Show WORK INS ON BIG CANAL C A A L with the completion of the survey work s to be pushed on construction and water 14 turned in next spring 4 4 ibaan haeft ilia ino of st george and M R M andorson engineers in it the tile employ of tho utah irrigation and power coin company pany arrived sunday and aro are now at work running tho survey for the canal which is to cover some twenty five thousand acres of land to the south and adjacent to tho the torn of price thoro there is 18 an old survoy survey in existence mado some four years year ago by Mac Al farlano acfarlane for tho the old oli mammoth company but it is understood too d this avul wul be ignored in the running 0 of present Jre sent lines present fitzgerald and beneral manager landirth Landi Lau dieth oth birtho company together getler to with R W crockett Croc kott and lovi lavi N harmon have A f been over tho the janus lands this week As 11 soon e q the two surveys uro are 44 a choice of routes is to bo be decided upon by the officers of tho the company com william D livingston attorney in utah for the compney comp rny was also hero here during tho the week returning homo yester day president fitzgerald and lenoral Cc noral landroth landreth ate here for business and state that work is to bri prosecuted all winter so that th atwater water may be put on tho the ground by next spring they should be in position in a short time to lot contracts contract tor canal work neither of the canals will bo less than ten ton to fifteen in length |