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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 23. 1978 - pulled the hospital system out of a deficit position. David Jeppson, executive vice SALT LAKE CITY H Intermountain AT THE University of Washington Hospital and the University of Colorado Medical Center, where Mr. Jeppson served as administrator, both universities were the principal medical schools in the respective states with the full spectrum of in- Health Care, Inc , has been se.ected by the National Academy of Science as one of related profes-- ,j health 'na's to visit and study the htahh practices and policies t Egypt TOE National Academy of of Institute Silences M sliiine has been contracted hv the United States Congress to study U S. Fore'gn Aid expenditures in the health care held in Fgypt The study was initiated by the Department of State and te executive branch of Immunology, Baylor College of Medicine r their respective health Mated fit Ids Included on the team are - in parasitic medical care igement, epidemiology, nodical education, tropical stases and health piofes mal education iai Univtrbitvs Young Ambassadors will l.e it it u red m It's a Musical World Apnl H at 8 p m m the Lax ton High School auditorium Maor Lewis (i Mm Id- - aid tin association exjx.ts a capautv uovul a mi urt- - it count ilmen to r Rand Han is, John Hoki r and ht nt nd tin - un Randall to In their tnkets tarlv t L hoi true in tin lor ph'losnphv pul CIVIC ARTS SHOW the i Upon trip opletion of the trip, a "en report for appropriate St rship of both countries is v. Something tor Everyone show at the Layton High School auditorium on Satur at tire world should be made 8 p m THIS is the f.rst concert of the year to be sponsored bv the Layton Civic Arts As sociation The 29 member group include some of the top musicians currently attend mg BYU The troupe is backed by a nine piece band and a qualified sound and light crew INCLUDED in the show will be some of America s top hits, popular instrumentals, from bits Broadway musicals, notable si lections composers, clever medleys, dance features, by LDS ire I f gMv re , mini IH appear an of M hut A inbassa tors fug aw 1 i. , I Mr and Mrs Rdv f orbtc n turned home last Tuesday evening from a two wetk trip to Hawaii The couple were (iltbrating their Golden When Wedding Anniversary (hey first arrived in Hawaii, they attended a very elegant night club for dinm r and the show The featured Hawaiian singer honored Mi and Mrs forties by singing the Hawaiian Wedding Song to them This happened several times on their Hawaiian trip The young singer in front of the Sheridan Hotel sang this song lo hem and gave th m 'u wi i; st isl aids Avt r, of ore of an autographed his record a'hu.Tis Mr and Mrs f oi Us i n joyed eating d nner m a ri s taurant lixauxi in a vole an. crater Smoke can Mill be seen corning from the era!' i although it hasn ! tr,. ted in rrnnv years Tht v toured i,n t cj another of eye t.m i la,l h a One pi n e ht show is fresh and wholesome family entertain ment for people of all ages THIS According to Marvin A I ip man, producer of the Moti n Picture and Television Ser vice for the Ended S'atts !r formation Agenc v , ' I hi i t W hi b r Kane h t spot V y ( I he mgt v s rani h managers G. n ) W i f 's i No (j j A 1 i b st V - i th, the layton City id Assix lation are Imprir.'-rinumsagirg citizens of lay ton in submit the.r sugges It is hopt d that lions I indnsi) of idtas will fie en iei ed hi fort ' he Nt n t h 31 d( ldlme iss MU enter NEW sy n hoi ar j an mu t be slogan improvtmint upon the exi a tng slogan and symbol or a nt w one will in t be adopted Sugjtsimns should be d s f,ni-on a sheet of HG x 1 he er t ry II j . s' i a gible and in ie i bn i e mi lude our JHf d imfp'pr g ( sidt red w ,i cr it in -- kr I vt-- v res'dcpt en nurdf.1 d to i r I rti st ding ' t c I r ! i A a r t The Davis County Sch'xil District and ita high school principals extend to the county adult population an i iv tation to share m the high si h )ol cu'T aral concerts i THESE concerts by the Utah Sympfory Orchestra and the Utah Opera Companv have been funded by the Utah State Legislature Since there are usually empty seats at the high