Show OR ESS PERSON 91 rutt Iw ll bt alist data bank ll 11 W aate stat on 4 lath flace Eill cl 40 und anti roa eon g r ur word wor guar P 1 tc brubaker has bo bought the IN 11 stock of confect con fec 0 came callie flown own horn flom gatt gate last night to price iia dolbt abt bas has resi grae its U manager cap 1 h fuel com paus board roe cult com commissioners are to in regular poni in on Thull thursday k day oater A ie mth ft it 1 maid ond and cr stal j brook brool T r god nd sirs F E 3 woods and anti A DICk dickson soll of 0 castle dato dale were in e sunday en route to zion 1 M I miller P flood and martin in a constitute it delegat delegation fon of col eizens at zion this week iclal fat rates on dental work see rdse meat of dr I 1 8 kirkwood other cot tl ru n 0 of f tit tills I 1 s issue ile isadora cra adlaid of was do ing friends lu in price this week Is to teach at harper this year waI waitselle telle and irene brinch branch de 1 toy morning for cedar there abere they are to attend school liney ney D cook has of the utah auel 1 company in tho gate ai ir will locate in torola rola brandon and J G catty catl 1 went to last week re they are ga getting ting reada read lor or open their thirst parlor W dooly mado made n still hunt carbon county recently in tho the in bitof of salt anke city capital lab laka min mining ing Ite view for the consolidated wa a and na implement compans corn panes new ling iding la Is arriving and work Is to tainted on the same at once t and mrs thomas ritz fitzgerald gerald issued for a card oa on the evening 0 september ia it honor of miss belle roley 1 ice bools opened tuesday morn aithan enrollment of two himi huni tad and forty seven there wore were t pupils registered for the eighth k I co tire moving their new nt lit helper ball above is 13 to be completed in tor it freo free danco dance on the tile of aber ofal at green river ge 01 lemans i gold ring which adv fm have by b calling upon levi go annon proving property and eg 09 for thia this notice t cara cars of an tin extra train on the tile were wrecked live ile boutot mounds last tuesday nf at considerable delay was wits t regular traille E 31 castle gate onto on 1411 a miss moore of indian indiana 19 tie tte week tho the oung young lady taroji ron the tile doctor doctors former home 8 let route to tle north northwest cot it either lit tit price er r helper 1 I purse containing two wo hundred i hundred dollar bill and two oto alar arbelle bills suitable reward it td d to I 1 E borkenhagen helper wife ba hao 0 spent In Vernul Ith newen sey stirs cincer 1 boldt kl was here att ah hi used to bo be beh woh in verity few aa A vernal express 4 w WWI school I 1 at price will 1 ev aber th tuition fw fea wt ten dollars for ort afie eidal beair pibool roo is of tha th soc sec door ot of pi t attoun bank log I 1 ay martio stopped over in uke thill week eek to vf vt t with ith miss laret morgan sh jilts leon boon la arl a iowa during tho tile lott and ades go froin yo here 0 to o south 4 to tot teach Hr duet at for the tile utah t iB pany was hero durin during 0 the tile 14 connected con with ith the nt suit recently filed in he the acourt it Is 14 not definitely act hd n the e anre toV up lip D dr r 3 V hutt butt and wife wit in opre re from front theodore this tills week and nl spent a deft fe dais daa a to in heber cit they think this one of tho tile prettiest pr ettles t littler towns in I 1 11 the region hewak e fully agifea with witt them the in thia this matter matte r heber ait oit chiq we e frienda of miss charlotte modon aid in price inno unco tho the her at salt luke lake city this tills week to janie bron u a conductor on the oregon a a short line the gentleman la Is a ot of mr and mra mrs 11 A nelson of vion 1 two carloads cai loads of telephone pole polet for the rocky mountain bell line from Oa castilla atilla springe springs to castle gate out ere in the railroad ards hero here this week eek are to tobe be forwarded on to castle gate 0 to o lo lv 10 distributed by wagon through willow at the direction of chairman har hur rison of tho the board of county commis sherfie hill and dr P F r risk weft went out to nine mile this morn ing to quarantine a case of smallpox the patter t Is miss clara algor alger who has been dawn dav n with the plague about a week no other cases aro are reported joe gana gans was given the decision over battling nelson at goldfield nev last monday on u foul in the forty second round tho the fight Is euld suld to hae been tho the greatest light weight event the country has ever known some two or throe three hundred dollars changed hands haude at price on tho