Show THE strawberry PROJECT SURE GO 5 0 tunnel of nineteen thousand or more feet through moun tain to spanish fork t 1 WASHING GrOh rai D crept CS ept ls the secra secretary tary of the interior ba has ap p the preliminary plans or qa n blowers of the reclamation for forab an irrigation project in utah und and known us the strawberry valley project and aa its soon ns as water users 4 through the wister ueral users formed formed for the tho purpose maka proper adjustment of arster right rights ate ante antee the return of the fund will bo 63 04 i undertaken J by jbf service have bean been ID in progress la in utah uta for over two ears chesi havo ax tended to a 18 several localities ard of 01 mation and more studies have b been een mj of utah lake and ot of I 1 ite t s developments develop maEt mento but cheso thee failed to develop a feasible project in straw strawberry berry volley valley on one ol 01 the tribu barics of abo heane ne river it Is found that vator water ln var be stored tu thet that valley t to aken to fark pprk U aj tt tuckel innel the rho capacity ot 0 the reservoir mill be ten wn thousand acre feet and tho the tunnel will bo be nineteen thousand thoua and feet in length buringa hue been made niang ahw HLO line of the tunnel and no difficult leA have len diw discovered 1 which might threaten the tile sume sm of lh project fi the land lands which can bo b a the combination of stored wak r broto strawberry dallof und and th natural lof flow of spanish fork rork cod of nebout bout fitly fifty thousand acres approximately one half of this arcala area 1 already ir ri gated but an clent ot of water the annd laad to Is e all la ib private ownership owing to uncertain uncertainties des of estimate ut of the tunnel it is at present sible any degree ot of no curacy the cost ot of t tho 1 project |