school presentations, the decision has been made to share these events with the public whenever their inclination and schedules permit their attendance prsrtd programs are scheduled for 9 a m and guests must be in their seats at this time, since it is policy to close the doors and not permit late entrance, once the programs begin Following is a list of times and places for these aesthetic programs, free and right in our own area for the attending ALL OF these THLRSDAY, April 6, Utah Symphony Concert at Clearf.eld School, Friday, April 7, Utah Opera Company at Viewmont H gh School, Tuesday, April 11, Utah Opera Company at Bountiful High School, Thursday, April 27, Utah Symphony Concert at Layton High t T bt tie tic at i -- C . nit t r , i i If If 4 is , G1 ' 1 t Sia'e f y f sc hool and ab gr pi - is pr 1LLTI NANI e r adman is tG superintendent of T 1 orce Academv s gned to that pc s j. North, Clearfield, recently participated in "L mpirc Glacier 78," an annual joint readiness expretse at t Drum, N Y Academy officials sjG tt an attend th studrts to urged conference as they jr, ble to compete for v ( j n r n lions and appointor's Ac ademv as cade ts j to teach the is mein' soldier from how THf tpnt REISnocf rj.t ti his commissim through the Pcserve Corps program Ofhcer-Tramin- g HIS WIFE, Karma, is with him at f t Knox pidemiologist r.ifieu! of New Assigned o Castle Air Base b III ROGER AIRMAN Heath, son of Mr and Mrs Thomas M Heath of fe.12 East 550 South, was trained in M navigation, aerodynamics, LT. BONE, a platoon leadf r received , ALSO F ii ihi th Barrett assoc .ate Connor, M 1) professor of Fp dermology and Mid. cine, I mvirsity of California at San Diigo. David Kay, Ph D program director. Amt man Society for International Law, Washing'on DC , Suzanne t ichhorn R N PhD, co director, lnsutae for Health Team Development, Montefiore Midical Center New York City ernnn Knight, M D chairman and professor, Microbiology and AFB, , with the 1'th Armor at the fort, entered the Army in J ul , of last year He received a B S dt gree in 1977 from Weber Stale College, Ogden, where he also FJ AFB, Calif , following graduation from the automa tic flight control systems specialist course at Chanute - f grb commander private, cope with and survive in a cold weather environment Regularly stationed at ft Knox, Kv Lt Bone s unn made extensive preparations in order to cope with the near arctic conditions at ft Drum to P The son of a Iivton couple has been assigned to Castle F THE EXERCISE M the Air h I'M as on in Jur 1. ftmale F , , -- t Cjou in Jersey 1 1 ana panel dis experienced background in hospital administration and management of health care facilities Mr Jeppson h,s practical experience in thp M I) Navv F Aircrew quipmentman Apprentice Shanj daughter of Verda 2.313 l A.rniao Ri ach J Roa h of 1 North 840 West Clinton has reported for dal. with Air Antisubmarine Squafrcr 41, Norih Islard Ni. it 4 r Station, San Du go Cal SHE JOIN! D the August 1977 pneudrauhes and electronics and will now serve with a unit of the Strategic Air Command Completion of the course earned the individual credits towards an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force f dVN m THE AIRMAN is a 1977 graduate of Layton High School Salt Lake , of The Utah State Legislature ity THf TEAM will be headed William Lybrand, a tuff member of the National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine Two additional members are Samuel Wishik, M D emeritus professor from Columbia Universitys Institute of Medicine, and Karen N Bell, M P H , a staff associate with the Institute of by Dr -- , Medic me Mr Jeppson is a Utah name Fie was bom in Flolladay, Jan 8, 1918 He attended public schools in Holladay, Ashton, Idaho, and was giaduated from high school in Idaho falls, Idaho He attended both BYU and the Lnivtrs.ty of Utah from 1954 to 14 is and was graduated from the University of Utah with a bichelor of science degree in business administrate.)