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Show i WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, 4 MARCH 23, 1978 Exchange V ows In Salt Lake T emple V.s- - 'tf' is l 0 r V MR AND MRS GLENN R WHICKER Fxcharging nuptial vows Lediesdav, March 15 in tie i g Jen LDS Temple w ere M iss ameld Stones of Logan and Glenn R Uhcker of Kas I ulle THE BRIDE is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Boyu R Stones of 712 West Tenter, I Parents of the egan hr id groom are Mr and Mrs Pen R Whicker of 90 North KI last, Kaysville Following the ceremorv, the couple was honored at a wedding luncheon at the home of the bridegroc m's p mints in Kavsviile THEY were honored at a reception that evening at the ( olonial Mansion in Logan For her wedding and option the bride wore a family bridal gown of antique lace with chiffon overlay It was styled with empire waist, i lace cap over full puffed sleeves and full length THE BRIDES bouquet consisted of talisman roses and ypllow daisies Attending the bride were Miss Jalyn Stones, sister of the bride, as maid of honor Br.desmaids were Rachel and Whicker Ryanne Whicker, sisters of the hi ldt groom THEY wore matching gowns of shiny burnt orange quiana accented with cream lace They held yellow daisies and baby breath The brides and bridegrooms mother wore gowns of leaf print of burnt orange and brown of soft knit Their corsages were yellow roses floor-lengt- h lAHARA Stones atendtd the guest book Best man duties were per formed by Mike Moyes Lshers were Charles F Whicker, Ben M Whitktrand Jeffrey P Whicker, hrothirs I ahf the couple Framuco, will make their home iri 1 itan I hey will be honored at an o;en house on Mire h 25 at tN home of the bridegroom s parents in Kaysville ( PRENLPTIAL parties weie given by Mrs Curtis Clowaid and Mrs Connie W hirker The bride graduated from ogan H gh School and has attended Utah State Driver sity I THE bridegroom is a graduate of Davis High School He is attending Utah State University at Logan where he is studying aeronautical engineering He is in the Air force ROTC The bride has fulfilled an LDS mission to the Ohio Mis sion and the bridegroom ful filled an LDS mission to Ar gentina - Buenos Aires North OUT of town guests attend ing the wedding were grand mothers of the bride, Mrs Virginia Timms of Logan and Mrs Genevieve Stones of Og den, grandparents of the bridegroom, Mr and Mrs Benjamin A Whicker of Clifton, Colo and Mr and Mrs Forrest S Clodfelter of Florida np 1978, Saturday, March 18, a family dinner was held Myrtle Lck of Melanie Lane, Layton, on her 80th birthday at the home of Mrs her daughter, Marlin (Wilma) Scheet to honor Mrs 228 THOSE 1 attendance were Mrs Eck's three daughters and five sons including Mrs Everett (Evelyn) Stotts, Los eligible volunteers The volunteered each year and without them, there would be no senior citizen program in School Davis County of Mr and Siiotti of length gowns gnu, uno white printed ertpe with prmccss styling an hi It lepi.es They euh hi Id i is a daughter Mrs Jack P 143 W est ( enter cmle in I FEBfJWOOD CflfIDY long s'iD'im! I , ge a I i Following the ceremony wedding breakfast at The Ming Restaurant, Salt Lake hosted the City, by bridegroom's patents SciL'S Bryce Pdi kduM pu h the datps of hi si n an Siloui was the ush i THAT evening they were honored at a reception at the Kavsviile 1st LDS Ward cul f irol Wes FOLLOWING a wcdJm to southc rn Ltai the newlyweds will make their home in T nut Heights wore a floor length gown of taffeta featuring empire Prenuptial parties were styling with sheer long pleated sleeves with wide French cuffs given by Miss Shauna Bean, Mrs Janice Johnson, Miss Karen Barkdull, Miss Del hie Webster, Mrs Sandy Hatch, Mrs Connie Sperry and Mrs Colleen Werner The gown was accented down pie front and ycke of bodice and along the cuffs with delicate pointed lace trim MRS. NFA1 Hart attended the guest book lhe bride graduated ft on Davis H'gh School and at tended Webt r State College HER chapel tram of silk bridal illusion with lace trim fell fmm her crown The bridal bouquet was THE bridegroom graduated from Davis High School and attended Weber State College He filled an LDS mission to the Oklahoma - Tulsa Mis sion He will continue his studies at Weber State np made up of miniature yellow rose buds and daisies, wPh matching ribbon streamers as matron of honor was Mrs Jeff Felt, sister of the bride, with Miss