Show if V A A AVI THE FIRST OF THE FALL JACKETS the vie girnt told days ot 0 autumn make nake ones thought thoughts turn to the tile question of coats and thero there Is 1 nothing that wilt will till 1111 lo 10 so well anil and be for so go much general wear oe as a covert coat cout the tile one pictured shows the tile smart broad shoulder the claber 1 tit fit at the tile walet and sleeve that is ably I full all at the top tapering in at the wrist to 41 smart cuir stitched strap pidre pings tire are tho tile only attempt at trim wing and these follow the severe simplicity of the accepted tailor mode the walar with lumels Is after the mannish style und and the fasten fastening ingis I 1 effected invisibly under a the center front froal bows rows of machI stitch ing ufford afford a smart finish 1 |