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Show Ill WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 23. 1978 Davis Commission Soils Tail Anticipation Note: - . mini st ra tor of the Council on Aging and Rosemary Davis who heads the Nutrition program said the money has been budgeted. The approval will allow the funds to be transferred from By ROSELYN KIRK FARMINGTON Davis County Commission issued $1 9 million in tax anticipation notes to Zions First National Bank, Bountiful branch to finance county spending until taxes are collected in November ZIONS First National Bank will loan the money at an interest rate of 4 24 percent, a rate twice as high as that the county was able to borrow the money for last year Last year the tax anticipation notes issued to Walker Bank and Trust in Centerville at an interest rate of 2 97 percent The amount of money borrowed will more than double from the $400,000 in anticipation notes issued last year County Clerk Rodney Walker said the additional money will be needed during the construction of the addition to the county courthouse and jail the medical center to a checking account for personal research development until the money is spent THE $1800 cost will come from money provided through federal and county budgets. Commissioner Wendell Zaugg will represent the commission at the conference In another matter of busifiess the commission approved the purchase of a backhoe for the county road The shops for $13,416 backhoe will be purchased from Maw Equipment DR. JOHNS said the funds must be utilized through a development fund with the University of Utah or through an outside agency such as the county health department also The commission approved a proposal for nine people, representing the Council on Aging, to attend a conference m Tucson, Ariz Alice Johnson ad- April 9-- PETERSON BROS. ILL & CABINET. INC. WATCH FOR THE GRAKO 0PEKIHG Cf OUR NEW DISPLAY SHOWROOM THE county follows the same procedure each year, placing the tax anticipation notes up for bid Banks are notified of the issuing of the notes, allowing them to bid on the interest rate for money borrowed by the county over the eight month period from Aprel 1 to Nov 30 This year Zions First National Bank was the only lending agency that bid on the notes tionh committee for United Way of Davit- - County The United Way of Davis County recently approved a special request of 52,000 00 to the Da is Development Center for the purchase of Vocational Evaluation Equipment to measure the aptitudes of physically and mentally handicapped adults NORM A. N L Beers, chair man of the United Way Planning and Allocations Committee was pleased with the decision to honor this special request Mr Beers said that Bob Daniels, Director of the Development Center, stated to the committee that no other funds were available to purchase this equipment We felt a real need to honor this request Mr and Mrs Leo Walker attended their annual Cousins party in Pleasant Grove on Saturday where a large number met for the event Brad Carroll, son of Mr and Mrs Don Carroll of Bountiful, who has been stationed in Germany the past two years with the service, is home and on Friday he visited in Kays ville with his aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Heywixd Mr and Mrs George R Max Bodily and family attended the fumral of his father, Leland Fail Bodily on Monday at the Syracuse 6th LDS Ward Ch qx Jack Miller and family of Taft, Calif arrived to spend the t aster holidays with his mother. Mr and Mrs Olesilielil lot Getting Ail Fed. a State Monies By GARY R. BLODGETT CLEARFIFLD - Mayor Donal Townley is concerned that Clearfield city is not get ting all the federal and slate monies to which it is entit'yl WE MAY or we may not be getting all thats coming to us," he said But I'm going to find out by making an ex tensive study of other cities The mayor explained that he would like to contact some AX) cities within the next few weeks and determine just what federal and state grants that they are receiving that might also be available tn Clearfield cities that have as many as four full time persons doing nothing but working on federal grants And it pays off in the long run by the number of grants that they receive, he told the citv I KNOW of council said he talked to several mayors of small and medium sired cities while attend ng a money even if it is through federal grants " he said We have the lowest mill levy of am itj in the area one of the lowest m the state and I feel that we are doing a lot for verv little CLLARULLDS city mill 11 77 mills He explained that most federal grants used by cities in this area are channeled through HFW (Housing, I due anon and Welfare j levy is NATION Al I A 17 cents out of every dollar for domestic use is channeled he said through HI W, This is an increase of ten cents (up from 27 cents) just two years ago The mayor added Its a shame that we have to go out and beg for these federal funds because that in itself ups the cost of federal domestic spending, but if we (( learfield) don t get the money, other cities wni Mrs Nora Millt r and wuh other relatives, Mr and Mrs Melvin Lotz and family, Mr and Mrs Russell W Bu! ler and family and with Harold Bennett Mrs Leon Milter and family of Pomona, Calif will be Faster holiday vis.tors of Mrs Nora Miller and family Mrs Chris Christensen en tertained at a luncheon on It was a unanimous decision from our committee in recommending to the Plan ning and