Show K nt 1119 amend inn to S article viii of al 9 cad ae um endi novem her acra d 1 iao atna I section I 1 I 1 c W suid suld article XIT IU relating t tux tax and 1 gremp a ws ins m an annl t authority of the legis lature 11 to 10 provide for u chiamu feax lax or a ta td md wi I 1 ini a nf n f ton A tax lt tl t resolved ada ena t by th the lebibi leibi baturo of 0 the i x HI L t of I 1 utan U aall two b I 1 at 0 all member thereof therein section n i th the follow pm illo to med he tj tuo of 1 ut mate 11 I 1 gif of ulah a I 1 hereby etotle IL qu electors el ectore of the st for 1 their I approval airov pi rov or dl disapproval darnell a it ith stion aua 3 A rt I 1 le XIII tf or the b l I 1 1 alon ot the of U etith ad d 1 t rt tv 1 9 O 0 4 an I 1 oil m l 12 lot of alii kald ardale Ars leXin bo be an antl 1 t b he vu aro re hereby d ta to read n at rol louK caloa 3 the lealda ture hhall hall prowl je by edw 1 a Util form and nil equal rate of at aw ciment anil and taxation 1 ax x aaion on all j property ro y in to tb the state ste acront 1 lne LOIN to if in and id sh 11 pre by lenerue law much regulations a hhall secure tt it just valuation tor for tx atlon of all property pro arty K that oiry atry person und tind corporation b irl I 1 par pay 14 tax in to the value of hl his ber her or 1 t property amro provided that it a deduction of debits ay be provided fur ther that tin property of the 4 ot of the nt counties count fe cities towns school dif div 1 tricas corporations and public libra ti lu the bundling thereon used el for eathor 4 or charit charlt able purports its AN and of burtal not held beld or used fr I 1 private or corporate behull 43 exempt from taxation Dit canal reser to coln lra pippi and teunies owned and used by andl rituals or cor lor for irrigating lande lands owned by much such iala or corporations or tho individual deml on thereof beof ball not ot tx too separately taxed a us li to ne 14 they dball be and udd purpose provid ed ted further that bobb nal aird p I 1 property shall be exempt from tah alon further furth tr r that thu the maxem 1 of u the in IP poor a ny bo be remitted or abated at such I 1 titue an in a u b manner may be provided provide by I 1 lit ln J stamp income license or nothing in constitution ball hall be construed to prevent tho the from provident provi dInt a stamp tax or ora a tax based on oc curtion or francel ts r dretar of sante IN Is bearby brej to bause thee 1 to be pub i in at leit leat one new newn papi r in lit eiery coun jy ty of th the w hero here a nt n w 1 published fur for two month immediately the next q cletion ele tion i ellou I 1 I 1 had huh hall be sul sub I 1 w the elet tora of this hiate state ut the nel next t i 0 fc tor for their up approval val I 1 I 1 ballot ballots used at bieh ich electora elect tra nh 1111 mt luo hate prin printed tedor r written thereon th words ortie 1 of r the constitution as amende nnie ndel it noveta owr 0 3 1 1900 and Alca insL tie 1 to ecail m 3 ar art t lc III of tte constitution wt ii ta mended Noe Joi roler emler al corthe the amendment to section I 1 13 article ail of tile tae and 11 1 1 the to benlon aj I 1 XIII of the otther ther watt lucli title designating deigna de ting ei at th Ien dment aa ma be provided tt law bald to allots hall be rel received ya ai d and anti 1 I til voth vot H khall beenken taken lounged cam aked and returns there of f be ni made 4 de tn in the a tal and in all re s y e A 1 14 4 by lau in the case of the I 1 t ion ofstad 0 rv section cheo ui ald said election khall take tahe ellei effect and be in force arne arm nna una after the first day of janaan 1 1017 1 stute of I 1 tal tall office of secretary of I 1 charles S rl 1 secretary 1 a of of the state at r tab duhe do beret y certify that the fon fort going I 1 tit ii full true und correct copy of a arso aution prop proposing osina to n section I 1 ar bicle ailt of the t tc C the he state of utah i wed november il is 1600 1660 and ae taunts 12 ot of a ald article rt ditlow to in tax and exemption i ther aud authority nf of the to provide for a tax or a tur based on 19 ome occupation licen licenses cmor or francan R p ame I 1 at th sixth regular eslon eion of the of thi this stati IN JN I 1 1 W til ilk III 01 av I 1 have hercun to act my hand ollice I 1 the great al 0 I 1 ibe it state or utah nt at salt balte city ahn orrt daiy diy I 1 A 1 C IS 31 secretary ecret ary of st tte aig 30 10 lov lat la t nov 1 1906 |