Show I 1 in h eastern and arid southern uta utah EMERY COUNTY cast caulle bale Pro a crem taps lit sir and mrs john rich of kolii are 1 ift monroe visiting with ith relatives there the emory emery county republican republicans will hold a LL co convention mention lu in castle dale on saturday Sop september arth mr und and mrs hans denison of cali tie dalo dale are rejoicing over tin arrival of their first baby it girl i mr and mrs william r lowry bowry are tit lit molen vi alting mrs lowrye brothers v ila hane jong und and joseph hanson mr and anti mr mrs irwin Dra porot of ca cas tie dale oro are K rejoicing ing over the pica pies once of a big bouncing baby bo boy A baby daughter benino to cheer th tit homo of mr 31 and MM mrs carl 1 a oil thursba Th urada this it quintet or of 41 girls hut but only one boy lewis laroen lureen of 0 castio castle duo hug gone to boise ida 4 for it visit with t relatives and also to aizo size up tit tho tile conn coun try with u view of or locating there 0 M 2 freed frfd the suit salt lake city capita met has jell ulm pos of sonio some live ile thousand acres of heitl ill lands in cat canyon lyon 1 10 urs drs damour und and fournier Fourn ler it have 1110 6 shaken the dust just of emery cou county aty 1 irom their fe fer tr it ie Is likely that thy they will try the nevada clitu ate for awhile while li ca CasU sot of castio dulu dald moed mo ed the tile ast aunda sunda unit is now dow 0 on main maln street be Poter sona i n at tile leader louder store old old drug etore store john 11 II ily deiy tho the sanette cunix te prize Wook groer 11 hiie M inon ani nd leanie at on alio loson oira loci loca fed at tho head of the sinbad valley in erl r y county mr mrs 1 eunice unice pett from i adanti monday altor it lu month outhA plena was wit isit with re latles her tier eon son frank frauk bringing I 1 jet nero is the MOUn mountain to castle dale ea olin 0 lemon of verron unloaded u augur bat and anit skidded it into art grobe office ty monday evening ir I 1 there ore are an dout doubling ging thomasee in emery county who lire itro nursing tho smallest sort of an adf lilia a that sugar beote beets dont grow grov big plenty alad sweet in the empire of 1 emery county just drop into our mit and arid 01 obtain etain it new flew guche in justice court aes ea a wits argued by at torney wood woods unit dickson in the tile matter r of J W 4 seel 1 and dallies H e ieter alio boiu nanta nants ought to 1 of the house claiming unlawful 4 they hold it deed to 14 N the house and arid recently sold tho tile property to A 11 wall judge wood woods that it would require to poa bialon the justly court murt was wits with out tion ilia ills waa wits 4 detained AT Will william fain curtis and wife of Mor morlun lail ida aw ire visiting w lit re relative here A 14 airs ire joeph talor tn lor of ot wa wit no voun ty Is visiting with her father r W jn young clant the tho Mi old son ot of mr faun faulb 43 young la a quite ill ight iti t 1 1 nver 1 bertha allol pt pf Sull IsIde I 1 ia av flatting with her grande parents amri anti mrs It i r jesee jesse D ekes by hia hit soil sous dela DeLt mand anil willie ind his lilt nephew bently dowkes spent a shor u b vaca vacation tiou in lit the mountain tho tile latter f part of baht 1 we k I 1 on sunday afternoon mr and null mrs lire 11 F jewkes won ore to bumm the loae loss of ot their little 14 moha old 4 laughter leal loah may muy the little 90 no 1 had fiat ix been en stiffS buffering ring about ten da lilt i with whooping pink cough mrs aiza Eng lieb who lj hs j 1 axtin on III with the fei fever feier er I 1 no ow ill jar jarling her jiu ul stand ind win wilo came cattle blown alth the saine doe til iio at the tile nine time mile and alio Is i at lit n alt lake i hospital hospit al Is almo 1 reported ne tie con convalescing alea c mr anaro sylvester U H cox and mr andmios and M warren warrens S peacock were we re over oer last week to manti to tho the deathbed of edward ia ard L