Allocations Division in Salt Lake that this proposal be approved. We were very happy when final approval came from the Salt Lake United Way Board to use special funds for this needed program Wednesday at her home Guests were Mrs Nancy Mrs Miller, Kathryn Alldndge, Mrs Carol Sue Johnson and Mrs Kristen Rosenburg all of Salt Lake City They were college roommates of Mrs Christen sen House guests of Mr and Mrs Ben A Whicker and family the past week wen her parents, Mr and Mis Forrest S Clodfelte r of Florida and his parents V and Mrs Benjamin THE Davis Development enter is located at 77 South Second East in Farmington The purpose of the program is to provide job training, education vocational evalua and sheltered non, employment for mtnfal'y re tarded and physically han dicapped adults It is a program function of the Day is School District The United Way also provided last year $56,405 00 seed money, which qualifies the Division of Family Services for additional federal matching funds This money is allocated out to six workshops in the Salt lake area including the Davis Development Center The came of Whicker of Clifton, Colo The to be on hnd for the grandsons wedding, (,1c no i Whicker and Pamei i Stones who were married M irch 15 The Kaysville Fourth ID Ward Relief Society paid i special tribute to Mrs Ni r i Miller and honored her dur mg their annual March 17 Relief Society Birthday soe Ml at the Ward Cultural Hell Mrs Miller has served 40 years in the Relief Society organization, which is the longest time of any member in their ward Mr and Mrs Ieonard Sjoberg of Salt Lake City were Friday visitors of Mr and ( allocation 1 1 really had my eyes opened amount to $40 920 00 Mrs Leo Walker Dili In MILL MILNE, who docs vocational evaluation at the Development (enter, explained the purpose of the the mw equipment purchased rom the $2,000 00 special United Way allocation w is The equipment purchased from the Valpar Corporation, Tucson, Arizona It is a part of their component work sample series This senes currently consists of 16 individual assessment units Each unit effectively introduces those job factors individuals would encounter in a real work m- or work samples "THERE plentv money to be had through federal grants and the cities who get it are the ones who put in the effort and the pres sure Its a sad state of affairs to have to plea for these grants but if Clearfield doesn t get them, some other city will," he said I THINK we are doing requesting a great job with the funds that we have, but we could always do more with additional mine what it is going to do take what funds come its way or make a determined effort to go out and seek these federal funds The council needs to make a decision to take a stand he said HE NOTED that Clear! leld has full time staff of 61 employees with a population of about 17,000 far below the national average He said most cities of approximately 20,000 290 w.ll have upwards full time employees TMl TIME TAX CORPORATION OF AMERICA In-ho- tax service Computerized Accuracy Guaranteed Satisfaction Reasonable Fees Guaranteed Audit Assistance Guaranteed Confidentiality FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT WAYHE JOHNSON CALL 773-442- 3 of calalphabetical problem Second, an upper extremity range of motion unit, which provides a non medical measurement of upper extremity range of motion including shoulders, upper arms, forearms, elbows, wrists and hands Third, an independent problem solving unit which measures ability to perform tasks requiring visual com parison and proper selection of abstract designs Fourth a simulated assembly unit which measures the ability to work at an assembly task requiring repetitive physical manipulation and evaluates bilateral use of upper extremities And fifth a unit which provides a whole body rangt motion A comprehensive manual and h indbook was included with the equipment It provide a listing of specific occupations and related clas situations keyed to the worker traits arrangement data m the D.ctionary of Oc cupational Titles In a tour this week of the Centf r, Norm Beers, and Larrs Burdett, United Wav Executive Director, viewed the new equipment with Bob Daniels Center Director, and Mike Milne, Program Coordinator They were very much impressed with the equip ment Mr Beers indicated that is is a tremendous way to use United Wav dollars Thanks to our contributors the United Wav is working for all of us nations The city needs to deter of IS in requiring sequential sorting a combined numeri of escrow by Security Title Company Since that time the land has not been used no in come has been derived from it, Mr Wilson said Commissioner C E Moss said the Utah State Tax Com mission should more clearly define guidelines for tax abatement which at this point include only charitable and religious organizations ALTHOUGH commis sioners said the request NOTE This is the eighth in a series of articles describing the commumtv service organize hjbs of k ton One of the largest and most of ail the community popular service and fraternal organizations is the Eagles Layton's Eagles group 3198 meet in their own building located on West Gentile MEETINGS are held the first and third Wednesdays of each month for the Aerie or mens group and the first and third Tuesdays of each month for the Ladits Auxiliary People helping people" is the motto of the Eagles Their mam goal is to get people in volved. charitable foundations are supported by money collected