Show ALKALI anus IS TO BE government will aid in the ark in sevier EXPERT I 1 IS S NOW ON GROUND TO BEGIN WORK test will be made upon lands ont only y few aviles miles northa V 44 T 11 t cast of richlie Rich fie ae U d 1 lisk ilog been ben given ghen by the experiment bureau ortho of tho Agrical collego college of 0 utah to bepin begin the tile work of lu in bovier county thia this faai r drown brown of salt law vita who has tho export anent bork ork in aas ae ret itly in lit to curry earry out tho piano ar hungt d at fow ago foru for it test on oil tho the landi of william ogden aud ud wll wil limn on oiin r lunt it fuw miles northwest ot of that town it will be bolcome tonio act before the th 0 ato and oil but in tilt meantime meun nic antime time tho tile turtles whose whoso lands aro are to haw hayo the tile bandit ot of the a experiment tin to go abend with dig glug gl a the ditches for the tile it will tahe about so 8 ell thousand thou feet of til tag tog rhe coat exist of tills this inid laid down la Is efty dolit tra for four inch tile 71 25 for live inch tile and nd 92 go for forell six 41 inch tile ibn bovo rement bears tho exreno of this title nud the tile land own owners er 4 I 1 tho cost of trenching it ie Is expected tbt the tile 1 will lands for ogden and rich filch tit ono thile berti geronomo jonio of tile best in tile milley alloy but which cli hai have e value elosa losi on of or working to the our ur fu fasl if it the shall demon strat to it nil it that la Is expected of it it leads the tile way to tho the reclamation of 0 thousands of orrea arres of 0 soil in southern Sout heru utah which an tile not lit fit for anything now hut course the bork will bo adlong nil till winter ae its weather will permit |