! AFTER graduanon, he ac ccpted a management posi- tion with Betty Croc ker Foods Division of General Mills, Inc m Boise, Idaho, as an area manager, from 1958 to 1962 In 1462, Mi College, Ogden THE JEPPSONS have eight children, seven boys and a daughter, ranging in age from 5 to 19. They reside in Kaysvilie Mr hobbies Jeppsons include athletics, music, gar- dening, church and civic tivities, farming-livestoc- ac- k raising and mining University of California at Berkeley and received a masters degree in public health and hospital administration in 14, and at that university received the Richard J Stuil award for master's research project and thesis UPON BEING from graduated the University of he was appointed senior administrative assistant at UCLA Medical Center, Los AngfTes, Calif , with full responsibility for a $35 million expansion project for the hospital and clinics In 1965, Mr Jeppson was appointed assistant administrator of the University of Washington Hospital in Seattle, Wash , where he was responsible for reorganizing all outpatient clinic and ambulatory care programs He also developed one of the largest federally funded Mental Relaxation Centers in the na non while at the University of W axhington Hospital California, 17, he was promoted to associate administrator for the hoxpi'al, and in 1968 he became the administrator As the administrator at this unn ersitv hospital, he completed a major expaniion which included renovation and significant increae of all support areas prrgram of the hospital In 1972, Mr Jeppson was selected as executive director of hospitals for the University of Colorado Medical Center in Denver and Boulder, Colo , directing three hospitals n the System University He was responsible for a major reorganization hospital s approved an $11 4 million Wildlife of Division Resources budget for fiscal This allotment year 1978-7funds several new studies and facilities and provides for a continuation critical of programs already underway APPROXIMATELY 14 per- cent of the total funding for Wildlife Resources comes from the General Fund. The Legislature found that the general public received substantial benefits from certain of Wildlife operations Resources that do not directly benefit the license buying public. This year's budget was percent over the New budget programs scheduled under about 16 1977-7- 8 this increased budget include a bobcat study, a study, a range rehabilitation program for two new areas, a new Northern Region Office deer-coug- building, construction of the management structure and development of a sound economic base that hard-to-ge- landowners interested in planting forage for wildlife use were also approved IN addition to funding for of existing lands and structures, two new improvement building approved projects were Northern A new Region Office building in Ogden will be built on Division-ownelands next to the Ogden Hunter Education Training Center, also a Division d facility A rifle range in Magna was also funded lt is scheduled to be completed by the end of next year Studies for new rifle range needs and sites were also approved of a rifle range in Magna and a study of other rifle range needs and sites throughout the state THE and Agricultural Wildlife Damage Prevention Board imposed a moratorium on the taking of bobcats in the state of Utah in June 1876 Effectiveness of the mora- torium has not been moni- tored The Division requested that monies be budgeted for the Nongame Section for a study of the bobcat. This study would not only monitor the effects of the moratorium on bobcat populations, but it would also provide a basis upon which to develop an fective program ef- management OBJECTIVES of the study are to develop techniques to census or monitor bobcat population trends, estimate densities of bobcat populations, utilize these density estimates and population trends in the preparation of management recommendations, and measure the trends of IN anticipation of this study, there has been a closed season for cougar for the past four years in the Henry Mountains It is proposed to determine the impact cougars have on the deer herds Numbers, territory, movement, etc., of the lion population on the Henry Mountains will also be determined Two new range rehabilita- - Usual At Bierhaus announced that Timpanogos Cave will be open as soon as weather permits, probably sometime during Mav PREVIOUSLY it had been expected that the caves would remain closed