Show NEW TERRITORY DESIRED B THE INDIANS tho the suggestion that another indian territory bo be found for indian tribes or bands now about some sixty reservations all over the country hap has recently been renewed the 1110 ex I 1 of the first indian was a an utter ful full luro tire md und commissioner Commiss Commissi lonor onor loupp declares declare the les son will not bo be forgotten yet tho the indians thorn J salvos in many cases desire more knore consolidation of interests and the they feel und and baay i of their friend friends do hit thit t it would bo be hitter otter if largo large communities could be maintained alth cor responding ly improved Impi oved social and educational op th troubles with alo utes of eastern utah illustrates thia this situation these indians had bad their lands parcelled par celled in ralty tilty and the reserve open ed a 3 car ago tho the white river band objected to tho the ond being overruled they objected to their allotment und and bavo have been malting trouble over ever since they decol received vei eighty acres per capita besides coin common nion rights to a great reat arloof ell graying ng lands now they want to be moved awa away y to pine ridge reservation bouth dakota and in fact having been denied that iri priM lego by the department they ad actually bundle up their poss possessions load their wives and children on carts und start achors across the country to pino pine ridge warned that they would not bo be permitted to go there they w ith drew for a powwow and alid consultation the ston sion of which is not announced to tho the indian office 4 those thee utes aria brunot not related to tho the iou of the pino pine ridge but tho the irebe hr hrap ve visited bael and forth as tho the indiana indians do all ov vac the corint country y very extensively the indian is slowly being absorb ed into the general mass of population says corn com 11 missioner missi onor loupp leupp athe tho government counts about 1 as its wads the number is Inere increased agod vory very slowly about 0 2 per cent tp tv the decennial period but thib this is accomplished only by the mingling of white and indian blood the proportion of indian blood glows smaller generation by genera 1 mon and at last laist they will quietly disappear by absorption the canadians havo have gone a long way ahead of this country in regulating railroads the canadian commission having been granted all tho the power necessary L sary to pi event unjust discrimination or oxford q rates one of tho the great reforms the cana diana havo have accomplished is the prevention of watering so that the people shall not bo be to pay tribute to bogus block stock ls hs th tb people of the united states arc are compelled to do our harri W mans und and morgans and and tind ca cassata sats and the other manipulators that ba hac e issued antl stock from froin their wall street dens dons must bo be madd to disgorge tho the rall railroad roid quest question lon like tho the and ana tariff will never be settled until tj is 14 done and N wo e luve only just entered the open isug on oil regulating the cicat highways of the nation IN the prospects ir the approaching year ear at the university of utah avo declared tr te be the most promising in the history of tho the institution the attendance is almost certain 0 to o e larger t 0 an ever before tho the anh is t a oldest the largest and the beit be it of tho the higher educational institutions of this this thin intermountain region since 1 its early establishment by tho the pioneers coret corat antly it lias has been growing lemae in reputation d in worth it comprises today three great grout schools tho the state A school afoot of A ats ts atil sciences the state normal school and tho the state school of minos mines in each of fticar schools tho the aim is to prepare students tajo ic as well we a nl Q to 0 bo be useful citizens jor tho rights of labor unions and their sympathize 11 ars to adi 1 on their friends friell ds to patr patronage croul a non noti tillou was recognized ci as not bein being g illegal ill effal by justice stafford in tho the dis district Lilet 44 A court of the district of columbia last week I 1 in making his declou atoll justice stafford 1 sed it iho ti temporary injunction against tho the de defendant fondant bad been obtained bl b a bt ator or who 16 abodd C that ho ile was being harwi fed by means of at systematic matic boycott |