contest A 0 nelson superintendent ot of public instruction has rationed returned fro from m a trip to price vi hero here he be and prof it 11 it lyman of the university have beon assisting in getting things in shape for the starting of the new high school which opens there september ath it Is the time that price has had at high school salt luke lake lie ile publican 21 from thirty two districts reporting to the state board of health it would seem that typhoid fever Is not it serl 06 epidemic in the state as bet t st six teen cases only nere inere reported from the thirty two districts and lo 10 every instance but one manti bland not dot more than two cabes cases exist in it single town at manti live cases are reported mrs la ina mccomb Is alleged to have made a rough bouse house out of L store at helper ft a f few ew days ago alzo the trouble being 0 over or a it lease of ground belonging to the latter and the building the reou ben ban st stein stin in was arrested at the instance of the tile woman but county attorney biye refused to prosecute tile case and the sarno was dismissed at it i ine meeting eting of the tile price school beard bourd last mabel haegley of hoquen ille ile was wits added to the teut hing f doll fausett waa given tile george down ard having resl gued miss morgans salary wit was lue nub d live dol bollara larsa a by arvar reason on ot of her teaching teachings a higher grade thad the one for which she lie originally employed dean cummings of brigham young Un herity at provo has gone to the nian mile country to examine the rel ica of clift dr ellers who lived there ages ago and lo 10 etta establish blish there the north boundary of that historical raco race now extinct and too history of bali Is far from complete and much sought by the tho institute in the ilia of which pro fessor cummings Is making the re bearch arch 0 E miller special agent of the hartford insurance compan inpan co was a visitor in price last saturday checking up tho the local agency of II 11 NY brokett Oro Croo kett tha gentleman la Is just back in utah from front san au francisco where he acted aa as one of thirty adjusters for his ills company comp rny the hartford Huft ford lias has paid all losares at san Franci francisco tico dollar for dollar disbursing up lip to the middle of august over seven seen und and it halt ta losers by tho the earth not A single poll colloy cy has boon been discounted ono cent N base tat se at tho tile earthquake los lasics one tho tile moat most important within tho the gift of tho the people ie Is that of county clerk and recorder by refer once to tho the advocator os column this week it will be scon that D W present ileum bo n t is a candioto cand Moto for and election tho the gentleman haa aas mado carbon county on an el ellI clest cleat ond and pain painstaking of fiol and it ho tie la to agon ag on sted nm elected the jeconis and anti bussi nessi i 1 natters of 0 the county will boan handa ile le Is j 1 old ld timer in tho the county and anti hid al at anil and f friends uro are legion mene mutual improto anent association ot of price ha has aten reorganized L hartion and joseph E johnson ot 0 tho tile stake board present lust last week und anti effected tho the same curl it 11 marcusen and his ills counselors were lionor honorably ably released sod sed been because uso of 0 tho the increased creased lo du ties tie of president marcusen tn in the high joseph barton preal prest dent seren oleon olson oraon orson guymon Guy inon counselors A W Ilor sly secretory secret nry albert lit ury ner der treasurer oliver harmou harmon chorister and ansel thompson librarian libra rinn were mere sustained both the nida aids jpike highly of 0 the record r rd ot 0 tho the pi ice youad mens mutual 0 meat ment association judge william H fre announces ounces N ith this issue ot of the advocate for to the office of county attorney bis his candidacy being subject to tho the action of 0 tho the republican oon con entson on the ot of his friends point to tho fact that during hie incumbency the omoo has been given better attention iott than ot at any time in the history of carbon county and they regard him its e the right roan man in ip tho thu right place lo ito 10 goes befaro th people again purely on hia ills record of cor nor anyone anone else need bo be ashamed if given tho the nomination judge election will follow and the tho people of the county need orry but what the tho affairs of tho tile will ba have bao o hid ills lest best attention his ills opponents II 11 he hua any considerable number ore are largely those who have little regard for the enforcement of the laws |