until early June in order to complete total within the caves However, the late arrival of some specially designed equipment has delayed the project until after of psittacosis m.i THE number of reported of psittacosis has increased noticeably in the last several months from 1470 through 197b, only one case of psittacosis was i etxrted cases However, in 1977, six cases were reported and four cases have already been reported for the first !wo months of 1478 Most of the reported cases have been associated with birds imported from L ahfomia Kaysuille Mr and Mrs Rell Rives re- turned recently from a 15 day combined business and pleasure trip to Washington DC and Florida Mr Rives attended in meetings Washington, D C and they also spent time sightseeing while there They went on to Oilando, Fla where they enjoyed visiting Disney World and Sea World along with other places in the area A houseguest last week of Mr and Mrs Gary Garlick and family was Mrs Edith Anderson of Clinton, HI Mrs Anderson is 82 years old and a long time friend of the family Mr Garlick met her on his mission to the Northern States Mission 26 years ago They also took her to Salt Lake City to visit with Pres and Mrs Waldo Anderson, former mission president in Illinois Guests at the home of Roger Timpanogos Gave Superintendent Sherma E Four cases have recently been reported lo the Bureau of Disease Prevention All four cases have been exposed to several birds imported from Califor significant prey species and relate these to trends in bobcat numbers A cougar-dee- r study on the Henry Mountains was also funded Deer populations in that area have not responded to the more restrictive hunts as rapidly as expected Biologists feel factors other than hunting are applying enough pressure to affect this deer population Business As Labor Dav tion projects were approved The two projects are to be funded with matching federal funds for state monies expended. Monies to provide t seed to private Jeppson began graduate studies at the outstanding MR. JLPPSON was sele t ed because of his varied and Medical lal to il w k , idlf SS high s( hull1 a ar or high scf om si ud i -md tht ir parents at tht ha th itie at about x 30 a m t ireer Dav will t o , ; fr m s a m up' I noon at t 'Ndtre sponsored h I tab Air force Asst,c in Ffere will bt Dricfirg- - cl ri , 1 coun'ry Halperin i i ht g r 1 rt W It i Air t y ( ins r B of j, o i 1 Second Lieutenant Gen R Bone, son of Mr and Mrs Isaac R Bone, 311 West 7 i)'h Davis uoncen& At April Takes Part in Army Exercise P ul To Af ISC 1 ' i L rdt s, m s ig ALL I VI Rif S aid T )js rty of t ht I the w il nut fie returns 1 H'l U -- o. month im g trip documenting the existing health care policies and procedures m the delivers o! hi alth care in that addition to his ex pern nee with a svstem of hospitals sharing services The members of the U S health studv team are James L Bernstein, M P H , chief, Office of Rural Health Ser vices. State Government of North Carolina, William llili Field i v !y rural situations Speaker is m n v times as you wish Tin join is $190 St nd your logos to ihi Layton Muniup.l Bail hng 4T Was iictl Lh ive 1 as t n I 'ah S4!i-.- i In fii'n ng a l w kit i u siditition shou'd U rt idi i' lav tor s future and t mo is il ns at n past Simplic i' m s. id appropriate v 11 ai I i i orwnaiity 5 Ol igram and to satisfy the s ( ongress that U S fund, pended for health cart in gypt ate being spent prospective areas being studied in hospitals and clinics in both urban and GUSSi name and a J gyptian govern t I The d. adnne f r entering the Lavt n lego is contest rapidly appioac lung Mayor Shields F their health care Lam members will vis t heal'h related faciluits throughout Lgvpt in their and Mis J inn f W ij hi hd' Jlist U lunrii d rom a three da, trip to v id i Wbib in Nt vada im m td w th tlt ir fi lend- - VG and Mrs I rank Tint t , ( forma avion residents) on s h the be Ip v..si Mr trie School i ouplc ( HE PL RPOSI of the sa.d Mr Jeppson, ' ,s nt in -i visili y ' s i and a fm si ie It aas a won Jc rf ul hot W rg Am iv s my f r tic t bii k bottom t i f i tried to learn the hula I 1 1 n, they attended chore li cano On an extensive tour of tbf islands. Mr and Mis J orbe, visited