parr the father of mrs cox and mr mrs peacock k mr parry died on last sunday morning i augino esth ut at ii 11 oe loLk nt at the tile ripe old ago of 88 68 jears eare huntington H thero will bo at t done dance on frid y evening for tho cie brass band benefit I 1 everybody Is busy with hav lilt and anti harasts ha rests fhe zhe hay cinea cities very slow on account of cool ool evenings even the idiller residence reel dence la to receiving it joists now non tha halk will nor I 1 be on oil and moling in g begun Wil william ilant J green jr will leave for 1 i I ivllon to tire ow estern state on the tile uth or orath L ic th of september the school house Is albo au for forcing izing ahead ie Is going in overy every day dayo trustee johnson Joh neon who has had charge of or tho the rock rook hauling haa 11 as 1 bet n ock it day or two which 1 checked cheeked the work some they are bot bothered bored so for f fronio aarno timber but they are also coming aloof along tho doting young mens of out ward annl wats 68 reorganized sunday evening with JD 0 woodward IVo odward pre president Adent P E johnson Johne hrat first and john IV V tacos second it 1 I counselors coun selora J W jo johndon Joh bIlson neon secretary claude wakefield assistant aea latant secretary nud aud trens icier sherman nn librarian 0 II 11 To chorister thor later 1 frasile Fb ASIlE mr and mrs C it liae daou haou u bran ne babyboy iad TheL fender store opens open next monday in the tile killpack store building a among manti mantl people visiting here are dautel hearle mr a maggie brown karl earl axelson mrs willi william aln william 11 lowry tho quorum hito I in to to tike charge of george georgo steena lody body amm f rom tho time it arrivi 1 at price until it la is laid awny KY in ill th tit 1 inc tery J 8 t ate ens jr and anti 7 I 1 12 ate stevana loft left ferrou of on wednesday forhan for san francisco to meet the ren remais aotis of their brother brot herG 0 W stefna St Stee eona fis who died ledin in the glission iril salon hi tit it id I 1 in n now no w zealand schools will open Sop tein ber s uh ith george A again principal 11 assisted Isted by walter day of xon ju onroe roo 1193 anderaon anderson of ephraim and 70 other oung ladles from monroe and null ephraim ABOUND JEHIEl ty lewis edwardi Edw ardai Is quite III with some wrt sort of car trouble W A miles ha has another party down from front ogdon looking at coil coi I 1 inda emery Is ta ti have a coop co op store storo and null a it fraine addition to to the peacock bo boos store la Is up tit for ita its houie 13 J peacock la Is its Ples president ident and bishop and nephi will Klem tary and treasurer rhose t with ith A J broderick Broder lck J B broderick Broder lok and anti sam built Will falus constitute the tile board of tit directors re ebors cilery will harvist tho the grea greatest teet chop colof of alfalfa itala 1 l in this 1111 fa the tile stand hepa here Is remar bably tably hem beilly und full lull se sealed seM oded led I 1 bohus 8 reported to liae littie bf be tra awen vu sixty ald 1 sel seventy eat acres and bishop Ills llop Brinker hort about as much beebe andew D and leeral others have hane fruit alv to lafty fly cres each NO the number ati niber of acres of seed sti vt et but it far kurpa bd seti all pro folio aed seed acreage one maa illan thomas efel last ear took 1001 ath hutta of astha oltof if of one aare and thil thi i car most e very overy seel grower expects from ir 0 tu 7 tr to iw rn 11 nire alre sixteen bua liela an nert wits obtained la in miny lust bear ear and und no doubt but that will be an average beld this tills ear oar lt ear llie eel brought tho farmed far rf 4 to net tier kimeff of the tile thrifty farm 3 thia this carwill ear will get got from ahe thousand dollare to seven tilous collais for their alfalfa arid tills Is 1 it cossem active a 8 1 we ove J D Killpack of ferron will harvest a it big crop of too the formesia of emery county ore are just beginning to realize