Show abeth xea i n i chamberlains hr ber lAins aln 0 I 1 xu kelledy Ke luedy wo ellei ti 1 cough remedy I 1 in a our lieme for se sean en a cars tod ond it b aa always il iriye proved to bon be a feln me we havo have found that it would do were than the or CM claim for it IL it ie a especially good or r croup nod and whooping rho cough rov A clewie pastor minn at i U church chamberlain cough IA 1 eold sold by efer cartile ofa ol pany arico ari pe and lovan co helper for salar hundred and land that will come under proposed now ditch plowed ind dinong best land on palco ihor seo see R W crockett fred ll Il aymonde aymonds Misso missouri url girl at town hall next monday night la Is 0 one ne of tho the best shows on the rond dont fall to see it prices 25 M fa and csc 4 jm i reduced rates arom utah and atia idaho to all points dm last and return via vin FROU 1 chea AND SALT LAKE UKE CITY TO 1 river ioleta Iol nta 39 00 chi Ctol catro a 44 60 sl 59 loula 30 60 11 rates arm idaho Idah gaad and other VOICU Io lct D tie 0 of sate aff 23 AAD DEC kr 11 ah return limit sixty day days nd for C F WARREN gen ant agent the atchison a aa rt unta inia fe ity 41 4 it daly lake city my P F E WOODS attorney at law UTAH will la in all tho the cuorts in 11 ll ciril lame 3 minim Irrl Irris ration bad abd probate It attern ahen lonor I 1 fand for 3 cars I 1 was troubled with bit und and constipation which made life miserable for or roc me my ape tito failed toe I 1 lost iny lay usual force orco and vitality preparation it add and cathar hartka only made tuat mattera ido I 1 do not know whore I 1 should have been today hadj not tried chain cham 1110 stomach and liver lier tablets the tablets the III feeling at once orthen the digestive tune alone helping the to do its work putts rally M U rosa potta potts ala these tablets are for or salo sale by lowenstein Lowe natela 0 company Pric lowenstein co 0 helper 4 r t THE HIST MINT restaurant TAUmi RES f opposite the rio grande western depot price utah oal Short Order house in price open night and nod day steak 4 J Chopin nd in beu BOD son tho the best coffee brend t WILLIAM wilbam GRAY manager t 44 4 4 4 4 4 |