Show OPT 4 in eastern and southern utah EMERY COUNTY castle date wi nov no I 1 tie at clawson mr und mrs A E hall halt havo it naw buby baby aggs aro selling today in castle dole date at forty conte cents per dozen the empry co county nt bank la Is nil it ready to open its doore doors were ic it not for tho the fact that it la Is aiji waiting ing ur fir it books christopher E of huntington and miss 1 hannah bunsen of suit salt lako lake city were curried in tho the temple thie this week hn william D livingston was a it sunday having como conto to em lin cry county to defend joseph joeeph Dit mayne of the denver aad and illo grande sent he its check for taxes this week ic it called for 1791 ell laet last sear bear its it taxes were wore 1 I lettla oer 1900 lire II 11 0 o 0 ot sunny aide side accompanied by misa ila mussen visited with her daughter georga in castle balo tho tile early part of ahe ho week DC D dna n county seat visitor thursday he ie f options on farm and ud other land wh which alt ho he proposes tor to rall 11 to people desiring to locate hero and engage A in it hortt hord Lul turc sugar beet raising ng acte tho the twin city Cren mely timy company will turn out its first batch of butter on Tuu radAy the hilret delivery of milk oil pounds and anti it was 1157 nod and le ica pounds of cream bream it la Is expected next week tho the dally delhery dellery of milk will cut celoso to 1500 poun pounds sis the of tho dutilh implement deot neot company appear to W in ill n t fair wity to be settled without the intervention of courte tho ji the will in tho the hands of its ol 01 old i cora ecra with the tile addition of john Q critchlow aa as general ma the work on uthe the flat project in this county will nol ba interfered 4 with a 3 x ahe institute hell held its ting last sat I 1 arday furtat noon with a good atte attendance the plan of winter work wits outlined it was decided to take up english bittera turo ture and reading as course of in st ruction for the winter and or to get cither prof fred 1 reynold reynolds 9 prof joanah paul or you n g all of t ki 1 state university farlo tot dr AV etzell will bei be invited to ilive ono lecture on music it was also decided to hold but three insel tute meetings of three days each one in Demin december ber one in luid and ona one lo 10 april ward was held nt at castin last sunday afternoon henry G 0 mathia of tho tie etnie state presh presidency loncy ond and elder J sr of hunt ington wore were pit present bent the busl busi i ness haq transact 1 d I the general nud aud authorities acro ucro i aul PV report was given showing the condition of tho tile ward b by y tho the bishopric nud and elder lure chris teneen und elston petersen reported report cl abo ioune mens and young Lt Udlea it ill being balu condition rho speak I 1 era or were rm Pre eldont mathis eldr eldor bishop jonsen jensen and comi miller and betl act h academy AC DEMY norf NO 1 S tho tile teachers tour through the county la Is barlia bar lii fruit nowata alonte ants tiro are dropping in itt nearly merv ti fiCa leIlly 1 0 bwy bod wali or ir gaulard a it wf TI ago friday frank N a guin again eliseu prest dant ag z es anderken vice president preal dont mable henly nud and allward cox treasurer aurer the 0 ul of tile nth lotic AA v ib ir eo so clation vaa as cot co wed toted last friday by the tho heno hear da ua us wr alit at ut farms w AM 1 its yell rooster waster nod anti harry Jo johnson linson us its stati standard durd bearer at the tile calille bep blon 1 tho unit ly lam arv n rr nilON hl 1 liutti utti Mg sig or it ts frame wi dItton to tin tilt house and I 1 I x sr pacts to it his 15 into anine i town flurk clerk 4 that arka pr to advertise de do P I 1 antl klent tax m frarer linte this year if 1 1 ru r lord lords VII 0 46 4 6 b bu ca critically ill III for a weak li 11 about the same this morning moraln ff sie ab i still unconscious the Orang orangeville eville teachers toa tea chera platted tho the perron ferron schools yesterday yeste yest erlay jay friday and all concerned enjoyed a it prof profitable flable a nad d pleasant time I 1 in n tha th canning n I 1 thero was a the one u aud and forty fortunah fortu nih quorum of seventies and the fourth quorum of it social danco an night preparatory pra to beglau 11 u ning a busy winters work i 4 the of ferrou getting it cannery tem t em quito quite good at present B r 8 small mail of salt luke la Is promote ng the enterprise and is selling stock quite freely A plant is ischo c on plated IMERY maj hurt who went to patriarch Patria blackburn Black buru for treatment tom caery ery III john sorensen who hasteen haia been for a longtime has to bo be sat ea f with du and night the worst la Is feared running eed seed ii I 1 still in progress from early till inte late teams will leave hero here saturday morning for tho the san too it keeps kt cpa ten mon employed all tb th hine time our sotir will soon leavo aavo hero far tr their holds fields of labors labor Itt ismus will go to his native cc country mintry Dea denmark marr louis jorgensen Jorgen seu leonais broderick and charles Oh arle L foote go to the states ono ouo of tho the hore iker thresher la is led and wo we learn from froin one ot of their ti nin tifany pany that they hivo sent for another steam thresher Tb will