Shauna ACTING Kaysville Lois Nielsen, Ann Carrigan, Rae Karadeema all attended the UEA House of Delegates held at Murray last week Frank Butler is convalescing at his home after under going major surgery last week Don Robb, i c i f i t w i i; c pi on honor mg Pic is he Id Fridav eu o the 1 ay ton DS 1 tus uliuidl hall e hr idt wote a gown ot w ile p isey which drapt d Giid htavy Venetian lace 1 at the waistline The fit d bodice featured a high soft tv Mine The sheer full cirt le (j tv an sleeves draped from s i f t o shouldtr over the fined wms1 lerjoh jersey sleeves A I LLI length veil edg d n htavy late was trimmed kith hlv of the Valiev and ac and tnled with late dai'-kr ists to form the train tor thi s bridal gown She carried a bouquet of ullow roses, daisies, azaleas and btlls of Ireland (HI N'DING the bride was Karen Bean, maid of honor and sister of lhe bride It s num!er three daughter for Mr and Mrs Kimber A Covieo of 931 East 300 North, Kaysville She weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz at the McKav Dee Hospital in Ogden on March 10 The baby s name will be Katie Alese The mother is the former Vicki Lynn Allred of Eden Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Allred of Eden and Mrs Dorothy Covieo of at the Davis North Medical Center Mrs Kenneth Muir attend ed a bridal shower Saturday in honor of her niece. Miss Suzanne Roberts at the home of Mrs Steven Kennedy Casper and Beatrice Carroll were invited to give their Set Date In April Announcement is being made of the forthcoming marriage of Miss Lori Bake and R Scott Furniss They will be married April 7 in the Parents of groom are Ronald G Orchard Ave , , 111 Ogden A reception honoring the couple will be held in the Layton Utah West Stake Center Scott fulfilled an LDS misto Auckland New Zealand He is a graduate of Ben Lomond High School and sion LDS DM bit Allison, Stephanie Kidd, Terry Boelter, Shtrr e Nelson, Gail Atherton, Connie I lohm and Kris Farrirmmd The attendants wore yeilow In LDS Temple taffeta floor-lengt- gowns h with designs of nosegays of azaleas, daisies and yellow roses The matching shef full length sleeves were a, unit d at the wrists with wris uorsages of white daisies yellow roses and pea, b iZileas g on March lb III tht Sal' Lake 1 Db Temple were the hit rot r Miss SuSan Cook and U I1 im J A cterhiHisc ,sa dasher BRSDl ITT ot Mr and Mrs Richard 1) ( xil , gf'29 t ast Gt noli , 1 av RFSi man Was Dawson James J w s the- - V San Bt in usher Allison has full d a in mission to Gt Dusst ldoi f Mismi n currently attend, ng iht f Lmversity of Utah Cooept F ngineei ing DS W nc trairtn of honor was Vr David riiggjn Miss Ca'hv Clavpkd was the bridesmaid and Marth Arm Cot k sister of tht bride was the junior bndt sma d BEST man was Tonv Can HE BRIDL grad iati J from the BYU School if Nursing as a registered nui .e in 1978 Mrs o i , i a s m ird da Idol im i f 'A i')ii S til !)lt j f Vs (o i f a r ( ahf home in wedtlirg 1 siU u ai lunthtoo at 'he Lion House in Silt Lake C, tv In the evening a itctp on was he Id at the hor e of the bride's part ms foil ived will make their Salt Lake City dmg The great grand Mr and Mrs The are Mr and Mrs Howard Cloward nursing student room males and the bridesmaids BYU Y t ot t ie !) lot it i ft mple ctrtnioev alk THt BRIDt wore a gown of txquisi'e quidna and silk Vtn.ct Lie Open lace work tr banted with pearls trimmed the bodice and long slender sleeves The same late adorned the high fitted toilai and formed petals over tht hands The skirt fell from i raised waist creating a i h lpel train The draped hood edged in lac e completed the The bride was the guest of honor at several showers A giotery shower for her felit w nurses from the LDS Hospital was given by Shauna Hep worth and a miscellaneous shower given by her former Ogden tterhousv is lshers wtre Jeffrey field ind Roger ( ook Afit r a wedding trip to soi hi rn I tab the new Ivwt ds u ,.t H s j 1 ukt ' ip T I lit t t Mr L A ii d t parents are Mr and Mrs Ben Lavon Ailred, Ogden Rejoicing over the arrival uf K hicker all ivstille Tht great grandparents are Mr and Mrs Forest Clod-f- c ter, Florida and Mr and Mrs Beniamin A Whicker of Chfton Colo W elcommg a baby daughter into their home are Mr and Mrs Douglas D Jeppson of of their second child and second daughter are Mr and Mrs Curtis Cloward of Kays ville The baby arrived on March 13, at the Davis North Medical Center in