what hat a it fortu fortuno no they ba have 0 in u their homesteads here take john lewis at emery emeri for instance Ins tunco ilia ills neighbors elate state that the tile crops there are worth this year near his success can bo be dupil bated on hundred of other X ure re homesteads in lit this county CLEVELAND CLEVE bAND del larsen and wife ai al mr mir mar gamt gan larsen of ephraim ire tre clee Cleve land visitors lawis bull a it verv er beere eick sick spell last week but la Is improved at present we Wt hivo whooping cough in nearly ery iery family fortunately there art are ino HO very tt atlas las thu tho young men of 0 thia tills ward was organized organised sed last sunday evening with all the former rela reinstalled stalled elders A U a aud and joseph lei len effected the or tho room of the cleveland building bijil ding M Is 13 being inide two bogul 01 a 0 aa as they intend turia lunning lug four schools sell the comin ear school will ioro september with louis as principal I misses biown blown biair and anti price as as its SA SANPETE COUNTY TY batt mt amid I 1 adept 1 lt tsi mra mrs marlin cox gao birth t tv it baby gli gh I 1 on monday of tills jeck rev he frank has been ap pointed pastor of the local presby terlan chuili awen olsen has just threshed t jup dt eliy farin wheat which le lied forty bushels to the acre alre mrs J 31 boachi after litter daa das gao birth to a prematurely horn born babo babe on thursday miss 1 agnes jo I 1 neat to salt luko lake wednesday Wed nedday expecting ellec ting to reni redi aln in iu in that city ity indefinitely Li launtz laren larsen tind and in anit salt lalie lake this wt week k for it few da s g coal and caller business busl nesa t took ook LU larsen r se it there mrs emilia fern watson spent a it portion of the tile week in salt lako city tho the former going thre tin re on business the little child of tit mr aud and mrs william hanson 1 iua I 0 suffered o u ff ore d torten for tea days with a severe se ere attack a of complaint BY loell haa hat beun in d during tho tile past week preparing to put in a local exchange then there tor for the till bell company mia ef of ogden returned to liar herl houke tome there this tills wee kaftel spending ep it li lorith in this tills cita wt wl mrs jacob jcob clausen 1 iwo wo cities u of typhoid t foer aro tire re ported lu in mt Plea pleasant lant thia this week ahe 1 I lie a u m mrs Arkle soll abill a ler ter of charles Cli arles mueng mrs john joll n atti ns once a it resident 0 ot fair fairview view la its down trum froin iter present home bome lu in WY wyoming bhe otine to to treatment juliua julius robyna rg at one time tillio j u resident here bero Is halting 1 with rela clu narg haa ills jan till u n eun bum eying in colo colorado rado tile lie pat bvm montha months rs continue to ba u interesting locally iball kt U a 1 ll etting of ot producers held field llis ll is wok it was dei ld ed to nak the tile i to 11 for tir till milk nud anti it ie Is possible 11 lively ely in may ay 3 at t occur r the local lovist tiann ll 11 ard i no to longer 1 per I rie ries the 1 41 to growl are lire some of th til t traveling aien who found it to ie e a way to v isit elveral the ilaine day lay the slon sinn I ort 4 and ethll casally Cae Cass eldy lly who have liae ben t v visiting th h miss xina hasler and anti mes miss sina sinn for their home botne at tit a tul rl an bork vork 81 held in honor of tho the young ladles at the homo home of miss hilda madsen nielson principal of the mt r M 4 pleasant public publio schools pa from fi the north by his family came in during the week and took up tip his real dence hem expecting to remain the family famil in the southern part of the county a it few tew daya prof E M U paterson ra terson reports the outlook for tile wasatch academy good for an excellent school year ear indie indich thois ar aro now that tho the opening day next wednesday will seo see tho the attend anio ano as large it not larger than 0 