Show ITAR A vly HICK DOV WW iff call V and ud diarrhoea knur tn Ur when my boy bawa was tw bears eura old ho had a very severe attack of bowel complaint ly but by abam I 1 berl ber alne lains galle u and diar rhiea colb dt j him blin out all right may f 14 1 eggle ricker et of midland richa chis vancy Vr bemmy ncy can as depended upon in the mosi obnere cases follow the plain printed ill dl lon and a cun cure la Is certain for eale sale by hannon oleon olson company of uth in two cizes with information for sale at the advocate I 1 deij old for sal 1 nt at tifa of 0 face i at hundred hur idrA 4 I 1 1 RAILWAY awit 4 ie ST LOUIS 4 salt aka city to st r auts ula 4 and anum city only one chist eminee lee to new loric a buffalo and bd principal ponnu k haat tow rate rates far or summer 4 r ellal il attention foa to ladles and nd ahn drvar ani Tourist aa ft sleepers 1 to Oil curo and other eints with T out 1 1 1 la 11 1 11 two daily inquire 4 at t ticket 1 1 u 1 office 6 ce any information cheer chery 4 lully W ily EMIL 4 I 1 H C TOWNSEND oen gen I 1 flence egla fand nd ticket acet Agent S st mo no 44 4 4 A 4 L L LA lt 16 1 i MEDIUM na E I 1 U M IT UNDERWEAR U N t oil E ri i W egl A ra w not cool e enough n ough yet for regular e W winter int er garments but cool enough for these middle weight goods glove fitting garments of dh wool wool and silk and wool and 0 cotton well made and finished 0 0 the fashionable men of today are 0 the best dressed sed men of all times they have the correct corred appearance 41 always the reason is the vast array and real beauty of the furnishings the fall tones and shapes of neckwear gloves hosiery shirts e etc will enable men to show their good taste i wasatch store C co stores at sunnyside Sunny side castle gate clear creek and winter quarters i 4 4 provo tailoring rai lorin r co t provo 4 guarantees you a perfect fit tit the latest and most correct styles 4 honest and thorough v workmanship ork manship every garment cut from patterns drafted for you see oui cutter and manager E A mitchell WHO VISITS CARBON COUNTY TOWNS townsa V E EVERY VERY THIRTY DAYS OR WRITE 4 4 t provo Tailor tailoring log combar Com par j provo utah 4 4 4 r 11 1 I 1 at rooney roone y s place HELPER UTAH 04 will bo found the best in town f to drink and t fine old kentucky whiskies f eastern and salt lake lak city beers bottled goods in fact Evory everything thing Dosi desirable rable ju the refreshment line I 1 of time while the traia steps bet I 1 a our bottle trip for I 1 4 44 1 11 4 44 4 4 46 4 F fitzgerald I 1 T 1 zv G E R A L D C CO 0 IN 4 old whiskies Whis Mes W hiees 1 nes beers cigars mi and alcohol t SEVEN YEARS OLD STONEWALL WHISKEY t 95 PER CENT PURS ALCOHOL i 4 r a t irice I rice stock to select drw PRICE 1 UTAH ular 4 special 11 Atto attention ution to tamu order 4 T THE m JS MINT I 1 I 1 SALOON opo ite BIG depot palce utah personally CONDUCTED BY JAME DUMAYNE best brands of cigars and eastern BOOM beer 1 lately and refurnished pool table handy aiace for a smile smite or S oke while waiting for the train fa i |