Show TAM 1 or RAIM COMING before Ilio inae lilyun loomed up large in the insurance ranco held its the tile purchaser of f the hyue hyde stock stoel in n the P equitable life he lie sias tha the owner of the tile control of the washington life iz 1 surau aranco company iio an old compan coi of moderate size tha file hia just made wade a avo which litte excited a great da doal f curlo curio alty adiong men who wonder if it indicates tile colloy will bo be followed by the equit A and by other coni cont f posilee it 1 Is 14 4 a in ito the prito of d life lift insurance ranging from t to 11 coot in thu annual p tt unwound ume nd fixing the following oe the ki price ot of it ata adan ordinary life bluj 1111 er IX at ago 30 froni front 24 fw i IS 18 to 31 21 00 at ugo age 40 from 3 37 11 6 S to fa 28 IT 0 ut at aro age 50 fram IS 39 to 1170 i 1 at agu 55 front to wa 1 7 ier loor N year ataru at ago 30 M a twenty patient lle life JT policy pel toy per goes down from to t 1074 at age to 4 37 t at ap CO 60 from I 1 to W ta 80 jit age 65 aiom 66 1 SO 0 to abe rate rates quoted ate for 1 1 roti cies 11 i there ary smaller ou on inon participating contracts for or low 1000 from a 19 77 to 18 8 65 a ago age 40 from 17 OJ to 84 25 49 at it aga age 60 irom from 10 40 23 to ut at ke 55 arout roil ato when it ie borne in mind that the is a regular old une line ali o of 0 thia this cut ID in preta lunis be colnes apparent larg large increase nerease nc rease lu iti tho die total amount of bonol III circulation was rv ported the first of september when the total was against a it month previous and a agett ago although p tto Is estimated ua as having 16 W tU choper tho per capita P has risen ab abee abe e hit all a a to jl 40 this ii two acta for each dinati and t egild olave tho the previous high mark hie chief changes during the month of august were gains of about in bank notes 60 MOW io silver and 2 each Is gold coin coln united z stance hawa tha the only it material hat erial dea a in 1 gold treasury troa sury hold F loga ing theto tat ie to do agata 1 1 a mouth ago the gala gain being about evenly divid d j gold and bunk notes the le leading of the tile united t states in japanese foreign commerce comro erue r ta Is awo seen from the fact act that this country furnis furn lahl himl WA per riat cent of the total imports trai erta during the tho months of 1005 aa its with 10 per cent of th antal tatal imports tin porta during the tile eeme same perlea ll 11 of 1904 and 1 credited with 28 6 por per cent of the total dome tin exports sport during the first holt half year in to 1905 aa compared with per cent of the toul total domestic exports of tapan for the first alx sit u months in 1904 china ranks first 1 in o 0 japanese Japa win the dued states ammond Boco an I 1 4 korea t ie Is now loot fl of for cortti iti each of at thae directions ear earrings aings to abw etow a larger traffic lhnn in preding ing h yeura years total grom of at nil all in tho halted states report lug for august aro again a gain of 61 per wr cent over last year your tho earn roads ie to july reported an of V I 1 a 9 per cent nu and ir triune lune 36 per jr i ent 1 bo that tho the ampro v ement meteor 1 4 noted DOW has ha been well maintained V theao these are kulify southern nad ani southwestern roade though now yort central contra which whick export Is now included ans it ta ro ported a as notable circum that the tho marriage service presented in abe new methodist hymnal excuses the woman about to enter tho the hota hoi state ut from mak ing any promise to obe the tile duall whom elie she has chosen or r at leat least no ceata tie its her bet future husband lius band at kr cording to the formal prescribed for 0 flon ton she must promise laore ainor land keep him in sickness or to the exclusion of nil all other others but is pon the subject of obedience the ritual a ii bleat 1 l 4 t if price had ahagh a high achoo school dished along the plain aa as discussed of late in the advocate a number of boyei boyid and girls who have been bent sent away AY for a higher education than they kro ire now atti guiti tu secure at home houlf n a heral A high school for the county at prim would also attract students 4 attiq nn a des desirable arable class of people to the tile county seat from the tile surrounding campa camps aud and settlements t to inake their homes hero here tun building of the western pacific vt which ae I 1 to ti be completed 0 i ed an and d train running through from salt sal it balej city to california during tho the next two tv rt years a great reat deal dul for carbon county and all of eastern utah in fact the carbon county coal output will bo be doubled when an additional market la Is found on the beast ast melt men who have gone biest west to find 11 nd feeding lambs and bre bruc ding sheep have found that other ilien had bad already gone still farther vet vest and many of them returned eu handed saya says the th chicago live stock world thie this indict Indic ts high mutton IQ in a year noted for the tile high prim of wool the hopes the day tiny Is it not fay far off when the gilson syn dicatos di cates coal mea measures suros north of price and an those of other owner owners will be tapped by some railroad whether un independent line or net not huoh would help to make inake a granter carbon county experts ex pert estimate that III at the deficit in the anid d states treasury at the cod of the fiscal yar year will wilt be nearly fifty million dollars the forecast fc recast Is based upon the fugures of tho the feml two moettia et of tho the fiscal ear |