Show aws 0 r TOWN 1 1 ap ig C IN BRIEF choice cho lot of hats kirkwood lot filst arrived tho the missouri AM girl girt nt at town hall ila 11 next monday night go to tle sonata senate saloon finest line of cigars in eastern utah for sale the med nichola nichols in price apply to tor K IV crockett property price merchants are beginning beg lanIng to get in their holiday gooda goods tor christmas the parlette people tire re working about twenty men nt at alio th a anine of the coco company puny near tucker if you want genuine tailoring galo your order der iio a hta fits your clothes on when cut and basted up thus insuring a it perfect fit postmaster to hae his new now fixture fixtures in und and the office moed ina ed to the new location across the street by the birst of december the western union telegraph company p any Is placing the sixth r ire on its poles from price prie to dener denier and the seventh from here to salt lake city chapped hands are quickly cured by applying chamberlains Chamberl alna salve price 25 cent ce ritts for sale by lowenstein Lo wenstel n company price and low enstein su co helper jonos jones allson who have hano an advertisement verti in this weeks heco of the advocate are ati baving fog hidoa hides pelts and beeswax paying the highest market prices for the same mrs J D 1 1103 d of price who aia to operated on monday of last week for appendicitis by dr u bascom assisted by b drs sto vart nod and flak fisk ly Is doing alcaly she is at st marka marks hospital tho the secretary of agriculture wants eltty more meat inspectors at a sol balory ry of 1200 a aa acar under the new meat inspection law examinations will be held at suit luko and logan december unpaid taxes last thurida thursday da and although altho ugh the county count 11 treasurer tica surer has been ery cry busy all al I 1 this ibis week neek handing out receipts to the tax there la Is quite quito a largo large 1 of delinquent 4 last I 1 brought tho the uret real E of tho the yant sno snow W falling to t 0 the depth of kr r II 11 inches I 1 at clear creek two hinchee inc h e at collela and winter quarter quarters an extending et down to helper on the walt Y robert howard hue has resigned as ne superintendent of lawley coil 1 syndicate prope lee war helper lie he Is succeeded IV bv b ai gentleman gent loman named Net ketchum chum some twenty men are at this time employed there 1 I hasselburg manager of tho the mercantile company has purchased pur chosed the ulrica ulrich bryner rest dence property froin roin D W and nd Is to occupy the same moving from f rom tho the nichols i evidence etil dence consideration 1300 vie cars at ogden were compelled to stop last friday on account of lock lack of coni coal the dealers ore are en tirel out and man business bufil houses and residences a hae no coal the actuation looks outs in view ot tho the prospect of unusually cold weather william jenkins Jon klos nu an old timer at i castle gate and who wont went there in tats infancy of the camp died at durango Durn ngo colo a few days ago aged about CO 60 years he ile was la in the accident thero there at a tho the time thoms T lamph lam ph lost his arm himself receiving slight injuries internally general miller states that with tho the 1 of tho the lino line from tho the upper camps to price last week tho the tern utah telephone company ba spert over twenty five tho th dohara do rs in carbon emery and uintah counties all of ot this has been local tr money ioney too judgment by default against S ff gilson and wife was entered int ered by judge R achie at salt lake last week in ta favor of thu the frood and cart company and amounting to 1432 principal and interest and ani sitt 25 attorneys a fees tho the suit wai to recover oo 00 a prom promissory lesory noto note co covering ering furniture and furnishings purchased governor outler cutler la Is advised by abo j treasury department that under the pro provisions islon of ofilio the iet not of 0 en congress ogress approved july 16 1911 then there la Is duo due the state of utah 5 per cent of the net proceeds of the sulo sale of public lands within the state which amounts to 1445 47 A warrant for this amount will bo be drawn on the united states treasure treasur ur and forwarded forward led to the governor within is few bivs d s tho thu sa salt it la lako ke route I 1 in n I 1 11 I 1 no vv i ith I 1 tho lie den denver or and illo rio grande and Color colorado tido midland la Is obeying the ruling of the interstate commerce commission against the issuance of at party rules rates for traveling organizations ane harriman Hur riman unes lines abbert they are still issuing party rates under tinder certain con dillons the majority of roade roads have han e been told b their legal advisors to keep keel tha the straight and narrow line laid down by tho the to comMil ta aalon says reber Heber of last fri day william murdock of biton recently sent us a handsome bunch of po anuta ats v vino ine and all just as they grew they avem raise ou on the bench north of myton myron this summer and anti while we e do not claim to be experts on peanut culture vo e should say that they were a good average la in size and quality the fact that they were raed there speaks well for tha the climate of the eastern part of our county coulty the canon oana canal and ites company has hu flick with the secretary of state a copy of its articles clesos of incorporation corporation lu iho la Is formed to conduct 14 general irrigation business with its headquarters lit it elgin grand county with a capital stock of in shares of the par pur maluo balue of dollars each tho the officers are edward elster president A E lane vice president preAt dent J N powers secretary ond and treasurer and anti W 0 english general manager frank A lons of grand junction juni tion colo was in price last lust friday with D M looking over tho the country with is low few of investing in agricultural lands adjacent to town under the big ditch he considers that 0 vc o have hae as good a it fruit country here us as grand junction un clun and ho he will return latoi and perhaps locate here he was shown over the country to tho south of the dilce pi ice river and believes it will not be two years before wo we will wilt bo growing the sugar biet blet ho he hasi has recently sold his mercantile business busi nass i at grand junction i s have lime iwen n completed for the principal speakers for the utah teachers institute which Is to t be held at ogden during tho the christmas holidays E U G coolley abw In ut of the public schools of obi cago and one of the moat most prominent prom inon t of national educators will open the discussion discus on the grammar grades miss louise arnold one of the leaders of primary education lu in boston v v ill III conduct tho the work for tho the primary primar classes miss arnold Is tho the author of the text book used in the lower grades at the training trul ning school |