go into ito january and wo dont know how much longer TW sunda eckhoot class of johndon and louts Louls jorgen yen uro tire tho tile ten teachers chers them thein u nice sol tal in n the ine eting fr hou houby c last oy ey ening giving them each a token of their love loo and ealem by presenting each cacti with a silk inu iller and anti bov MOLEN MUSINGS mrs mr ida la Is ing quito julto fast john 1 larsena Lars Lari eoa sens baby id Is vor auri sick quiney quinsy la 1 the th trouble IAO maedonald Me Mo Donald and family havo been hero from on a it visit biad georgia caldwell Oal dwell bus has gone gono to Sunny sunnyside side mr r and unit mrs ike 1 mc ML donald allbert til Il lbert winkler and family mo ino ed e d back hem hereto to their homo home from they thoy hive been gone nearly tareo yura iho for thanksgiving are bishop 11 13 nian S leach beach huns runs 0 hansen joho john lucli rich trena treas caldell Col Cald dell Neli 2 marli anderson Ander sou hannah boach and ud eme hanson all met ut bishop 13 bacha achs sunday sum liay night und fiade up a big program pr giving one or two out ol alery ery family in town ti a CLEVELAND peter normsn ani of SonnIa lilt ta Is visiting hen here work was commenced oo 00 tile clean ing of the canal lust wednesday an 11 daughter wits born to the wife of u cotik arickson Kr ickson friday wh oth del lurton lur ton wua was electta con ante ae ai 1 wm wait a tie jack ward and nd 11 it 11 I 1 j la lu drat drawing ing lota lots to the tie i ote oto for justice of the conry clatt r won out 0 over er john R woul wald I 1 21 tir smallpox case cases hue hae broken out in N 0 C n dually fu lully wo we there uro are seven there the re now niels dutil d family hye 11 to price to bo be carlsten Chrls ten eona work with the holin corn com pit an W R christensen of ephraim is I 1 AiL liero hero with his mother he ile haa jait ban relented rele need front a salt lake he lie we impendIng tho tile anif alding of it is opral acil leg aa bables a und nil then some on tho the I 1 P r boy ant to roll nil all at sophus olson anti on oil tho the day it girl appe appeared a red nt at nele 3 ch last week wo w overlooked mentioning a boy bo it th 11 1 it chartist INTING ION I 1 E F johnsoa John sor tins lins luegan the erection eft I 1 of it birn barn oil hilj lil main street property K U 0 gottry hae has brick anti material 11 I 1 for or ft it building on mill alley anti catina street nt tho tile northwest corner of town he will begin work ai at soon all some of tho the maeooa in 3 gone an are at liberty from the school b hou the walli of the school goes rapidly up they are now about midway of the tha upper f rames the society halt hall iff iw nearly under cover three sides of tho the roof I 1 la s on oil and tho the other under way mrs N U woodward of montana la is visiting here with her mother aunt jano jane woodward sho she la Is a it eletor sister to tho the johnson brothers I 1 we have no bosick sick except whooping coign it seima that quarantine Is dolne little good na as flaga flags go up almost dally daily and nad et tho health board Is doing all it can k bas a is new liew town inar the booie has employed hans lato late of cleveland was ut of dolunt volunteer er bat but ia in the 1118 dm din ing the sp kalsh war ar jost joseph ph cunane Du nano nane was balki in III to it charge of shooting at it J IC ingle cownty attorney Ut orney dickson prosecuted and W D livingston of mantl defended the defea defendant daut WHO was turned loose thac being some doubt 10 at about it bp u t who w ho did d id the a hoot 6 g at the tile saloon last week weel the parties got up lip sorro sort of a jam borka ahro knife and gun gull cimo came in to take part in the fracas Ho however weyer thu clowka of cle cleveland elaud had a of some sort ant anti george brandon lost a ile ileo o of linger jt 1 t ended with no serious dattage being done matt cowley was lined twenty llo and brndon twenty five alvi dollars huntington Is getting to be a lively burg considerable minting going on of late into not iao u much with the girls na its with tho boas justice howard let lust it friday called court to hoar hear the complaint against joseph nellson joseph had been pasturing team d cowa cows on oil lila lits neighbors across the aher tuo people got tired and hi his cowe cowit into their thir corral joseph came and got them and anti turned them again the tho neighbors cor corralling corral tog them once more this time it Is alleged joseph camo with the tile guu gun a after the tile stock and threatened the parties part lea etc the tile defend ut D 1 asked for a chau goof beutle und tind tho case wai wa i transferred to lawrence SANPETE COUNTY mt a ov itta mra mrs andiew knudson und children left tuesday for mock much colo andrew jenat u ot of chester jiwat recently f from rum no bondo ada where he has been for about two a ears working nt fit mining mr and mrs T it monk ot of la grande ore were I 1 it the ca alty a dupio oil plo of days this beek fileds af mr und mra A larson juine llo and misi bello two of ML copit lar young were rna at fantl this aeck mr aud and mrs J 11 clely took theli thelt youngest wn oliver er to salt luko this week ta huu a surgical upon its tinkle aalt 11 lake L ake told of a having buiu there tho tile previous day to boy roy