to cities and the county area south of Centerville, located in Dis trict 2, while the other half of the funding will be spent in the area north of Centerville, located in District THE MONEY to fund the Utah State Pedestrian Safety eng failed to renew the license evaluation the committee - 1 Uheelock Clearfield tn g.neer and Bvron McGrtgm point by point with a selection policy After an hour and one half Officials FARMINGTON of the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) told members of the Davis County Council of Governments (COG) that $115,000 will be available to city and county government to construct sidewalks and other safety measures along state roads T he ( lctarfield project is the fourth storm wa'er project to be bid the first m the north f nd of the countv Three otht r s one in Bountiful one pmie-ctin Vtest Bountiful and one at Juki South in the south end of the courtv have been ipj ro d e MX times the care rend red bv Ace Ambulance Bised on that motion, the board denied Ace s right to function and STL DENTS, both id n An h the board of health Dr Morris Gardner board of health member, in making the motion to revoke the license said that information in the hearing transcript caused him to question at i hau man certain Television clearly showed that there are problems m the area serious problems ' m I i and heard arguments sub muted bv both Mr F arr and Deputv Attorney General Fred Nelson who represents 1 JLST what, is not I MR DURING THE Monday met ting the board rev it wed the traascript of that hearing -- something about it r a ft s h i y of City County health due ( ti conducted the hearings ht in Ogdi n last fall ft and Clnitu 'swallow gingerly pt t James Ragan thih hi ick rabbit because they know that its the' Raster Bunny" that brings all the goodies And there will be gcuxlies galore Saturday when hvi at use (htv sponsots an Fltister egg hunt Saturday at 10 a m at the old Cit Park lbOO West and 1700 South 'I he hunt will be divided into age groups r vounstus t f pit si hoo! age th gi uiirn according to Ha Dunn, up to include SZf'f1 C?"rrrJ I Lii Lull 111 UI iili VT" After watching I AYTON dosed circuit TV of traffic and pedestrian problems on Antt lope Drive LavtonCitv Council has decided to do f i ij Health was barred from t ht decision making process Di Harry Gibbons By GARY R BLODGETT ii on el heir licei Ou1 t i the director i Hi'-fe- i i tu h 'XI i , ,1 of health had reaffirmed dtvision made earlier to grant a license to operate 'o Davis tountv under protest bv Ati Ambulance At that time Mr I art said a transcript of the hearing would be submit td to the Second Distric Court in i urmington 1 tie iiu. tr ha I n heat d earlier by Second Distrut Court Judge Duffy Palmer At that time Dr Lvman Olsin ee n g I It d b, hi t ii, r MH i st i i s h si eid ud a- H At t r J J I i "A 'ii is Hit judgement is not fina! u , txarinv p(l wi , ' i ' i t County I r imam m ux Ace Atu rnt dt l ion, Stt phen Farr sa'd he wi'l at vise he chents Ace oper at r Vta ur and llene Bright m (ont nue to operate prior u n a peal to the district cturt f r nunc Ater V 1 Mx i OGDEN bast d ci is cot ' nurd to opt i Jt d of x an h c Am ust ,? t t , U h irfot Tlj' if pt it le in a e lil ' re rt common jt J : Jw r x i ir of t'ie been t i it uiisinn irv i in it he housing a e i i ye to Jav h t, hi D i t ' oper Ut I L Mb S' are Boar d i Ji ifer bin M it s hid rev lowed a tr ins, rip' con p It t &X X - a the l'l led dt the I i DM vITY ant e Cov p inv t Jt r - , T A , y,n. , s Dr Gitbons n t )StIYN KIRK K v 1V session ot the legislature It is expected that the money will continue to be appropriated If a city begins a safety project this year, money may be available next year to extend the miles under construction Addi tional money is available if the citv or county adds addi tional funds or provide labor or materials Mr kirbv said INCLUDLD AS pedestrian safety projects in addition to sidewalks, are curb and gut ter, overpasses, signals, and bus turns Once the projects are completed, local and county governments will take over maintenance of the projects rk "Americana corresponded with the library selection policy which must serve pa Irons with varied interests MISS Layton said no further action will be taken bv the library administers unless Jay Bingham, Boun nful city councilman who made the complaint, appeals to the board Councilman Bingham had previously written a letter to library board president Wayne Thor nock protesting the circula tion of the book At the bottom of the ci tizens request for recon sideration form on which he had submitted his complaint Mr Bingham had writ(n I have referred this matter to In the the city attorney document submitted to the library board. Councilman ADDITION, a letter Miss Layton pointed to three specific pages in the book that Mr Bingham oh jetted to Both Mr Thornotk and Lvnette Wilson hbrirv hoard membe rs who had rt ad the book said while those pages could have bee n It ft out without hurting the bixik, they felt the bcxik should be judged in its entirety Miss Layton said the review committee had considered the whole book She questioned whether those who objected had looked at the complete work At this point no legal action has been taken bv Bountiful Citv Attorney avne Forbes IN sc nt to 1 IF LFGAL action should result from the complaint, the Davis County Attorney's of fice had assured Miss Lavton they would be in a position to defend the board, she said When library patrons appeal to the board, a committee of three members reviews the complaint and makes a final decision on the matter The library selection stan dards state Since freedom of speech and freedom of the press are guarantoed bv the Constitution it follows that the library must provide free access to all points of view on public questions "THE public hbrirv which serves many varied groups cannot to satisfy Ihe intt rests and beliefs of one group sacrifice the interests of otht rs Miss lavton and Mr Thoi nock both said that ihert we re many hooks in the library which didn t appeal to thtm personally but their job was determine what people Sometimes ought to read not to ihe selection dix-s- t mt-e-i interests and needs but onlv one person Miss ton said my I 1 am av THE library policy is to purchase those works of fic non which are well written and based on authentic human experience It is the library s policy to exclude works of fiction which are cheap and sentimental as well as those which are solely sen salional or erotic Bemell Wriglev, who represents the school district on the library board, said Supt drawing the line between literary merit and unsuitable books is a serious dilemma Many would draw a stricter line than the public would want Still there is some point where the decision must be made, he said MISS Layton pointed out that the matter is complex since some library patrons complain that the library is not broad enough m its selec- - M ii v adu rtist d nou Is not lx pure h ist d since f ill to meet at cc pt.ibk t ht litc r irv st mdaidx in the plot is trite ind ihe t h it at ters lion m iv stereoivped Mrs U son said ihe hbi irv hoird should inmate a posi live selection polity rather thin attempting to keep things out or remove books from the sht If IN expressing his view of the purpose of the library board Supt Wrigley said the board should lend strength in upgrading six iftv According to the published library polity. the prime responsibility of the library is to meet the needs of individual readers, orgamza turns and institutions within Davis County DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL 197 B North Main SI , Layton PHONE 376-31- Published Weokly by CUPPER PURUSHING CO. John StaNc Jr, Publisher Second Class Postage Paid At Leyton, Utah SUBSCRIPTION S4.50 per year Out el State Subecrtptioe SS SO Overseas Subscrtpbon SIS 00 (Payable in Advance) |