Layton, weighing 8 lbs 4 oz Mrs Cloward was the former Pea 877 Whicker of Kaysville Fast Hartwood Circle, guests litluded Mis kusina Uaterhouse, the grooms of San mother Diegj, (ahf , Miss Cathy Clay pool, Austin, Tex , Mr and Mrs Charles Buehier Malad Ida , Mr and Mrs Charles Hver, Shellev, Ida and Dr and Mrs Tius McCowin, Idaho Falls. Idaho Showers honoring the bride were gven by emplovees of the Davis North Medical Center A bridal luncheon and shower was given bv Mrs Ronald Peterson and her daughter, Mrs David Hog-gaheld at the Petersen home dmg n, Fruit Heights The addition weighed in at 6 IDs 9 oz at the McKav Dee Hospital m Ogdt n on March 9, and will be named Fmily At home are five brothers and sisters The mother is the former Nancy A Bagiev t f Ogden The grandparents aie u and Mrs Boyd H Jepf and Mrs Grace Bagiev i, of Ogden np im 0 last week Dr and Mrs Snell spent two days, Friday and Saturday at the convention The funeral service of Mrs Sylvia Young, a former Kaysville resident was held on Saturday, March 11 in Salt Lake City with her burial in Kaysville Mrs Young lived in Kaysville for many years and will be remembered by many of the people in this area the prospective Mr and Mrs Furniss, Bridesmaids were Evelvn Valerie Allis Bean, Russian slide and lecture presentation Thursday for the sixth grade students at South Clearfield Elementary School Dr and Mrs George F Snell attended the Utah of Family Academy Physiciaas Convention held in Salt Lake City for three days LORI BAKE PARENTS of the prospective bride are Mr and Mrs Phil G Bake, 1636 W 1750 N Layton Rites Performed ( (ink -- trip tural hall where the bride V 1 i" m or is il,r of J Lv ail and ir Li an, 831 kk, N Allison is a son of (rd L Ailisor, H42 S lik) Bountiful and ( ami N in Great Falls Merit i" i i I Hi i BRIDl'S bridt groom s in mu t c h fi mr length gowns of j,ud blue with yellow ro t the couple was honored at a C BRIDF Mr now . it Tlilt r 1 The Street, Kaysville bridegroom is a son of Mrs Edith C Hatch and the late Clarence Hatch of 12 9 North Main Street, Farmington lizabeth L 1 t of Salt Lake LDS Temple Easter Candy by is Audrey and James Luv ern M s n were nidrried Friday Vdih 17 in a ceremony per f dm the Salt Like LDS 1 I it r faux o'fiuit fx iht u rtmonv and Miss Angela Silom They wote mutt hi r g Hnoi grandchildren banquet will be held on March 30, 6 p m at Davis High Exchange Vows i as maid of honor Bridt smaids were1 Mis RLicrtA Cuthr Mrs Kent Ji hnvoo. Miss laur.i Hitch Fridav, Match 17 m the Sait Lake LDS Temple were Michelle Silotti a d David Svlvanus Hatch Angeles, Calif , Mr and Mrs Marlin (Wilma) Scheel, Lay-toMr and Mrs Ralph (Shirley) Corless, Kaysville, Dale Eck, Dillon, Mont ; Mr and Mrs Ray Eck, Ogden, Roy Eck, Clinton, Reed Eck, Pocatello, Ida ; Bud Eck and daughters Deon and Holly, Dayton, Ida 28 Eck Mrs has grandchildren and 13 great- A SPECIAL program will be presented after the dinner where the Davis County Commissioners will present certificates to the volunteers in recognition of their work Thousands of hours are n 1 4 Bean vows Reciting wedding Special Dinner The Davis County Council on Aging is sponsoring a special dinner in recognition of the people who volunteered over 20 hours in senior piograms last year Invitations will be mailed to all j , MRS DAMDS HATCH Notes 80th Date On l MRS WILLIAM J WATERHOUSE M THE BRIDfc OLLO'AING a honeymoon trip to Lk Angeles and Sin fi In of the bridi groom I . f J xy Vows Exchanged In LDS Temple jk Seminary MISS BAKE graduated from Layton High School and the LDS Seminary She attended Weber State College Currently, she is working in Bountiful, dmg Mrs Genevieve Pilkington is reported seriously ill the past weeks at Lakeview Hos pita) in Bountiful Tuesday visitors of Mrs Ann Bingham and family were Mrs Mary Stahelt and Mrs Elaine Stahelt, both of Springville, sisters of Mrs Honey! o o o Easter Lilies Corsages Easter Floral Arrangements Bingham and her mother Mrs Ann Dunn of Washington Terrace Mr and Mrs Orlo Hall of St George visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs Orson Hall and also other relatives in Salt Lake City Recently the Kaysville LDS Relief Ward Society presidency was reorganized Those serving now are Mrs Carol Avery, president, Mrs Linda Leonard, 1st counselor, Mrs Rebecca Hilton, second counselor and Mrs Sherrie Hodge as secretary Flowers by vbkligljt 56 South Fort Lane 376-122- 4 I f ($ i 0s |