nielson oad and abrett both of this cit mr aud mrs george haddon of salt laike docu to mt Pleas fint mondays Alonda iP to pend i ia few daffe her pleats of tho family of 11 J erick on poll kocul icet mid 1 tin fahed gathering their crops ahr ate areek juat jost ID in linit to tile jt it la Is d that hut but to in the i count county veto out fo to arv re lill in or j it ditth tit it tit thy dormil drug storo is to cluing hnud roon tiu con art u ent going tu utah county and parley olson of ahls elty alty taking th king charge for a 18 laike laii tho the ML pleasant botel in raly closed mr and mrs joseph joi jol I 1 who ajae been conducting uon ducting it for or the tho pup 1 isac li months having reter pd ed from front the wednesday of this 3 week weel vV illium frandsen Fr went nent to fault suit bake ie monday lo 10 bearch of a it bay buy baler bitter him which had strayed away along about election time anil and had failed to refill it to its te happy home jobu alin Kolic lof unit vl came in thursday day cwm walt vilh hos has been beert their homo ailia leaving here several denra ers iago aig they will visit eiert itla find old friends a 0 tinte bort thomas coates camo came in bleday pled ay from hh borno I 1 lo 10 a chul ui adv having beca coiled by it announcing the critic it 1 illner 4 of brother cum vial hodl did noc cetlin of hii hl broth re rs lenth tie lie reite reached hed this city week utter after nett beginning monday amber octh there will be I 1 no sessions ot of the pubic in district the heit li enting ting plant a be given at thorough overhauling at that time a as it la Is in need of nf re palis J mcgann and heno larsen ent to spanish pork fork A wall liquor there here against alit lf former has it i large claim ana anni be bennon over by him be fore doroho lie returns return sand and L iiii ri ii installed aa as a rum coats it i lowling jes resident jest dent ident of chester anti other parts of 8 county for years died at tho tile homo alina alma young in this city W decade evening after beveral several months dine with ler iter nod and stat stomach trouble troubles vas bout about 50 yeara of ago hundred tons of city ho been sold lu in north couo coull 1 just recently all of tt it to bo be shipped i i outside points it has brought a goc ligiero for ealaine an amount or at thousand tons woe from ave to seven doll ra par per ton f i the stack wording to the quality the hay william Christo pherson canie cm froni front eureka early in n tho week ri rt arill ug I 1 monday monjay hia his ra other M mr r 4 01 gill returned with h him im to ren ifil until spring and anti possibly alt the time years ur Christo wag a res resi dent he lie e ila having ing gone ti tin country otter after ten leming ing abere he lie ha lia prospered myron aldrich rL turned this we wen from ephraim Ephr nini where ho he has been I 1 ii tho the employ of the lall road company he hue hits been offered steady work 0 01 the road ut tit mounds in carbon county counts and ani expects tj go thero there soon to too 1001 over tho tile sItti at on 4 it ho he decides tt accept tho the position mrs Aldi fell bif wll loin iola him and they will leinann ther over winter ut lit ie A rumor was current in ahli 04 olt continued in on lag I 1 eastern and southern utah concluded fron a vace z d during u ring the foro pert of the tile neek to tb abo a effect thaties eliat mrs tIrs nela nels nelson conner ariy IF of this city who has lins been very eick alck with typhoid fever fe er la in canada bud bad bed to the attack the rumor was r Ya entirely IF false a letter let te r ie i 0 eelem hero last week bringing werd word that the lady id Is slowly improving andrew peterson Pete raon came homo home this weck we k from the tile reservation courto countr 3 baere lie haa has spent several months wito with the intention of remain ing log until spring he leporta things in a flourishing condition on the rea res elation ema tion which ie Is building and set bilog up fsr N jr who went to tho the reservation lard summer also hase has spent roost most of tho the time since tit t park city 0 bed real lent of fair lew im came canie to t his death in BU au unusual und and distressing say some time between nur night and friday of last eek it ie A su supposed s p plowed the tile end was caused by drowning or suffocation he ile was subject to occasional f spells and nod it ie Is presumed that while he was walking through the mud ho lie was overcome over como by one of thew and andrell tell fell probably dying regaining con he was born in Jett marI ft gylland Uy lland denmark december 27 1828 wad baptized baptised sed in 1861 emigrated tc to utah la to 1862 1882 and came cume to Fatir view in tk the fall of that year and has re elded sided hero ever since SPRING CITY born november 5 1200 1906 to the wife wilt of james blain a son hyrum larsen and fred 0 soren sea sen aro are each bullying bull ding them now new brick residence residences mr und mrs hourel accord camo earno homo home from provo last wednesday mrs accord si condition 1 is about abou the one balne james loroy leroy johnson Jolin aou who has been ab auton a mission for eighteen months laboring labor lne in the eastern states has hns been released to accompany an elder home johnson Is anuw in salt lake city with hia two brothers |