Show CATTLE RUSTLE DOING BUSINESS ON THIS SIDE OF WASATCH RANGE to sheriff john knudsen of county cuti lity who without dc dolbt tabt knows whereof bo speaks hopp cake cattle rust hog ling la in quito quite an ah extensive way Is boug beug boit beit it g done with startling regularity IQ to the and lauds lying 41 lr east of sanpete valley C nt nea peasants pyramid of last saturday d ay says the sheriff only thi this week returned train a into the different differ ont carbon 1 county towns which lie ile across tho the L i about enst east ut sanpete val ley here lie went lu in search of lost attle or ovid once which would tell of the 1114 11 tig of anlin Als which 11 are re ho failed in ilia ills mission at i coyit ut vc of tho the fact that cattle owned in III thid valley are nille gully run iowa thero from the a by the tile ru rustier stiem old sold uny tiny der to the bucat market roen cud killed und and nil all trace of them lost the plan pursued by those laho are for tho the thefts ie a CUD curt nin gotie according to tho the sheriff those who dothe do the work aro usually foreigners who are unable to express themselves thoras olvce clearl clearly lu english they come to this valley or to tho the mountains purchase small beet beef cattle nod and drive them over ovar tho the hill to the east side on the way were it if banda unaccompanied by a herder Is found they are rill owed to mix with those being tarl arlon ron and are when along whon the buor la 18 reached it ho he adkis questions as a to whore where the cattle were aught the imperfect language dedge id Is generally successfully resorted to to evade detailed answers the animals arc are old id and a nd killed nad and all af 31 them Is gone form forever er |