Show MARKETS CONTINUE LOWER supplies very large and but little littie chance for improvement in the immediate future some utah sales the advocate KANSAS CITY mo sept I 1 16 supplies of cattle c continue onti nue largo large and the market hue has little chance for any improvement feeders sold strong to ten wn cents higher tho th first of abo neck eck on account of ot tho the epry large demand but the weak market since on kill killilay ilag cattle has taken thi th i snap out of the country buyers aud stockers and a nd feeders are ton too to twenty cents lower for thi the week killing steers are fifteen to twenty five cents lower demand for cow cows and cancers canners has been strong this week from all bounces bour u ces anil and they are ten to twenty cents higher for the week weel veal calves unchanged panhandle cows sold mainly at 2 35 to steer steers at 12 80 to 75 embracing stockers feeders and filters kill kil rs ih ah one or two bunches oe or yearlings at boo veal calves to 6 0 25 several shipments of colorado and nevada cattia cattle have beauliere been here this weak we ak k cows ot at 2 CO 60 to a few heifers at ut 3 25 stock steers 20 to 3 SO 50 a few coarse killing st ers era at 3 25 several trains at 3 40 to 3 55 alq an one clinch of heavy nevadas nt at 1141 4 1 pounds the demand from all source sources Is very large and there has been no accumulation in hrs t hands here prospects point to a steady market for the near future with et and anti feeders and cows most likely to show some strength heavy sheep receipts at ut all the mar kats have hae caused used a it lower tact tendency lency lambs are five to forty bencs lower this week sheep and yearlings Par lings a lower except country grades walh aro an not more than ten or fifteen cents lower locally the supply has not been large so that just now this market Is probably the beet best of any noy of the large markets 4 beet lambs would bring possibly 7 00 although the top this week was with fair to t good lamb iambs wog at 6 6 50 and year liD lings gesell sell lit tit 17 47 to 10 straight yearlings yearnings year lings up tip tor to 25 ewes to 1 4 50 80 stock and nod feeding sheep aloo to 4 CO feeding lambs 5 50 to Rec recene eints hero here tah week 0 o against last week and 33 1 the same week last year some sales of colorado and wes teru torn cattle at kansas ansas city this week hillett Tor ronne hue colo steers 1205 pounds 3 65 hillett torrence Tor renco 29 ste steere erst aw pounds 2 00 90 F illgon Wl lgon mafle colo 17 steers 1099 pounds 3 50 T hiles rifle colo 83 steers 1082 pounds 3 40 some sales gales of utah and western sheep hud and lambs this week utah hide and livo live stock company colton utah 0 pounds ta 8 50 utah hide and live stock company lambs 56 50 pounds ta 6 00 li 4 A smith heber reber utah 25 shia shap jp and year yearnings lings ol 01 pounds 5 13 U A smith fabling wedi pounds utah hide and live stock company colhou utah pound pounds utah hide and live stock company 70 feeder feeders 96 pounds MA smith heber utah feeding lambs 51 61 pounds acot 5 W brown colton rtuh utah quinba go 60 pounce 6 70 J W brown W 9 sheep anal aria pounds 5 25 J W brown 29 ewes pounds 1 so J W brown too feeding lambs 53 pounds 0 00 jamee james coddington ding ton colton utah 1074 irmas 61 pounds cai james coddington tou feeding gambs 55 pounds omaha live stork stock SOUTH sept ILO cattle head market loo lower native 3 cows and 12 53 western steers 3 85 texas steers 85 cows and helfers canners con stockers and feeder feeders 2 25 41 calves 3 coarl 50 W bells stag stags etc 2 50 sheep Icel pt strong western year yearnings lings 4 00 wether a 1 ewes 3 1125 1 lambs 0 boag 70 kansas city live stock KANSAS CITY L ept 20 cattle I 1 receipts market strong N tive steers native cows and boaters hol bol fere 35 stockers and fec jer leni bulls calv calloe 01 3 wad 25 western steers 3 odaus western cow cows 11 40 sheep receipts market sand to cents higher muttons buttons Mut tons 4 cambs oo 00 range wether 4 fed ewes 00 boston ool market markel BOSTON brass seit sept 20 the wool wl market was more dull than for seine weeks there ie Is a quiet for quarter breda and low coola pulled wools are seara scarce territory grades am urn in steady movement quotation quotations Idah oFine 2 beav tine fine 04 31 21 0 fino fine mi edlum tri cAluin 76 28 low medium wyoming fine heavy fine line fine medium in medium edlum low medium utah and je e adu fine heay line alno medium aja 24 maium low medium 21 au montana alne choice 27 alne average alne medium choice average staple WOO medium choice 2800 st louis lotis wool market sr 8 LOUIS sept 20 wool fiaai ian territory and western storo mediums aea 30 ano medium floe fine EXPECT TO GET CENTS FOR WOOL DOUGLAS wyo sept 10 19 W F hamilton ono one of 0 tho te le leiding wool growers of this bec bention tion has sold hie 1906 1 clip of wool for twenty cent cents An another large 1 sold for twenty one cents and several deals are op in thie this section for next estr eara I 1 a clip at prices ranging from agven teen tc twenty mo two cents it la Is be cleved that more than ty two cents will bo be offered before tho close of the present month the buyers are very anxious to contract for auxt years clip ur ar urt t hia his anxiety on or their part has bus had the effect of ij iun ing sales the pro growers ers bel believing laving they ice ce the possibility of still further ad vane |