Show RIO GRANDE AND COAL COMPANIES TO BE LOOKED INTO BY COIA commission MISSION washington 1 0 3 nov 16 1 int commerce commissioner clark luft left tonight for adt it lake and demer to take testimony ut aidor der tho the authority of tho tillman of tho the lust lost congress con gresa direct tog log tho the inquiry to the charges ot of dis by cool carrying railroads against shippers oer oser their lanes thu mime dispatch indicates that the coal situation lo 10 utah and tho the relation of the railroad railroads to ft it la Is to be thoroughly probo prole by tho the govern goern men this that the freight rate aratea harmed by tho the transportation companies from the tile utah fuel corn com piny nines in carbon county and the bainy olon union pacific minos mines in wyoming Wyot will be investigated it will remembered that during the conducted by coo com missioner missi prouty in salt lake about two months ago it dev developed elope d that the hie rio grande western was charging a rate of 0 per ton on n coal from tho tile mines to salt bait lake and the ther union pa eifle was charging a similar rato rate commissioner prouty intimated at the time that tho the rate rato was and that U Is crimination war vi viau au being acin practiced but his investigation did not cavor that phase so that evidently dark clark Is to pursur the inquiry to a conclusion dark clark Is nully well kno known a lu itt utah having at one boon a conductor for tho rio 1110 orando grando Ws western tern running from ogdon ogden to grand I 1 inc joe holy |