the Polynesian ( t nti r sugar cane fit Ids and Par H irbor Th y saw 'Ki in throw t , 1 i "no inch1 s Mr and Mrs 1 orl s w t 1 gui sts at a spec nil uau J M ) and 1 I in YTON Hized health care ram during and after tl e i - th, huge L Recently, they retui md from a four wet k tour f Europe which included 27 shows in Germany, Swu zerland, France and Belgium Audiences everywhere raved about their varied show 1 fez -- America in 197) j. V r are beginning their eighth year under the leadership of "Val Lindsay They made then dtbut at Expo 70 in Osaka Japan under the direi non of Janie Thompson Since th u they have toured all 50 tat' s IN 1171, the group rra Je appearances in Europe or. a Department of Dc fense spun sored tour The troupe traveled to Central and Smth j r jw i I comedy and entertainment of bygone days The Young Ambassadors and Canada n Health would personally home the US health study rn upon arrival The team 'urn will review and advise Sadat government on the t's and policies in their na ' Admis day, April sion will be $2 per adult and $1 50 for children undt i 12 8 Mr Jeppson was advi-e- d it the Egyptian Minister m hey truly up risers a part of Ameru a that the en st e in July 1978 t f oung Ambassidors are as professional an entertainment group that you will hope to U S from Washington, on March 3 for the n.th long -- 1 The Young Ambassadors from BYU will present their team members depart f Health Care, Inc tions and the hospital administrators report to him. Mr. Jeppson is married to the former June Almond of West Hartlepool, Durham, England. British by birth, she became a U S. citizen m 1963 She is a beautician, a medical and is transcriptionist, currently enrolled as a nursing student at Weber State , i r , non-prof- it president, Iniermoumain Health (are Inc Salt Lake C MR. J EPPSOVS ass.gn nt is to study the irsutu mal care in hospitals and ms in Fgypt He and the on Howard Frazier, director. Center for Analysis of Health Practices, Harvard University, Allan J Mar-guiiM D , Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of California at San Franiisco, Robert J (icrraughty, Fh D , associate vice president for Health Sciences, Creighton University, 11 David H Jeppson, M P , executive vice M D THE THIRTEEN team members selected for the udv, which will take them to L gypt for the entire month of March 1978, are all specialist: ei lalists st uses, JUNE, 1975, Mr Jeppson was appointed vice president for hospital operations for Intermountain IN are study in residency programs in all specialties. Both medical facilities were major tertiary care referral centers for their respective states and surrounding states as well. At Hie two university hospitals, he served on the faculty as instructor and associate professor in public health, hospital administration and related disciplines convinced guvernment longress that such a study would be in the best interest of both countries Congress thtn appropriated the necessary funds for the study project and the National Aiademy of Science was -- t letted to perform the health i and ternship City, three months after the new corporation was established In April 1977 he was promoted to executive vice president, the position he now holds He is responsible for IHCs 21 hospital opera- Those individuals who wish to bring groups of 10 or more people to visit the caves are reminded that advance reser- vations are required. Those groups arriving without reservations will not be able to tour the caves SPONSORS should begin making plans soon in order to be assured of reservations for the spring and summer. Reservations may be made by between calling (801) Sam and 4 30 p m. daily. 756-449- 3nd Sandra Butterfield to celebrate combined birthdays of Sandra's father and brother were parents, Delbert and Goldie Stout of Salt Lake City, Sherrell and Jean Stout and children of Granger, Bill and Virginia Wilson and children, McKay and Laura Hare, all of Kaysvilie. Mr. and Mrs Casper G. Carroll attended the wedding reception at the Memorial House in Salt Lake City, Saturday evening of Greg Goodwin who was married to Peggy Freeman Greg is the son of James and Jackie Goodwin of Sacramento, Calif., former Kaysvilie residents |