through Eagle fund FOUR raising activities and voluntary contributions The major charities receiving money from the Eagles are Max Baer Heart Fund, Jimmy Durante Handicapped Children Fund Memorial Cancer Fund and the Golden Eagle Fund (an old age pf n sion chdrtrv) The Past Presidents Club," a branch of the Eagles, support at least one blind person edch year from the state of Utah This individual is given a guide dog and the necessary schooling to learn how to use the d g year, the Layton Eagles gave $100 to the Clearfield Senior Citizens LAST Center Each year the auxiliary sponsors one girl to Girls' State tagles who are seror vicemen. policemen firemen are entitled to special insurance that guarantees their dependents an education and other benefits if the Eagle is killed in the line of duty PERHAPS the most significant service the Eagles give to the people of Layton is the use of their building The In should have been applied for and THE Eagles will present a cancer research grant to the University of Utah at this convention Summer canyon parties and picnics are planned for Eagle members and their families In the future, the Eagles hope to get the youth more involved in Eagle projects and civic affairs They also hope to raise enough money to assist handicapped students attending local schools C0RIAIJ Twice the Quality-Bu- t Not Twice the Price COR1AN KITCHEN COUNTER TOPS The first really new choice in top material in 30 years!! Solid Resists Staining Non-Poro- us Resists Scratching SPECIAL SALE PRICE & Impact Damage pp per hn ft installed with complete Kitchen Remodeling or New Construction Otter Good with kitchens bought thru April IS, 1S78 recommended abatement Commissioners also set up a separate account for health development funds to allow health director county Richard Johns to use $500 from research grants to defray the cost of continuing education requirements DR JOHNS said the money was being held by the Department of Community Medicine at the University of Utah located at the Univer sity of Utah Medical Center 10 Veep Pin HILL AFB - A 10 year service pin has been awarded to Kellv T Burke of Layton at H.il AFB ceremonies HE IS a disaster prepared ness technician at the base He and his wife, Katie, have two children Bring back the luxury and magnificence of wood with a beautiful wood baluster Choose from a variety of styles available FREE ESTIMATES CUSTOM BUILT Layton Senior dailv Citizens luncheons art held in the Fag'e building as are other Senior Citizens functions The building is also used bv blind people for a craft class The next big Eagle function will be the annual charity dance to be held m April at the Eagles hall Other future ac tivities include an Easter egg hunt at the Layton Bowery The state convention will be held May 18 19, 20 at Brigham City DuPont earlier, the commission voted to abate the. taxes Commis sioner Glen Flint said the county was dealing with another government entity ty Seraoe HL TOLD the council that federal funds MR. MILNE explained that five components have been purchased First a numerical sorting unit which measures ability to perfoim work tasks Choose from a large selection of styles, colors and designs to add value and beauty to your home with custom designed cabmets and vanities MR. WILSON, acting as counsel for the city, said the land was purchased for city use in May 1976 and since that time the (teed has been held in Series mav be the time has come for Clearfield to hire someone to specialize to Division Serv ices will 1978 R He mayors convention recently in Washington, D C , and in dimly tuation and assesses their degree of ability to perform required tasks The work samples are designed to evaluate job related motor and thought process skills related to the job function IN another action the county passed an ordinance which will add 24 new election districts in the county area, increasing the number to 138 The ordinance contains physical descriptions of the ixiundanes of the new voting districts At the request of a petition from Deputy County Attorney Md Wilson, the commission voted to 1977 abate property taxes on property located next to the city building in East Layton since the land will be classified for public use THE AERIE officers are John Jessamine, president, Tom Orrell, junior past president. Bob Leavitt, vice president, Jared in the Eagles is open to all people A MEMBERSHIP member nominated by an Eagle is Club officers interview the candidate and approve membership dmg Wooden Mantels Handrailings, etc. it Appliances WE HAVE JUST ACQUIRED THE EXCLUSIVE DEALERSHIP IN THIS AREA FOR DUPONT CORIAN COUNTER TOPS Jones, chaplain, Chuck Hess, con ductor, Ted Fox, secretary, Don Law, treasurer. Dean Greenhalgh, Doug Carter, Robert Brown, Wayne Cook and Darrel Gardiner, trustees The Women's Auxiliary of ficers are Cecilia Jessamine, president, Shirley Gardiner, jumor past president, Cathy vice Barfuss, president, Jacqulme Johnson, chaplain, Pat Hess, conductress, Rita Fox, secretary, Dorothy Titus, treasurer, Marian Carter, Maria Beckstead, Mattie Greenhalgh, trustees prospective Kitchen Cabinets Vanities Hutches Desks, etc. See Us Now for Discounted Prices CUSTOM BUILT WOOD PRODUCTS ARE OUR SPECIALTIES PETERSON BROS. ILL & CABINET, INC. Our New Showroom Is Now Open 461 West 500 - Phone At. . . South, Bountiful 290-246- BRING IN 6 FOR GUARANTEED CONTRACTORS PRICES. WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING APRIL 1978 np |