Show DAVID J SHARP GETS OUT OF THE COAL TIRADE TRADE AT SALT LAKE CITY 1 iho J 4 D I 1 sharp cool coal has business ut tit snit salt lake olty city and alleges as a tin radeo tho the can a collation of its orders tor coal by tho union coni coal company sharp avre that on being no nodded titled by tho company in july libat dutt ho he might sell coal in stock stolk for he pro weded to advertise the at no and anti do so subsequently he ho lie was notified to withdraw hh ment this ho he declined todo to do lie learned bo he ie Is reported na as saying that other coal dealers had approached the tho Win party tee questing tho the withdrawal of his advertisement and afterwards after warda ho lie waa was informed that tit hh coal orders were cancelled ran celled sha shap p la Is interested in binl 1 pieper ties near helper on which hy ho has dono dotto considerable work and it la bi gloved shipments from thew these areto bo be made as boon aa as title Is 1 perfected his quitting business ut at zion ie it likely to bo be only temporary a 7 M mi moore biales aront of the te union coal company toro tom pany eald said sunday sharp noor had ji hermn ernal alon to fielt coal at tit i 75 per ton on f june a storage rate vont into ef feet by which it was stipulated that railroad company and coal con enta pany each to rotund refund twenty five cents a ton on storage coal august till tilt was latter extended to august in other worde words we du lie to offer a premium to people to buy coal during the summer months nio nth instead of waiting walt until the demand for winter col ci became general this fall at which biale it will bo be virtually impossible for or ua uri to supply th tande atle mand choro waa was really no cutin tho price of coal for immediate itee ime the arico remained at 5 as a tou ton irre spec of 0 what anybody purchased or coed ariot to tho the of 0 the storage ritte but buts in to prevail upon co sto lo 10 buy their coal IB iti ud vanco it woe was arranged to give them a it rebate of III fifty ty cent cents a ton on ull till the coal they had in stol ago age on irstead Ira tead of coal at 5 25 a ton the figure at which other dealers were selling it sharp advertised to sell at 4 75 ton this ho he had no right to do and the other doal deal era prieto protested cited I 1 then went to sharp and t told him hini that he had no right to adye artise coal at a lat pitt rato rate ot of a ton ilia ills reply waa was that ho lie would do as he lie pleased about the matter and its I 1 could not prevail upon chiq to change hia his I 1 ordered hie ble contracts acta cancelled |