ever cr before in the schoola acho scho history invitations ba have t been issued by mr a and n d M mrs rs A johnann joh n so n for tho the wedding I 1 n g of their daughter mabel tind and george 31 SpIce long beach cain cala which la is to take next thursday morn daa morning september ath at the family residence in thia this city miss lola lots harmon f blackfoot Bluck foot ida formerly of this tills count was aas a it gueft of miss edna badten of thia this lit cita last week an ico lee cream kocl soci il it wan was fj given eu sunday owning ly iu conot of ot ane boung jad lady at a fe fen mends enjoyed it a pleasant een log lajo bt bt t ciup clop at maroul and vicinity la reported to be tile best e ev erg er grow rov D IQ in and diselta the till e td inq rain raina nd dwa ds the beet but it ia is thata tIpa st tie ars tars t of beeta beets will hauled out of Mit roid alone this year lbert came down from bait salt lake arl arly in lit the eek for the put pill disposing of a portion und shipping the t he balance of his household goods to that fity elty and aud winding up his ills affair shere here on wednesday he tile returned accompanied by mrs rosen lot ind daug daughter hor hnry floury barten rt calved tho the coutentos cou tents of a it loaded shotgun batridge cat ridge in the tile side of his face and body last sunday afternoon noon N title out with a companion shooting euro sage hens the cartridge ald o was tire I 1 at a hock of hens liens und and u doen or inore of the leaden filleti pierced the oung mana ill arld flesh the gun gull was in the tile hand of J 0 barton parton the tile shooting being entirely entirely accidental mra mrs john hasler of this city 1 ar quite severely so deml y 11 hurt urt at t the 11 e home of her ter eon sou D walter at manti bonday evening last where site she had gone 0 ne the tho previous day jay fora short visit in going down low a it flight of stairs she aildred her footing and ml fill bulte heavily she silo sustained several bad tad bruises and anti waa was badi shaken it Is thought no ill lit effects will follow her daughter miss mina went down lown during the tile week to be with her GRAND COUNTY COU NTY doab it 1 W 4 AUK aug sixt T 3 barrer and nud foially of rlee allier or are tire here g with the tile fain of 7 T loeridge Loverl dge U D A k johnson Joh naon the newly appointed postmaster ila has decided to move the into the ai bitter building will I 1 aati nau is down town franj beaver 1 bisin in thid tills week getting tern 1 to work on oil the tile castle brcik road into basin I 1 V milter brought us a simpio of the i caches eaches he be 18 I 1 taking to tho the irrigation COn congress greiss they thoy aero ere beauties and ad should 9 git t kittil a li medal ledal A white and rod indiana gentlemen pame eallie out to V voile at cit thia kiik 1110 11 are tire inter etl ehll 1 in the tile there and will ill go ahead with atlie work in I 1 tim near future elloul duli la o 0 lu this week wt ek from front hn hi la in alabon valley he states that within the 1114 4 month there bit have ix en several capitalists looking at I 1 it and that it it moves 11 ole 25 what I 1 hat they think it will ll 11 hafl will have little trouble to e a L sale ail J I 1 miller 11 ter it and all wl wife fe loft of t till this norn ing for 1131 bohi ida wh y wm tt nd the tile national irrigation con it gress to bd licad SCIA elliber ird to to r ath t it miller 1111 ler ila a of moab fruit eliat will ill be 61 on it exhibition there it coasts consists of fafty bevon varieties art alel of bib at ries la clies pluis so prunes an wars 4 and all 11 total of botes boje mandgie r corbin of all IP lt U sal mountain lek wit ud I 1 Elect electric tle coln apan Pall T abate to tho that he has a ix c 11 1 a most lost ix mit frol tile 1 0 merllen oer llen for t the tile ertlov ot reu t linen in tit the e ln la sal jai forest 0 this will 10 way away with building great gnp in tile boft vity of 0 corbin has benn ben be n r |